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lubot<SamuelBanya> Was anyone able to install i3 in Lubuntu successfully with sudo apt get?12:44
lubot<SamuelBanya> It just freezes on startup when you change the window manager before you login to desktop12:45
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haczakjust wanting to let people know that  lubuntu i386 runs perfectly on acer aspire 5610 bl5014:57
scitex59hi, all.  I am new to Lubuntu.  I am currently using Ubuntu 14.04 on another machine, but would like to use Lubuntu LTS.20:13
meadLubuntu is going through some changes. you might want to go with 18.10 or wait for 19.04 for the lxqt gui20:19
tewardbut be aware that in 9 months you'll have to upgrade *again* if you use 18.10 or 19.04.20:19
teward9 months or less*20:20
scitex59Just wondering if the LXQt desktop environment will be more resource hungry than the current LXLE desktop20:21
meadI installed 18.10 by mistake after my storage device died, the layout was the major difference... I went back to my comfort zone of 18.0420:21
scitex59If I install Lubuntu 18.04 LTS, how long will it be supported ?20:29
lubot<aptghetto> 3 years20:30
geniiSo you should be able to go from 18.04 to 20.04 up to around a year after 20.04 comes out20:33
scitex59I have greatly enjoyed my experience with Ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04.  However, with each new release my hardware is becoming more outdated.  I may have to migrate to a lighter weight distro soon.20:36
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> @scitex59 [<scitex59> I have greatly enjoyed my experience with Ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04.  Ho …], Lubuntu 18.04 is the best choice for you. Works like a charm on older hardware.20:42

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