[16:53] helo all. I am not a power user, but I just tried to install studio as my second OS with scientific linux already installed. I am not sure why, but I never got the option to install alongside like i would with windoze or another ubuntu. can anyone shed some light on that? fugitsu T 900 laptop [16:56] jackrabbit: For that kind of setup, you might be better off choosing the "something else" option and manually configuring. [16:57] I tryed that but I didnt see a way to resize [16:58] In that case, close the installer, install gparted (if not already installed) on your live system, use gparted to do the partitioning, then launch the installer, using "something else" to point to the partition(s) you configured. The partition resizing in the Ubuntu installer is tricky. [17:05] That all sounds odd... I have more trouble with being told it will take some time to resize when I have not changed the size :P [17:28] OvenWerks: Same. In this person's case, though, I wanted to err on the non-technical side, and for partitioning, gparted or the KDE Partition Manager are probably the most user-friendly ways of doing that, leaps and bounds easier than Ubiquity. [18:58] Ah, Krytarik is not here. [19:46] thaurwylth: probably another hour and a half or so. [21:49] Hello [21:50] I am installing the SO Ubuntu Studio 16.04 [21:50] Nice to meet you [21:51] Hi studio-user922! This is an offical support channel. We have a separate channel for off-topic conversations at #ubuntustudio-offtopic. [21:52] For if you just want to be a part of a chat room.