
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
didrocksgood morning08:18
jibelMorning didrocks08:21
didrockssalut jibel08:21
didrocksI can give some hands on iso testing, it's the one in pending, correct?08:21
jibeldidrocks, it's http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/bionic/daily-live/current/08:23
didrocksok, already moved to current08:23
* didrocks does08:23
willcookemorning all08:51
didrockshey willcooke08:53
jibelHi willcooke08:54
willcookeca va?08:55
didrockshey Laney09:07
willcookejibel, do you know, is the lack of "drums" when the live session starts (I'm doing the screen reader iso test) a known/reported issue?09:15
willcookeAh, the drums are the signal for the installer starting, kk09:18
* Laney boops at didrocks 09:20
seb128good morning desktopers09:25
willcookehi seb128 Laney09:25
seb128hey willcooke09:26
Laneymoin seb128 & willcooke09:26
seb128hey Laney :)09:26
Laneyvots up09:27
willcookejibel, where should this bug go:09:30
willcookeI did the install with the screenreader09:30
willcookeBefore the install completed the screensaver kicked in, and so I was never told that the install finished.09:31
willcookeAlso there is no indication that I'm looking at the lock screen from the screenreader, so I just sat there for 10 mins not knowing what was going on09:31
willcookeIs that a ubiquiuty bug?09:31
willcookeSimple fix would be to disable the screensaver when the install is running perhaps?09:32
willcooke(which I thought we did)09:32
Laneythat'd be a ubiquity bug, it's supposed to disable that stuff, so I'd file it there09:43
willcookeLaney, thanks09:44
Laneydon't think that is the right stuff to be using in shell09:48
Laneyorg.gnome.desktop.session idle-delay 0 maybe09:49
willcookeI'll try that09:50
willcookeIt's python3 and my print statements broke it09:59
Laneymaybe just gsettings set that before you install10:00
willcookeoh, nice idea10:00
willcookewell, I've fixed it now, so lemme see both ways10:00
didrockswillcooke: welcome to 2008, oh wait :)10:01
willcookedidrocks, as far as I'm concerned, anything that happened after 1997 is rubbish10:01
Laneynew labour10:01
didrocksis that the correct time to mention ubuntu's creation date? :p10:01
willcookeI stand by my decision10:02
willcookeoh, my kids10:02
didrocks… "I still stand by my decision"10:03
didrockshum, starcraft was 1998 though10:04
didrocksmaybe add this exception? ^10:04
willcookewelp, my changes to the code didnt work, but I probably did it wrong.10:13
willcookeI will try just setting that setting10:13
seb128willcooke, screensaver or screenlock is your issue?10:16
willcookeoh, right, screenlock10:16
willcookethe screen goes blank, which is screensaver10:17
willcookethen it's "locked"10:17
willcookeso... both?10:17
seb128willcooke, you can try to 'gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.lockdown disable-lock-screen true'10:23
Laneythis is different from screen blanking10:23
willcookeI did laney's suggestion of "org.gnome.desktop.session idle-delay 0" and so far that's working... just want to give it a few more mins10:23
seb128well, blanking isn't an issue is it?10:24
seb128imho it's fine if the screen goes in power saving over a long install10:24
Laneythat's what the code was doing previously10:25
seb128as long as it resume fine/unlocked once you touch the match10:25
Laneyif you want to revisit that decision, fine10:25
seb128*the mouse10:25
Laneybut it broke due to a bug10:25
Laneynot an intentional change10:25
willcookeI will have to test, but.. the problem was that if the screen blanked then the screenreader stopped reading things10:25
Laneyfine by me if seb128 wants to take over owning the fix10:26
willcookeHappy that Laney's fix solves my problem10:36
seb128IRC in train is not the best :/10:42
willcookeseb128, L_aney's fix worked, testing your alternative now...10:43
seb128Laney, willcooke, unsure what's the intend of that code was, but yeah fine with me either way making it work as it used to work or look at what's supposed to do/what makes sense and do that10:43
willcookemy concern is that if the screen turns off then the screenreader will stop talking, and never tell me that the install finished10:43
seb128yeah, that's possible, I don't know if having screen turning off stops the reading10:45
willcookek, with your change the lockscreen still came down and moving the mouse around gives no feedback at all10:47
willcookeclicking does nothnig10:48
willcookeso yeah, I think that's conclusive then10:48
Laneytry that10:49
willcookeHow do I do that?  Just download and copy over the one which is on the USB stick?10:50
Laneyyou should be able to hax0r that diff in from a live session10:50
Laneyand pro tip10:50
Laney`gsettings monitor org.gnome.desktop.session' in a terminal will show you any changes to keys in there10:51
Laneyso you should see that do the thing straight after starting ubiquity10:51
willcookeLaney, do I ninja the one in /rofs (which I assume is read only, so probably not) or /usr/lib/ubiquity/blah10:55
Laneyya the second one10:56
Laneyif you get lucky it might even work to apply the patch10:56
willcookeimma just over write it10:56
Laneylike "cd /usr/lib/ubiquity; GET https://git.launchpad.net/ubiquity/patch/?id=9017a4dfc3b7ded03dec0312231f0f89d7101871 | sudo patch -p1" or something10:57
Laneydon't forget the change to gsettings.py10:57
willcookeah right10:57
willcooke# patch -p1 < screensaver.patch10:59
willcookepatching file ubiquity/frontend/gtk_ui.py10:59
willcookeHunk #1 succeeded at 585 (offset -2 lines).10:59
willcookeHunk #2 succeeded at 759 (offset -2 lines).10:59
willcookepatching file ubiquity/gsettings.py10:59
Laneyyou lucky thing11:00
willcookeboom!  idle-delay: 011:01
* Laney nods sagely11:02
Laneyprobably too late for .2, but if you file a bug we can SRU that for the next one11:03
Laneyor we get lucky and .2 gets delayed ;-)11:03
Laneyalso needs to be reviewed of course11:04
seb128tkamppeter, hey, thanks for the modemmanager update! You forgot to Cc Mathieu on the email though I looks like?11:15
seb128tkamppeter, also it might make sense to open a bug on the Debian BTS or launchpad for the update, easier for comments/review?11:16
willcookeLaney, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/181487511:16
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1814875 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Screensaver is not disabled during install" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:16
jibeldidrocks, I've something weird in a live session, it's like the chrome of the shell is missing, no background, no dock. Did you see that in a VM?13:05
jibelI thought I did something wrong but it's the second time I see this13:05
didrocksjibel: I didn't get that in vm at all, no chrome of the shell… like if it crashed?13:07
jibelnot a crash because I've the top bar and it's reactive, I can click on the indicators for example13:08
didrocksbut it doesn't have any transparent background?13:08
didrocksso it's there, but wrongly stacked?13:08
jibelno transparent bg13:09
jibelthere are JS errors in the journal: TypeError: monitor is null13:09
didrocksah :) could explain13:09
didrocksI don't have that in my journal, so that's one difference13:10
willcookemuhaha.  I used up the 50 MB of free data on the train wifi, and it has "limited my connection speed".  Jokes on them, IRC FTW!13:30
ricotzhey, is webkit2gtk 2.22 likely to be backported to Xenial/16.04?13:36
mdeslaurricotz: can't, it needs a newer gcc13:39
ricotzmdeslaur, ah I see13:45
dokomdeslaur, ricotz: there is gcc-8 in bionic13:47
dokoahh, xenial. that has gcc-mozilla13:47
ricotzyeah, was about to mention the possible use of gcc-mozilla13:48
mdeslaurit has gcc-mozilla, but it would need a newer libstdc too13:48
mdeslaurand I don't know how to handle that13:48
mdeslaurfirefox has a big compatibility shim to be able to build with a newer gcc but run with an older library13:48
jbichaupstream will bump other dependencies for webkit 2.26 (this September) since the 3-year Xenial clock is expiring https://trac.webkit.org/wiki/WebKitGTK/DependenciesPolicy13:51
xnoxhmmm... has anybody inherited libpam-freerdp in ubuntu?13:54
xnoxdo we care about maintaining it still?13:54
mdeslaurjbicha: "We support each Ubuntu LTS until one year after the release of the next Ubuntu LTS." didn't really turn out to be accurate anyway13:56
jbichathere is the big "except for gcc" disclaimer :(13:56
dokomdeslaur: don't they support building with static libstdc++? do you really need a libstdc++ of a newer major GCC version?14:18
mdeslaurdoko: I don't know...it's a library too, what happens when something else loads it?14:18
mdeslaurdoko: wouldn't that be problematic?14:19
mdeslaursomeone would need to investigate this, but it's not high on our priority list14:21
willcookeseb128, I asked ondra to plug his iPhone X in to a Bionic machine.  He didnt get the "Lockdown" error and could browse his phone, but not his photos.  Which is a strange problem, because it should either work or not work.  He's running a beta firmware though, so could be that usbdmux etc need updating to support the new version.  Trying to find a spare iphone while I'm in the office14:26
seb128willcooke, thx for testing, and no it's not "either it works on not", browsing the photos and the "documents" section are different protocols/stacks14:27
willcookejibel, didrocks - thank you for the iso testing :)14:53
jibelwillcooke, tested on hw and vm, no real issue found15:09
willcookeseb128, got an iphone 6 (that's what stef had) and it works15:11
willcookeso I think it's new phones only15:11
jibelquick q, when can a desktop system with autologin enabled be considered up ?15:12
willcookewhen the user session dbus service starts?15:15
willcookewe could configure an app to auto start too?15:15
jibelnot sure about autostart, it starts very early15:20
Laneylike when org.gnome.Shell gets on the bus, or maybe an autostart with X-GNOME-Autostart-Phase=Application?15:25
LaneyTFW you do a complex search-replace in vim and it works first time16:20
LaneyI was like "yes, I should do <thing> before uploading glib"17:05
Laneywent to get a glass of water, came back, and now I can't remember what <thing> was17:06
didrocksand you forgot about <thing>?17:06
didrockshehe, typical17:06
didrockssure it was *very* important17:06
didrocksunsure if you can sleep before resolving this dangling pointer :p17:06
willcooke2am:  AHAHAH!  I remember.  I'll do that first thing in the morning...17:07
willcooke8am: hmmmmmmm17:07
Laneyi'm going to sleep with a notebook next to my head17:07
Laney(breaks on gnome-keyring, upload fixed version)17:08
didrockstime to distract Laney17:08
Laneydunno about putting a breaks on glib though, seems like something that might break upgrade calculation17:09
* Laney leaves it for now17:09
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
willcookenight all18:31

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