
Skuggenvorlon: Thanks :)11:35
ahasenackSkuggen: heh, net-snmp upstream decided to replace my_bool with a char, have you seen this before? https://sourceforge.net/p/net-snmp/code/ci/9f4af8c42d515e6b214738cc97212dfbe7f749cf12:22
ahasenackwhat was my_bool before, in terms of size?12:22
ahasenackI guess they want a byte12:22
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Skuggenahasenack: Originally, my_bool was just a char13:24
SkuggenWell, I'm not 100% sure about "originally" since it's old, but it was a char before :)13:25
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dokoahasenack, cpaelzer: do you plan with samba 4.10 for disco? looks like Python3 is making some progress there15:21
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ricotzdoko, would you have time to put together a gcc-mozilla based on 8.2 in bionic?15:24
ahasenackdoko: yeah, it's the first one with py3 and py215:26
ahasenackdoko: I wasn't planning on going ahead of debian15:26
dokoricotz: there is a proper gcc-8.x in bionic, you don't need another build15:26
ricotzdoko, for xenial, trusty isn't worth it anymore, I guess15:26
ricotzI meant to backport from bionic15:27
dokoricotz: it's easy. just rename the package from gcc-8 and look what changes the existing gcc-mozilla has15:28
dokowasn't chris ccoulson doing that?15:28
ricotzdoko, I know, I did so with 6.5.0 which is already required for the current firefox to fix armhf/arm64 -- but I ran into failures on trusty15:30
ricotzI can try with 8.2 again though15:30
ricotzdoko, not sure what chris is doing these days15:31
ricotzbasically osomon has taken over the mozilla stuff15:31
dokoincluding the b-d's? ;p15:33
ricotzmw_hudson is doing rustc/cargo15:34
ejathi .. is there ppa for gnome 3.32 available for testing?17:19
ricotzdoko, this is something which came up https://paste.debian.net/plain/106570218:11
jbichaejat: GNOME 3.32 has not been released yet, but there (probably) won't be a PPA either18:24
ahasenackhas anybody written a sort of recursive check-mir script? To chase down all non-main deps and run it again on each, until there is none left?18:26
ejatjbicha: ok thanks18:33
ejatjbicha: can u advise on this => https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sWqW2hWQZp/18:34
jbichathat doesn't mean anything to me18:34
ejatgnome-control-center crashed18:34
ejatin disco -proposed18:35
jbichacould you file a bug with apport18:37
jbichaalso: https://askubuntu.com/questions/785414/is-it-ok-to-enable-proposed-updates-during-ubuntus-development-cycle18:42
ejatjbicha: bug 181494718:44
ubottubug 1814947 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "segmentation fault" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181494718:44
jbichaejat: that still provides almost no info. I meant can you use Ubuntu's error reporter thing to report the crash with the debug info18:59
jbichabut I'm too busy working on other stuff this week to be able to help you really. Sorry19:00
ejatjbicha: okay ill try .. no worries .. sorry to take ya time19:01
ahasenackis it possible to disable the universe component in a ppa, when building a source package there?19:14
tumbleweedIIRC it's encforcing component separation is PPA configuration option19:15
ahasenackI have " Default (security dependencies and recommended updates)."19:15
ahasenack"Use the same components used for each source in the Ubuntu primary archive."19:16
ahasenackthe other option is " Use all Ubuntu components available.", which doesn't seem to be what I want19:16
infinityahasenack: What are you trying to accomplish, exactly?19:17
infinityahasenack: main can build-dep on universe (even in the primary archive) now.19:17
ahasenacktesting a mir19:17
ahasenackit's a universe package, for which I'm listing all non-main build-deps19:17
infinityahasenack: main can't have runtime deps on universe, but PPAs don't have components, so everything in a PPA is in main.19:17
ahasenackmy plan was to upload said source package, have the build fail because of missing deps (which are in universe), and then start uploading the universe deps one by one19:18
infinityYeah, that's not going to work.19:19
ahasenackok, local lxd it is then19:19
ejatseb128:  updated as your advise in bug 181494919:22
ubottubug 1814949 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "gnome-control-center crashed with SIGSEGV in __GI___libc_free()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181494919:22
seb128ejat, thx19:23
ejatthanks to you for the guide ..19:23
seb128ejat, do you remember what panel you opened last?19:43
seb128ejat, and do you have special discuss connected or specifc fs? (like zfs)19:44
jbichaseb128: yeah the zfs in the original bug was the one thing that looked interesting :)19:58

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