
rbasakCould update-grub instead default to the default if unset?00:00
rbasakIIRC the cloud image merely needs to add a console=ttyS000:00
rbasakBut currently it redefines the entire thing.00:00
cjwatsonErr not sure that would help.00:01
cjwatsonThe cloud image thing should just append then.  That's all you need to do.00:01
rbasakI think the confusing thing is that there are two places to look - the top level _and_ .d/00:02
rbasakAnd in cloud images we ship them already overriding each other in a (IMHO) not-obvious way.00:03
cjwatsonI think that's inevitable00:03
rbasakEven if it only appended, it wouldn't be obvious after one spots the first definition in /etc/default/grub that it's being changed.00:03
cjwatsonIt also seems not that non-obvious.  Main file read then .d fragments; it's common enough practice?00:05
cjwatsonAnd trying to unwind it now would be impossibly complex anyway IMO00:05
rbasakYeah I accept there isn't necessarily a better solution than what we have now.00:05
rbasakcommon enough practice> yes, except that usually (IMHO) distro-shipped bits don't override each other00:06
rbasak(by default)00:06
cjwatsonFragments that override rather than appending are def a problem00:06
rbasakFurther than append, normally I'd expect, in the distro default, that each thing is only defined in one place.00:07
cjwatsonGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX is in some ways a collection of little things rather than one thing, though00:08
cjwatsonIt could be clearer if it weren't in shell  ..00:09
rbasakThat's true00:09
vorloncjwatson: "the filesystem has primacy" - then surely dpkg-reconfigure should not even show the prompts?00:10
cjwatsonThat's allowed *during grub's own configuration process*00:10
xnoxrbasak, vorlon, cjwatson - i thought all cloudimages use grub.d/* snippets, not /etc/default/grub itself.00:10
vorloncjwatson: I guess I don't object to grub not being configurable through debconf, but I do object to debconf questions whose answers are ignored :)00:10
cjwatsonAre you saying they're ignored if you change them during dpkg-reconfigure grub-foo?00:11
vorlonthat's what I was saying in the first place00:11
cjwatsonI thought you meant preseeding00:11
vorlonno :)00:11
cjwatsonOK, then I agree that's a bug, would appreciate a Debian report00:12
vorlonanswers are accepted, postinst seds them into /tmp/grub.soandso, runs ucf with UCF_FORCE_CONFFOLD=1, ignores everything in the tmpfile00:12
cjwatsonI'm fairly convinced the ucf forcing is necessary - I spent a long time tracing through ucf trying to find any viable alternative - but I could refine the conditions that lead to that maybe00:13
cjwatsonxnox: I don't think anyone is disagreeing with that00:14
vorloncjwatson: well, cough, if we wanted to catch all cases we could sed the debconf answers into each of /etc/default/grub, the tmpfile, and /var/lib/ucf/cache/:etc:default:grub00:22
vorlonwhich would then be consistent with debconferry on non-ucf config files00:22
cjwatsonI'm happy to experiment with that but it trips my danger-will-robinson sense00:24
cjwatsonI would be very surprised if seddery on /etc/default/grub before invoking ucf didn't produce *some* kind of bug00:25
vorlonhmm, I tested all the cases I could think of, and the only remaining issue was a subset of the previous misbehavior, and "fixable" by also mucking with /var/lib/ucf/cache00:26
cjwatsonI would prefer approaches like adding "have none of the relevant debconf options changed in this run?" to the condition that determines whether to set UCF_FORCE_CONFFOLD=100:28
* vorlon nods00:28
cjwatsonbut I'll have a play00:29
GunnarHjvorlon: Did you see this question:00:42
vorlonGunnarHj: I did, but didn't have a chance to swap back in the context, sorry.  So, tomorrow is my SRU day again, and I'll re-review it then in light of the answers on the ug01:13
GunnarHjvorlon: Ok, TIA.'01:14
GunnarHjvorlon: I suspect that jbicha would like to add to the SRU some change from version 144, so a detailed review is probably not needed with the one currently in the queue. A conclusion on when to apply your proposed improvement would be highly desirable, though.01:19
LocutusOfBorgseb128, I fixed gstreamer-vaapi, to avoid duplicated work :)10:40
LocutusOfBorg(I forgot to tell you I was fixing it, I hope you didn't loose time)10:40
seb128LocutusOfBorg, thx (and no, I didn't yet)11:07
LocutusOfBorgnice, I hope to see it migrate in some minutes11:10
seb128LocutusOfBorg, did migrate now :)11:43
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LocutusOfBorgyep :D12:19
ahasenackdoko: hi, I have a few questions about a MIR for a package that build-deps on universe golang packages12:43
ahasenackdoko: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MIRTeam lists "Evaluating cost/benefits while considering the ABI instability of golang libraries during this period, the MIR team decided for 17.10 and later to allow static builds of golang packages in main, so long as the number of these packages remains low and they follow the guidelines below. The MIR team may reevaluate this in the future."12:44
ahasenackdoko: specifically i was asked to list the dependencies of runc (http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/runc)12:44
ahasenackdoko: it has a long chain of golang builddeps that are in universe12:44
ahasenackwhich are statically linked12:44
ahasenackso they don't appear as runtime dependencies12:45
ahasenackso how can I determine if it's suitable for a MIR from that perspective, aka, "dependencies in universe"?12:45
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ahasenackcyphermox: hi, do you have an opinion on my MIR questions above? The runtime deps of the package are ok in terms of only pulling in main, but the build time deps from universe are statically linked (golang)13:58
cyphermoxbuild deps aren't part of the MIR anymore, only binary deps.13:59
cyphermoxso we're looking at runc or something else?14:00
ahasenackcyphermox: runc14:15
ahasenackcyphermox: which has universe golang builddeps14:15
cyphermoxyup ok14:16
ahasenackcyphermox: were it not golang, those deps would be runtime deps14:17
cyphermoxwell, they aren't -- that's why there's that line about evaluating cost/benefit given ABI installability, etc. and we allow them as long as the number of packages is low14:19
cyphermoxis the MIR bug open yet14:19
ahasenackthe number of packages it builds with is low, or the number of packages in this situation in main is low?14:20
cyphermoxthe number of packages in that situation in main :)14:20
ahasenackcyphermox: no, no mir bug yet, I was evaluating the list of dependencies to see if we were going to need other MIRs for them14:20
ahasenackcyphermox: so, in principle, no other dependencies need to be pulled in, but the mir team will evaluate the status of such packages in main, is that the tl;dr regarding this question of mine?14:21
cyphermoxcorrect, yes14:21
ahasenackcyphermox: thanks!14:21
zimmerianHello - I am wondering if there's documentation around the distupgrade python module?16:16
zimmerianI'd like to automate around it for say, disk free, obsolete kernels, etc rather than sift through main.log after do-release-upgrade runs16:16
zimmerianit seems distupgradecache.py will get it done but when I launch it manually it doesn't find parent '' or something so guessing there's a different way to call it16:20
zimmerianI can try and find my way around it but was hoping there'd be some docs maybe you all use to speed up progress - thank you!16:20
zimmerianor thanks in advance :-)16:20
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ahasenackhi, anybody from foundations planning on merging isc-dhcp 4.4.x?18:07
infinityvorlon: ^-- Last merge was by you in zesty.18:11
ahasenacki started, but it's intimidating18:11
ahasenackand many things depend on the dhcp server18:12
infinityAnd the client!18:12
ahasenacknot to forget the client, yes18:12
infinityI mean, if I were ranking for importance, I'd put the client first. :)18:13
infinity"My dhcp server didn't come up" is something you can SSH in and fix.18:13
infinityvorlon: I nominate you Foundations isc-dhcp TIL, but feel free to pass the buck? :P18:14
ahasenacki don't understand the reason for the system-bind.patch, why it picks the libraries it picks18:25
ahasenackthere is no bug number, no reasoning18:25
ahasenackin 4.3.x, debian removed a bunch of static libraries from linking, and added dns-export and isc-export18:26
ahasenackubuntu picked up on that and added a few more dynamic libraries to the mix: irs-export and isccfg-export18:26
ahasenackI can do the same with 4.418:27
ahasenackbut would like to know what it was fixing18:27
vorloninfinity: I prefer the MoM rule that says ahasenack gets to do it ;)18:46
vorlonok I suppose I'll look... but not today18:47
ahasenackthere is an infiniband support patch who lists vorlon as one of the authors :)18:59
ahasenackLocutusOfBorg: do you know Ryan Tandy's irc nick? rtandy perhaps?19:12
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