
nekoseamHey so discord can't access files in hidden directories from my Home folder because it says permission denied, any way to fix this?01:21
krytariknekoseam: Installed via Snap or .deb package?  And since this hardly Kubuntu-specific, you might want to move this to #ubuntu02:17
nekoseamkrytarik: actually not sure. I installed it via discover02:18
nekoseamI was thinking it had something to do with Doplhin02:18
krytarikWell, since Discord isn't in the conventional Ubuntu repos, that seems to have been via Snap then.  And Dolphin is merely a file browser, so rather not.02:21
krytarikBut you have no issues to access with it files in your home directory that aren't in hidden subdirectories?02:25
lordievaderGood morning07:08
BluesKaj'Morning all13:06
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf
IrcsomeBot<avinash512> Anyone coming over from opensuse?18:38
IrcsomeBot<ericadams> @avinash512, I was going to do the OpenSUSE challenge that Jason Evangelho at Forbes is hosting but I got about 3 hours in and didn't want to continue. I've used it in the past and it just isn't for me. Thought I'd try again but it wasn't meant to be!18:44
IrcsomeBot<avinash512> @ericadams, Well I started the challenge 3 days ago. After struggling to do simple things like installing updates, codecs etc. i came back to my beloved kubuntu18:49
IrcsomeBot<avinash512> Kubuntu is so easy and simple18:49
IrcsomeBot<avinash512> We don’t realize unless we use something else18:49
diogenes_I was on OpenSUSE18:49
IrcsomeBot<ericadams> @avinash512, And functional, and clean, and on and on. I couldn't agree more. Oh, and the nVidia PRIME stuff actually works. All good things. Seriously, Kubuntu needs to get the message out how good it is. I tell everyone that will listen.18:51
IrcsomeBot<avinash512> @ericadams, Agree. I switch all my contacts who complain to me about their windows machines. They never call me back.18:53
mparilloWhen you switch contacts complaining about their windows machines, do you dual boot or wipe Windows? Leave Secure Boot on or turn it off? If you leave it on, how easy is it to install Kubuntu on a Secure Boot machine?20:19
IrcsomeBot<ericadams> @mparillo, I am triple booting on a UEFI secure boot system with no issues. I keep one distro long term and use the other partitions for testing and a Windows 10 install that I keep just in case. I haven't booted it Ina while.21:30
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
mparilloThanks. Did you follow the Kubuntu Guide when installing, some other documentation, or did you just figure it out as you went along?23:56

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