[16:00] o/ [16:00] * vorlon waves [16:00] o/ [16:01] #startmeeting [16:01] Meeting started Thu Feb 7 16:01:10 2019 UTC. The chair is vorlon. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. [16:01] Available commands: action commands idea info link nick [16:01] [TOPIC] Lightning round === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Lightning round [16:01] $ echo $(shuf -e vorlon bdmurray xnox tdaitx doko sil2100 rbalint infinity cyphermox mwhudson juliank waveform) [16:01] juliank xnox rbalint vorlon infinity mwhudson waveform cyphermox doko bdmurray sil2100 tdaitx [16:01] * apt work [16:01] I think that's it [16:01] skip [16:01] heh :) [16:02] rbalint: [16:02] * released livecd-rootfs merging multiple fixes including fixing mount with latest util-linux [16:02] * many unattended-upgrades 16.04 SRU verifications finding a few incomplete fixes [16:02] * partner meeting [16:02] * trying to reproduce resurfacing LP: #1766217, with no luck yet [16:02] Launchpad bug 1766217 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "software updater presents an empty panel for updating" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1766217 [16:02] * gardening unattended-upgrades bugs and playing with pinning support [16:02] (done) [16:02] rbalint: does it work? :D [16:03] juliank, it seems so but i'm preparing a mr for apt to use -32767 for never [16:03] vorlon: [16:03] * MP raised for LP: #564853, to fix spurious ucf prompts in grub [16:03] * proposed-migration [16:03] * discussions around MySQL 8.0 OpenSSL linkage [16:03] * discussions around OpenJDK 11 in bionic [16:04] Launchpad bug 564853 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "Spurious conffile prompts for /etc/default/grub" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/564853 [16:04] (done) [16:04] waveform: [16:04] no Adam? [16:04] vorlon, \o/ for the grub fix [16:04] bdmurray: evidently not [16:04] * validating upgrades to current bionic from beta on various Pi models; identified a few issues that need dealing with [16:04] * patched u-boot to deal with one aforementioned upgrade issue [16:04] * tested core16 and core18 images on CM3; awaiting delivery of CM3+ for further testing [16:04] * wiringpi nearly complete (now builds on PPA and result works, but one final warning to squash) [16:04] * RPi.GPIO package accepted so GPIO via Python should now be possible on arm64 [16:04] * investigated systemd "degraded" state of arm64 Pi image on boot; network-wait and kernel-modules to blame [16:04] (done) [16:05] cyphermox: [16:05] SHIM review: CentOS, SuSE. [16:05] MIR reviews: gnome-remote-desktop, pipewire [16:05] e2fsprogs: SRU verification for bug 1798562 [16:05] bug 1798562 in e2fsprogs (Ubuntu) "After a side by side installation, resized filesystem is corrupted" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1798562 [16:05] grub2 SRUs: [16:05] - bug 1814575: fix "db is empty" on Lenovos when checking signatures for kernels (cosmic, bionic) [16:05] - bug 1814403: land vorlon's fix for quick-boot-lvm detecting efi status (cosmic, bionic) [16:05] bug 1814575 in grub2-signed (Ubuntu) "Updates failing because "db is empty"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1814575 [16:05] - bionic: bug LP: #1401532: disabling fallback to unsigned. in unapproved until post-pointrelease [16:05] partman-efi/ubiquity: early detection for missing ESP (SRU verification for bug LP: #1803031) [16:05] bug 1814403 in grub2 (Ubuntu Bionic) "Latest update causes 30 sec. menu delay timeout" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1814403 [16:05] dkms+shim-signed: currently verifying SRUs for xenial, trusty [16:05] Launchpad bug 1401532 in grub2-signed (Ubuntu Bionic) "GRUB's Secure Boot implementation loads unsigned kernel without warning" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1401532 [16:05] scratching my head about other shim reviews. [16:05] Launchpad bug 1803031 in grub-installer (Ubuntu) "error: cannot find EFI directory." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1803031 [16:05] (done) [16:05] - FOSDEM and OpenJDK committers workshop [16:05] - OpenJDK 12 build 31 [16:05] - GCC 9 packages in -proposed, updating GCC 8 not to build the common packages [16:05] - binutils 2.32 [16:05] - IBMz performance call [16:05] - OpenJDK-11 update calls [16:05] - finished the ftbfs regression spreadsheet for OpenSSL/OpenJDK/GCC/Python [16:05] - preparing SRU's for the planned bionic GCC 7.4 update [16:05] oh yes, I guess I did other grub stuff this week too, didn't I ;) [16:05] (done) [16:05] i can go too, i think [16:05] xnox: I'll wait for you [16:06] * FOSDEM [16:06] - sent report [16:06] - did resolved talk [16:06] - "fixed" snapd/systemd/no /usr/local in PATH in bionic [16:06] - turns out we ship and use /usr/local a lot in production [16:06] * systemd v240 migrated \o/ [16:06] * working on OpenSSL SRU fixing up leaf packages [16:06] (end) [16:06] had MP merged regarding migration of the ET mojo spec to use autocert [16:06] worked w/ webops regarding getting ET mojo spec to pass in jenkins w/ autocert [16:06] submitted RT regarding setting up dev ops env for geonames mojo spec [16:06] wrote blog post regarding whoopsie OOPS ID and .uploaded file [16:06] fixed apport bug 1658188 harder (missed something 2 years ago) [16:06] uploaded 18.04 SRU for apport bug LP: #1766337 [16:06] reported debian bug 921581 regarding distro-info [16:06] bug 1658188 in apport (Ubuntu Xenial) "/usr/share/apport/apport-gtk:TypeError:/usr/share/apport/apport-gtk@597:run_argv:run_crashes" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1658188 [16:06] reported distro-info-data bug LP: #1814976 re eol-server dates [16:06] Launchpad bug 1766337 in apport (Ubuntu Bionic) "uncaught python exception : UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte; invalid continuation byte" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1766337 [16:06] Debian bug 921581 in distro-info "Typo in error message regarding csv format" [Minor,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/921581 [16:06] Launchpad bug 1814976 in distro-info-data (Ubuntu) "eol-server dates are empty for current releases" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1814976 [16:06] submitted (merged) PR re KPI for proposed migration by team [16:06] created graph for the KPI for proposed migration by team [16:06] uploaded python-apt w/ updated mirrors lists for Ubuntu 18.04.2 [16:06] tested various installers of Ubuntu on an Intel NUC [16:06] ✔ done [16:07] - SRU reviews and releases [16:07] - Kernel releases [16:07] - Weekend snapd regression, reviewing and releasing the SRU [16:07] - Updating the crisis document [16:07] - 18.04.2: [16:07] * Clean up of old unverified langpacks [16:07] * Preparing the .2 changelog on wiki [16:07] * Creating, verifying and sending the pi3 arm64 core18 model assertion to the store [16:07] * Adding changes to livecd-rootfs for building core18 arm64 images [16:07] * Adding pi3-arm64 to cdimage [16:07] * Coordinating stable snap releases for .2 [16:07] - Testing ubuntu-image 1.6 snap for stable promotion [16:07] - raspi3 classic: [16:07] * Sponsoring various bugfix uploads for Dave [16:07] * Investigating ways to deal with raspi3-firmware and config.txt upgrades [16:07] - Changed core18 snap-rebuild script to only rebuild core18 if ubuntu-base package contents change [16:07] - Started work on old-releases-archival helper tool for cdimage [16:07] - Drafted some work on core18 promotion script [16:07] (done) [16:07] Short week: half-days last week, openjdk workshop on Monday [16:07] * openjdk-11 transition [16:07] - new ppas with -security only deps [16:07] - cherry-picking package versions to backport [16:07] - testing gradle/groovy toolchains with openjdk-lts and -security only [16:07] - re-checking rebuilds; number packages: [16:07] * 65 disco, 172 bionic, 262 from test-bionic [16:07] * limited to packages listed in openjdk-11 SRU exception/FFe request [16:07] - openjdk 11 transition meetings [16:07] Other: [16:07] * off next week in Malta, will drop in for some transition work [16:08] * fighting off the fosdem flu [16:08] (done) [16:08] tdaitx: where is this list about the rebuilds? [16:08] vorlon: Where is this grub2/ucf MP? [16:09] * cjwatson fails to find it on https://code.launchpad.net/~vorlon/+activereviews [16:09] https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/grub/+git/ubuntu/+merge/362869 [16:09] doko: grepping through the newer csv files, filtering through failures, and matching according the the packages we asked for exception [16:09] nack :P [16:09] (thanks) [16:10] cjwatson: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/grub/+git/ubuntu/+merge/362869 [16:10] ah [16:10] nak again, I guess [16:10] I'm thinking this was a TCP exchange rather than a review [16:10] Yes, I already fixed this in Debian with much thought, you should just cherry-pick [16:10] i squinted at it [16:10] ah [16:10] doko: I just counted how many packages, still going through the list for each rebuild, don't necessarily mean they are openjdk related [16:11] tdaitx: please update the spreadsheet [16:11] I'm fairly certain that MP will make matters even more confusing :) [16:12] anything else re: status? [16:12] I was kind of inching towards not merging these things at all if it could be avoided [16:12] ie. we write the config once, and if you're unhappy about timeout, well, change it [16:12] cyphermox: nack :P [16:13] (at least as far as timeout is involved, other things might need merging) [16:13] well, timeout perhaps [16:13] but it's not timeout that prompted the server team's attention [16:13] timeout is currently THE thing that comes from debconf :) [16:13] no, I know [16:13] I'm pretty sure that https://salsa.debian.org/grub-team/grub/commit/e4e7c3fae0fe7682f4c1215daeb6830716eb1b58 is correct; I spent a couple of days going over every case I could think of and verifying behaviour. [16:13] but my point is like that, you essentially write /etc/default/grub once, and not touch it again [16:13] yeah, nack [16:13] Please can you just resync with Debian because the divergence is getting out of hand? [16:14] cjwatson: yes [16:15] [TOPIC] Bugs === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Bugs [16:15] bdmurray: [16:15] should we target bug 1814109? [16:15] bug 1814109 in libarchive (Ubuntu) "Nautilus corrupts 7z archive files when extracting via 'Extract here' context menu" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1814109 [16:17] bdmurray: seems like an upstream issue that we're unlikely to fix ourselves, but might as well target it [16:17] okay, doing so [16:18] I ran across bug 1797335 again, does anybody know the status of it? [16:18] bug 1797335 in glibc (Ubuntu) "strstr() on ubuntu18.04 8 times slower than on ubuntu16" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1797335 [16:19] well, I think we are waiting on the glibc SRU ... [16:20] that's in proposed now, no? [16:20] I think that one's in -proposed already [16:20] infinity might know [16:20] STS/SEG uploaded, no? [16:20] It is [16:20] Along with binutils [16:20] there is a glibc SRU in flight AIUI [16:20] So the bug didn't get referenced then? [16:20] It's full of ADT regressions though, hope someone tracks those [16:20] Okay, I'll dig into it. [16:20] but that bug lacks an SRU template, so [16:20] hmmm [16:20] it has https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glibc/+bug/1663280 referenced [16:20] Launchpad bug 1663280 in glibc (Ubuntu Xenial) "Serious performance degradation of math functions" [High,Fix committed] [16:21] so maybe that's something else, no?! [16:21] Oh [16:21] or under referenced? [16:21] or a duplicated, no? [16:21] it's different [16:21] but similar [16:22] Okay, thanks [16:22] similifferent [16:22] Indeed, ugh [16:22] That's it for rls- stuff. I tested bug 1805027 again w/ the systemd SRU and it seems fine to me. [16:22] bug 1805027 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd-resolved can't resolve Comcast mail server addresses" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1805027 [16:22] * sil2100 needs to actually open the bugs before commenting on them [16:22] Should I just mark it as a duplicate of bug 1811471? [16:22] bug 1811471 in systemd "local resolver stub fails to handle multiple TCP dns queries" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1811471 [16:23] if that's fixed now, yes [16:23] it should be, i think [16:23] do we need to hurry through publication of a systemd SRU then before it gets stomped on by security? [16:23] and SRUs are done across the board [16:23] Well none of the original reporters have said anything... [16:23] vorlon, all systemd srus are published [16:23] xnox: ok. any more pending? :) [16:25] that's it for me [16:25] [TOPIC] proposed-migration === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: proposed-migration [16:25] [LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/disco/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs [16:25] doko: ? [16:26] so like [16:26] vorlon, bdmurray - not sure why SEG/STS did not upload https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+source/systemd/+bug/1755863 [16:26] Launchpad bug 1755863 in systemd (Ubuntu Cosmic) "netbooting the bionic live CD over NFS goes straight to maintenance mode :" [Medium,In progress] [16:26] or should we, for the point release [16:26] as that fixes the ubiquity NFS installer [16:26] ddstreet, ^ [16:26] the ubiquity nfs installer that we don't support? [16:27] no more bugs for point release [16:27] bug fixes, that is [16:27] bugs or fixes? [16:29] no bug fixes which may lead to bugs [16:29] and no bugs too [16:29] doko: do you think we need to discuss the packages currently in? the list of blocked packages is fairly short, and I understand the causes of each [16:30] I don't know what we're doing about the failing kernel package autopkgtests [16:30] vorlon, I think the only one is pillow/libimagequant0 [16:30] i did raise that question with the kernel team [16:30] gaughen: that's an MIR waiting for security review [16:30] i believe we overtrigger tests [16:30] xnox: disagree; we deliberately care to know if the toolchain regresses the kernel [16:30] because their test-suite runtime dependencies, are not in indication that runtime packages are regressing the new kernel [16:30] kewl [16:31] but the autopkgtests do not give good signal and I don't know who's owning this [16:31] vorlon, sure, but we don't care about running their java testsuite and seeing regression of those, upon non-toolchain uploads. [16:31] overtriggering should not be a problem if the tests are good tests [16:31] the tests are good, but always run from -proposed [16:31] so we never have good SRU migration signals either. [16:31] right, so to me that's not good [16:32] so do we need to get the kernel team to fix the tests to skip based on the triggers listed in the environment? [16:34] [ACTION] vorlon to follow up w/ apw [16:34] ACTION: vorlon to follow up w/ apw [16:34] [ACTION] vorlon to follow up w/ apw about kernel autopkgtests blocking the world [16:34] ACTION: vorlon to follow up w/ apw about kernel autopkgtests blocking the world [16:34] vorlon, let me forward you on the email thread i had with kernel-team [16:35] vorlon: no, nothing important now [16:35] ok [16:35] [TOPIC] AOBB === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOBB [16:35] [TOPIC] AOB === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB [16:35] anything else? [16:35] vorlon, doko reached out to apw, let me rope you in [16:40] doesn't sound like there's anything else [16:40] #endmeeting === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | be nice [16:40] Meeting ended Thu Feb 7 16:40:47 2019 UTC. [16:40] Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2019/ubuntu-meeting.2019-02-07-16.01.moin.txt [16:41] thanks, all! [16:43] o/ [17:11] cjwatson: peeked at your approach to the ucf change; AIUI the result of this is that if the user has tried to dpkg-reconfigure and change a setting through debconf, the new value will be ignored [17:12] vorlon: do feel free to send me a test script (informal or otherwise) that exercises this [17:12] * vorlon nods [17:13] vorlon: I thought I tested that case though [17:13] ICBW, I haven't tested yet and am only looking at the code [17:13] but yes, I'll test and follow up [17:14] thanks