
nhaineschiluk: yes, emails should have gone out from SCALE last night.01:59
nhaineschiluk: if you don't get an email in the next day or two, let me know and I'll write something official for your employer.02:02
chiluknhaines... yeah haven't seen anything ...17:51
chilukI just checked and even looked in my spam for anything mentioning scale or ubucon..17:51
chilukI do see my name listed in lights on the web page though.  I really hope you got confirmation from all your speakers, otherwise you definitely have some potential no-shows.18:04
nhaineschiluk: thanks for that.  SCALE notices went out really late this year.  I just got our booth information Monday, I think.22:23
chilukno worries.... just trying to "help"..  Trying not to be too annoying.22:42

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