
cool4Can anyone tell me about a desktop whatsapp client for ubuntu that does not require scanning through smartphone00:05
OerHekscool4, none, you need an account00:09
OerHeks*if* there is a workaround, it is not in our repos00:09
profbearhow do i get aclocal 1.16? the latest in ubuntu 18.04 is 1.1501:04
profbeari guess since it was released in feb 2018, i can't get it in 18.0401:05
profbeari'm not sure how ubuntu updates its packages that end up in the canonical apt repo01:06
profbeari guess i need to just download aclocal from source and build it, but i was hoping for an easier solution01:06
=== Taco is now known as uptime
OerHekscosmic does,  as part of automake http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/cosmic/man1/aclocal-1.16.1.html01:14
Bashing-om!info aclocal bionic | profbear01:14
ubottuprofbear: Package aclocal does not exist in bionic01:14
profbeargood point01:14
profbearit's in automake01:15
OerHeksi find no valid ppa ..01:15
profbearso a ppa archive maintainer would need to bring it in for any bionic user to obtain it, right?01:16
profbearis that how ppa's work?01:16
OerHekssure, if backporting is usefull ..01:16
profbeari see01:17
OerHeksand/or if you think it should be in the LTS, you can file for a !SRU01:17
ubottuStable Release Update information is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates01:17
OerHeksbut to get qualified, you need some arguments ofcourse, but it is possible01:17
profbearah. nice. i didn't know there was such a process01:17
profbeari'm just a user. i wouldn't know how to argue for or against it being in LTS01:18
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Bashing-omprofbear: O looked and I see mo recent activity for "01:21
OerHekswell, as user, you have a demand for 1.16, not sure what software needed these features01:21
profbearOerHeks: i'm building freetype2 from source01:21
vegard1992wooh, fixed it! https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2411847&page=201:21
vegard1992i am a dual boot wizard01:21
profbearOerHeks: freetype and SDL_ttf from source. i'm in build tool hell right now.01:22
Bashing-omprofbear: I looked and I see no recent activity for "Automake" : https://launchpad.net/~rbose-debianizer/+archive/ubuntu/automake .01:22
bratchleyI'm on 18.10 and have an openconnect vpn that keeps saving my password to /etc/NetworkManager, how do I get it to stop doing that?01:22
profbearBashing-om: thanks for looking. pretty old ppa there01:22
OerHeksprofbear, from git?01:23
profbearum. which? i pulled freetype from tar, and SDL_ttf from git01:23
profbearOerHeks: freetype-2.9.101:24
Bashing-omprofbear: Found it ! https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+package/automake .01:24
OerHeksoke, 19.04 beta gives 2.9.1 too https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=freetype01:25
profbearBashing-om: i need 1.16 :C01:25
profbearOK I'm building@!@01:28
profbearYes! thanks for the help. the need has evaporated. i'll just document my steps for myself. cheers01:29
Bashing-omprofbear: That is in cosmic (18.10). Might be able to pack port it: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/cosmic/+package/automake .01:29
profbearyeah i'm onto the next issue. thank Bashing-om really appreciate it01:29
profbearubuntu is the best channel on here. so incredibly helpful01:30
Bashing-omprofbear: :) .. We do try and help :P01:30
profbearA+ 100%01:31
dr3mrois the ubuntu based distro with i3wm?01:37
gartralhey all, got a really curious issue with my laptop (HP EliteBook 8570p)... Sleep doesn't resume right if I close the lid and reopen in... but if I initiate sleep from the fn+sleep key it works as expected... if I just close the lid, wait 5 seconds, and open it, I get a login prompt to then lightdm/xfce appears to lock up and I have to drop to a VT to manually restart lightdm. again, if I sleep by key01:39
gartralcombo it works as expected01:39
zerooneubuntu use gnome by default01:39
OerHeksthere is no i3wm iso, use the mini iso, or server01:43
dr3mrois there any ubuntu based distro with i3wm ?01:44
dr3mro@Oerheks Thanks01:44
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Oderusok so i have a directory full of directories containing files. i need to get all those files qnd moves them to the first directory. how can i do this in shell?02:14
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nekoseamOderus: so wait02:23
nekoseamyou have a directory02:23
nekoseamthat has directories in it02:23
nekoseamand you want to get the files inside the other directories02:23
nekoseamin the first directory?02:23
fleabeardI installed nordvpn's .deb file to connect to my vpn. I usually initiate it by opening terminal and typing 'nordvpn connect' and it auto-connects em to a server. Can this be automated in anyway upon boot up/login to save me the effort of opening a terminal/typing that command?02:23
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krytarikOderus: "mv */* ./" - at a guess. >_>02:28
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robertparkerxHow can I find where apache is that is running? I have tried service apache2 restart but it says its not running02:32
robertparkerxphpinfo() ini -- /opt/lampp/etc/php.ini I changed a value for max_execution02:33
ramiroHi. I'm with a loop in the logging screen. I reinstalled ubuntu (using the same / home /) and the problem persists. I created a new user, and with this new user I have no problem. What could be happening? Some configuration file of my old user?02:35
fleabeardrobertparkerx, try 'systemctl apache2 restart' instead02:35
robertparkerxUnknown operation apache2.02:37
OerHeks systemctl status apache202:38
krytarikramiro: 1.) Check your '~/.xsession-errors'  2.) Check if your '~/.Xauthority' and potentially '~/.ICEauthority' are owned by yourself.02:39
ramirothanks krytarik , I'm the owner of that files, and I don't detect errors in .xsession-errors02:45
krytarikramiro: Can you log in via console?02:46
ramirodo you mean, send a pastebin with the file?02:47
krytarikNo, I simply mean try and log in at the console.02:47
ramirodo you mean, CTRL+F2 and log in?  Yes, I can.02:49
krytarik(Unless of course, you already did this to answer my first questions.)02:49
krytarikramiro: What desktop environment are you trying to log in btw?02:51
ramiroI'm using ubuntu 18.04, so is gnome02:52
ramiroI have not other desktop enviroment02:52
ramirosomebody have an idea? I don't understand what happen :(02:58
ramiroI think that could be an "ussual" bug:  https://askubuntu.com/questions/1081683/ubuntu-18-04-login-loop-on-one-user03:07
krytarik!xhangs | ramiro: Try having the files recreated03:10
ubotturamiro: Try having the files recreated: If the GUI hangs after logging in, use <ctrl><alt><f1> to switch to text mode. Log in and do: rm .{X,ICE}authority03:10
ramirothanks ubottu , but the problem persists03:14
ramiroI really don't know that can I try03:16
ramirothanks anyway03:28
guivercramiro: a gui login requires space; if your $HOME (user directory) is full or near-full, you can login via console, but not gui... check you have space.03:44
krytarik(Gone after their last message.)03:47
guiverc(yeah - i'm quick)03:48
krytarikProvided a standard setup, that would have been ruled out by the fact they could create a new user and log in with it though.03:50
guivercI didn't read much so missed that - my attention is elsewhere (xubu qa-test)03:52
krytarikWell tbh, they didn't tell much to go off of either. >_>03:53
=== airqualitystanda is now known as airquality
airqualitystupid question incoming. i'll keep it to one message. so let's say i had a /timeshift/ folder on a misc. internal drive (doesn't automount if it matters), and i accidentally (or intentionally) $ sudo su && chown -cvR root:foo_bar /media/root/hdd_name/ and let's say that it changed everything in /timeshift. question: does that ruin the permissions on the backups? it does doesn't it.. lol. i'm gonna go with04:17
airqualitydoes, but you guys let me know. backups are only like a week old so. not a big loss even if it's worst case scenario. oh and hi.04:17
airqualitygotta reboot real fast. be back momentarily if anyone has read my question.04:23
cleronHello im using Ubunto 16.04 With Webmin/Virtual min.  Wondering if anyone can help, i need to have php 5.6 and 7.x installed at the same time i tried installing 5.6.... seemed like in installed but it does not show up in virutal min. what can i do?04:26
usneyhey guys04:45
usneyhow do I know what dyns service I am using? I forgot04:46
bray90820How would I check my samba version in ubuntu04:47
cleronusney do you mean dynamic dns?04:49
krytarik!version | bray9082004:51
ubottubray90820: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »04:51
guivercbray90820, `samba --version` will probably work too04:52
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illuminatedI'm having a difficult time getting my bluetooth headphones working.  I have a bluetooth usb adapter.  When I try to connect to the headset it just basically says connection refused.05:05
illuminatedFailed to connect: org.bluez.Error.Failed05:06
illuminated[CHG] Device 02:9F:28:F5:B3:23 Connected: no05:06
illuminatedFeb  5 23:04:29 james-lx1 kernel: [ 2578.030624] Bluetooth: hci0: last event is not cmd complete (0x0f)05:06
illuminatedFeb  5 23:04:33 james-lx1 bluetoothd[2918]: connect error: Connection refused (111)05:06
illuminatedFeb  5 23:04:35 james-lx1 bluetoothd[2918]: Abort: Connection timed out (110)05:06
gartralhey all, got a really curious issue with my laptop (HP EliteBook 8570p)... Sleep doesn't resume right if I close the lid and reopen in... but if I initiate sleep from the fn+sleep key it works as expected... if I just close the lid, wait 5 seconds, and open it, I get a login prompt to then lightdm/xfce appears to lock up and I have to drop to a VT to manually restart lightdm. again, if I sleep by key05:11
gartralcombo it works as expected05:11
bray90820How would I change smbv1 to smbv205:12
bray90820Because apperently windows only can see v205:12
guivercbray90820, b/c of wannacry; windoze was updated to ignore v1.   vers= can specify for clients, but this may help https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-to-configure-samba-to-use-smbv2-and-disable-smbv1-on-linux-or-unix/05:30
client35What would be a good way to add a sound switcher to the speaker icon/taskbar? I found an article for Indicator Sound Switcher but not sure if there's a better way?05:40
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bray90820Well I think I enabled samba v2 but how would I know?06:00
feedbackmonitorAnyone here have AMD GPU Pro diuvers installed?06:41
Svetafeedbackmonitor, maybe someone does, why?06:49
feedbackmonitorSveta, an ubuntu update to MESA killed my AMD GPU drivers and it is now quite dead.  : - (06:50
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bfighello, I'm having trouble linking glfw307:29
bfigmy line is the following: g++ -o VulkanTest -std=c++17 `pkg-config --static --libs glfw3` -lvulkan main.cpp07:29
bfigI'm getting the following linker errormain.cpp:(.text+0x18): undefined reference to `glfwInit'07:30
helichopperHello, I am trying to use a second display for the first time and I need some guidance... NVIDIA X Server Settings detects the display... and... I can even get my mouse pointer to display on it, but I "can't use it" (it's just a blank screen aside from the pointer, which shows up) However, I noticed that Settings>Display only recognizes display. I am using Ubuntu Studio, XFCE 4,  and a single Geforce 1050ti07:36
helichopperAlso, I've restarted X since plugging the second display, but haven't restarted the machine?07:37
ducassehelichopper: you shouldn't need to. can you drag windows to it?07:37
helichopperno ducasse I can't. When I try, the window just snaps the first display or, appears to be cut in half until snapping to it. I tried setting workspaces to two, but that would only allow me to drag the window to the second workspace on the one display.07:42
helichopperI'm confused that under Settings>Hardware>Display, the second display isn't listed, but it does in the x server settings also allows my pointer to it, but nothing else (I can't right click to a menu, etc)07:44
ducassehelichopper: i'm not familiar with the nvidia binary drivers. try installing arandr and see if you can activate the display there07:45
helichopperOk brb I'll do that and try googling more precisely.07:45
feedbackmonitorhow to fix? https://pastebin.com/46EUxyTN07:58
helichopperWell I read that the second display needed to be plugged in after booting, and turns out after doing so, it is recognized? Swell!07:59
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helichopperIt's not detecting the audio output I was using previously, though, after doing so. Plot twist!08:03
ducassefeedbackmonitor: this is amdgpu-pro, we don't support that - amd does08:05
feedbackmonitorducasse, Where can I go?08:06
ducassei really don't know, might be contact/support info on the amd site08:07
feedbackmonitorducasse, I don't see it08:08
feedbackmonitorducasse, I tried #Radeon, they were no help08:09
ducasseno, they wouldn't be08:09
ducassemaybe ##linux will, i dunno08:09
feedbackmonitorducasse, I was using the drivers fine until today when there was an update that killed my drivers. I have a bunch of work I cannot do without the drivers08:12
feedbackmonitorducasse, The pro drivers have opencl which my software needs08:13
EriC^^feedbackmonitor: maybe booting the previous kernel might help08:14
feedbackmonitorEriC^^, How would I do that? When I boot, it goes straight to login screena nd bypasses the kernel options08:15
EriC^^feedbackmonitor: hold shift when the pc turns on08:16
ducasseduring the post08:16
afx_Hello ! There are times I don't get the wifi and vpn icon on top panel . How can I troubleshoot this to find its root cause? I am on Ubuntu 18.04 gnome08:16
feedbackmonitorEriC^^, Okay, thank you, I will try this.08:17
EriC^^feedbackmonitor: no problem08:17
EriC^^afx_: see "/var/log/kern.log" for any programs that are segfaulting maybe08:18
afx_EriC^^, ok let me check08:18
feedbackmonitorEriC^^, I did the shift thing, no kernel options08:20
afx_EriC^^, besides some UFW blocks I don't see anything strange in there08:20
EriC^^feedbackmonitor: did you get grub/08:23
EriC^^afx_: is nm-applet running right now?08:23
feedbackmonitorEriC^^, no   : - (08:25
EriC^^feedbackmonitor: try pressing ESC08:26
feedbackmonitorEriC^^, okay, will do.08:26
afx_EriC^^, just ran nm-applet and got this : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mmXnCkc7Sr/08:26
afx_The wifi icon appeared08:27
afx_But not the vpn indicator although I am connected to vpn .08:27
afx_Which can be seen when going to Settings-> Network -> VPN where VPN is enabled08:28
feedbackmonitorEriC^^, Hey, I got the grub menu, but the machine failed to load the earlier kenerl08:34
feedbackmonitorEriC^^, What happened (i think) was that the mesa library updates threw the drivers out of whack08:35
ducasseare you using a ppa for mesa?08:40
helichopperLooks like I accidentally unplugged the audio cable when hooking up the monitor, what a foolish mistake08:41
feedbackmonitorducasse, No, just the regular ubuntu repo for that08:41
feedbackmonitorducasse, Shoudl I use the ppa?08:41
helichopperSo it's back to working, boys08:42
ducassefeedbackmonitor: maybe it's worth a test08:42
feedbackmonitorducasse, hrm08:42
ducassefeedbackmonitor: it will have a later version08:42
feedbackmonitorducasse, Here goes nothin'08:45
feedbackmonitormesa update did not change anything, still same crud08:50
EriC^^feedbackmonitor: does amdgpu build different driver for different kernel?08:53
EriC^^there should be 2 versions right now then?08:53
feedbackmonitorEriC^^, Yes, I chose an earlier one, but that failed to load08:54
EriC^^feedbackmonitor: i mean does it also use the amdgpu it built for that kernel (i wonder)08:54
feedbackmonitorit should08:55
feedbackmonitorI also know that in ubuntu 16, it may have worked, and then it didnt. And then 18.04 worked so maybe the failure is a result in the devs going divergent paths, which doesn't help08:56
Argos500hi all09:07
Argos500anyone having problems with my sql09:07
tomreynArgos500: hi. polls are a bad way to get support, describing the problem is (if there is one), and so is asking spoecific questions.09:11
tomreyn!ask | Argos50009:12
ubottuArgos500: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:12
tomreynfeedbackmonitor: mesa (and non -pro amdgpu) also provides opencl, so you don't really need -pro09:16
tomreyni mined some etherium with an rx580 (such for testing) with plain mesa just fine (if probably a bit slower since the drivers were young and not optimized at the time).09:17
feedbackmonitortomreyn, I use it for video editing09:21
feedbackmonitortomreyn, I use programs like Blender, lightworks and DaVinci Resolve that requires amdgpupor09:22
neonhow do i unmount /isodevice09:23
neon /dev/sda6 on /isodevice type fuseblk (rw,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other,blksize=4096)09:23
a6210hello, yesterday I was aking about mt7612u driver to use Netgear a6120 usb dongle with kernel 4.19 but no luck.. searching I found this: https://wireless.wiki.kernel.org/en/users/drivers/mediatek so it seems that 4.19 should support the adapter.. what should I do? Inserting the dongle doesn't load the mt76 module09:24
tomreynfeedbackmonitor: i doubt they do, but lack first hand experience.09:25
tomreynfeedbackmonitor: blender folks love free software, they may be willing to help you get blender to work without -pro if something doesn't work out of the box.09:26
tomreynneon: sudo umount /isodevice09:27
tomreynneon: that's "umount", not "unmount"09:27
tomreyna6210: show "dmesg" from when you're running 4.19+ and inserted the usb dongle.09:30
a6210tomreyn: I'm recompiling kernel.. let's see what happens09:31
tomreyna6210: do you know about manline kernels? you probably dont need to build your own09:32
tomreyn!mainline | a621009:32
ubottua6210: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds09:32
a6210tomreyn: checking.. thanks09:33
tomodachihi , when its ubuntu 14.04 EOL exactly?  webpage only says april 2019  not which day09:33
tomreyna6210: you may want to use https://github.com/tomreyn/scripts#wget_kernel_mainlinesh or similar scripts to get and check those packages.09:34
feedbackmonitortomreyn, I am an aspiring Stallmanist and prefer free as in freedom. However, I edit video on Linux for a while so know the limitations. Blender also needs the proprietary stuff, no matter how much you love freedom.09:34
feedbackmonitortomreyn, This has to do with the manufacturer who makes these parts and set up the drivers09:35
feedbackmonitortomreyn, The manufacturers need to change to get the gpu acceleration needed for video production09:35
ducasseneon: fusermount -u /isodevice09:35
feedbackmonitortomreyn, Also the software devs of video editing programs09:35
tomreyntomodachi: april 30 according to https://blog.ubuntu.com/2018/09/19/extended-security-maintenance-ubuntu-14-04-trusty-tahr09:35
neon$ fusermount -u /isodevice09:36
neonfusermount: entry for /isodevice not found in /etc/mtab09:36
ducasseneon: is it the right path, and are you sure it's mounted?09:37
neon$ fusermount -u /dev/sda609:37
neonfusermount: entry for /dev/sda6 not found in /etc/mtab09:37
neon$ mount | grep isodevice09:37
feedbackmonitortomreyn, Blender has issues with the video stuff, I spoke with the founder, Rosendaal, directly09:37
neon/dev/sda6 on /isodevice type fuseblk (rw,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other,blksize=4096)09:37
bad63rI have lenovo thinkpad x250 and I want to install ubuntu without DE. I've tried to install with ubuntu minimal iso but It seems like I can't bcs my thinkpad has UEFI BIOS.09:37
tomreynfeedbackmonitor: okay, as i say, i lack first hand experience. what i do know is that opencl and much if not all of -pro functionality can also be achieved without actually fully installing the -pro drivers (but just unpacking some of its files to the right place - sure, that's a bit of a hack, but may actually work better)09:38
ducassebad63r: try the server image or the lubuntu alternate image09:38
bad63rmy question is can I install ubuntu server and on top of it intall i3wm?09:38
bad63rI read that ubuntu server has diffrent kernel?09:38
tomreyn!paste | neon09:38
ubottuneon: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:38
a6210tomreyn: I have the four deb packages to install but can I do that without internet connection?09:38
ducassebad63r: no, but it has some serve5r stuff by default09:38
neonapparently umount -l /isodevice     works09:39
tomreynneon: i already told you how you can unmount it, did you try with umount?09:39
neonwhy didnt umount /isodevice (without the -l) work?09:39
tomreynneon: you didnt show that it didn't work09:40
feedbackmonitortomreyn, That would be nice09:40
feedbackmonitortomreyn, Anything to free the user is always a good thing09:40
neon$ sudo umount /isodevice09:40
neonumount: /isodevice: target is busy.09:40
tomreyna6210: if you have deb's, you can install them with apt install /path/to/filename.deb09:41
tomreyna6210: but this will only work if any depdendencies are satisfied.09:41
a6210tomreyn: no deps problem but post config error when installing headers09:42
tomreynneon: if a mount is busy, you can't unmount it. it's busy if something is still running which holds a file lock on it. such as a file browser whihc is still pointing to a directory on this mount, or a file editor hich still has a file opened from it.09:42
a6210tomreyn: same postinst conf error with image and modules09:42
tomreynfeedbackmonitor: something like this https://boinc.berkeley.edu/forum_thread.php?id=1141709:44
neonwhat is the minimum size of the /boot partition09:44
neonis it 500 MB09:45
a6210tomreyn: something about dkms.conf missing09:45
tomreyna6210: you will need to show exact output, don't make us guess09:46
a6210tomreyn: but it seems everything else went good.. is it safe to reboot?09:46
ducasseneon: you can get by with less if you pay attention to cleaning up old kernels, but i'd recommend 50009:46
a6210tomreyn: Error! Dould not locate dkms.con file.09:46
tomreyn!paste| a621009:47
a6210tomreyn: File: does not exist.09:47
ubottua6210: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:47
feedbackmonitortomreyn, That thread is a work-in-progress it seems09:47
a6210ubottu: I have not internet connection in that workstation09:47
ubottua6210: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:47
tomreyna6210: first of all, see if you can get internet access to this with a wire09:47
a6210tomreyn: no can't do09:47
jeremy31a6210: check the build directories in /var/lib/dkms to see if they all have dkms.conf files09:47
tomreynfeedbackmonitor: it's a hack, not supported by anyone.09:47
tomreynfeedbackmonitor: which ubuntu version did you try to get -pro running on?09:48
feedbackmonitortomreyn, 18.0409:48
feedbackmonitorIt did run for a few months until yesterday09:49
tomreynfeedbackmonitor: this is the page i was actually looking for erarlier: https://math.dartmouth.edu/~sarunas/amdgpu.html09:49
jeremy31a6210: I am not sure if that actually stops a kernel from installing09:49
a6210tomreyn: well there's a no working a6210 driver so that should not be a problem.. and admgpu that has a dkms.conf in its build dir09:49
tomreynfeedbackmonitor: hmm then i guess you will need to prod amd for an update of -pro09:49
a6210jeremy31: I can delete the a621009:50
bad63rducasse, your answer NO for i3wm or for kernel? hmm09:50
feedbackmonitortomreyn, Yeah...it sucks for me because I have video clients waiting for edits and I have to wait for AMD to do something09:50
neondoes ubuntu support compiz window manager?09:50
ducassebad63r: kernel, i use i3 on such an install on all my machines09:50
neonyay it does09:50
feedbackmonitortomreyn, I am eyeing other distros as a quickfix09:51
tomreynfeedbackmonitor: afaik only ubuntu is supported by amd for -pro, but maybe this changed since. you could also try to downgrade those packages which were recently upgraded.09:52
a6210jeremy31: it seems kernel installed, symlink for old created.. etc..09:52
tomreynfeedbackmonitor: but generally, -pro is supported by amd, not us here, so if you're using it, please turn to them.09:53
a6210jeremy31: anyway rebooting it that not work I could choose the old kernel from grub, right?09:53
feedbackmonitortomreyn, Also CentOS, Red hat and SLED09:53
feedbackmonitorNot the best distros09:53
jeremy31a6210: old kernel should be in advanced options in grub09:53
feedbackmonitorThey suck compared to Ubuntu09:53
a6210jeremy31: I'm going to try a reboot.. let's see09:54
tomreynfeedbackmonitor: i doubt the situation will be much different there, too09:56
feedbackmonitortomreyn, CentOS is sort of an official distro for video editing, but they do not have drivers for my other components, like my soundcard09:57
tomreyna6210: if you can show a screenshot of the remaining issues i will see what i can suggest09:57
a6210tomreyn: it rebooted using 4.1809:57
tomreynfeedbackmonitor: that's unfortunate09:57
feedbackmonitortomreyn, For DaVinci Resolve, you can actually download an official CentOS iso09:57
a6210tomreyn: I don't have any connection in that box09:58
Svetafeedbackmonitor: do you have error messages from relevant logs? can you boot from the older kernel?09:58
feedbackmonitorSUSE Enterprise and Red Hat just suck09:58
tomreyna6210: do you have a smartphone with a camera, or another computer and a digital camera?09:58
bad63rducasse, thanks. I just read that from 12.04 there is no difference in kernels between ubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-server. I wasn't paying attention to server edition bcs i though there is the difference :) And server supports EUFI.09:58
feedbackmonitorSveta, https://pastebin.com/46EUxyTN09:59
a6210tomreyn: so no kernel 4.19 in advanced option09:59
tomreynfeedbackmonitor: we only do ubuntu support here, you can turn to #ubuntu-offtopic to discuss other topics09:59
Svetafeedbackmonitor: interesting, did you contact the vendor about this?09:59
a6210tomreyn: I'll try to shot a picture of the screen09:59
feedbackmonitorSveta, Yes, no reply09:59
feedbackmonitortomreyn, Hallwaymonitor09:59
ducassebad63r: it does install some server stuff, lubuntu alternate does not09:59
bad63rducasse, but it installs lubuntu which I don't want10:00
SimonNLa6210: phone, usb cable connect phone with usb cable and tether a wifi connection of the phone10:00
tomreynfeedbackmonitor: i don't understand "Hallwaymonitor"10:00
ducassebad63r: no, you can tell it not to10:00
ducassebad63r: you get a menu to choose from10:01
tomreyna6210: what SimonNL says, if you have a smartphone.10:01
bad63rducasse, oh really? i read wiki and watched their recommended video on yt and there is no word about it :D then it is better option for sure10:01
feedbackmonitorAmyway, I was just hoping someone else here uses the driver and could have suggested something10:01
SimonNLmakes it all much simpler10:01
ducassebad63r: just make sure to use the *alternate* image10:02
ducassebad63r: it has the same text-mode installer as server and mini iso10:02
bad63rducasse, but with UEFI support? right? just to be sure...10:03
ducassebad63r: yes, i used the lubuntu alternate image myself on my uefi desktop10:04
maetthewAnyone can tell me why all the settings components here are inactive and I can't change them? https://imgur.com/a8VBAmt10:04
maetthewKubuntu 18.04.1 btw10:04
maetthewand Thinkpad T450s10:04
a6210SimonNL: wait.. phone connected10:05
a6210SimonNL: then set it up as AP?10:05
bad63rducasse, thanks for helping me. much appreciated :)10:05
a6210SimonNL: usb tethering on on the phone10:05
ducassebad63r: you're most welcome :)10:06
a6210SimonNL: thanks.. working10:06
SimonNLa6210: great10:06
Jonsonanyone here10:07
a6210and back..10:07
Jonsonguys i have busy box problems on starting please help10:07
ducasse!ask | Jonson10:07
ubottuJonson: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:07
elichai2Hi, Tried finding online with no luck. what is the `base-files` package?10:08
Jonsonok <ubottu>10:08
Jonsonbusy box problem10:08
a6210tomreyn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GNgMYTtVdc/10:08
a6210SimonNL:  thanks again10:08
SimonNLYou're welcome a621010:08
SimonNLalways glad to be of help here10:09
tomreynmaetthew: see if you can find a ppa which provides newer libinput packages. alternatively, install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (if not yet installed)10:09
Jonsoni have busy box problem on startup10:10
tomreyna6210: so you have internet access now?10:10
a6210tomreyn: yes10:10
tomreyna6210: oh yes looks like it works vias the phone now, very well.10:10
=== murthy is now known as phoenix_firebrd_
a6210tomreyn: [11:08] <a6210> tomreyn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GNgMYTtVdc/10:11
tomreyna6210: where's this kernel packages from?10:11
a6210official ubuntu build10:11
tomreyna6210: how did you acquire them?10:12
JonsonBoot drops to a (initramfs) prompts/busybox how to solve10:12
a6210tomreyn: download from the link here provided and usb stick to pass the files10:12
bfighello, I'm having trouble linking glfw310:12
bfigmy line is the following: g++ -o VulkanTest -std=c++17 `pkg-config --static --libs glfw3` -lvulkan main.cpp10:12
bfigI'm getting the following linker errormain.cpp:(.text+0x18): undefined reference to `glfwInit'10:12
tomreyna6210: okay, i see those are mainline builds10:12
bfigwhere should I find this reference to glfwInit?10:12
tomreyna6210: let's use v4.20.6 instead.10:14
a6210tomreyn: I need to use rocm driver .. will it work on 4.20.6?10:15
maetthewtomreyn: Cheers. Didn't have xserver-xorg-input-synaptics installed. Fixed with install and reboot.10:15
tomreyna6210: i have no idea, please find out which kernels are supproted with it first of all.10:16
a6210tomreyn: well it seems I'm lucky.. last version just out and supports 4.2010:17
a6210tomreyn: so proceed with last build? 4.20.610:19
tomreyna6210: first of all we need to uninstall the 4.19 packages. can you show: dpkg -l linux\*-4.19.* | nc termbin.com 999910:20
a6210tomreyn: https://termbin.com/ibcw10:22
tomreyna6210: sudo apt purge linux-headers-4.19.0-041900 linux-headers-4.19.0-041900-generic linux-image-unsigned-4.19.0-041900-generic linux-modules-4.19.0-041900-generic10:24
tomreyna6210: wait10:24
tomreyna6210: sudo apt purge --simulate -y linux-headers-4.19.0-041900 linux-headers-4.19.0-041900-generic linux-image-unsigned-4.19.0-041900-generic linux-modules-4.19.0-041900-generic 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999910:25
a6210tomreyn: https://termbin.com/xmaa10:25
tomreyna6210: okay, now: sudo apt purge linux-headers-4.19.0-041900 linux-headers-4.19.0-041900-generic linux-image-unsigned-4.19.0-041900-generic linux-modules-4.19.0-041900-generic10:26
tomreyna6210: and how its output again, please10:26
a6210tomreyn: done10:27
a6210tomreyn: deleted and found 4.15 and 4.18 linux/initrd images10:28
SachinPandayhow to check system property in ubuntu?10:28
a6210tomreyn: proceed with 4.20.6?10:28
tomreyna6210: okay, i suggest you download and use this wget_kernel_mainline.sh script for installing mainline packages: https://github.com/tomreyn/scripts#wget_kernel_mainlinesh10:29
kronHi, I have a problem with Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS as a VM on Hyper-V Server. After fresh install, and apt-get upgrade VM is hanging at boot up. How can I solve that problem?10:29
tomreyna6210: it can verify their signatures, so you can be sure you run the authentic kernel packages.10:30
AvivHow can I disable this route dev ens3 proto kernel scope link src to be added automaticly? it overrides my netplan routes10:31
a6210tomreyn: well I'll check that thanks.. but right now can we use these already downloaded?10:31
tomreyna6210: if you trust those to be authentic, yes.10:31
a6210tomreyn: yes, good.. so apt install .deb (header all generic image unsign and modules)?10:32
a6210tomreyn: same 4.19 error about dkms.conf file missing10:33
tomreyna6210: apt install /path/to/{linux-*-4.20.6-042006-generic*,linux-headers-4.20.6-042006_4.20.6-042006.201901310331_all.deb}10:34
tomreyn+ sudo10:34
tomreyna6210: please always show input and output10:34
tomreyncommands you ran, output they generated, including warnings and errors10:34
a6210tomreyn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Q6h7P8hFbs/10:36
jeremy31a6210: Try> sudo update-grub10:38
a6210jeremy31: done10:39
jeremy31a6210: did it show the 4.20 kernel?10:39
tomreyna6210: sudo dkms --verbose status 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999910:40
a6210jeremy31: nope10:40
tomreyna6210: sudo ls -R /var/lib/dkms 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999910:40
a6210tomreyn: sudo ls -R /var/lib/dkms 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999910:41
a6210tomreyn: https://termbin.com/k1se10:41
a6210tomreyn: no interest in the not working Netgear module10:42
Avivany idea how to set via dev ens3 proto static before dev ens3 proto kernel scope link src ? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5jSy8VKk64/10:42
a6210tomreyn: I thought I removed it10:42
tomreyna6210: i wouldn't know, what is it, how did it get there, how did you remove it?10:43
a6210jeremy31: sorry it shows Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-4.20.6-042006-generic but not the initrd10:44
tomreyna6210: what'S the output of: sudo dpkg -S /var/lib/dkms/netgear-a621010:44
a6210tomreyn: dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /var/lib/dkms/netgear-a621010:44
a6210tomreyn: just did a make uninstall10:44
tomreyna6210: so is it gone now?10:45
a6210tomreyn: but maybe I had to use dkms10:45
a6210tomreyn: no I did it before sending you the output10:45
=== zachre__ is now known as Zerkalerka
a6210tomreyn: dir Netgear is still there10:46
tomreyna6210: unless you want to preserve it, you can just rm -r /var/lib/dkms/netgear-a621010:46
lotuspsychjeAviv: ubuntu server?10:46
a6210tomreyn: done10:46
mobile_chow do i check if i have tab completion for apt10:47
tomreyna6210: sudo apt-get update 2>&1 | nc termmbin.com 9999; apt-cache policy | nc termbin.com 9999; sudo apt-get -f install -y 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999910:48
mobile_cwait tab completion works in root right?10:48
a6210tomreyn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6cnDfGnRC9/10:48
mobile_chow do i get tab completion to work in root10:48
mobile_cfor apt10:48
a6210tomreyn: better but something wrong .. amdgpu firmware and something about 4.20.6 module10:48
mobile_cand everything else10:48
tomreyna6210: dpkg -S /var/lib/dkms/amdgpu 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999910:49
a6210tomreyn: https://termbin.com/0ulfr10:50
blackflowAviv: what's the cause of that routing clash? How is your network configured?10:52
tomreyna6210: so how did /var/lib/dkms/amdgpu get there and why do you need it?10:52
a6210tomreyn: I'm sorry to admit that I actually don't remeber that.. I have a Radeon GPU and the rocm that need to be upgraded if running on 4.2010:53
a6210tomreyn: grup now sees initrd and imge for 4.20.610:53
a6210tomreyn: I cuold try rebooting?10:54
lotuspsychjetomodachi: https://news.softpedia.com/news/ubuntu-14-04-lts-trusty-tahr-reaches-end-of-life-on-april-30-2019-524835.shtml10:54
tomreyntomreyn: i think you should move /var/lib/dkms/amdgpu out of the way or delete it if you don't require it or don't know what it does10:54
mojtabaHello, I have two ubuntu machine. Machine A is connected to the internet and has two network interfaces. It has also VPN. I want to tether one of its wirelesses and with machine B connect to it, but I want to route all the traffic of the machine B through VPN. Do you know how should I do this?10:55
tomreyna6210: once this is done, i'd still like to see the output of this: <tomreyn> a6210: sudo apt-get update 2>&1 | nc termmbin.com 9999; apt-cache policy | nc termbin.com 9999; sudo apt-get -f install -y 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999910:55
lotuspsychjemaetthew: might be an acpi issue, is your bios updated to latest?10:55
tomreyna6210: but you'Re always free to do whatever you want, i just can't support you then10:55
a6210tomreyn: I'm glad you are helping me no need to not listen to you10:56
a6210tomreyn: Moved amdgpu dir from dkms10:56
a6210tomreyn: Now apt install 4.20.6 again?10:57
tomreyn<tomreyn> a6210: once this is done, i'd still like to see the output of this: <tomreyn> a6210: sudo apt-get update 2>&1 | nc termmbin.com 9999; apt-cache policy | nc termbin.com 9999; sudo apt-get -f install -y 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999910:57
jeremy31a6210 rocm  is Radeon Open Compute?10:58
a6210jeremy31: yes10:58
a6210tomreyn: https://termbin.com/l4oy https://termbin.com/4hfg https://termbin.com/z38i10:58
lotuspsychjebfig: what are you trying to do/ compile exactly?10:59
lotuspsychjemojtaba: a question more for ##networking?10:59
tomreyna6210: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -Vy | nc termbin.com 999910:59
tomreyna6210: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -Vy 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999910:59
tomreyna6210: the latter please10:59
maetthewlotuspsychje: Yeah I think so. Bought this Thinkpad T450s three weeks ago, updated BIOS to 1.35 before wiping Windows and installing Kubuntu11:00
a6210tomreyn: https://termbin.com/hlat311:00
lotuspsychjemaetthew: lenovo's might also have firmware updates tru software-center, perhaps check?11:00
=== phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as murthy
tomreyna6210: can you also show the former?11:01
tomreyna6210: since i think you ran them both11:01
a6210tomreyn: same output11:01
lotuspsychjemaetthew: can you also try a wayland session to test touchpad?11:01
tomreynhmm ok11:01
tomreyna6210: so you can reboot now11:02
a6210ok .. let's try.. be back (hope) soon11:02
mojtabalotuspsychje: thanks11:05
lotuspsychjewelcome BootScout_11:11
BootScout_I am using kubuntu 18.04 and trying to see mp4 videos with minidlna on tv11:11
BootScout_but it gives me an error11:11
lotuspsychjeBootScout_: wich player?11:12
BootScout_here i found it is an error related with the minidlna version: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MiniDLNA11:12
BootScout_but the link to the rebuilt one is broken11:12
a6210tomreyn: so.. 4.20.6 booted flawlessly11:12
BootScout_lotuspsychje: player? is a tv11:12
BootScout_a samsung smart tv11:13
a6210tomreyn: tried the Netgear usb dongle but did'nt work and messed with usb because my phone didn't work either .. after a reboot phone tethering is working11:13
lotuspsychjeBootScout_: With this version you will not be able to play mp4 video file11:13
lotuspsychjesays the wiki11:13
BootScout_lotuspsychje:  I know but the solution is not working11:13
BootScout_lotuspsychje:  I cannot access the link11:13
a6210tomreyn: this is the part of the dmesg https://termbin.com/znwj11:14
BootScout_A rebuilt Steady's minidlna for  Oneiric can be found HERE does not work11:14
lotuspsychjethe wiki is outdated too BootScout_11:15
BootScout_lotuspsychje:  then?11:15
BootScout_lotuspsychje:  should I go playing marbles?11:15
lotuspsychjeBootScout_: maybe some volunteer might know an alternative, perhaps like kodi?11:16
tomreyna6210: i'll have a look shortly11:17
a6210tomreyn: thanks!11:17
BootScout_lotuspsychje: thanks buddie11:17
tomreyna6210: hmm apparently this module causes an AMD-Vi page fault during firmware load, that's bad. maybe we need newer firmware. can you show the full dmesg?11:24
tomreyna6210: and see if you can find newer firmware, too11:24
a6210tomreyn: rebooted after that11:25
kreyren_How do you make it to not follow cursor? https://i.imgur.com/raDhYVJ.png11:27
a6210tomreyn: it seems no firmware for mt7612u https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git/tree/11:27
tomreyna6210: i'd still suggest to inspectthe full dmesg of your system running this upgraded kernel so as to identify other issues which may cause things to break there.11:28
a6210tomreyn: https://termbin.com/txnt11:30
a6210tomreyn: here https://wikidevi.com/wiki/Mt76 states that Negear a6210 (mt7612u) is supported11:33
jeremy31a6210: you might want to see if rocm works in 4.15 with https://github.com/RadeonOpenCompute/ROCm11:36
=== murthy is now known as phoenix_firebrd_
a6210jeremy31:ROCm seems to be working good on 4.20.611:37
tomreyna6210: so if you "sudo modprobe mt7612u", what happens exactly? are there any messages on screen?11:40
a6210tomreyn: modprobe: FATAL: Module mt7612u not found in directory /lib/modules/4.20.6-042006-generic11:40
=== phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as murthy
tomreyna6210: oh it's mt76, sorry11:41
tomreyna6210: sudo modprobe -v mt7611:41
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
a6210tomreyn: termbin not working?11:44
a6210tomreyn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VQJQ4w79BV/11:44
tomreyn!pastebinint | a621011:45
tomreyn!pastebinit | a621011:45
ubottua6210: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit11:45
tomreyna6210: whats the last few lines of dmesg now? anything about amd-vi issues?11:46
a6210tomreyn: nope.. nothing11:47
kreyren_How do you make it to not follow cursor? https://i.imgur.com/raDhYVJ.png11:48
vasanthi am running virtualbox on ubuntu i am unable to get the screen in vbox to fit the window width. when i try to  "insert  guest addition cd"  get an error - could not mount media/drive ... VERR_PDM_MEDIA_LOCKED11:49
vasanthis this the right forum to post for help on this ?11:49
tomreyna6210: unplauf all usb devices you don't strictly need, including the phone, then attach the dongle on the port the phone is currently on. then wait some 15 seconds and attach the phone on a different usb port.11:49
a6210tomreyn: ok.. will try11:49
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kreyren_vasanth: probably ask in #vbox they should know more info since this doesn't look like ubuntu issue to me11:50
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Jonsonhey hi guys11:51
tomreynvasanth: eject the guest additions iso from all other vms before you use it there.11:51
vasanth@kreyren_ thanks will do.11:51
vasanthcd media11:51
kreyren_what is the command to launch process monitor on ubuntu? Expected to make a shortcut11:51
Jonson<kreyren_> use top command and more better install htop11:52
kreyren_Jonson: it's backup OS and i want to use GUI11:52
Jonsonguys, i have busy box error11:52
Jonson<kreyren_> but it is work also ubuntu11:53
kreyren_Jonson: elabora?11:53
bunny3I've copied my clients public key into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the server but it's still asking for password. Did I miss anything?11:53
EriC^^bunny3: what's the /etc/ssh/sshd_config look like?11:53
EriC^^(on the server)11:54
Jonsoni have problem busy box kernal panic11:54
EriC^^Jonson: does it mention anything before the busybox?11:54
EriC^^kreyren_: ubuntu comes with a gui program called 'system monitor' that shows processes11:55
Jonson<EriC^^> when i was upgrade my system and reboot this error shown11:55
EriC^^Jonson: upgrade from versions or normal package upgrade?11:55
kreyren_EriC^^ i know, but i want to call it using a command11:55
EriC^^*from releases11:55
Jonson<EriC^^> like sudo apt-get upgrade11:55
a6210tomreyn: Needed a reboot again11:56
bunny3EriC^^: I read the whole file, it doesn't seem to enforce the use of a password11:56
EriC^^kreyren_: ok, look in /usr/share/applications/ for its desktop file, get the Exec= line11:56
kreyren_EriC^^ ty11:56
EriC^^bunny3: is pubkey authentication enabled?11:56
EriC^^kreyren_: np11:56
a6210tomreyn: relevant lines from dmesg: https://termbin.com/wj1a11:57
EriC^^bunny3: can you paste the file? you can remove any IP and port lines11:57
BootScout_hello I am trying to stream my ubuntu videos to tv using minidlna but I get error in most files because of the mp4 format as it is said in the help link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MiniDLNA (see troubleshooting) now I ve been trying to use kodi on a raspberry pi 3 OSMC  with the same result: error 403 when trying to play the videos...11:57
EriC^^Jonson: did you try a previous older kernel to see if that works?11:57
BootScout_is there any other way to stream my videos from ubuntu?11:57
a6210tomreyn: Phone wouldn-t work in second usb port neither on the first one after unpluggnis the Netgear.. after reboot phone works again11:58
Jonson<EriC^^> my pc is still show busy box error11:58
zaggynlBootScout_: plex comes to mind11:58
kreyren_Any way to unbind Ctrl+Alt+Del to reboot?11:58
kreyren_got it11:58
BootScout_zaggynl:  hmmm but that is the player isnt it?11:58
EriC^^Jonson: ok, try to see the exact error its saying before the busybox11:58
Jonsonguys i have pppoe connection and got wired unmanaged11:58
BootScout_zaggynl:  or the server?11:58
Jonson<EriC^^> BusyBox built-in shell (initramfs)” on every boot12:02
Jonsonanyway to make ubuntu fast as possible12:03
BootScout_zaggynl: ok it is a server...I am installing it now thanks12:03
a6210tomreyn: any idea?12:03
EriC^^Jonson: hmm can you boot a live usb on the affected system12:04
Jonson<EriC^^> what can i do reinstall it12:05
tomreyna6210: hmm, not really. you could try a different kernel version. back to the latest 4.19 or up to the latest 5.0rc12:05
a6210tomreyn: ok.. meanwhile I wrote to the developer who committed the usb part of this driver12:05
a6210tomreyn: thank you very much for your time12:05
Jonsonwhat is pp0 connection in ubuntu12:06
tomreynyou're welcome12:07
domacikolaciJonson: isnt that like, and eth name for one of ur NICs?12:07
EriC^^Jonson: do you have a live usb?12:07
Jonson<EriC^^> i am boot ubuntu from usb using yumi12:08
Jonson<EriC^^> i am using ubuntu 18.04 and i upgrade my system and then error shown12:08
coconutIs there any laptop brand which always give problems running linux?12:08
domacikolacidont think so these days dude12:09
domacikolaciLenovo would be ur best bet tho for most gaurenteed to work12:09
EriC^^Jonson: type "sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999"12:10
Jonson<EriC^^> thank you bro it is working you are awsome12:11
zaggynlBootScout_: install plex client on tv if possible, dlna should work but client is better12:12
BootScout_zaggynl:  what about kodi? is there a plex addon for kodi?12:12
Jonson<BootScout it is free open-source media player12:14
EriC^^Jonson: what?12:15
Jonson<EriC^^> it is working12:15
EriC^^what is?12:15
Jonson<EriC^^> i type command and reboot12:15
EriC^^ubuntu booted or the command gave a link you mean/12:15
Jonson<EriC^^> yes but all upgrades are gone12:15
EriC^^Jonson: the command i gave does nothing, it shows the partition table and gives a link12:16
EriC^^Jonson: are you sure it's not the live usb that booted again?12:16
Jonson<EriC^^> my my pc is rebooted12:17
Jonson<EriC^^> i format ext4 /dev/sda1 and reinstall12:17
denisbrHi People, I have a Ubuntu 16.04 on Lightsail instance (Amazon) and I´m trying  load the mysql 5.7 service, but I get the error: Process: 6540 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/mysql start (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE .... I can´t use the mysql. Anybody can Help me?12:18
denisbrThe log message from systemctl is https://pastebin.com/y95Ypp9212:20
towchey all! I'm looking for a tool that allows me to freeze processes by names without me worrying about where the memory is going to end up. Anything comes to mind?12:22
tomreyndenisbr: inspect the mysql server log file12:23
towcfor example, I'd do `frez chrom`, and `unfrez chrom`, and that's it, no other middle steps or checks12:23
towchopefully in a way that doesn't pollute the local directory12:23
towcif I forget to unfreeze12:23
denisbrtomreyn, the log is not on the systemctl ?12:24
tomreyndenisbr: ubuntu packages write log files to /var/log/12:24
tomreyntowc: you can use pgrep to the the PIDs of processes of a given name, and use the kill command to send the SIGSTOP and SIGCONT signals to them. is this what you're after?12:30
tomreyni don't understand how "pollute the local directory" comes into play there.12:30
towcthat prevents cpu usage, but doesn't free up memory12:30
tomreynor what the overall prupose is12:31
towcthe pollution is for tools like DMTCP, that create temporry files in the current directory12:31
towcmaybe there's a way to configure it not to do it, but it already seems to be overcomplicating things12:32
towcmy usecase is that I sometimes have various browsers open, which are consuming a lot of ram12:32
towcand sometimes I want to open other stuff that consumes a lot of ram, and know that I won't be using one of the browsers for a while, but I'd like it to keep its current state12:32
tomreynDMTCP has a much broader / dfferent purpose12:33
towcright, so what's the right tool for the job here?12:33
tomreynclosing and restarting the browser after configuring it to save and restore its state, i'd say.12:33
towchow about something general purpose?12:34
towcvlc is something else I'll want to suspend12:34
towcand there's local state I'd like the browser to keep12:34
towcalthough it's not vital12:35
tomreynpersonally i'd just try to make use i use applications which don't consume many cpu cycles while i'm not using them.12:36
tomreynthe ram allocation wont change with what you do anyways.12:36
tomreynand not all applications may handle the situation of being stopped (and continued) gracefully.12:37
towcwell, only considering the ones that behave well then12:37
towcI bet there's something12:37
towcmaybe I can just increase my swap partition by a lot12:38
towcand let the kernel handle the rest12:38
towcand manually, I just stop/cont them12:38
tomreyntowc: swapis about ram, not about cpu12:38
towcagain, I'm not worried about cpu12:38
superherointjWhat is the LATEST recommended method for configuring the network in Ubuntu? It used to be "/etc/network/interfaces", then "/etc/netplan", now what? Right now my netplan configuration is basically empty and my computer is getting network information from somewhere. I wonder how it works! Ubuntu docs are in conflict.12:39
towcthat is solvable by stop/cont12:39
tomreyntowc: then why do you stop processes? it wont help with ram allocation12:39
towcI want to free up ram for other processes12:39
towcand ideally swap space too12:39
towcbut as I'm saying it, I'm realising, again, that maybe I just want a bigger swap partition12:39
tomreyntowc: that's a very different goal than you started with12:39
maeudHi, does anyone have a working partman partition recipe for lvm, crypto and efi?12:40
towcactually, can stopped processes have their memory sent to swap?12:40
maeudon Xenial12:40
maeudy preseed works fine on Bionic, with Xenial it doesn't load the initramfs12:41
tomreynmaeud: does it report some error then?12:41
maeudit doesn't, blank screen only when booting regular, when I try to go into recovery or normal advanced it gets stuck at loading the initramfs12:42
tomreynmaeud: that's 16.04.5?12:42
superherointjUbuntu way of configuration network is really confusing.12:43
maeudIt's either 16.04.1 or xerus tomreyn12:43
maeudI've got all the ISO's and forgot which one I've extracted, let me see if I can figure out which one12:44
tomreynmaeud: 16.04.x is codenamed xenial xerus. so it can't be one or the other.12:44
smile_hello bro12:44
tomreynmaeud: use the latest point releases12:44
maeudOK, I thought 16.04.1 is Xenial and 16.04.5 is Xenial Xerus12:44
maeudpoint releases?12:45
smile_who hackers in here?12:45
tomreyn!ot | smile_12:45
ubottusmile_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:45
maeudtomreyn: it was ubuntu-16.04.5-server-amd64.iso12:46
smile_oke oke bro12:46
tomreynmaeud: 16.04.1 is the first "point release" of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS "Xenial Xerus"12:46
smile_who from indonesian12:46
maeudI'm using the 16.04.5 one then12:46
tomreynsmile_: only ubuntu support here, other chant can go to #ubuntu-offtopic12:46
maeudso I should use 16.04.1 then?12:46
tomreynmaeud: no, you should be using 16.04.5, which is the latest 16.04 point release to date.12:47
smile_can i install some games in ubuntu buddy?12:47
maeudok, how do I troubleshoot this? It installs fine and I can load up the disk in gparted and see the EFI partition12:47
maeudbut it just doesn't boot12:48
denisbrtomreyn, See, pleae, the log content https://pastebin.com/BWqQefhB12:49
smile_hey maeud come to private msg12:49
lotuspsychjesmile_: stop it please12:49
maeudsmile_: you'll get better help asking here12:49
smile_i learning in here bro12:49
tomreynmaeud: there are some kernel / initrd parameters you can pass to get more output, such as text, verbose. you can also specifyx "break" to drop into initramfs so you can inspect the situation there.12:50
lotuspsychjesmile_: you can learn in silence, only chat here if you have an ubuntu question12:50
smile_how to connect to internet (wifi) in ubuntu bro?12:50
maeudI'll google for them, thanks tomreyn12:50
tomreyndenisbr: this is just a partial log, it doesn't show a full mysql start or stop12:51
smile_how bro?12:52
lotuspsychje!patience | smile_12:52
ubottusmile_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/12:52
tomreyn!text | maeud12:52
ubottumaeud: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode12:52
smile_oke ubottu , thanks12:52
smile_im quit12:52
denisbrtomreyn, this is log complete!12:53
tomreynmaeud: also remove "quiet" and "splash"12:53
tomreyndenisbr: https://pastebin.com/raw/y95Ypp92 suggests you statrted the mysql server at 12:10:05, the log you posted now is from 12:02:52, so before this. this suggests that the log file you posted was not written to when starting mysqld failed. do you have a more recently timestamped /var/log/mysql.err file or /var/log/mysql/mysql.err file?12:57
tomreyndenisbr: check also in the mysql data directory which defaults to /var/lib/mysql12:57
lotuspsychje!ops | smile_ bad news12:59
ubottusmile_ bad news: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax12:59
denisbrtomreyn, the files /var/log/mysql.err, /var/log/mysql/mysql.err don´t exists13:00
denisbrin the /var/lib/mysql folder I have the content: aria_log_control  ib_logfile0           mysql debian-10.0.flag  ib_logfile1           performance_schema aria_log.00000001  ibdata1           ip-172-26-14-140.err13:02
=== zeroone is now known as NoCash
BluesKaj'Morning all13:06
tomreyndenisbr: look at ip-172-26-14-140.err13:10
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tomreynsuperherointj: such changes are discussed in release notes.13:14
tomreynsuperherointj: do you read release notes?13:14
superherointjtomreyn, I cannot read everything. I am trying to find what is the current state of affairs. But I've found already 3 different articles. Saying how to do the same thing: '/etc/network/', '/etc/netplan/', '/etc/systemd/network/'13:16
superherointjAnd then now, a friend told me of "nmcli".13:16
zeropointNetworkManager is commonly used for "desktop" systems - i.e. those with a graphical environment installed.13:16
zeropointnmcli is the CLI utility to configure that. That's also nothing new.13:16
superherointjWhat is the LATEST recommended method for configuring the network in Ubuntu?13:17
zeropointAre you using a graphical environment?13:18
BluesKajand most wifi systems are easier to configure with network-manager13:18
zeropointThen that would be NetworkManager, as it has been for years.13:18
superherointjI need to create a VLAN on a LAN port and a Bridge to bridge KVM VMs to it.13:18
denisbrtomreyn, well, I see that the port 3306 is used by other program. I´m looking the mysql installations!13:20
tomreynsuperherointj: the latest ubuntu releas eis 18.10. there, and on all supported previous releases, the desktop network configuration is via network manager.13:22
tomreyn... by default13:23
superherointjAnd what about the server version?13:23
superherointjWhich method should be used for Ubuntu-Server?13:23
zeropointCurrent versions will use netplan.13:24
superherointjWill it change again?13:24
zeropointI'm sure it will eventually.13:25
superherointjTo SystemD-network?13:25
tomreynsuperherointj: anyone who runs ubuntu server and is serious about it surely reads release notes, ideally administration manuals, too, and won't say "I cannot read everything" when prompted to do so.13:25
zeropointnetplan is a frontend to systemd-networkd by default on servers.13:25
=== aurolac_ is now known as aurolac
zeropointI, personally, cut out the middleman and use systemd-networkd directly.13:26
SwedeMikeI personally find it annoying that ubuntu switches up how networking is done every LTS release.13:26
superherointjIf I happen to configure my network using systemd-networkd, will netplan replace my configuration?13:26
BluesKajnetplan just seems to point to network-manager13:27
tomreynSwedeMike: then it's good that this is not the case.13:27
zeropointBluesKaj: On desktops, yes. On servers, it's systemd-networkd.13:28
BluesKajzeropoint, I see13:28
zeropointsuperherointj: If you want to use systemd-networkd directly, remove the netplan configuration that touches that interface.13:28
superherointjRight, thanks for the answers.13:30
zeropointI'm not sure how things will behave if you're using netplan - which controls networkd - and networkd directly at the same time.13:31
ZackTechwhen I copy file to a location I can't see them in file manager how do I fix that?13:31
zeropointI would, if possible, opt for one OR the other.13:31
zeropointSwedeMike: I agree in general, but I'm pretty much fine with the netplan/networkd transition in this case.13:32
zeropointSwedeMike: They're my preferred tools anyway.13:32
denisbrtomreyn, My problem is solved... Thanks a lot for help me :-)13:37
tomreyndenisbr: you'Re welcome, what was it?13:38
SlayerGouryHey, I just updated 16.04 -> 18.04 and now every time I lock my unity screen language switching stops working13:39
SlayerGouryif I go to input settings and reset key combo it starts working until I lock my screen again13:40
denisbrtomreyn, duplicate install with mysql and mariadb :$13:40
SlayerGouryWTF am I supposed to do with this?13:40
tomreyndenisbr: hehe, no comment13:40
denisbrtomreyn, yes!13:41
lotuspsychjeSlayerGoury: is your system up to date?13:41
SlayerGourylotuspsychje: seems so to me13:41
lotuspsychjeSlayerGoury: no apt errors?13:41
SlayerGouryis apt update && apt upgrade enough to make sure?13:42
lotuspsychjeSlayerGoury: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade13:42
SlayerGourylotuspsychje: k, I'll do it right now13:42
SlayerGouryso far seems there's a lot of autoremovable stuff left13:43
SlayerGourycan this cause such an issue?13:43
lotuspsychjeSlayerGoury: its always good to listen what apt has to say13:43
tomreynSlayerGoury: please also post the link returned by "ubuntu-support-status --show-unsupported | nc termbin.com 9999"13:43
SlayerGouryit says i can autoremove those, but doesn't say it's bad to have it13:44
SlayerGourytomreyn: UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 0-5: ordinal not in range(128)13:45
SlayerGouryhehe, should do better than this =)13:45
SlayerGouryI myself a python developer, I can fix this13:46
tomreynSlayerGoury: interesting, i've never seen this one.13:46
SlayerGourybe right back13:46
tomreynnot as an output of this script, that is.13:46
SlayerGouryFile "/usr/bin/ubuntu-support-status", line 180, in <module>13:46
SlayerGouryprint(_("Support status summary of '%s':") % os.uname()[1])13:46
SlayerGourynow you see it13:46
tomreynbut why ascii?13:47
SlayerGourytomreyn: how shoul'd I know? Twasn't my decision.13:48
SlayerGouryhmm.. shouldn't put a "'" in a "should"13:48
tomreynSlayerGoury: what's your locale there? a non utf-8 one?13:49
lotuspsychjeSlayerGoury: you had external ppa's enabled? like ubuntu-tweak is old..13:49
SlayerGourytomreyn: is this illegal to have non-unicode locale sometimes?13:50
tomreynSlayerGoury: :) not that i know of, it's just very unusual these days.13:50
SlayerGourylotuspsychje: I had, but I don't think I do now13:50
SlayerGourytomreyn: I don't mind being unusual, especially if it helps finding rare well-hidden bugs13:50
tomreynSlayerGoury: did your upgrade actually succeed, or did it fail half way through?13:51
SlayerGourytomreyn: yeah, it hanged right at the very end, but I killed that faulty service and it seemed to work after that13:52
SlayerGouryfull-upgrade seems don't have any upgrades for me13:53
SlayerGoury*English, a tricky language =)13:53
tomreynSlayerGoury: can you post the url returned by  "sudo /bin/true && nc termbin.com 9999 < <( cat /proc/version /proc/cmdline /etc/os-release; sudo apt-get update; apt-cache policy; apt-get dist-upgrade --simulate -Vy;)13:53
SlayerGouryhmm.. this command seems scary13:54
lotuspsychjehe's trying to help you SlayerGoury13:54
tomreynSlayerGoury: your systems' state looks scary13:54
SlayerGourylotuspsychje: <313:55
tomreynSlayerGoury: you can run these one by one if you prefer ;-)13:55
SlayerGouryI'll learn what this command does first =)13:55
SlayerGourySeems not too unsafe13:58
SlayerGourytomreyn: https://termbin.com/6l9h13:58
SlayerGouryshould I switch my locale from cyrillic temporary?13:58
maeudtomreyn: Is there anything I'm missing from this entry https://i.imgur.com/c2G3Tqm.png13:59
maeudI've removed splash quiet and set gfx mode to text13:59
tomreynSlayerGoury: no for this output, but for the next ones that'd be useful.13:59
maeudbut when I try to boot, it still sits on a black screen13:59
SlayerGourytomreyn: <313:59
tomreynSlayerGoury: do you use the lowlatency kernel on purpose?14:01
tomreyn(there are people who don't , so i'm asking)14:01
SlayerGourytomreyn: no, just installed it some time ago for no reason =)14:02
SlayerGouryis it bad?14:02
tomreyni wouldn't recommend using it unless you have a specific need14:02
maeud"rootdelay=5 panic=10 debug ignore_loglevel" also produces a black output :/14:03
SlayerGouryhmm.. seems I'm using it as a defaul one right now, this wasn't a case few days ago14:03
SlayerGouryBut how do I uninstall it properly?14:03
maeudbreak=y also same14:04
tomreynmaeud: on your grub menu editor screenshot, is  root=/dev/mapper/ubuntu-ubuntu correct? i'm just wondering about the names.14:05
tomreynSlayerGoury: apt purge the ones installed (ii) here: dpkg -l linux-*-lowlatency*14:06
tomreynSlayerGoury: and apt install linux-generic14:06
SlayerGourytomreyn: I bet I have generic linux also somewhere =)14:07
maeudtomreyn: they've been generated from the installer process so I'd assume so14:08
SlayerGouryYet I doubt lowlatency kernel can cause an issue with keyboard layout switcher14:09
tomreynmaeud: generally it looks like it could / should work, my default grub menuentry (18.04) doesn't look very different14:10
tomreynSlayerGoury: i think the keyboard layout switcher is one of the lesser issues this system currently has14:11
tomreynSlayerGoury: i suggest you apt --purge autoremove, unless you still need some of the configurations of the packages it wants to remove.14:11
lotuspsychjeSlayerGoury: we also try to work systematic here, first an updated system with an errorless apt :p14:12
maeud_got dc'd tomreyn, I'll have a look at the names14:13
tomreynmaeud: it suggests you have a lvm2 volume group names "ubuntu" with an LV "ubuntu" containing the root file system14:13
tomreynmaeud_: maybe you could also show the preseed configuration?14:15
maeud_tomreyn here's the partitioning section: https://pastebin.com/raw/6VcZewXz14:16
maeud_sda | sda1 (1M) | sda2 (244M) | sda3 (488M) | sda4 (149.3G)14:19
SlayerGouryIt doesn't want to uninstall my active lowlatency kernel14:22
tomreynmaeud_: does it do the swap, too?14:22
SlayerGouryseems I'll have to reboot with high latency one14:22
vegard1992=D https://i.imgflip.com/2szmai.jpg14:23
tomreynSlayerGoury: you can boot into the standard one and remove it then.14:23
lotuspsychjenot here vegard199214:23
tomreyn!ot | vegard199214:23
ubottuvegard1992: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:23
SlayerGourytomreyn: can you please remind me how do I set up grub2 to use generic one by default?14:23
tomreynSlayerGoury: you can just pick it manually once during next boot, by repeatedly hitting escape to bring up the boot menu, going to "advanced" and selecting the latest non 'lowlatency' kernel.14:24
SlayerGourytomreyn: sure, but I'd love to have it on the default line14:25
tomreyn...and then once the lowlatency one is purged, you'll have the grub menu updated and booting the latest (non lowlatecy) kernel anyways14:25
tomreynSlayerGoury: you can also use grub-set-default, but this could complicate matters right now so i'd recommend overriding the target manually once14:26
SlayerGouryhmm.. k, I'll go try that14:26
SlayerGourywe'll se how fast my top-grade SSD will let me to reboot14:27
maeud_tomreyn:  the issue might be the mountpoint I've set for /boot/efi14:29
maeud_shouldn't it just be /boot14:29
maeud_so mount the EFI partition on top of boot14:29
tomreynmaeud_: /boot/efi is correct for the ESP14:30
tomreynmaeud_: the kernel and initrd should go on /boot, which shiuld be ext414:31
SlayerGouryso it hanged on splash for a reason unbeknown to me14:32
=== aurolac_ is now known as aurolac
SlayerGourythen I removed quiet and splash options and it took just 10 seconds to boot14:32
maeud_does the order matter tomreyn?14:33
maeud_in the preseed14:33
maeud_I have /boot/efi first then /boot14:33
* SlayerGoury is continuing purging low latency kernels14:33
tomreynmaeud_: i don't really know14:34
Sven_vBhi! I'm trying to make ureadahead not cache my secret files (like SSH private keys). is there a way to configure excludes, or should I just mask it? I thought of uninstalling it but my config manager isn't smsrt enough to install "all of ubuntu-minimal except…".14:35
tomreynmaeud_: probably not, the ESP is usually before /boot14:35
SlayerGourytomreyn: so I'm on higher latency kernel right now and keyboard layut switching still stops working as soon as I lock my screen14:35
maeud_I have attached the disk to a VM and can have a poke around if you can point me in the right direction tomreyn14:35
tomreynSlayerGoury: okay, you can purge those packages and their configurations now, and then we can have a fresh look at your system state14:35
SlayerGourytomreyn: which ones?14:36
tomreynSlayerGoury: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get --purge autoremove14:36
tomreynSlayerGoury: also remove the lowlatency kernel packages, yes14:36
tomreynthis is manual14:36
SlayerGourythere'sn't any lowlatency kernel package in my system right now14:37
tomreyn<tomreyn> SlayerGoury: apt purge the ones installed (ii) here: dpkg -l linux-*-lowlatency*14:37
tomreynmaeud_: hmm i'd say you can "sudo update-initramfs -k all -c" and see whether any errors or warininfgs are printed14:38
tomreynmaeud_: maybe also install any pending updates14:38
tomreynSlayerGoury: do you have packages pending automatic removal still, though?14:39
SlayerGourytomreyn: yup, can I apt autoremove --purge em instead?14:40
SlayerGouryI really don't like apt-get for no reason14:40
tomreynSlayerGoury: yes you can, if you add sudo14:41
maeud_tomreyn: the efi folder under /boot doesn't exist14:41
maeud_I have to manually make it then mount, could that be it?14:42
SlayerGourytomreyn: will # do?14:42
maeud_when I mount that partition to efi it creates EFI14:42
maeud_so /boot/efi/EFI14:42
tomreynmaeud_: oops, weird. so maybe you do need to change the ordering. but this seems wrong to me, maybe there's some other approach that will work.14:42
tomreynSlayerGoury: i don't understand "#"14:43
SlayerGourytomreyn: it's # that replaces $ when I go superuser =)14:43
tomreynSlayerGoury: oh working as root user is going to succeed as well14:43
SlayerGouryI love having options =)14:44
tomreynmaeud_: right,t he ESP contains a fat file system with nothing but an "EFI" directory on the top directory level.14:44
SlayerGourySo I got a warning that /lib/modules/4.15.0-43-generic isn't empty14:44
tomreynhi teamspeakuser14:45
SlayerGouryAnd so is /var/lib/apparmor14:45
SlayerGouryshould I try to reboot now?14:45
tomreynSlayerGoury: /var/lib/apparmor should not exist. does "dpkg -S /var/lib/apparmor" list packages which still provide files there? which kernel are you running now (cat /proc/version) ?14:46
tomreynSlayerGoury: does "dpkg -S /lib/modules/4.15.0-43-generic" list packages which still provide files there?14:46
tomreynmaeud_: so /boot/efi/EFI is the standard file system structure you'll see on a UEFI booted system14:47
tomreyns/file system structure/directory hierarchy/14:48
tomreynSlayerGoury: outdated proprietary nvidia drivers could be a reason for the boot to hang on splash14:50
tomreyn"sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall" would install all the latest proprietary drivers available for your hardware components for which automatic installation is available.14:51
SlayerGourytomreyn: dpkg can't find anything, there's just empty profiles dir14:51
SlayerGourysame with generic14:52
tomreynSlayerGoury: what do yo mean by "empty profiles dir"?14:52
SlayerGourytomreyn: /var/lib/apparmor/profiles/14:52
SlayerGouryit contains just . and .. files, seems empty to me14:53
tomreynSlayerGoury: sudo rmdir /var/lib/apparmor/profiles; sudo rmdir /var/lib/apparmor14:53
SlayerGourycan I rm -r instead?14:54
stefon a new install without ntpd or chrony, network configured through netplan using dhcp, is it possible to get time synced with the ntp servers provided through dhcp ?14:54
stef(without configuring them manually?)14:54
tomreynmaeud_: maybe ask in #ubuntu-server again, i'm not sure how to diagnose this properly, out of ideas right now.14:54
tomreynSlayerGoury: sure14:54
SlayerGoury /lib/modules/4.15.0-43-generic seems to be nonexistent14:54
tomreynSlayerGoury: maybe it was remov3ed after the message was printed, that's not unusual14:55
SlayerGouryokay.. is 390.77 outdated already?14:56
tomreynSlayerGoury: my watch shows 15:5614:56
tomreynSlayerGoury: i.e. please provide more context.14:57
SlayerGourytomreyn: I'm in GMT+2 right now14:58
SlayerGouryis nvidia driver version 390.77 outdated already?14:58
tomreyn!info nvidia-driver-390 bionic14:59
ubottunvidia-driver-390 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-390): NVIDIA driver metapackage. In component restricted, is optional. Version 390.77-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 (bionic), package size 369 kB, installed size 1071 kB14:59
tomreynapparently it's the one bionic (ubuntu 18.04) provides15:00
tomreynwhich kernel are you running now (cat /proc/version) ?15:02
SlayerGourytomreyn: looks like Linux version 4.15.0-45-generic (buildd@lgw01-amd64-031) (gcc version 7.3.0 (Ubuntu 7.3.0-16ubuntu3)) #48-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jan 29 16:28:13 UTC 201915:04
tomreynSlayerGoury: sounds goodm, that's the 18.04.1 GA kernel.15:05
SlayerGouryI'll probably try to reboot now to see how things'll go15:05
=== nat_ is now known as Natkeeran
SlayerGouryTook a bit longer to boot =(15:07
SlayerGouryAnd now my compiz doesn't seem to be working T_T15:07
SlayerGouryOr just some plugins15:08
tomreynSlayerGoury: can we have another round of: ubuntu-support-status --show-unsupported | nc termbin.com 999915:08
SlayerGourysame shit happens to layout switching on locking screen15:08
tomreynSlayerGoury: also, if you don't ind posting dmesg, please do.15:09
SlayerGouryif only I can remember what to do with dmesg15:09
tomreyndmesg | nc termbin.com 999915:10
teamspeakuserhey does someone here use irssi as client?15:10
tomreynteamspeakuser: pools don't usually get you far here. you have 1437 (mostly) people here, chances are someone will, what is your actual question.15:11
lotuspsychjeteamspeakuser: there's also an #irssi channel15:11
SlayerGourytomreyn: I do LANG=en_US.utf8 ubuntu-support-status --show-unsupported but it looks like this: https://termbin.com/x2h115:12
tomreynnot en_US.utf815:13
tomreynand better export it15:13
tomreynexport LANG=en_US.UTF-815:13
tomreynubuntu-support-status --show-unsupported | nc termbin.com 999915:13
teamspeakuser@tomreyn oh yea youre right ill just join the irssi channel and ask there :) ty @lotus15:14
tomreynteamspeakuser: you're welcome, but this was lotus' good suggestion ;)15:14
rayrayDo printers that communicate over an ethernet port still require drivers?15:15
SlayerGourylocale -a says I have en_US.utf815:15
SlayerGouryrayray: I bet the answer is either yes or sometimes15:15
tomreynrayray: all of them require drivers. do they still require you to install those? sometimes yes, sometimes no.15:15
rayraywhy if over tcp/ip and some printer protocol?15:16
SlayerGouryexport LANG=en_US.UTF-8 doesn't seem to change anything15:16
hyperion101010people why am i getting this error , hyperion@hyperion:~/mesa.git$ sudo apt-get build-dep mesa Reading package lists... Done E: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list15:17
hyperion101010i do know i have to add some url , but don't know which and how15:17
hyperion101010anyone knows how to solve this15:18
tomreynSlayerGoury: grep -Ev '^(#.*|)$' /etc/locale.gen15:18
SlayerGouryen_US.UTF-8 UTF-815:19
SlayerGouryru_RU.UTF-8 UTF-815:19
tomreynSlayerGoury: so those two should work then, normally. nit sure why it doesn't15:19
tomreynSlayerGoury: maybe try LANG=C15:20
SlayerGouryneither am I15:20
SlayerGouryUnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 0-5: ordinal not in range(128)15:20
tomreynSlayerGoury: or just post it as it is, doesn't matter15:20
ioriahyperion101010, you need to enable the  'source' repo for main   in  /etc/apt/sources.list15:20
tomreynhyperion101010: deb-src15:21
tomreynhyperion101010: is this a graphical desktop?15:21
hyperion101010how can i do that tomreyn15:21
ioriahyperion101010,    deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-updates main    (change the version and if you want add universe and multiverse)15:22
tomreynhyperion101010: press Alt-F2, type this: software-properties-gtk15:22
SlayerGourytomreyn: already did, https://termbin.com/x2h115:22
tomreynhyperion101010: and tick "Source code"15:22
SlayerGourythere's shit ton on unsupported and unavailable packages15:23
lotuspsychjeSlayerGoury: please mind the language in the official support channels15:24
SlayerGourylotuspsychje: <3 okay15:24
lotuspsychjeSlayerGoury: why dont you just clean up your system?15:25
hyperion101010i have followed the instructions , and it is updating now15:25
tomreynSlayerGoury: yes, your upgrade did not go well. you need to purge all the packages in the "Недоступны" section15:25
SlayerGourythere's hundreds of unsupported and unavailable packages15:25
SlayerGourylotuspsychje: I'm not sure how to clean it properly15:25
SlayerGourytomreyn: is there any easy way to do so?15:26
lotuspsychjeSlayerGoury: just follow the directions apt gives you, doesnt it say to apt autoremove?15:26
ioriaSlayerGoury, if you use unity, that's normal15:26
ioriaSlayerGoury, it's no more in 'main' but in 'universe'15:26
tomreynioria: unavailable packages installed? no.15:26
SlayerGourylotuspsychje: I already autoremoved everything autoremovable15:27
tomreynioria: unsupported packages installed, yes15:27
lotuspsychjeSlayerGoury: can you pastebin: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade ?15:28
ioriatomreyn, how do you spell  unavailable in russian  ? :þ15:28
tomreynSlayerGoury: you can use this script to list packages to remove in a little more parseable output: https://github.com/tomreyn/scripts#foreign_packages15:28
SlayerGourylotuspsychje: sure15:28
tomreynioria: "Недоступны"15:28
SlayerGouryuniverse repo seems to be enabled15:28
ioriatomreyn, oh, yes  i see the vivid kernel15:29
ioriaSlayerGoury, maybe you need some house cleaning15:30
SlayerGourylotuspsychje: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pC7mFkg6Zk/15:30
SlayerGouryioria: I also need some instrucions15:31
lotuspsychjeSlayerGoury: bleachbit your whole system :p15:31
lotuspsychje!info bleachbit | SlayerGoury15:31
ubottuSlayerGoury: bleachbit (source: bleachbit): delete unnecessary files from the system. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0-2 (bionic), package size 316 kB, installed size 2003 kB15:31
tomreynbleachbit wont remove unavailable packages, will it?15:31
lotuspsychjewell it surely will remove all kinds of stuff15:32
tomreynit may help cleaning up the home directory, yes15:32
SlayerGourysounds scary15:32
SlayerGouryI'll go make a backup or two15:32
ioriaSlayerGoury,  sudo apt purge linux-image-3.13.0-{27,29,30,40,43,44,45,48,49}-generic15:33
SlayerGouryioria: but i loooove linux soooo much =)15:33
SlayerGourynot sure how it got there15:34
tomreynSlayerGoury: by not showing your love enough.15:35
tomreynSlayerGoury: you could also consider a fresh installation. apparently this system has gone through many upgrade rounds, and a fresh install would give you better defaults and a clean slate. but either is possible.15:37
SlayerGourytomreyn: I prefer to not go MS-way with my Ubuntu15:54
SlayerGouryI haven't reinstalled it since 7.0415:54
lotuspsychje: o15:54
SlayerGouryIt still works15:55
SlayerGouryjust not as good as before15:55
lotuspsychjebleachbit that box :p15:55
lotuspsychjeyour gonna need a few hours15:55
SlayerGouryI have time til next morning15:56
leftyfbSlayerGoury: I reinstall from scratch every time. No matter the OS, there is always cruft. There are always packages you installed for some reason at the time but never used. An upgrade will always run slower than a fresh install.15:56
tomreynSlayerGoury: so 12 years go, this is gonna be old hardware.15:56
leftyfbI reinstall takes under 10 minutes.15:56
tomreynSlayerGoury: ext3 -> ext4 is a nice improvement.15:57
SlayerGourytomreyn: I upgrade my hardware some times15:57
SlayerGouryI'm on ext415:57
tomreyni doubt 7.04 gave you ext415:58
leftyfbit didn't15:58
leftyfbext4 was released on linux in 200815:58
SlayerGouryI upgraded it later15:58
SlayerGouryaround 14.04 IIRC15:58
tomreynupgrading is only partially possible, but yeah, kind of works.15:59
leftyfbman, your machine must run like molasses15:59
leftyfbIt's funny you say you don't want to go the "MS-way". Yet, 12 years of throwing upgrades and fixes on top of stuff is exactly how their OS is made.16:00
tomreynSlayerGoury: your choice, i'm not going to try and convince you. but also don't want to spend *that* much more time on it. you do know the way forward, right?16:01
SlayerGouryleftyfb: not really16:01
SlayerGourytomreyn: I love spending time with my loved ones, Ubuntu included16:02
tomreynSlayerGoury: hardware and software are neither wine nor whiskey, though, don't get better when they grow older.16:03
SlayerGourytomreyn: this is why I upgrade em both sometimes16:05
tomreynas you wish16:07
SlayerGouryseems I don't have any unsupported packages left in my system16:11
SlayerGouryBut some unavailable are still there16:11
lotuspsychjeSlayerGoury: after doing what?16:13
SlayerGourylotuspsychje: after doing a bleach bit16:14
SlayerGouryshould I try to reboot now?16:15
lotuspsychjeSlayerGoury: did you enable all scans?16:15
SlayerGouryI enabled all that make sense16:15
lotuspsychjeSlayerGoury: how many gig did it free?16:16
SlayerGouryI don't think cleaning my browser's history will do any good for this issue16:16
SlayerGouryabout 4.616:16
lotuspsychjeSlayerGoury: enable apt stuff too?16:16
SlayerGouryall of it16:16
lotuspsychjeSlayerGoury: how about deep scan and system?16:17
SlayerGourysome of it too16:17
lotuspsychjeSlayerGoury: allright, try a reboot yes16:17
OerHeksusing bleachbit and still using the browser?16:17
lotuspsychjeits a long story OerHeks :p16:17
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: <SlayerGoury> I haven't reinstalled it since 7.0416:18
OerHeksoh, too much changes in the time past.16:19
SlayerGouryrebooted, same problem16:20
lotuspsychjeSlayerGoury: can we see your sources.list too in a pastebin?16:20
SlayerGouryworks great until I lock screen and then layout isn't switching anymore16:20
SlayerGourylotuspsychje: which one?16:21
lotuspsychjeSlayerGoury: switching to..?16:21
SlayerGourythere's a lot of that stuff16:21
lotuspsychjeSlayerGoury: all of them16:21
SlayerGouryswitching to a different locale16:21
SlayerGourymouseclicky switcher worksm but keyboard combo doesn't16:21
pagioshi guuys, i have 2 monitors on my pc, is there a way to create a virtual monitor3? for me to have 3 monitors?16:22
pagiosi am using gnome16:22
xubuntuпо руссишу16:22
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest33465
Guest33465есть кто шпарит16:22
Guest33465хубинти же16:22
Guest33465норм было16:22
OerHeks!ru | Guest3346516:22
ubottuGuest33465: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.16:22
SlayerGouryЯ шарю, но у меня раскладка не переключается16:23
OerHekspagios, on ubuntu gnome, you can switch virtual desktops, yes16:23
OerHekshold windows key, and the panel appears16:23
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pagiosOerHeks, i am able to switch up and down only16:24
pagiosi need left and right16:24
SlayerGourythere's a lot of files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/, but it doesn't seem my apt is using any of those right now16:24
Guest33465 /join #ubuntu-ru16:24
lotuspsychjelooks rather clean SlayerGoury16:25
OerHekspagios, gnome-tweak-tool can expand workspaces16:25
Guest33465не заходит16:26
fleabeard/join #ubuntu-ru16:26
Guest33465как это делается16:26
SlayerGourylotuspsychje: why does it not work then?16:26
Guest33465еще один русский16:26
OerHeksGuest33465, stop it please, you know howto join #ubuntu-ru16:26
lotuspsychjeSlayerGoury: not sure, im not the locales expert16:27
SlayerGouryGuest33465: don't use abusive language here please16:27
Guest33465парни i am sorry16:27
Guest33465one day16:27
Guest33465first day16:27
SlayerGourylotuspsychje: locales seems fine, it's something with either keyboard hotkey management or something else related to me pressing alt+shift16:28
tgm4883SlayerGoury: can you restate your issue again?16:28
SlayerGourytgm4883: as soon as I lock my unity screen, alt+shift stops working. It starts working again if I go to input settings, clear it out and put it back in there.16:29
lotuspsychjetgm4883: its after an lts upgrade xenial+=>bionic16:29
SlayerGouryit was fine before16:29
tgm4883SlayerGoury: Just so I'm understanding. You lock the screen, log back in and alt+shift no longer works?16:29
SlayerGouryit stops working on the lock screen, it doesn't start working after unlocking16:30
tgm4883SlayerGoury: other custom keyboard shortcuts work though?16:30
SlayerGouryusing mouse to change layout works, but it's not very convenient16:30
SlayerGouryhaven't tried others.. will do so right now16:30
ioriaSlayerGoury, try  Win + back space16:31
SlayerGouryK, cleared, set ctrl+shift, works16:31
SlayerGourylocking screen16:31
SlayerGouryDidn't work on the lock screen, but does work after unlocking!16:32
SlayerGourytrying super+backspace16:32
ioriaSlayerGoury, to to switch layouts16:32
SlayerGourysame as with ctrl+shift16:32
SlayerGouryback to alt+shift, cleared, set it, working16:33
SlayerGourynow locking16:33
SlayerGouryunlocked, doesn't work anymore16:33
SlayerGouryioria: ?16:33
ioriaSlayerGoury, you lock screen with Win +L16:33
SlayerGouryioria: no, I use ctrl+alt+L16:34
tgm4883SlayerGoury: so to confirm. You tried changing your layout switching keyboard shortcut to a different key combination and it worked correctly after locking and relogging in?16:34
andrexxubuntu_: спроси на https://forum.ubuntu.ru/ или в группе вк. либо зарегистрируй ник см /msg nickserv help register , но канал мертв почти.16:35
xubuntu_у меня так и не получилось зайти на ubuntu-ru16:38
xubuntu_точно есть такой калан ?16:39
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.16:39
BluesKaj!ru | xubuntu_16:39
ubottuxubuntu_: please see above16:39
OerHeksbye xubuntu.16:39
murthyxubuntu_: spaciba16:39
xubuntu_I am nub16:39
xubuntu_firs day16:40
murthyxubuntu_: welcome16:40
xubuntu_one day16:40
xubuntu_nub nub16:40
xubuntu_ Я16:40
murthyxubuntu_: noob16:40
xubuntu_куда податся ?16:40
murthyxubuntu_: english?16:40
SlayerGourytgm4883: no, nothing worked on the lock screen, but everything except alt+shift worked after unlocking16:40
xubuntu_Yes of course16:41
xubuntu_"<murthy> xubuntu_: noob" yes of course. English no16:41
murthyxubuntu_: подожди, я скажу куда тебе идти16:41
SlayerGourysomething seems to be messing with my alt+shift16:41
xubuntu_спасибо бро16:41
OerHeksguys, please stop the russian talk, thanks16:42
murthyxubuntu_: перейти на этот канал # ubuntu-ru16:42
yeats!ru | xubuntu_16:42
ubottuxubuntu_: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.16:42
murthyOerHeks: I am just asking him to goto #ubuntu-ru in russian using google translate :)16:43
murthyOerHeks: spaciba16:43
SlayerGouryxubuntu_: learn english, this channel is better16:43
murthyxubuntu_: no pm, come to #ubuntu-ru16:43
xubuntu_murthy ok16:45
xubuntu_я нажимаю зайти на канал по твоему хештэгу и нечего не происходит16:45
xubuntu_I click to enter the channel according to your hashtag and nothing happens16:45
hggdhxubuntu_: for the last time: Only English here16:45
murthyxubuntu_: konversation ? quassel?16:46
andrexxubuntu_: stop it. register this nick16:46
andrex#ubuntu-ru +r flag16:47
murthyxubuntu_: command is "/join #ubuntu-ru"16:47
murthyOerHeks: does konversation or quassel redirect to the respective channel corresponding to the locals?16:48
=== xubuntu_ is now known as Maruxyahh
OerHeksmurthy, he needs to register his name, and that seems to be in progress16:50
murthyOerHeks: oh, I see16:50
BluesKajhi murthy, redirect  to ?16:51
murthyBluesKaj: good evening16:51
murthyBluesKaj: for example...16:51
=== captain_fixerpc1 is now known as captainfixerpc14
BluesKajmurthy, to the respective channel corresponding to the locals?16:52
murthyBluesKaj: If a person has set language to Spanish, starting konversation with redirect to ubuntu spanish channel by default instead of ubuntu english?16:52
murthyBluesKaj: I mean the system's default language16:53
MaruxyahhRussian everywhere !!!!! Thanks for getting started. went to your canal, drink vodka and be friends with a bear. I will learn English and come back. Thank . Of good/16:53
SlayerGouryany ideas what to do with that layout switching?16:53
murthyMaruxyahh: mavatsi16:53
SlayerGouryMaruxyahh: I believe you can stay as long as you don't use too much non-english words16:54
BluesKajmurthy, yes one sets the channels in konversation network edit page16:54
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BluesKaj#ubuntu-es ru  etc16:55
murthyBluesKaj: no I mean what happens when a person selects spanish as language during installation and then after first login, opens konversation, will he be joined in #ubuntu spanish channel automatically?16:56
murthyBluesKaj: ok16:57
BluesKajhe sets the autojoin channel in konversation before connecting to irc as mentioned above16:58
Maruxyahhthank you I will be in touch. :016:59
BluesKajmurthy, unless the default version of konversation links to the locale and default language ...of that I'm not sure16:59
murthyMaruxyahh: slava17:00
fleabeardhelloski! I am how you say? russian guyovitch! how to run terminal command on login?17:01
murthyBluesKaj: If the system local is Spanish and if irc client joins an english ubuntu channel then it is not good17:02
tomreynfleabeard: what is "terminal command"? a command you would normally type into a terminal, or a command to start a virtual terminal?17:03
fleabeardtomreyn, I installed a .deb file for NordVPN and it automagically connects me to a nearby VPN server when I open terminal and type 'nordvpn connect'. I would like for this to take place once logged in so I don't have too :)17:03
BluesKajmurthy, right , I assume the Spanish version default channel in konversation would be #kubuntu-es17:04
murthyBluesKaj: thats great17:04
tomreynfleabeard: which is "this"? "open terminal and type 'nordvpn connect'" or "type 'nordvpn connect'"?17:04
fleabeardtomreyn, erm, not sure I understand the question. I just open a terminal and just type nordvpn connect and press enter lol17:05
murthyBluesKaj: you on #ubuntu-offtopic or #kubuntu-offtopic?17:06
tomreynfleabeard: do you want to have a temrinal window started when you login, or don't you need one?17:06
BluesKajmurthy, #kubuntu-offtopic17:06
fleabeardtomreyn, I don't think that I personally need a terminal window started, it's just the command is issued through it, then you can close it out.17:07
tomreynfleabeard: what is the output of "which nordvpn"?17:07
fleabeardtomreyn, usr/bin/nordvpn17:08
OerHekstheir website give a good tutorial howto connect automaticly https://nordvpn.com/nl/tutorials/linux/openvpn/17:08
fleabeardOerHeks, their deb package is more convenient to use as it doesn't require openvpn configuration, which is why I opted to use it over configuring openvpn :)17:09
nicomachusI have mpd and ncmpcpp set up to play music from local files, but whenever I start ncmpcpp it doesn't show any music files. As far as I can tell, everything is configured correctly. I can't figure out what's missing. Anyone want to take a look? ncmpcpp config: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KsSsrD8cc7/ and mpd config: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JxStr7PXdT/17:09
tomreynfleabeard: what is the output of: ls ~/.bash_{login,profile}17:10
Maruxyahhhow can you raise your lvl. What kind of boss do you need to kill?17:11
tomreynMaruxyahh: wrong channel?17:11
iorianicomachus, update the db  ?17:11
nicomachusioria: I have, it doesn't find anything.17:11
fleabeardtomreyn, no such file or directory17:12
tomreynfleabeard: one time, two times, or 100 times?17:12
fleabeard2 times17:12
Maruxyahhright. I am Russian . We are joking ... I thought ..17:13
nicomachus!ot > Maruxyahh17:13
ubottuMaruxyahh, please see my private message17:13
tomreynfleabeard: echo '[ -x /usr/bin/nordvpn ] && /usr/bin/nordvpn connect' >> ~/.profile17:15
=== dan_ is now known as Guest23829
tomreynfleabeard: then logout and login17:15
iorianicomachus, run ncmpcpp  and hit 4  (iirc)17:16
nicomachusioria: yes, I did that, then hit 'u' to update. it doesn't pull anything.17:16
iorianicomachus, hit 217:16
nicomachusioria: that's the file browser window. nothing listed.17:17
fleabeardtomaw, done :)17:17
nicomachusioria: even searching the Music directories path doesn't give any output.17:17
iorianicomachus, kill all and restart ?17:17
tomreynfleabeard: that is awesome.17:18
tomreynfleabeard: you're done.17:18
fleabeardtomreyn, haha awesome! Thank you very much!17:19
nicomachusioria: no dice. I think it's something on the mpd end as opposed to the client, but I'm at a loss.17:19
tomreynfleabeard: you're welcome. try to keep in mind that ~/.profile contains a configuration relating to this vpn stuff (in case something breaks in the future).17:20
iorianicomachus, i suspect a permission issue  ... don't you have some logs  or possibility to start in debug/verbose  mode ?17:20
k0k0r4tWhat's up people.17:21
nicomachusioria: I thought perms too and set 777 on the music directory, but that could have made it worse for all I know. I've never understood perms well.17:21
MaruxyahhI have a question. Why do I write a linux operating system on my Samsung phone? It's good ? Poorly ? How did she get there? how to remove?17:24
leftyfb!ot | Maruxyahh17:25
ubottuMaruxyahh: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:25
OerHeksWhy do I write .. yes,17:25
iorianicomachus, change /home/nicomachus/Music to something else  (make a new dir) and restart all17:25
=== murthy is now known as phoenix_firebrd_
nicomachusioria: I found another config......17:27
leftyfbMaruxyahh: to give you a brief answer, Google Android runs a linux kernel. If you don't like it, get a phone that doesn't run Android. Mind, you, iOS is loosely based on the BSD kernel. If you don't like that, get a flip phone.17:27
nicomachusioria: so it looks like I have two configs. Super. one at /etc/mpd.conf and one at ~.config/mpd/mpd.conf17:28
SlayerGourySo my layout switching is still doesn't let me to alt+shift after locking, but I found out that it starts working back if I enable or disable any plugin in CCSM.17:29
iorianicomachus, well,one is global, the other should be local  i guess17:29
SlayerGouryAny ideas?17:29
nicomachusioria: looks like mpd has a user-mode and a system-wide-mode, depending on the setup. It appears I have both set up.17:34
tomreynSlayerGoury: i'm still not convinced that you actually solved the unavailable package issues. until this is done, it's rather likely that some packag versions remain held back, and you're not actually running the latest patch level, so are missing out on bug fixes.17:34
tomreynSlayerGoury: it is also totally possible that solving the held back packages issue will not solve the (perceived?) issue you're trying to tackle there (which i don't actually understand). but it is a separate, much more grave issue.17:37
nicomachusioria: I did it.17:39
=== phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as murthy
nicomachusahhh but I get no audio output. yay. diving back in.17:40
nicomachus"MPD: No mixer" when I try to adjust volume. interesting.17:41
=== sinner is now known as Guest34677
coconutI accidently installed gnome3 over mate. If i remove all packages which i installed the same session, will my mate then stays untouched?17:45
mohnishWassup everyone??17:49
kreyren_how do i get netflix working on chromium on ubuntu?17:49
mohnishPART #ubuntu BYE!17:49
kreyren_mohnish forgott slash eh?17:50
fleabeardooh, that's awkward :)17:50
nicomachuskreyren_: unfortunately you can't.17:50
nicomachuskreyren_: you'll have to use Firefox with DRM enabled or use Chrome.17:50
kreyren_nicomachus: gentoo has workaround for it anything alike on ubuntu? https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Netflix17:52
nicomachuskreyren_: I don't see why that wouldn't work on ubuntu, too. have you tried it?17:54
kreyren_chromium-codecs-ffmpeg mby?17:54
nicomachuskreyren_: see: https://askubuntu.com/questions/909296/chromium-widevine-doesnt-work-on-ubuntu-17-0417:54
nicomachuskreyren_: seems like a lot of effort to get those widevine libraries, though, when you could just use another browser. But up to you. Chrome and Firefox work OOTB17:55
blackflowkreyren_: chromium is (still) not built with the widevine plugin, indeed. Firefox is tho'17:55
iomarigreetings, aftr netplan generate/apply, my interfaces have no ip addresses. when I run --debug apply, I see "DEBUG: skipping non-physical interface" for both my lan and wireless interfaces. What is going on?17:56
nicomachusoh yay, I got audio output now but only through the built-in speakers, not through headphones... interesting.17:58
kreyren_nicomachus: netflix18:01
pragmaticenigmakreyren_: Any reason you won't just install the Google Chrome browser? the work around for Chromium is effectively intalling the binary blobs that are included with Google Chrome. I would think it easier to just install that18:01
iomariadditionally, ip a shows both interfaces with: NO-CARRIER even though the ln interface is connected and blinking18:02
kreyren_pragmaticenigma: FOSS > proprieraty? Would mean to have another browser in a system? For experience?18:02
coconutAny right way of removing a whole 2nd(gnome) dekstop which i accedently just installed?18:03
kreyren_pragmaticenigma: i don't avoid issues i'm solving them :p18:03
pragmaticenigmakreyren_: The binaries that the Gentoo article suggested are not FOSS... so... the only solution there is to go without your netflix18:03
kreyren_pragmaticenigma: fair enough18:06
pragmaticenigmaChromium natively plays HTML5, what prevents Netflix from running is the need for proprietary DRM management components.18:08
qushi! anybody knows of an addon or a program that provides a functionality similar to the windows task view / timeline?18:08
kreyren_nichomachus: tried ~/.config/chromium and /usr/lib/chromium -> same issue any suggestions?18:09
kreyren_with libwidevinecdm.so18:09
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tomreynqus: imagine what would happen if you went to a windows channel and asked for a program that provides a functionality similar to "the ubuntu something something application"18:10
kreyren_nichomachus: not present in chrome://components either18:10
MOZOLGilets jaunes: Appel à la révolution18:10
MOZOLGilets jaunes: Appel à la révolution18:10
tomreyn!ot | MOZOL18:10
ubottuMOZOL: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:10
JimBuntukreyren_, System Monitor ?18:12
qustomreyn: no need to be a fanboy of any os18:12
kreyren_nichomachus: libwidevinecdm.so is present already in /usr/lib/chromium-browser/libs o.o18:13
JimBuntuoops, qus is who I meant to mention about System Monitor18:13
tomreynqus: no, my point is just that many here probably don't know the other application / functionality, so you'll have more luck describing what you're looking for without refe4rring to the other application., or by providing links to a web page describing that other application.18:13
qustomreyn: oh yes, you are right18:14
JimBuntuUhm, qus , this is volunteer support... expect everyone here to be a fanatic. Who else would volunteer to help like they do in this channel. Seriously, think about it. </rant>18:15
pragmaticenigmakreyren_: it's possible that Google altered that binary to only work with Google Chrome... just a thought18:15
qustask view / timeline provides a view of history of opened documents, tabs, etc ..you can easily open documents, tabs, etc where you left off18:15
qusJimBuntu: haha well i see logic in that yes xD ..but you know, it's healthy to be rational and not overhype stuff :D18:16
JimBuntuagreed qus18:17
pragmaticenigmaqus: There is no "activity history" tracker that I know of for Ubuntu or any Linux based OS at this time. Ubuntu's preferred Desktop Envinornment "Gnome Desktop" does alter the applications screen to present commonly used apps instead of all the apps18:17
kreyren_pragmaticenigma: https://i.imgur.com/qG33KZv.png thought? missing codex?18:17
pragmaticenigmaqus: The closest I have seen to an activity tracker would be in the command line where Bash logs each command in a history file that can be accessed by pressing arrow up18:18
tomreynqus: this reminds me of zeitgeist, but i'm not convinced this is exactly what you're looking for. i assume there probably is something similar to what you'Re after and i just don't know about it.18:18
JimBuntuDepending on the distro version, if you are pre-18.04, then nautilus ( default filemanager) has a 'recent' option.18:19
tomreynapparently there is (or was?) "Gnome Activity Journal"18:21
pragmaticenigmakreyren_: I have no idea, I take the path of least resistance18:22
qustomreyn: oh that looks promising18:22
qusthanks everybody!18:22
tomreynyou're welcome, qus18:24
quswhat a creative name, I had a question, so qus :D18:24
pragmaticenigmakreyren_: This article may help... it's from 2017, so a little more recent: https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/tutorial-chromium-netflix-and-other-drm-video-websites/718518:26
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fleabeardtomreyn, you're solution to my nordvpn problem earlier, how would I go about undoing that? And if you could please answer me without being a fanboy of ubuntu, that'd be great.18:32
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OerHeks" without being a fanboy of ubuntu" ... hilarious, insulting18:33
fleabeardhaha, it's in jest :) I'm just really taken aback by all the incredibly inconsiderate entitlement I've seen in this channel by users seeking help (rudely) :P I mean no harm :)18:34
tomreynfleabeard: by running the command i provided earlier you appended a single line to the file at ~/.profile - removing this line (such as by using a text editor) will undo it.18:34
OerHeksundo the thingy in your ~/.profile > echo '[ -x /usr/bin/nordvpn ] && /usr/bin/nordvpn connect' >> ~/.profile18:34
fleabeardtomreyn, thanks mate, I had something else I wanted to test to see if it also works or not. Nothing wrong with your solution and I <3 ubuntu :)18:34
* nicomachus wonders why Nord decided to start directing users to set up this way instead of the old school GUI style with openvpn18:34
notxsorry sorry, I am used to people who use linux to be a bit on a fanboy side (and I am using linux for 10 years so not like am "racist" or something :D)18:36
qwebirc14686/HELP Last morning when I get up, all the status bars, launch, dash disappears. I cannot move windows. But when I try tty, I cannot login there in the way that I am not allowed to enter password after enter my username. A continuous output of login info pops out about 5 times and it clear the screen and returns to username input.   In the normal login, I have to try 3 to 5 times to login. But everything works well if I use s18:36
fleabeardnicomachus, I think their preferred method is the openvpn route, but they do offer a deb package which is a better fit for me :)18:36
tomreynfleabeard: yw18:36
fleabeardnotx, check your privileges (with ls -la) xD18:38
tomreynqwebirc14686: your message was cut off after "But everything works well if I use s".18:38
ZackTechActivation of network connection failed Ubuntu 18.04 anyone know how to fix?18:39
nicomachusZackTech: we're going to need some more context.18:40
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jwhisnantI would like to redirect all smtp traffic (25) outbound from localhost to any ip address to localhost:25. But I can't seem to figure out the iptables or ufw syntax. I don't want my development server trying to send emails to production. I have a mail recording daemon bound on localhost:25.18:45
ZackTechnicomachus, I am running a Ubuntu VM and now the network will not connect18:46
pragmaticenigmajwhisnant: Just block outgoing port 25 connections18:46
raubpragmaticenigma: I would think that is not what he wants18:46
OerHeksZackTech, check your host networking ?18:46
ZackTechnicomachus, looks like I am going to have to delete and start again unless you have a quick fix18:47
pragmaticenigmaraub: Please do not speak for others18:47
jwhisnantpragmaticenigma: while possible (and syntactically easier to just block port 25) - I want the connection redirected to localhost. It may contain helpful debugging information, which would be stored locally by a fakemail daemon.18:49
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: jwhisnant mentioned logging outbound mail on a local daemon which is the reason they want to forward it to localhost:25 as opposed to just blocking18:49
pragmaticenigmajwhisnant: Setup your listener on some other port, then redirect the traffic to that port instead. localhost:25 is already bound to the SMTP server, I'm surprised your listener isn't complaining the port is already in use18:50
leftyfbjwhisnant: iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 25 -j DNAT --to-destination IP:2518:50
pragmaticenigmaleftyfb: The problem is they are trying to redirect the traffic back to localhost18:51
tomreynjwhisnant: on a side note, your development server should probably not be able to reach production in the first place, those should be separate, firewalled (network, not host firewall) networks.18:51
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: that's fine, it should still work18:51
raubpragmaticenigma: Please do not speak for others18:51
qwebirc14686/HELP Last morning when I get up, all the status bars, launch, dash disappears. I cannot move windows. But when I try tty, I cannot login there in the way that I am not allowed to enter password after enter my username. A continuous output of login info pops out about 5 times and it clear the screen and returns to username input.   In the normal login, I have to try 3 to 5 times to login.18:51
qwebirc14686But everything works well if I use ssh.18:51
pragmaticenigmaleftyfb: Wouldn't SMTP already have the port bound to itself. preventing anything else from using that port?18:52
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: not listening, no18:52
leftyfbbesides their dummy daemon18:53
bratchleyI'm on ubuntu 18.10 and have an openconnect vpn that keeps saving my password to /etc/NetworkManager, how do I get it to stop doing that?18:53
pragmaticenigmaleftyfb: how does that work? If I establish a service to use a port like Apache... SimpleHTTPServer will not start on port 80 ... yet they are both listening18:54
bratchleyit keeps storing the last successful password underneath "vpn-secrets"18:54
bratchleyand I can't find a checkbox that seems to tell it to even try to save the password18:54
raubjwhisnant: Try !18:54
qwebirc14686Last morning when I get up, my ubuntu automatically black out. After reboot, all the status bars, launch, dash disappears. I cannot move windows.   But when I try tty, I cannot login there in the way that I am not allowed to enter password after enter my username. A continuous output of login info pops out about 5 times and it clear the screen and returns to username input.18:54
pragmaticenigma!patience | qwebirc1468618:55
ubottuqwebirc14686: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/18:55
qwebirc14686n the normal login, I have to try 3 to 5 times to login.  But everything works well if I use ssh.  I have tried to reinstall unity, ubuntu-desktop, use ccsm to enable unity, mv .config, mv .cache/compiz-1, set new user, upgrade updates. None of them solve the problem.18:55
OerHeksqwebirc  and what ubuntu version/desktop is this?18:55
qwebirc14686Oerherks: ubuntu 16.0418:56
tomreynqwebirc14686: please post the url returned by: sudo /bin/true; nc termbin.com 9999 < <( cat /proc/version /proc/cmdline /etc/os-release; echo ===; sudo apt-get update 2>&1; echo ===; apt-cache policy; echo ===; ubuntu-support-status --show-unsupported; )18:56
usr13qwebirc14686: Re-installins applications rarely solves problems18:56
bratchleyqwebirc14686: might also be useful to capture the output it's printing and watch "journalctl -f" through ssh when you attempt a console login18:56
bratchleynot much people can do with "prints some stuff then goes back to the prompt" which can be a lot of stuff, we need to know what part it's saying doesn't work anymore18:57
GerowenAnybody ever have any luck putting Ubuntu on one of these cheap-o bay trail Windows tablets?  I've got an RCA Cambio with an Atom processor or something in it, but it doesn't seem to want to boot from the Ubuntu net installer.18:58
GerowenIt has a 64 bit EFI, but a 32 bit processor, so I figure I could just use the net installer to install a 32bit system, but it doesn't seem to want to boot from it.18:59
OerHeksGerowen, not the way around? 32 bit uefi and 64 bit cpu ?18:59
GerowenNegative, 64 bit EFI and 32bit CPU, even has Windows 10 32 bit installed on it.19:00
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: the iptables rule is not a bind to port 25. It just forward traffic to localhost:25.19:00
GerowenWell no you may be right, I'm tired, :p19:00
leftyfbjwhisnant: did you try it?19:00
GerowenEnd result is that it's weird.19:00
tomreyni dont thinik there is 32-bit bay trail cpus, but early bay trail platforms had 32-bit uefi, which is painful.19:01
pragmaticenigmaGerowen: The net installer doesn't include the needed EFI secure boot stuff. I think you have to use the Server install media19:02
OerHeksGerowen, i am not going to say it wil work, if you get the 32 bit uefi hack working, drivers fail .. they did this on purpose, ask the vendor for 64 bit uefi..19:03
GerowenGreetings Sir Labs!19:04
labsinstalling a snap alway' s gives a warning that its not safe , should that not be changed dear developers ?19:05
jwhisnantleftyfb: raub - thanks, works.19:05
labsits kind of scary for users new to ubuntu19:05
OerHekslabs, how do you install that snap?19:05
labssudo snap install meteo19:05
labsfrom snapcraft io19:06
qwebirc14686kernel: compiz[10122]: segfault at 38 ip 00007f24957b6240 sp 00007ffd0d62f220 error 4 in libmove.so[7f24957ab000+15000] Feb 06 11:05:29 cyhuang-Precision-T3600 login[7855]: pam_unix(login:auth): conversation failed Feb 06 11:05:29 cyhuang-Precision-T3600 login[7855]: pam_unix(login:auth): auth could not identify password for [cyhuang] Feb 06 11:05:30 cyhuang-Precision-T3600 kernel: compiz[10152]: segfault at 38 ip 00007f1cab5a19:06
qwebirc14686compiz[10122]: segfault at 38 ip 00007f24957b6240 sp 00007ffd0d62f220 error 4 in libmove.so[7f24957ab000+15000]19:06
qwebirc14686pam_unix(login:auth): conversation failed19:06
qwebirc14686pam_unix(login:auth): auth could not identify password for [cyhuang]19:06
labsshould i install as normal user maybe ?19:07
qwebirc14686FAILED LOGIN (1) on '/dev/tty1' FOR 'cyhuang', Authentication failure19:07
OerHekslabs, just installed it, no issues19:07
pragmaticenigmalabs: Snaps are the responsibility of their maintainer to test and get their snaps certified for Ubuntu. There are no developers here, just volunteers.19:07
qwebirc14686pam_securetty(login:auth): cannot determine username19:07
OerHekslabs, eh ? as normal user? ... did you enable root account?19:07
tgm4883labs: I also have no issues, I see no "not safe" warning19:07
labsOerHeks , did you install from bash ?19:08
tgm4883labs: I did19:08
labsand did not get a --devmode  notice or any other message ?19:08
tgm4883labs: can you screenshot the warning you are getting?19:08
tgm4883labs: nope19:08
OerHekslabs no .. and that meteo thingy just crashed19:08
rockstar_Hi, I am having ssh error, couldn't connect as shown in ubuntu paste bin. Can somebody help me? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KGTQX3pkJX/19:09
OerHeksas normal user19:09
OerHekssudo snap remove meteo19:09
murthyOerHeks: do you have 19.04?19:09
OerHeksmurthy, no, and 19.04 beta support is in ubuntu+119:10
tgm4883rockstar_: looks like your SSH server closed the connection for some reason.19:10
tgm4883rockstar_: you'd need to try increasing the verbosity, but possibly will also need to look at the SSH server logs19:11
SlayerGourytomreyn: so how do I remove unsupported packages?19:11
SlayerGouryIs there some automated way?19:11
qwebirc14686@tomreyn I do not know what you mean by asking me post url? I do not quite understand the command you give me. And it does not give any output...19:11
rockstar_is this because there's some key issue from my end. Or is it because of the server? How can I check?19:11
SlayerGouryI don't feel like copypasting hundreds of package names =(19:11
OerHekssudo apt clean, sudo apt autoremove, would wipe unused packages19:12
labswarnings here are in dutch..19:13
labscan i get it to output in en ?19:13
OerHeksbut unsupported sounds as output of  check-support-status19:13
IRCnewwhat is connectivity-check.ubuntu.com used for19:13
tgm4883unsupported packages also seems like something I wouldn't worry about19:14
leftyfb IRCnew in what context?19:14
IRCnewI tracked down some http packets on my network and my systems keeps sending to an ip that then is running https which I checked the cert for and that is the domain19:15
labsOerHeks, is your install in english ?19:15
tgm4883IRCnew: from the name, and where it is, it seems to be checking if you have network connectivity19:15
tgm4883IRCnew: I've not looked at the code, but I would bet it's for something along the lines of checking if you are behind a guest portal and then displaying a page19:16
OerHeksIRCnew, This is particularly useful for captive portal detection., good story @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/09/disable-network-connectivity-checking-ubuntu-17-1019:16
leftyfbIRCnew: a quick google on that URL points to what tgm4883 just said and how to disable it19:16
rockstar_tgm4883 can you help me with  ssh server logs. I'm new to this.19:16
OerHeksa.k.a. hotspots/free wifi19:16
pragmaticenigmaIRCnew: Ubuntu is checking for network connectivity, by going to that domain it ensures that your computer has an IP address, the network is available, the gateway is avaialble, and the DNS provider is functional19:16
OerHekslabs yes19:16
labsis see , found the answer here19:17
labsdutch issue , in some way .. lol19:17
tgm4883rockstar_: I cannot, I'm in the middle of another project currently. But for starters, you could enable verbose logging and see if that sheds any more light "ssh -v user@domain"19:18
IRCnewyea I was checking the traffic on my network and no one was logged in. So I thought http traffic when no one is logged in is strange.19:19
rockstar_ok thanx, it seems it asks password then just connection closes. Maybe server has issue.19:19
tomreynSlayerGoury: there's no fully automated way. but i pointed oyu to a script which creates output which you can just feed into apt-get purge19:19
rockstar_thanks for the tip19:19
labsso to wrap up, dutch ubuntu 18.04 when installing snaps spits out errors19:20
labswhen using LANG=C sudo snap install meteo19:20
labsit does not ..19:20
qwebirc14686@tomreyn https://termbin.com/7sxu19:20
SlayerGourytomreyn: does it have to be purge?19:20
qwebirc14686I got it19:20
qwebirc14686Please have a look at it19:20
SlayerGouryfeels scary to not have all my configs =(19:21
coconutIs the warning "Warning: group `gdm' has no more members." after purging gnome-shell any problem?19:21
labsthanks for your time, priceless advice here , as always19:21
tomreynSlayerGoury: you can also remove and purge the configurations later. but since this is software you can no longer use, purging make more sense.19:21
SlayerGouryOerHeks: autoremove haven't removed about seven hundred packages for me19:22
tgm4883tomreyn: I thought it was just "not supported", but could still be used?19:22
SlayerGourytomreyn: there's a lot of software I can and do use in that list19:22
qwebirc14686@tomreyn  https://termbin.com/g15q  This time it is correct. Please have a look19:22
tomreynqwebirc14686: looks good. i don't have much time left now, though, i'm afraid.19:23
tgm4883SlayerGoury: Personally, I wouldn't remove it then. I'm not sure why you're attempting to19:23
qwebirc14686 @tomreyn Thank you very much anyway to give me clues. You mean everythings looks OK? I do see a lot of unsupported packages.19:24
SlayerGourytgm4883: because tomreyn refuses to help me unless I remove all those unsupported packages19:25
tgm4883well that seems silly19:25
tomreynqwebirc14686: i recommend you uninstall the packages listed under "No longer downloadable:" towards the end of the output . openoffice mostly. this isn't going to solve the issue you came here for, but a different one.19:25
SlayerGourytgm4883: my problem is that my alt+shift stops working when I lock my Unity screen19:26
SlayerGouryNo other combo works on the lock screen, but combos other than alt+shift start working again after unlocking19:26
leftyfbSlayerGoury: you have a real mess of an OS. 12 years of upgrades including conversion from ext3 -> ext4. You're spending more time and effort now keeping this cruft-filled OS crawling along than you would just installing from scratch and reinstalling your apps.19:26
SlayerGouryReassigning it in input settings or enableing or disableing any CCSM plugin seems to be fixing this19:27
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SlayerGouryleftyfb: it's not restricked by license nor by local or international laws, so why not?19:28
qwebirc14686@tomreyn Thank you for your suggestions. But they are the I need to complete my daily work.19:28
leftyfbSlayerGoury: because time, effort and performance19:28
qwebirc14686I mean to record the results for report.19:28
SlayerGouryThe problem is that Ubuntu upgrade process is a mess, not me19:29
rungccHi guys, nice to meet you all. I'm having some problems with my Intel Wireless-AC 9462 card, it is painfully slow and dropping connection from time to time. On the other side, in windows, it is working flawlessly. It is my understanding that there were some problems with it prior to 18.04 but from my understanding the card were already ok on 4.1519:29
SlayerGouryI'd prefer to figure out what happened and help em to fix it so other people won't have to deal with this.19:29
rungccCan someone point me toward some solution? I tried installing the firmware from intel's website with no luck19:29
SlayerGourySurely this might be one rare case, but it's a very nasy one nevertheless.19:30
leftyfbSlayerGoury: We don't typically get a lot people here running an OS upgraded all the way from 7.0419:30
SlayerGouryleftyfb: I don't mind being a deviant one19:30
SlayerGourywhatver helps to fix those bugs19:30
SlayerGourymore bugs you help me to fix, less bug you'll have for yourself19:31
leftyfbSlayerGoury: also, cruft on top of cruft on top of cruft on top of cruft for 12 years can introduce issues that aren't necessarily bugs but are a product of the constant upgrades, possibly not upgraded properly at some point down the road19:31
tgm4883SlayerGoury: i think it would be interesting to know if the issue is reproducible from either a live cd or from a new user on the machine19:32
SlayerGouryleftyfb: there shouldn't be any problem that can't be fixed19:34
SlayerGouryI'll try making a new user19:34
tgm4883SlayerGoury: while that is true, occasionally the effort to fix the issue is a lot more than it would be to nuke and pave19:35
SlayerGourytgm4883: I don't like this way of doing business19:35
tgm4883SlayerGoury: good news then, unless you have a support contract you aren't doing business19:36
* SlayerGoury gone making and trying anohter user19:36
nijesh_i am new to this...how do i find a ros chat space?19:37
fribhow can I Fix bluetooth for my intel centrino N 2230 on 18.04 lts?19:37
qwebirc14686@<bratchley> Thank you very much! That do tells me what could be going wrong!!!19:38
usr13frib: What seems to be the problem?19:38
rungcchi guys19:38
qwebirc14686journalctl -f19:38
fribusr13, gnome-control-center dosen't recognize my bt adapter19:38
rungccdoes anyone have any tip on making my card work?19:38
usr13frib: blutpptjctl19:39
usr13frib: Is your bluetooth adapter USB?19:40
fribusr13, it doesn't show up in usb-devices19:40
usr13frib: Sorry about the spelling error, it's bluetoothctl19:40
fribusr13, it shows up in lspci19:40
fribusr13, Controller 68:5D:43:B9:2F:7F19:41
usr13frib: Try using bluetoothctl  in a terminal19:41
usr13frib: power on19:41
fribPowered: yes19:41
SlayerGouryso it's the same for new user19:42
fribdiscoverable / pairable / discovering == yes19:42
usr13frib: agent on19:42
pragmaticenigmaSlayerGoury: The greeter/lock screen is the same for all users, creating a new user isn't going to change that behavior19:42
SlayerGouryexcept I had to disable alt hotkey for alt+shift to even start working19:42
pragmaticenigma!alis | frib19:43
SlayerGourypragmaticenigma: this is probably the reason19:43
ubottufrib: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"19:43
usr13frib: scan on19:43
SlayerGourypragmaticenigma: is there a way to change a lockscreen?19:43
pragmaticenigmasorry frib ... wrong target19:43
fribpragmaticenigma, np19:43
pragmaticenigma!alis | nijesh_19:43
ubottunijesh_: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"19:43
fribusr13, it's already discovering19:43
usr13frib: devices19:43
usr13frib: pair <mac address here>19:44
pragmaticenigmaSlayerGoury: Not without making your machine worse than it already sounds like it is19:44
usr13frib: connect <mac address here>19:44
fribusr13, could it be an issue with gnome-control-center ?19:44
fribI am not running gnome19:44
SlayerGourypragmaticenigma: why not?19:44
usr13frib: (The tab key is your friend)19:44
fribusr13, sorry I don't follow19:45
usr13frib: You can use tab key to auto complete19:45
pragmaticenigmaSlayerGoury: Desktop Managers are typically built to work best with the default Desktop Environment they will load into. (i.e. gdm works best with Gnome Desktop)19:45
fribusr13, bluetoothctl works fine apparently -- how can I get gnome-control-center to correctly interface w/the bluetooth device?19:46
SlayerGourypragmaticenigma: and why can't I use gdm3 lockscreen for unity desktop?19:46
pragmaticenigmaSlayerGoury: Desktop Managers aren't easy to swap out, they are best choosen during a fresh install (i.e. choosing to install Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Xubuntu)19:46
SlayerGouryI'm not asking for something easy19:46
pragmaticenigmaSlayerGoury: I didn't say you couldn't, I provided an example. For Ubuntu 18.04  GDM works with the Unity Desktop19:47
pragmaticenigmaSlayerGoury: Than you are seriously in the wrong channel for help.19:47
SlayerGourypragmaticenigma: doesn't seem to be working for me19:47
SlayerGouryI tried gdm and lightdm and lockscreen looks like lightdm regardless of what I use to log myself in19:48
pragmaticenigmaSlayerGoury: so what you are saying is you already attempted this?19:48
usr13frib: I don't know.  I do not use gnoe-control-center to control bluetooth device19:48
fribusr13, connect [my device mac] doesn't work either19:49
SlayerGourypragmaticenigma: I am not sure what and how wrongly I attempted19:49
SlayerGouryI dpkg-reconfigured those things19:49
fribusr13, Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.InProgress19:49
fribusr13, ok it's connected after a 2nd attempt19:50
usr13frib: Yea, that's the way it works19:50
fribusr13, really would be convenient to have that gui working19:50
usr13It only connects when the device let's it19:50
SlayerGouryalso now I getting:19:51
SlayerGourygdm.service is not active, cannot reload.19:51
SlayerGouryinvoke-rc.d: initscript gdm3, action "reload" failed.19:51
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_afk
SlayerGouryThe thing is, I'm not the only one having this issue19:52
SlayerGouryBut no one seem to care about it enough to finally do something19:52
pragmaticenigmaSlayerGoury: People care.. but when you claim to have had the machine running 12 years worth of updates... they're less likely to help because something you did in those 12 years might have resulted in this behavior.19:53
ioriaSlayerGoury, you canno reload, probably, becuase it's not running19:53
jayjoI have an ubuntu desktop machine that I want to temporariliy push/pull from a git repo on a laptop on the same network. What do I need to enable to allow ssh access on this machine?19:53
SlayerGourypragmaticenigma: no it's not19:53
pragmaticenigmaSlayerGoury: What isn't not?19:54
ioriaSlayerGoury, you can't reload something that's not already running19:54
jayjosorry let me rephrase - i have a repo on my desktop ubuntu machine, how can I allow other machines on my internal network to push/pull from that repo?19:54
SlayerGouryioria: this may be the issue, but when I start this service it locks my screen with gdm3 and refuses to log me in, so I have to go and disable it back.19:54
=== aurolac-afk is now known as aurolac
ioriaSlayerGoury, honestly,  your issue it's clear to me19:55
SlayerGourypragmaticenigma: nothing could result in such behaviour19:55
pragmaticenigmaSlayerGoury: I'm going to go with the masses here... Your machine is beyond help, the going recommendation to start with a clean install stands19:55
SlayerGourypragmaticenigma: I'd like to disagree with you on this point19:56
SlayerGouryioria: can you please clarify it to me?19:56
usr13jayjo: Add a line to your sources.list pointing at your repository.19:56
ioriaSlayerGoury, nope, you need to clarify to me :þ19:56
ioriaSlayerGoury, i mean .... what 's your problem ?19:57
jayjousr13: I just mean a git repo, not an apt package19:57
ioriaSlayerGoury, i left you with a shortcut issue, iirc19:58
SlayerGouryioria: isn't something being clear to you means you know what's going on? I thought I know how English language works..19:59
SlayerGouryMy alt+shif combo stops working when I lock screen19:59
tgm4883SlayerGoury: it would appear to be a typo19:59
ioriaSlayerGoury, yes, and i told you t ouse Win + Space19:59
SlayerGouryThat's one most annoying issue I have since 16.04→18.04 upgrade19:59
SlayerGouryioria: and I told you super+space works, but not on the lock screen and I don't wan't to use it.20:00
SlayerGoury*want shouldn't have "'"20:00
ioriaSlayerGoury, not on the lock screen ....20:01
SlayerGouryioria: I want my alt+shift to continue working on my lock screen and I don't want to change it20:02
SlayerGourythe problem is not in my alt key, the problem is in something that messes with it20:03
SlayerGouryI just can't find waht it is20:03
ioriaSlayerGoury, probably you can't use that combo anymore20:03
pragmaticenigmawhat is alt+Shift even supposed to do?20:04
ioriaSlayerGoury, infact   alt+shift does nothing on my 18.04 system20:04
tgm4883I'm not sure any keyboard shortcuts work on the lock screen20:04
SlayerGouryioria: I'd like this to be fixed20:04
ioriapragmaticenigma, i think it's an old keyboard layout switcher20:05
SlayerGourypragmaticenigma: whatever I command it as I am the master of this system20:05
SlayerGourytgm4883: those're supposed to work20:05
ioriai see ... it's personal :)20:05
tgm4883SlayerGoury: They don't appear to be working on my system here20:05
SlayerGouryIt's a bug in free software, it can't be personal20:06
ioriaSlayerGoury, maybe it is20:06
SlayerGourytgm4883: so we both are affected by this bug then20:06
pragmaticenigmaokay, with that comment SlayerGoury, I'm done trying to help you20:06
tgm4883SlayerGoury: sounds like you need to file a bug then20:06
OerHeksSlayerGoury, so you upgraded unity desktop from 16.04 to 18.04 ..?20:06
SlayerGourytgm4883: the bug is already filed20:06
tgm4883SlayerGoury: link?20:06
SlayerGouryOerHeks: yes20:07
SlayerGourytgm4883: all over the internet, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/175946220:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1759462 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Keyboard shortcuts not operational on 18.04" [Low,Confirmed]20:07
OerHeksbut that uses lightdm20:07
SlayerGouryso do I20:07
pragmaticenigmaSlayerGoury: If the bug is already filed... what are you doing here asking for help on it? We can't fix something that is known to be broken.20:07
tgm4883SlayerGoury: that's not the same as "keyboard shortcuts don't work on the lockscreen"20:07
OerHeksBudgie:GNOME .. not unity20:08
SlayerGourypragmaticenigma: why shouldn't I?20:08
SlayerGouryThat's just what I found, now I also found this one and whole lot of another issues that wasn't clear to me before20:08
pragmaticenigmaSlayerGoury: This is a community of volunteers. Very few of us are involved with the development of Ubuntu. Bugs go to the developers to be addressed and worked on. The best we can do here would be to confirm that you are affected.20:09
SlayerGouryThanks for not helping me to identify this bug20:09
fleabeardJesus, this guy20:09
fleabeardis he for real?20:09
tgm4883I feel like we're getting a bit combative here and I'll ask that we all relax a little20:09
SlayerGourypragmaticenigma: I know, but I'd also love if you wouldn't refuse help because someone just happen to not have any problem with the system for 12 years.20:10
pragmaticenigmafleabeard: Please mind the community guidelines20:10
SlayerGourySlayerGoury: just say you don't know what to do in this case.20:10
ioriaSlayerGoury, use another shortcut20:10
pragmaticenigmaSlayerGoury: We're not refusing help... We can't help fix something that is broken in the application20:10
tgm4883ioria: he can't. Shortcuts aren't working on the lockscreen20:10
tgm4883ioria: all shortcuts20:11
SlayerGouryioria: I don't like using another shortcut20:11
SlayerGouryI understand that this workaround will work, but so will my 16.04 backup20:11
pragmaticenigmaSlayerGoury: To be helpful, you could attempt to see if another shortcut works or not. That goes a long way for this channel to help you figure things out.20:11
SlayerGourypragmaticenigma: I already did that20:11
tgm4883pragmaticenigma: we've already determined that they dont20:11
ioriaSlayerGoury,  ok, i got that .... but it's tru that any other shortcut not working in lock screen ?20:12
SlayerGourypragmaticenigma: I repeat, other shortcuts work, but not on the lockscreen20:12
SlayerGouryI tried super+space and ctrl+shift, those work after unlocking but not on the lock screen20:12
SlayerGourybut I don't like those20:13
SlayerGouryI am sorry for having personal preferences and also a personality, but this is who I am.20:13
SlayerGouryLast time I checked Ubuntu License it was fine to have a personality20:14
pragmaticenigmaSlayerGoury: Then don't take issue when others express their personality and preferences either20:14
SlayerGourypragmaticenigma: I don't20:14
ioriaSlayerGoury,  ok.... atm what's in use gdm2 or lightdm ?20:14
SlayerGourypragmaticenigma: I totally respect this channel's inability to help me, but please address this as inability to help with the issue and not me personally20:15
viper474While I don't use it now, I'm considering trying the Dvorak keyboard layout, but has it since been removed from Ubuntu 18.04? Can't find it in the Input Sources under English.20:15
pragmaticenigmaSlayerGoury: Watch it with the hostility... no one wants to help someone that's going to be conforntational20:15
SlayerGourybecause refusing to help me because of who I am is highly insulting and our loed and savior RMS explicitly asked to not insult each other.20:15
pragmaticenigmaSlayerGoury: stay on topic20:16
tgm4883pragmaticenigma: SlayerGoury let's keep it with support please20:16
=== ThirdRevelation1 is now known as ThirdRevelation
ioriaSlayerGoury, are you using gdm3 or lightdm now ?20:16
SlayerGouryioria: seems like it's lightdm20:16
tgm4883ioria: I confirmed it's not working on lightdm as well20:17
ioriaSlayerGoury, tgm4883   i see ...   cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager20:18
SlayerGouryIt does work when I'm not logged in, but not on the lock screen20:18
SlayerGouryI don't know if the lock screen is lightdm or just something that looks like it20:18
ioriaSlayerGoury,  cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager20:18
tgm4883SlayerGoury: a quick test. On the lock screen if you go to "switch user" does it work there?20:18
SlayerGoury /usr/sbin/lightdm20:18
tgm4883SlayerGoury: I'm thinking yes, as it just worked there for me20:18
SlayerGouryhmm.. I'll go and try20:19
jayjoI've enabled sharing on my mac osx, how can I access the drive on my ubuntu machine so I can copy files over on my local network? Is there a better way?20:19
ioriaSlayerGoury,  ok,  and what's the result if you use gdm3 ?20:19
SlayerGouryoh, now ctrl+alt+L doesn't want to work =(20:19
SlayerGourygdm3 just refuses to log me in20:19
ioriaSlayerGoury,  so you have bigger problem than the shortcut20:20
SlayerGouryno, swithing user doesn't make it to work20:20
SlayerGouryioria: probably yes20:21
ioriaSlayerGoury,  i used unity with gdm3 on 18.04 without issues (so far)20:21
SlayerGouryso I'd love your help to identify the problem20:21
SlayerGouryI don't mind using gdm3, I just don't know where to start with fixes20:21
SlayerGouryfor example, when I dpkg-reconfigure it it says it can't restart the service20:22
ioriaSlayerGoury,  never tried with the keyboard switcher, but give me a minute  brb20:22
SlayerGourybut if I start it manually, it locks me out and refuses to log me back in20:22
tgm4883unless we're having different issues, I think the issue is with gnome-screensaver rather than lightdm/gdm20:22
SlayerGouryIf only I knew what the issue is T_T20:23
pragmaticenigmajayjo: You have to enable sharing on Ubuntu to access your Ubuntu files from the Mac20:23
pragmaticenigmajayjo_: You have to enable sharing on Ubuntu to access your Ubuntu files from the Mac20:24
pragmaticenigmajayjo: jayjo_: once enabled from the mac in finder, you can use smb://{ip_address_of_ubuntu}/{shared_folder} to access the shared files20:25
hyperion101010people how can i install packages like intel_drm20:25
ioriaSlayerGoury, i can confirm , it does not work20:26
SlayerGouryioria: okay. Any idea how to make stop not working?20:26
SlayerGoury*make it stop20:26
ioriaSlayerGoury, if also lightdm fails, i think there is no solution atm ... but it works on gnome-shell (btw, why don't you use it ?)20:27
pragmaticenigmahyperion101010: Can you provide more information on what you are trying to do exactly?20:28
ioriaSlayerGoury, i mean the default DE on 18.04 is gnome-shell ... dont' you like it ?20:29
SlayerGouryioria: I don't like it20:30
SlayerGouryNo, I hate it20:30
hyperion101010ok here i tried to install the libdrm newest version , but my build system says it is still older20:30
hyperion101010it can't detect my new build/installed file , how can i configure it20:31
SlayerGouryIf anythiing, I'd prefer swithichg to that gnome2 fork20:31
pragmaticenigmahyperion101010: are you trying to install from .deb or using apt?20:31
SlayerGouryBut I also do like unity very much, so I'd love keeping it20:32
hyperion101010is there anyway i can install intel_libdrm using apt20:32
pragmaticenigmawhere was the .deb file obtained?20:32
ioriaSlayerGoury, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-screensaver/+bug/124454820:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1244548 in gnome-screensaver (Ubuntu) "Keyboard shortcut for changing keyboard layout does not work on lock and login screen" [Medium,Confirmed]20:33
pragmaticenigmahyperion101010: What version of Ubuntu are you running?20:33
usr13hyperion101010: Do a search for it20:33
hyperion101010for what usr1320:34
usr13hyperion101010: libdrm20:34
pragmaticenigmahyperion101010: That particular link you provided is for Ubuntu 19.04 which is in beta right now. It's not going to work with 2920:34
ioriaSlayerGoury,   try the #87 commnet20:34
pragmaticenigmawork with 18.0420:34
usr13hyperion101010: apt search20:34
pragmaticenigmahyperion101010: Is there a specific reason you are trying to manually install this? what are your requirements?20:34
hyperion101010educate me here , i don't know about the functionality20:34
SlayerGouryioria: <320:35
=== ThirdRevelation1 is now known as ThirdRevelation
pragmaticenigmahyperion101010: Did you see my question?20:37
SlayerGouryioria: now I can't switch my layout at all =(20:37
ioriaSlayerGoury,  reverse it20:37
SlayerGouryioria: reverse what?20:38
hyperion101010yeah beacuse i din't had the knowledge of apt search , but now i am working on it20:38
hyperion101010thanks usr1320:38
SlayerGouryalso what is Mod2?20:38
ioriaSlayerGoury,  what you just did20:38
hyperion101010and pragm... i am sorry the is so long :)20:38
pragmaticenigmaYes hyperion101010... but I'm trying to understand how or why you are trying to install that particular library20:39
hyperion101010i was going to do a build of mesa20:39
pragmaticenigmahyperion101010: Ah, okay... that makes sense20:39
hyperion101010which is again required to build mozilla's servo , for which i have made a patch20:40
hyperion101010so much work20:40
ioriaSlayerGoury, number lock20:40
SlayerGouryioria: so the combo is alt+shift+numlock?20:40
SlayerGourystill, now switching doesn't work for me at all T_T20:42
ioriaSlayerGoury, Alt + Mod2 + Shift L20:42
SlayerGouryioria: I don't have Mod2 key on my keyboard20:43
hyperion101010pragma... it still is old20:43
ioriaSlayerGoury, it's the numlock ... every kb has20:43
hyperion101010requires .97 i got only .9520:43
SlayerGouryioria: numlock says Num Lock for me, not Mod220:44
SlayerGouryand it doesn't work either20:44
SlayerGouryk, resetting ccsm module made it work again20:45
pragmaticenigmahyperion101010: Ubuntu doesn't always have the latest... I'm not sure what to recommend for a build environment. Ubuntu (and upstream Debian) goes for stability which means sometimes the latest isn't available.20:47
SlayerGourybut using numlock in that combo doesn't help still20:47
pragmaticenigmahyperion101010: You might want to reach out to the Mozilla community for help on setting up a recommended build environment20:47
hyperion101010yeah well it is fine ,20:47
hyperion101010sure thanks for your help20:47
SlayerGouryand I'm back20:53
SlayerGourythanks for no help and also for all your effort, I finally found a solution myself20:54
SlayerGouryadd-apt-repository ppa:unity7maintainers/unity7-desktop seems to be what we all need20:54
pragmaticenigmaSlayerGoury: thank you for sharing, that will help everyone in the future20:55
SlayerGouryalso all these shortcut bugs are apparently a common bug people rarely encounter because americans don't switch keyboard layouts much, but it's known and fixed, but somehow not in the LTS20:55
SlayerGourypragmaticenigma: I hope it will. Just kick those universe maintainers to finally update those packages already20:56
SlayerGouryAlso there was some other fixes for some other minor bugs I encountered after this upgrade (like drawing bugs and such stuff)20:57
SlayerGourySo I guess this weeks ubuntu donation goes to the unity7maintainers instead20:57
pragmaticenigmaSlayerGoury: Canonical/Ubuntu is moving away from Unity desktop. You may want to prepare for the changes to come.20:58
SlayerGouryWidh you all love and good night and thanks for helping me with this problem identification20:58
tewardpragmaticenigma: s/is moving/has pretty much moved/20:58
SlayerGourypragmaticenigma: already preparing my forkey20:58
SlayerGoury*widh = wish20:59
* SlayerGoury have to reattach herself back to her keyboard20:59
bray90820_Maybe someone here can help me Even-though I added "min protocol = SMB2" under [global] in my samba config file I think it's still defaulting to v120:59
adrian_1908Hey, can anyone confirm that URL autocomplete (e.g. you type 'u' and it fills the rest to ubuntu.com) for Firefox (65) is still working?21:00
adrian_1908Trying to figure out if this changed, or if i did something to my config.21:00
SlayerGouryadrian_1908: why wouldn't it? Works for me just fine.21:01
pragmaticenigmaadrian_1908: Still works for me.. did you recently clear your browser history? the autocomplete is based on bookmarks and history21:02
SlayerGouryadrian_1908: make sure you have your history, otherwise there's nothing to complete automatically21:02
pragmaticenigmabray90820_: How are you able to confirm that it is switching to cifs protocol v121:03
adrian_1908pragmaticenigma: yeah I did and suspect that's what caused it, but I can't seem to get my recent history to get picked up. Reading up on how to enforce priority now, that might work.21:03
bray90820_pragmaticenigma: By default windows only uses SMBv2 but when I enabled SMBv1 in windows it worked21:04
pragmaticenigmabray90820_: Windows will auto negotiate, but what you did in windows was set the minimum required. if the server only support v2 then windows will connect via v221:05
bray90820_It didn't work when SMBv1 was disabled but did when when it was enabled21:06
pragmaticenigmabray90820_: please pastebin your samba config file... make sure to remove any sensitive system information like passwords or other items you don't want publically seen21:07
bray90820_pragmaticenigma: https://pastebin.com/raw/cR5DEWMY21:10
pragmaticenigmabray90820_: I'm uncertain why that would be. I'd recommend "tail -f /var/log/samba/{most current file here}" and see if it spits out anything useful. I've gotta sign off. I wish you luck21:16
pragmaticenigmabray90820_: with that tail... trying the different configs from windows to see if it generates any messages21:16
bray90820_When you say most current file do you mean my most current samba.conf?21:18
pragmaticenigmabray90820_: no... most current file in the logs21:18
bray90820_The logs would be nmbd right?21:20
bray90820_No nevermind don't listen to me21:20
pragmaticenigmabray90820_: samba creates multiple log files... I'm not sure if it .nmbd .smbd or the ip address of the machine attempting to connect21:20
pragmaticenigmais going to have the helpful message for you21:20
bray90820_Yeah I found it so never mind21:20
bray90820_Ok so I thought I had found it but that clearly wasn't it21:23
bazzle31Hey guys!21:23
tyuiophello there21:26
tyuiop i m now in 18.0421:26
bray90820_Anyone else have an explanation to why samba would default to  V1 eventhough I have v2 enabled in my config file21:27
tyuiopi got two partitions md1 and md221:27
tyuiopfrom /dev/sda21:28
tyuiopi would like to  resize /dev/md2 in order reajust /dev/md121:29
bazzle31Is this ubuntu's IRC channel?21:29
tyuiopcan you tell me to do so without lvm ?21:29
tyuiopno it isn't bazzle3121:29
bazzle31Really? what channel is this? any link to Ubuntu's offical one?21:30
EBrarianGilets jaunes: Appel à la révolution21:30
tewardbazzle31: tyuiop is trolling.  this is the Ubuntu Support Channel, yes.21:30
bazzle31lol come on seriously21:31
tyuiopno i m not21:32
tewardbazzle31: read /topic21:32
tyuioptroll only trolls21:32
tyuiopseems you are the one teward21:32
tyuiopbtw why so stupid question like that ?21:33
JimBuntubazzle31, This is the channel for volunteer based support of Ubuntu21:34
bazzle31Thank you JimBuntu, got it!21:35
jayjoI'm trying to allow my laptop to ssh to my desktop on my local network. How do I associate an account for my laptop and distribute it a key?22:12
jayjofollowing along with these guides: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Configuring22:13
EBrarianGilets jaunes: Appel à la révolution22:13
oerheksjayjo, basicly, after creating keys on your laptop; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys#Transfer_Client_Key_to_Host22:18
oerheksand then fiddle around disable password22:18
oerheks* on the server sshd22:19
jayjoso the first time I put my laptops public key on the server I still just use a username and password to authenticate?22:21
jayjoif I want to use ssh-copy-id?22:21
oerheksyes, like you logged in to push tose keys22:21
oerheksnow you need sudo rights in that ssh session, to change the server side22:22
oerheksrestart the service, and you are good22:22
imiis there a more modern alternative to xmessage in ubuntu?22:25
tomreynimi: notify-send22:26
evulishcrontab -e creates cronjobs for that'll be run as the current user?22:29
tomreynevulish: correct22:29
evulishi have a cronjob set up but it doesn't seem to be completing.. when i run the shell script alone it works fine22:30
evulishguess i need to find some logs22:30
tomreynevulish: you may need to have it write some logs. note that unless you take measures to change this, cron tabs usually just run in a 'dumb' sh shell.22:31
oerheksuse full paths22:31
evulishyeah it is, it's running a docker exec command, i wonder if there's an env variable or something it doesn't have access to22:32
tomreynwrite a wrapper script, have it dump the environment to a file first of all, and you'll know.22:34
evulishif a cron job has an error, it gets sent to the users mail, right22:36
tomreynif it generates any output, this output is directed to the user, by mail. if delivery is not possible, it'll end up in /var/spool/mail/user22:37
UnoCualquierawhere can I find the 32-bit version of Ubuntu 18.04LTS?22:38
tomreynUnoCualquiera: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes#Other_highlights_since_16.04_LTS22:39
evulishah i think i figured it out, my docker  cmd was trying to use an interactive shell22:41
Bashing-omUnoCualquiera: ^^ (x)ubuntu still has a 32 bit image:  https://xubuntu.org/download.22:42
bodomHi there! The kernel is spamming a "do_IRQ: 3.33 No irq handler for vector". Is there a way to squelch this message?22:47
tomreynbodom: which kernel?22:50
bodomtomreyn: 4.18.0-13-generic #14-Ubuntu SMP but kernel version doesn't really make a difference22:51
tomreynbodom can you show: journalctl -p4 -b22:53
bodomtomreyn: it's 92.300 lines, are you sure?22:54
tomreynbodom: did you omit  -b ?22:55
bodomtomreyn: no22:55
tomreynbodom: impressive; so this returns an even higher number? dmesg | wc -l22:56
tomreynactually scratch that, it'll be rotated. do a fresh boot and run the journalctl command again22:56
SilmarilionHi, I am trying to install the OS on an existing encrypted LVM. So far I have unlocked the encrypted device with cryptsetup, run the installer and installed the OS. I am trying now to configure the grup to unlock the device on boot, so far I have created /etc/crypttab and filled it in and after that updated the initramfs. What else needs to be done?22:57
tomreynbodom: another suggestion:   journalctl -p4 -b | head -n 1000 | nc termbin.com 999922:58
bodomtomreyn: here is a shorted version, just add "no irq handler for vector" some ten thousands times: https://pastebin.com/Q2bss4H222:59
bodomtomreyn: dmesg line count is 449622:59
tomreynbodom: IIRC those messages are spurious, but they are obviously too many. you have a bunch of ACPI errors, have you looked for a bios upgrade?23:02
tomreynbodom: i know its old hardware but make sure you have the latest stable.23:03
bodomtomreyn: i've been trying anything, except a BIOS upgrade… could it be so easy? :D Let me check, ty23:03
tomreynbodom: there's something else you probably haven't tried, yet: http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html23:04
qwebirc13306Others having problem with pptp-linux? When doing POFF, network is not reset so cant ping out23:05
bodomtomreyn: i'll not tell my hardware you called it old. Anyway, there is a newer bios, i'll try it and then check the very interesting acpi hack23:07
bodomtomreyn: thank you!23:07
tomreynbodom: you're welcome. here's something else i just found: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/367503/do-irq-0-163-no-irq-handler-for-vector-irq-1 - but this means giving up some functionality.23:08
bodomtomreyn: that has been tried long time ago23:08
tomreynok ;-)23:09
colemickensFor 18.04, and Java, do I want OpenJDK or Zulu?23:14
colemickensAlso, thanks Oracle, for making this a question.23:15
oerhekswe advise openjdk, but sure you can use the oracle binairy bob23:17
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.23:17
tomreyncolemickens: openjdk is in ubuntu 18.0423:17
colemickensoerheks: was more curious if Zulu was needed/used in Linux since it's used in WIndows now. Definitely don't want to use Oracle.23:17
tomreyncolemickens: there's also corretto if you want yet more choice23:19
colemickensokay, thank you23:19
oerhekszulu is the commercial vesion of openjdk, oke ( Given that there will be no free LTS release from Oracle as of JDK 11 and that JDK 8 public updates (for commercial users) end in Jan 2019 we are seeing a lot of interest in Zulu23:20
oerheks1st time someone mentions it here23:20
colemickens"Zulu is 100% open source and freely downloadable. "23:21
colemickensidk, I don't have time to understand what horrible things Oracle have done to create this much confusion. I do appreciate the help though.23:22
colemickensthat's awesome actually, surprised I hadn't heard of it.23:23
tomreynbut this basically just means: install default-jdk23:24
colemickensyeah, I'm seeing that now. (Gnome Software is a huge disappointment). I'm just going to have him open the terminal and do it the old fashioned way.23:27
colemickensTrying to get my dad setup with OpenHAB over a video call :)23:27
YounderI've been using linux for goons years. I could bee you pap colemickens23:29
Younderperhaps an ancient can help23:30
colemickensoh it's fine, I just am not well versed in ubuntu-isms these days23:30
colemickensalso, it's kind of weird that you use the word "goons". we have named our computers after that for 20 years. (biggoon/goonr8r, etc)23:31
mfoolbsorry for OT question.. I've tried to join ##linux channel but I can't because I'm banned (?!) don't know what happened, is there a way to understand?23:32
nthdevHave to register mfoolb23:33
Youndermfoolb, Firt don't panic. It happens. Second try to find out who runs the cannel, email him/her23:34
evulishmfoolb: *tor-sasl* is banned23:34
evulishand you match23:34
evulish##linux: ban *!*@*tor-sasl* [by sauvin!~sauvin@about/linux/staff/sauvin, 2077998 secs ago]23:34
Younderspelling cxorrecty dont hart23:35
mfoolbevulish: why is that?23:35
oerheksmfoolb, ask in #freenode23:35
mfoolboerheks: ok thnx23:36
evulishno idea, guess they don't want people using tor, which is what i assume that means?23:36
oerheksoh tor completely banned, that is new to me23:36
fleabeardI got global freenode ban messages connecting from one of my NordVPN locations23:37
YounderTor is fin, but be ware. NSA sees using it as a call to chrime. It is mostly used in germany.23:37
oerheksso  it is not an ubuntu issue23:38
YounderSeriously you go from beeing annedle in a haystach to being a 'glowing' needle23:38
rdhhey guys how do i switch out of graphic mode to boot up init to unlock my drive? after selecting what to boot my screen goes black and i dont have any output as to what is going on.23:38
YounderI use <ctrl>-<alt>-123:39
rdhya that doesn't do anything23:40
rdhjust a black screen23:40
rdhand i chrooted and reinstalled the kernel... and grub...23:40
YounderI use <ctrl>-<alt><F1>23:40
rdhthe weird thing it it was just working a day ago23:41
Younderfor what is is worths i just tried it and it doeesnt work for me either23:41
rdhso there must be something missing from initramfs23:41
Silmarilionrdh maybe this helps https://askubuntu.com/questions/293028/how-can-i-install-ubuntu-encrypted-with-luks-with-dual-boot/293029?newreg=c5913742734c495cad3f148f3cbabd34 . It solved my issue with custom lvm/luks setup23:41
rdhhaha ok younder23:41
=== thewaspsknees1 is now known as thewaspsknees
rdhSilmarilion: ok so try rebuilding initramfs?23:42
rdhlol i guess that makes more sense then the kernel...23:43
rdhi figured it would do that for me23:43
YounderFUNNY, I write kenel drivers for embedded systems, I should know this..23:45
YounderI ha sjsut always worked in the past.23:46
rdhSilmarilion: same issue :(23:57
rdheven trying to boot recovery initramfs goes to black screen.23:59

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