
didrocksgood morning07:18
seb128lut didrocks & good morning desktopers07:20
didrockssalut seb12807:27
jibelSalut didrocks and seb12807:36
jibelça va?07:36
didrocksça va jibel, et toi ?07:37
jibelbien bien07:37
bigonare there any reasons why resolveconf support is disabled in networkmanager pkg in ubuntu?07:46
bigon(bonjour :)07:46
bigonThis is (or was) causing issues when resolveconf pkg is installed07:51
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
willcookehi Trevinho, how are you?09:00
willcookeor more importantly, where are you09:00
willcookemorning Laney, how goes?  I thought of you yesterday when I was in a lift.  There was an advert for a "Month by month allotment" book :)09:05
Laney:D indeed I do have one of those09:06
seb128hey willcooke trevinho Laney09:07
willcookeg'mornin' seb12809:08
Laneyhttps://www.allotment-garden.org/book/vegetable-growing-month-by-month/ that one09:08
willcookeIt was this one: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Allotment-Month-Grow-Fruit-Vegetables/dp/0241360005/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1549530550&sr=8-2&keywords=allotment+month09:09
Laneyyo seb12809:09
Laneywhat's up?09:09
willcookeonly 7.9909:09
seb128bigon, hey, p_itti turned it off in 2016 in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/1.4.2-2ubuntu4 unsure if the reason still stands though09:09
seb128"Disable resolvconf support.09:09
seb128    This is broken with DNS plugins other than "dnsmasq" -- it still writes09:09
seb128 into resolvconf as a nameserver, but this does not exist any more and09:09
seb128    will also shadow resolved's stub server on"09:09
willcookeseb128, could that be related to: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/177894609:10
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1778946 in ppp (Ubuntu) "No dns resolution after closing a vpn/pptp connection" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:10
seb128willcooke, I guess it 'could' but I don't think it's likely to be related09:11
didrockshey willcooke, Trevinho, Laney09:14
willcookemorning didrocks09:15
seb128jbicha, you are dealing with the e-d-s and gnome-desktop3 build issues I guess?09:30
jibeljbicha, hi, you updated simple-scan 3.31.90-0ubuntu1 on Disco and it is now crashing on start. Could you have a look?09:36
jibelunfortunately the crash fails to retrace09:36
seb128jbicha, bug #1815025 also09:56
ubot5bug 1815025 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Nautilus 3.31.90 : missing dependancies (Tracker)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181502509:56
seb128"Nautilus 3.31.90 does not start without Tracker."09:56
Trevinhooh willcooke sorry, didn't see it, was already in mutter lands :)09:56
Trevinhobut physically I am in Sicily09:56
TrevinhoI just went closer to Malta in between things :)09:57
bigonseb128: because a some times ago (2017?) removing resolvconf from the laptop of a coleague fixed dns issues with vpn. I'm asking again because I see somebody complaining on twitter about this09:57
Laneythx seb128, I was just going to file that :>09:58
Laney(org.gnome.Nautilus:7838): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: 09:58:20.612: Settings schema 'org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files' is not installed09:58
Laneyhey didrocks too, sorry got distracted09:59
andyrockgood morning!10:03
seb128hey andyrock, how are you?10:05
andyrockhey seb128, good! I'm back to London. In the office atm10:06
andyrockyesterday eurostar decided to move my train one hour before without notifying me :)10:06
didrocksgot that 3 years ago10:07
didrockswelcome to the team!10:07
didrocks(was a TGV though)10:08
jbichaseb128: eds was just launchpad having trouble last night but yes I'm handling that transition10:16
seb128jbicha, k, I saw that the armhf build was also missing in Debian so I though there might be an issue on that arch10:17
jbichathe nautilus problem is because people aren't installing recommends so I'll make it a depends :|10:18
Laneyit should be a dependency if the application fails to start without it10:20
jbichaI agree, I'm just explaining why I didn't see it before uploading10:20
Laneyok then10:21
LaneyI don't disable recommends, so I wonder why I ended up without it10:21
seb128you maybe installed the nautilus which added that recommends by some way that doesn't pull recommends in10:22
seb128like dpkg -i from local builds when you worked on 3.3010:22
jbichaspecifically it's nautilus D> tracker R> tracker-miner-fs D> tracker-extract so I'll just add have nautilus depend on either tracke-miner-fs or tracker-extract10:22
seb128or apt isn't installing those in all cases10:22
jbichaI guess we'll  do tracker-miner-fs to make it more likely that all the important tracker parts will be installed10:25
Laneysudo apt install --fix-policy --install-recommends10:26
Laneythat gets quite a few things here :-o10:26
jbichajibel: robert_ancell is upstream for simple scan so maybe ping him? simple-scan runs fine for me here but I don't have a scanner. Does it crash for you?10:32
seb128there is also a report upstream from someone who tried to build/start the current version on bionic and it fails to start too10:34
jibeljbicha, yes it crashes10:36
jibelI'm wondering if it's because some libs are stuck in proposed10:37
jbichaI don't think I have proposed libs installed here really10:38
jibelit doesn't crash if a scanner is not attached10:39
seb128jibel, can you get a backtrace?10:40
jibelseb128, no, it fails to retrace10:40
seb128jibel, use gdb luke10:40
jibelsaying I've out of date libs but the system is fully up to date10:41
jbichaI've never heard of --fix-policy, is that even documented?10:45
Laneydunno how I know it10:46
Laneydoes it work without? maybe it's some ancient thing I think is required but isn't10:47
ubot5Debian bug 578020 in apt "apt-get: --fix-policy not documented" [Wishlist,Open]10:48
Laneythat d-d-a post is probably where I learned the command10:49
jbichabtw we have a new strict confinement simple-scan snap in the candidate channel that needs verification11:10
seb128jbicha, btw the deb hits an invalid read in code that didn't change in ages, it's not impossible that it could be a vala bug11:21
seb128Robert should have a look I guess11:21
willcookeI think one of the reasons that simple scan was classic was so that it could pick up firmware11:25
willcookebut that might have been fixed11:25
jbichadidrocks: do you want to do your gnome-shell upload for the evolution-data-server transition?11:36
willcookeI thought my ketle was broken, but luckily it's just the light12:00
Nafallowillcooke: I think broken light counts, right? ;-)12:01
willcookeIt makes the water hot for tea. That's all that really matters :)12:02
jbichaseb128: we need a bug subscriber for libnfs LP: #1746598 and I'm wondering whether it's ok to sync gvfs now or if the MIR needs more work first12:02
ubot5Launchpad bug 1746598 in libnfs (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libnfs" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174659812:02
seb128jbicha, @subscribe, done12:05
seb128jbicha, "- It has dozens of tests, but I didn't see any of them be called during build" ... I wonder if that should be resolved before promoting12:05
jbichathe bug description says we use autopkgtests? so I filed Debian bug 92157812:06
ubot5Debian bug 921578 in src:libnfs "libnfs: autopkgtest failures on Ubuntu" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/92157812:06
jbichathere is a patch to skip some tests so maybe it just needs extending but I thought I'd rather have the maintainer decide on that12:07
seb128ah, right12:07
seb128but yeah, if the autopkgtest are failing it's not nice12:07
ricotzoh, the shrinking terminal window bug is back12:42
ricotzjbicha, is there a report for the simple-scan crash?12:45
jbicharicotz: does the terminal bug go away if you use   gsettings set org.gnome.Terminal.Legacy.Settings headerbar false  and then restart your terminal?12:52
ricotzjbicha, can't this on this machine, will try on another one12:54
jbichaI guess https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/simple-scan/issues/8812:54
gitbotGNOME issue 88 in simple-scan "[+6,59s] CRITICAL: g_object_ref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed" [Opened]12:54
ricotzI see, not that useful without a trace12:55
jbichajibel: ^12:59
ricotznice, a typo (missing ">") in the german translation of simple-scane13:03
ricotzleading to gtk criticals13:03
ricotzjbicha, without using the headerbar it doesn't shrink13:15
jbicharicotz: could you report that upstream? note that upstream doesn't enable the headerbar by default (I imagine most distros will override that), fmuellner was the one who implemented it13:18
gitbotGNOME issue 44 in gnome-terminal "Implement header bar" [Opened]13:18
ricotzjbicha, I attached a backtrace for the simple-scan crash13:19
didrocksjbicha: Trevinho is handling the update, it's complex and can break d2d13:23
jbichadidrocks: I wasn't talking about 3.31.90, I was talking about your unreleased changes in https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell13:25
jbichayes I'm aware that he is handling mutter/gnome-shell 3.3113:26
didrocksjbicha: if you tested with new e-d-s, feel free to upload, the patches changes I made are fine13:32
jbichaok, thanks13:32
ricotzjbicha, https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/simple-scan/issues/7913:57
gitbotGNOME issue 79 in simple-scan "Segfault after scanner detection" [Opened]13:57
jbichathank you13:58
Laneyricotz: that loop is different from just copying the list? where does the copy happen?14:45
Laneyof the device I mean14:46
ricotzLaney, the copy/ref is handled by vala while the element of the list are owned14:47
Laneyk, I don't find it that obvious when reading that code14:48
Laneybut thanks :>14:48
ricotzunfortunately there is no syntax to access the copy/ref function to pass it to e.g. copy_deep14:48
Laneywhat's up with prepend/reverse?14:49
ricotzit is faster than append14:50
ricotzbut I guess it doesnt matter for such a short list14:50
Laneyyou can keep track of the end of the list to append to14:54
Laneyanyway, micro nitpicking :P14:54
mptandyrock, hi, I updated the Livepatch design with the offline behaviour and other details. <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareUpdates?action=diff&rev2=229&rev1=228>16:19
andyrockmpt: thx16:19
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
jbichaseb128: bug subscriber for gsound LP: #1815095 please, needed for gnome-control-center17:01
ubot5Launchpad bug 1815095 in gsound (Ubuntu) "[MIR] gsound" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181509517:01
jbichathat dependency addition landed yesterday! but it's a small library so hopefully won't be too much of a problem17:02
jbichaalso, the gnome-remote-desktop and pipewire MIRs need bug subscribers, but those MIRs may take a while17:07
kenvandineanyone available to help debug a gtk build failure in my build snap?17:32
kenvandinei've disabled parallel builds and had the same results17:32
kenvandineso not that17:32
kenvandineif i drop to a shell in multipass after it fails and run make in parts/gtk/build it builds fine17:33
kenvandineLaney: ^^ maybe you have ideas?17:33
jbichakenvandine: can you post your yaml link?17:34
Laneykenvandine: not sure, but signal 11 is a segfaul17:42
Laneydid anything get updated?17:43
kenvandineit has been failing since early january17:43
kenvandinenot sure what's changed17:43
Laneycan you get a bt?17:44
kenvandineit only fails inside of snapcraft though17:44
kenvandinei don't think so17:44
kenvandineif i drop to a shell and run make it builds :/17:44
kenvandineonly fails in the snapcraft build17:44
Laneymaybe install systemd-coredump or something and see if coredumpctl gets it?17:45
kenvandinea royal pita to debug17:45
kenvandineok, i'll add that as a build package17:45
Laneydunno if that'll work17:45
kenvandinei can't think of any other way to get it in there17:46
seb128jbicha, k for gsound17:56
seb128jbicha, let me think about the pipewire one, I don't think we know much about that component and on if we want to maintain it, though I guess we will have to at some point17:57
jbichaI understand. I only mentioned it today since I was mentioning the other MIR bugs17:59
seb128@gsound done18:01
seb128btw do you know about the boost option from didrocks if that's in, if not maybe ask Robert to rewrite that patch since he did the panel refactoring :)18:01
jbichaoh, that's not in, it's a very simple sound panel18:05
jbichasimpler than I expected18:05
didrocksespecially as there was some design from aday at the time18:14
didrocksfor the boost18:14
didrocksI don't think we should regress in uploading without it18:14
seb128jbicha, k, well please don't upload the new version without that patch, get Robert to fix it if needed19:12
willcookenight all.  See you in Malta19:20

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