
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> passthrough is so hard to setup though.00:21
floridagram-bot<ahoneybun> depending on the GPU I think.00:22
floridagram-bot<govatent> Just to make you laugh, installed amd proprietary driver, broke x. Or course.02:38
floridagram-bot<govatent> Of*02:38
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> @govatent, Fix X?03:20
floridagram-bot<Luke Van Dervoort> Apt purge amd-crap startx cross fingers03:47
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> Is there much benefit to the amdgpu drivers vs later mesa?03:47
floridagram-bot<govatent> Lol it was a fresh install of pop os so I just wiped it. Did some research, not worth using the proprietary drivers03:48
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> @govatent, Aw, wanted to ask if a fresh xorg.conf (or lack thereof) made a difference03:49
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> No idea how ubuntu does it these days with X configs03:49
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> In my particular case having just converted to team red in the gpu dept -- no xorg fo life03:56
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> Or is it even X now? With more recent GNOME releases, isn't it wayland by default?04:00
floridagram-bot<Luke Van Dervoort> Still dont think wayland is default04:02
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> wattttttttttttttttt04:06
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> typo'd date cmd04:06
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> came out 'ddate'04:06
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> and got.. results04:06
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> 'Today is Sweetmorn, the 36th day of Chaos in the YOLD 3185'04:06
maxolasersquadThis explenation by the Cemu developer on why he is not open-sourcing the project is a master-class in misunderstanding how and why open source works. https://www.reddit.com/r/cemu/comments/3ou88k/rcemu_is_now_open/cw146xg/22:15
maxolasersquadI respect his decision to not open source the code, but his reasons are all misunderstandings in the most frustrating of ways.22:16
floridagram-bot<Ivoriesablaze> Hey everyone, a couple of us are doing this year's Autism Speaks Walk next month and it would be awesome if you could spare like $5 to https://www.facebook.com/donate/524966044596011/ thanks!23:20

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