
tanja84dkI have a small issue I'm trying to manually add a ca cert to a linux server I manage for someone else ( he runs every connection over internal proxy ) but for some reason update-ca-certificates does not pick up the cert I have added00:00
tanja84dkhow come does it not pickup the newly added cert when I update the cert database? I did put it in /usr/share/ca-certificates/extra/00:02
OerHeksi think you want /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/00:14
tanja84dkOerHeks: thanks I will try that instead.00:18
=== Budgii_ is now known as Budgii
OerHekshi one80800:19
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw00:19
geniiOerHeks: They were already warned on previous occasions about this00:20
tanja84dkthanks OerHeks that added it now lets see if it actually work. I have just seen several tutorials there said I should create a folder called extra in /usr/share/ca-certificates and put it there00:21
BengHello guys , my UEFI is 32bit and my CPU is 64bit installation of linux its very hard for my begginer skills can i have advise ?00:22
tanja84dkand thanks alot OerHeks It worked his server now allow to use https over his proxy ( because of slow internet so to reduce bandwich where he are able to )00:22
mobile_c_if i download a -dev package how do i go about downloading its source in order to correctly debug it00:23
mobile_c_for example, glibc6-dev00:24
mobile_c_libc6-dev *00:24
jmcone808: hi00:25
tanja84dkmobile_c_: I have learned that you are able to download source packages with apt source command00:25
jmcone808: just ask your question00:25
tanja84dkbut you need to have added the src repo's00:25
OerHeksBeng, see #1, this is not for beginners, and my experience is that *if* you get this working, some driver fail https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI#General_principles00:26
Bengbut there is a way its not impossible ?00:26
OerHeksa.k.a. it is a hack, some machines might work, i put no effort in it.00:27
mobile_c_libc6-dbg libc6-dev    *00:27
mobile_c_as i get00:29
mobile_c_Breakpoint 1, _dl_init (main_map=0x7ffff7ffe170, argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffddc8, env=0x7fffffffddd8) at dl-init.c:7900:29
mobile_c_79      dl-init.c: No such file or directory.00:29
mobile_c_how do i fix that so it can find dl-init.c00:29
OerHeksi think you need to install build-essentials, for those standard libs00:30
mobile_c_as i have installed: libc6-dev libc6-dbg glibc-source00:31
OerHeksgcc-defaults perhaps00:32
OerHeksone can figure it out both ways, why not installing build-essentials ?00:33
OerHekseasy peasy00:33
mobile_c_OerHeks: build-essential is already the newest version (12.4ubuntu1).00:34
mobile_c_how tf do u think im compiling ANYTHING WITHOUT THAT PACKAGE INSTALLED00:34
mobile_c_ur no help ._.00:35
fribhow can I Get my bluetooth adapter to show up in gnome-control-center? (not found)00:37
SlidingHorn!source | mobile_c_ Maybe this can help00:37
ubottumobile_c_ Maybe this can help: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html00:37
sim590OK, so I fixed some issue I had before. Now, I'm on someone else's problem. I have a HP 450 G4 which refuses to boot after the install. I have read that HP doesn't honor uefi standard. The windows initial install has 3 ntfs partitions and no vfat partition (for efi). I guess that the efi partition is the first ntfs partition, but it's not standard so it confuses the installation process. Afterwards, when I00:42
sim590reboot, the computer is in a boot loop. I have to plug the USB key back. Any suggestions?00:42
OerHeksno, the efi partition would be fat32, AFAIK, see the manual ( it is possible to install in UEFI mode)00:44
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI00:44
=== newplasticideas is now known as xick
OerHeksLinuxuserKBD, why so many logins?00:45
sim590OerHeks: I know that it should be fat32. However, the laptop comes with 3 ntfs partitions and event though I manually create a vfat partition alongside with the Ubuntu partition, it's stuck in a boot loop when I try to boot it.00:48
=== [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
OerHeksi think you need to setup with a clean disk, no mbr, and install windows in UEFI mode, then ubuntu, creating a vfat partition, even it is on the start is not going to work i think00:51
OerHeksand sometimes the free partition can be too far off the beginning of the disk, linux grub has a limit00:52
sim590OK, so the uefi partition needs to be at beginning?00:52
sim590Are you 100% sure that if the windows partitions are all NTFS, then it 100% sure that it's not uefi ? I mean could HP be jackasses and create custom uefi setup?00:53
OerHeksif you reinstall windows, in uefi mode from the bootmenu, it will create that automaticly00:53
sim590The link you passed me says that I should install legacy if Windows is legacy. I would like to find out if that's the case.00:54
OerHeksubuntu can do that too, but windows first is the common advise00:54
OerHeksyes, that is the case00:54
sim590OerHeks: Yeah, I could do that. But for now, windows is downloading and will be done in 4 hours... :( bad wifi00:54
sim590Also, it's weird because the firmware on the motherboard seems to be UEFI. So it's possible that the firmware is uefi, but the install is legacy, right?00:55
sim590But can Ubuntu install as legacy instead of UEFI? Therefore, I could install in legacy mode instead?00:57
OerHeksyes, ubuntu iso is hybride, so it can do legacy install too.01:01
sim590That choice should show up in the USB grub right?01:02
OerHeksthe choise can show up in the bios boot menu, if it can handle uefi too01:03
sim590I don't recall having two choices in the USB grub menu anyway. In the BIOS, I have this option: https://support.hp.com/doc-images/401/c05869164.jpg. I have tried combinations of this and I don't recall seeing changes on the USB grub menu. I will just check right now01:09
=== TheMesquito is now known as TheMesquito_ACC
OerHeksgo for legacy01:12
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=== Sveta_ is now known as Sveta
qwebirc55442i installed sweethome3d on ubuntu. right click menu is blank after some updates. initially it was normal. what can i do?01:32
Svetaqwebirc55442, greetings :)01:36
Svetaqwebirc55442, can you create a new user on your operating system and test there, please?01:36
Svetaqwebirc55442, this would help to see whether it is a problem with your configuration, or with the program install01:37
qwebirc55442@Sveta I will right now01:38
xtramayoi'm new to ubuntu how do i start?01:42
lotuspsychjextramayo: this channel is for ubuntu questions01:42
qwebirc55442Sveta: it's the same with new user01:46
=== Budgii_ is now known as Budgii
qwebirc66588i cant find any programe in ubuntu software01:49
qwebirc66588 i cant find any programe in ubuntu software01:49
=== ilfantomas_ is now known as ilfantomas
lotuspsychjeqwebirc55442: make a screenshot of it and share in the channel please01:56
lotuspsychjei have a dvdplayer on a 18.04 machine with ticking sounds at random times, any trick to shut it off by software?02:08
qwebirc55442lotuspsychje: https://youtu.be/kaqhNH4jkfk couldn't do screenshot. but could record it02:08
lotuspsychjewich program is that qwebirc5544202:11
lotuspsychjeqwebirc55442: so and your problem is you can find what exactly in sweethome?02:12
qwebirc55442lotuspsychje: i removed and reinstalled it. didn't change anything. deleted hidden config file at home folder, didn't help.02:13
lotuspsychjeqwebirc55442: yes, but whats happening there?02:14
OerHeks!info sweethome3d bionic02:14
ubottusweethome3d (source: sweethome3d): Interior 2D design application with 3D preview. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.7+dfsg-2 (bionic), package size 11613 kB, installed size 12330 kB02:14
qwebirc55442lotuspsychje: yes, some stuff never come up when i go through my curser on the menu. some stuff do. i can't do anything.02:14
OerHekssnap gives 6.12 with lots of improvements02:14
qwebirc55442lotuspsychje: i mean i can do some stuff, but as some parts are always missing, it becomes useless02:15
OerHekssudo snap install sweethome3d-homedesign02:15
lotuspsychjeyeah try what OerHeks suggests qwebirc5544202:15
OerHeks* remove the old apt install first02:15
lotuspsychjecompare the snap version with the apt one02:15
qwebirc55442lotuspsychje: OerHeks: trying right now. is it gonna replace apt version automatically? or should i remove it?02:17
OerHeksremove the old one please, then install the snap02:17
OerHeksi think the snap does not pick up old settings from your old version02:18
lotuspsychjeqwebirc55442: alternate you can also file a new !bug against sweethome3d with: ubuntu-bug sweethome3d02:19
qwebirc55442OerHeks: lotuspsychje: Sveta: thanks a lot. it's good now.02:19
OerHekshave fun!02:20
qwebirc55442OerHeks: i think i should google it, but should i prefer snap over apt for everything?02:21
=== tommy_ is now known as Guest40555
lotuspsychjeqwebirc55442: the users choice02:22
qwebirc55442lotuspsychje: thanks :)02:24
OerHeksqwebirc55442, it is the developers choice, snap and flatpack02:27
OerHeksbut we try to maintain the stable version02:27
craigbass76When I click on a link in a PDF, I get an error. Input/output error. Any ideas why?02:46
lotuspsychje!rootirc | praka02:47
ubottupraka: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.02:47
craigbass76If I copy the link and paste it into a browser, no problem02:47
craigbass76praka, new install?02:48
prakano really02:48
OerHeksmaybe that pdf reader has some setting about url handling02:49
prakaWhat can I do?02:49
craigbass76Hrmmm. I notice it on both Ubuntu and Ubuntu Studio (Xubuntu)02:49
lotuspsychjepraka: logout irc, and come back as regular user02:49
prakaI can't02:50
lotuspsychjepraka: you are logged in as root now, you can do whatever you like :p02:50
craigbass76OerHeks, but it appears to be the same thing, just pdf viewer. Not sure if Evince is the default on both, but my menus are the same02:50
SlidingHornpraka: of course you can...but if you don't care about safe practices, by all means have at it.  Don't come complaining to us when you wreck something02:51
craigbass76praka, If you have another user on the system though, ssh-Y user@localhost hexchat might do it02:51
craigbass76Close the root one first.02:51
SlidingHorn(especially seeing as you're likely not using Ubuntu anyway)02:51
prakaMy OS is only for root users02:51
lotuspsychjepraka: we only support ubuntu here02:53
lotuspsychjepraka: you are inside a pentesting distro?02:53
lotuspsychjeseek the right channel for your Os praka02:54
OerHekscraigbass76, it opens here with a single click02:54
prakaI just want to peep around for some reasons.02:54
craigbass76OerHeks, Weird. I created this PDF with Pandoc (from a markdown file), so maybe it's got something to do with that.02:55
OerHeksi tried https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/serverguide.pdf02:55
OerHekslast page appendix are some urls02:55
kantlivelongis there any kind of "top" for pcie bus?02:57
craigbass76OerHeks, Huh. I get the same error.02:58
lotuspsychjekantlivelong: what are you trying to monitor please?02:58
craigbass76Must be something about the internet in Maine...02:58
kantlivelonglucasrolff: just want to see if my pcie bus is maxed out02:59
kantlivelongutilization wise02:59
lotuspsychjecraigbass76: another way of debugging would be, starting your pdf package from terminal, see whats going on there02:59
lotuspsychjecraigbass76: as alternative, try inkscape to create/edit pdf02:59
kantlivelongits an older system with newer gpu/pcie ssd and am wondering if the bus is saturated causing perf issues02:59
lotuspsychjekantlivelong: you want you pcie max speed, is that it?03:00
kantlivelonglotuspsychje: nah i have that. im wondering if my pcie cards are maxing out the available speed on the bus03:00
craigbass76lotuspsychje, I'm just trying to read one. Didn't realize it was widespread and I could click links on any of them though. If it's only me having trouble, I'm not so worried.03:01
kantlivelongto determine whether or not a new motherboard/cpu would fix the problem03:01
OerHeksoh sounds like older pcixpress with newer card issue?03:01
kantlivelongOerHeks: right03:01
OerHekskantlivelong, what is the brand/type mobo? easy to find out03:01
kantlivelongOerHeks: top that off with a pcie ssd03:01
lotuspsychjekantlivelong: not sure if there's a 'live' way to measure speeds03:01
lotuspsychjekantlivelong: what you can do, is measure speeds with hdparm?03:02
kantlivelongOerHeks: i know that the card is indeed stepping down. its just whether or not it truely needs that speed03:02
OerHekssudo dmidecode -s baseboard-product-name03:02
kantlivelonglotuspsychje: that might be true. run a gpu intensive app and then run hdparm... hmm03:02
kantlivelongOerHeks: oh its old :) Z68XP-UD3P03:02
OerHeksi had those issues too, screen falls back to 1024 or even 800 when pcixpress version is not met03:03
kantlivelongnah not getting that03:03
kantlivelongfps isnt too bad but im wondering if i could get more03:03
lotuspsychjecraigbass76: want me to test your pdf?03:04
OerHeksLGA1155 with pcixpress 2.003:04
craigbass76Let me get it up on github03:05
craigbass76lotuspsychje, ^^03:05
lotuspsychjecraigbass76: sure, lemme know wich link to test03:05
craigbass76lotuspsychje, https://github.com/craigbass76/pandoc_latex_template grab the README.pdf03:06
craigbass761st page after TOC03:06
lotuspsychjecraigbass76: wich link?03:08
craigbass76Either one. THe straight up fossfolks.com or the actual Convert... one03:08
lotuspsychjeworks like a charm here with document viewer and FF craigbass7603:09
craigbass76Bah. It's Maine.03:09
craigbass76Are you in EST?03:09
lotuspsychjecraigbass76: belgium03:09
craigbass76Maybe if we stop using Daylight Savings like Newfoundland...03:09
craigbass76lotuspsychje, Thanks though. At least if I know it's just me, I can deal with it.03:10
lotuspsychjeemail link opens thunderbird wizard03:10
SlidingHornkali skript kiddies  *sigh*03:11
craigbass76Not here. Weird...03:11
lotuspsychjecraigbass76: wich DE are you on?03:11
OerHeksSlidingHorn, yeah, that praka dude is harvesting ip adresses :-P to peep around for some reasons.03:13
SlidingHornsuch a 1337 h4x0r03:17
craigbass76lotuspsychje, I'm on XFCE at the moment, but the same thing happens on straight up Ubuntu with Cinnamon.03:20
lotuspsychjecraigbass76: i think its DE related as OerHeks mentioned first, needs to be linked somewhere03:21
craigbass76lotuspsychje, weird. I may throw a stock Ubunto on something just to see what happens.03:22
lotuspsychjecraigbass76: good idea!03:22
craigbass76lotuspsychje, pass on the markdown/pdf thing to anyone you think would like it. That was like six months of my life...03:23
craigbass76lotuspsychje, I was able to replace Indesign with this little dittie... And about 30 hours a week of people screaming.03:28
qwebirc1741After updating ubunut DVD not recognised03:37
GoopI installed this ( https://github.com/abperiasamy/rtl8812AU_8821AU_linux ), using the Ubuntu instructions, up until the "sudo make install" part. Any way I could uninstall it?03:41
=== Towser is now known as Guest99245
SlidingHornGoop: You'll want to check with the maintainers of that repo.  We are unable to support third-party software here03:47
Guest99245help my VM of ubuntu can't boot up due to a "failed to connect lvmetad"#03:48
=== Guest99245 is now known as Towser
Towserhow do I get it to boot?03:51
SlidingHornTowser: what version of ubuntu03:51
SlidingHornTowser: what is the *exact, full error*?03:52
SlidingHorn(use a pastebin for multiple lines please)03:53
TowserwRNING: FAILED TO CONNECT to lvmetad. falling back to device scanning03:53
SlidingHornTowser: Is this a new install?  Upgrade? (from what?)  Has it booted before?  What did you do last time it was running before this happened?03:55
Towserthis is a new install and this is the first time I've tried to boot it03:56
SlidingHornTowser: did you verify the iso image?03:56
Towserthe iso downloaded fine. probably virtualbox being silly03:57
SlidingHornTowser: that wasn't what I asked.03:58
Towseroh I don't know how to verify it on the host03:59
SlidingHorn!verify | Towser03:59
ubottuTowser: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows03:59
Towserthe host is mac03:59
SlidingHornTowser: if those resources don't work, then do a search for it04:00
Simoniousdate +%z     I assume the value returned changes when daylight savings time changes on the local machine?04:08
=== aurolac_ is now known as aurolac
Sweepyofacehow would I debug a cron job just not running?04:43
Sweepyofacecopy pasting the command works and the one right under it works04:43
E-ManSweepyoface: you including the full path?04:49
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=== E-Man is now known as RaptorJesus
=== RaptorJesus is now known as E-Man
McJuicyanyone know where keys to an encrypted drive are stored on linux? When I mounted the drive I accidentally checked the box to remember the key when it's plugged in. I'm trying to remove the key from ubuntu now05:58
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MiguelPeruI don't mr juice06:06
=== bildramer1 is now known as bildramer
* houst loves pie07:33
NeoFrontierHello Ubuntuans.07:40
NeoFrontier:). If I use "sudo apt-get install gcc-4.8-aarch64-linux-gnu" to install that nifty cross compiler it is also going to install all the dependencies etc. My question is this how can I capture/save all the deb packages that command will download for future re-use ?07:42
NeoFrontierOr MUSTI go download them individually.07:44
tomreynNeoFrontier: /var/log/apt/history.log logs all requests you make to apt, term.log logs what actually happened.07:46
tomreynNeoFrontier: also: apt-rdepends gcc-4,8-aarch64-linux-gnu07:49
tomreynNeoFrontier: also: apt-rdepends gcc-4.8-aarch64-linux-gnu07:49
tomreyn^ tpo fixed07:49
NeoFrontierThanks for the pointers tomreyn07:52
sandwitchHi all if i would like to run a zenity script to show a '/etc/issue' like message on login on 18.04. I expect i should use '/etc/gdm3/Postsession', however the session gets killed instantly, even when I add xhost +. The message i see in syslog is 'gdm3: GdmDisplay: display lasted 0.065269 seconds'.07:54
tomreynNeoFrontier: you're welcome.07:55
NeoFrontierIf I install a package with apt-get install and then remove that package again, then re-install it, will apt install it from the apt cache or downlaod it again ?07:59
geirhaAs long as the cached one corresponds to what's listed in the Packages list, it will use the cached one08:01
NeoFrontierI'd hope so :)08:01
tomreynsandwitch: have you tried this? https://help.gnome.org/admin/system-admin-guide/stable/login-banner.html.en08:05
sandwitchtomreyn, *bookmarked* testing it now, thx a million08:13
tomreynsandwitch: don't, i just tried, doesn't seem to work, rather makes the login prompt not appear anymore08:13
tomreynthat's on 18.1008:13
=== [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
pragomeris it a bug or a "feature" that I cannot create a 7zip archive from nautilus with PASSWORD encryption? Choosing "compress" in nautilus simply does not give me that feature. Instead of this I have to open archive manager and create a new archive and dragndrop my folder to it.08:20
pragomerany solution?08:20
dmnursandwitch: you could create file like this https://ptpb.pw/RRLT and put it into e.g. /etc/xdg/autostart/login-msg.desktop.08:23
sandwitchtomreyn, https://pasteboard.co/I0bmYmz.png08:30
sandwitchseems to work08:30
sandwitchdmnur, works aswell, great we have choices :)08:35
usuario_hola que tal guapi quieres tema08:42
ducasse!es | usuario_08:43
usuario_ufff que calorsss08:43
ubottuusuario_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.08:43
dmnurpragomer: Nautilus now uses libarchive to work with archives, and libarchive only supports encryption for zip archives. You could instead create a menu action to use File Roller facilities, see here: https://askubuntu.com/a/96965108:53
GreyXorHello, i have zfs on /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc in mirroring. i want to reinstall my ubuntu without lose my zfs pool. what is the command to regive my pool after reinstallation ?08:55
dmnurGreyXor: zpool import08:57
GreyXordmnur, thanks, i have to do nothing before ubuntu reinstallation ?08:57
dmnurGreyXor: AFAIR - no; you could try to import it from LiveCD first to make sure.08:58
GreyXoryes good idea, thank you for help ;)08:59
=== [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
Guest24515hello world09:28
lotuspsychjewelcome Guest2451509:29
lotuspsychjehow can we help you today Guest24515 ?09:29
lotuspsychjewelcome scoob79 , what can we do for you?09:39
deargodDear GOD/GODS and/or anyone else who can HELP ME (e.g. MEMBERS OF SUPER-INTELLIGENT ALIEN CIVILIZATIONS):  The next time I wake up, please change my physical form to that of FINN MCMILLAN of SOUTH NEW BRIGHTON at 8 YEARS OLD and keep it that way FOREVER.  I am so sick of this chubby Asian man body!  Thank you!  - CHAUL JHIN KIM (a.k.a. A DESPERATE SOUL)09:42
deargodDear GOD/GODS and/or anyone else who can HELP ME (e.g. MEMBERS OF SUPER-INTELLIGENT ALIEN CIVILIZATIONS):  The next time I wake up, please change my physical form to that of FINN MCMILLAN of SOUTH NEW BRIGHTON at 8 YEARS OLD and keep it that way FOREVER.  I am so sick of this chubby Asian man body!  Thank you!  - CHAUL JHIN KIM (a.k.a. A DESPERATE SOUL)09:42
graingerthmm so gdm just displayed my password09:42
mircx1Hello this a possible install mbedtls in ubuntu 14.04?09:42
blackflowmircx1: libpolarssl (mbedtls) is in packages if you want to build against it.09:45
blackflow!info libpolarssl5 trusty09:45
ubottulibpolarssl5 (source: polarssl): lightweight crypto and SSL/TLS library. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.4-1 (trusty), package size 180 kB, installed size 522 kB09:45
deargodDear GOD/GODS and/or anyone else who can HELP ME (e.g. MEMBERS OF SUPER-INTELLIGENT ALIEN CIVILIZATIONS):  The next time I wake up, please change my physical form to that of FINN MCMILLAN of SOUTH NEW BRIGHTON at 8 YEARS OLD and keep it that way FOREVER.  I am so sick of this chubby Asian man body!  Thank you!  - CHAUL JHIN KIM (a.k.a. A DESPERATE SOUL)09:46
deargodDear GOD/GODS and/or anyone else who can HELP ME (e.g. MEMBERS OF SUPER-INTELLIGENT ALIEN CIVILIZATIONS):  The next time I wake up, please change my physical form to that of FINN MCMILLAN of SOUTH NEW BRIGHTON at 8 YEARS OLD and keep it that way FOREVER.  I am so sick of this chubby Asian man body!  Thank you!  - CHAUL JHIN KIM (a.k.a. A DESPERATE SOUL)09:46
lotuspsychje!ops | deargod returning spam09:46
ubottudeargod returning spam: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax09:46
lotuspsychjegraingert: system up to date?09:50
lotuspsychjegraingert: so instead of dots, it shows your password?09:51
graingertit only did it once and I can't repeat it09:51
lotuspsychjegraingert: on wich ubuntu version09:51
lotuspsychjetnx DalekSec09:51
graingertjust running ubuntu-bug09:52
lotuspsychjegraingert: did it work before? did anything special lately09:52
graingertbut I've no idea how to repeat09:52
graingertit worked (as expected (dots)) before and after09:52
lotuspsychjegraingert: after an update perhaps?09:53
graingertdang can't do ubuntu-bug it seems09:53
graingertAh it works now09:54
graingertI was running ~/.bin/firefox09:54
graingertAnd ubuntu-bug wants to run /usr/bin/firefox09:54
lotuspsychjegraingert: you cant reproduce the bug anymore?09:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1815180 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "gdm3 showed password in cleartext in the gui" [Undecided,New]09:55
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic cosmic09:56
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (cosmic), package size 2 kB, installed size 15 kB09:56
lotuspsychjegraingert: system not up to date09:56
graingertnot sure why I don't have an automatic upgrade dialog09:57
lotuspsychjegraingert: check your software&sources09:57
OlofLrsync -avp admin@{user1,dir2} /volume1/homes/ < this is supposed to keep permissions, however - dirs seem to be set to chown root, even though both intended users and uid are the same on both systems...10:00
lotuspsychjegraingert: can you reboot after updates and update your bug please?10:02
jlevonhi, virt-manager won't install, Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS10:17
jlevonbecause of10:17
jlevon python-gi-cairo : Depends: python-gi (= 3.26.1-2) but 3.26.1-2ubuntu1 is to be installed10:17
lotuspsychjejlevon: .2 should not be out yet?10:19
jlevonthat's what I see on Details->About10:19
lotuspsychjejlevon: thats weird, lsb_release -a plz?10:20
jlevonDescription:Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS10:20
jlevon(do you need the rest?)10:20
lotuspsychjeno its ok10:20
lotuspsychje!info python-gi bionic10:20
ubottupython-gi (source: pygobject): Python 2.x bindings for gobject-introspection libraries. In component main, is optional. Version 3.26.1-2 (bionic), package size 202 kB, installed size 699 kB10:20
dmnurjlevon: disable proposed updates: Software & Sources -> Developer Options -> Pre-released updates (bionic-proposed)10:21
lotuspsychjeKatnip: not here please10:31
lotuspsychje!discuss | Katnip10:32
ubottuKatnip: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!10:32
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partlycloudyhi all, i'm using cobbler to install ubuntu 18.04 with a sample preseed file from ubuntu (https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/example-preseed.txt). even after i set "d-i passwd/make-user boolean false", i still cannot skip the creating normal user and password step.10:42
partlycloudywhat did i miss?10:43
jlevondmnur: hmm that was enabled somehow :/11:01
jlevondmnur: is there any way out of my broken setup now?11:01
over7head0 upgraded, 110 newly installed, 0 to remove and 5 not upgraded.11:05
over7headhow i can deselct some packages from that 110 newly group ?11:05
over7headi dont need them11:06
kunalHello everyone, I am getting Dummy Output in my sound settings. Can anyone please help me?11:13
kunalI have Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic)11:16
kunalI have tried various fixes, but still no sound.11:17
over7headkunal run alsamixer from terminal and check if is everything volumed (00), not muted (MM), also check one which says "automute" Enabled/disabled11:21
over7headtry to select card from there with F911:22
over7headif U dont have alsamixer, install alsa-utils package11:22
renzocorreai have a problem11:24
renzocorreawith lubuntu. i can't install bc is freeze11:24
jeremy31renzocorrea: have you tried 16.04?11:25
renzocorreai had tried 18.0411:25
renzocorreai burned that iso in a dvd11:25
renzocorreabecause the old motherboard doesn't support usb boot11:26
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renzocorreaI do not know what it could be11:27
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renzocorrea_i'm back11:30
renzocorrea_i'm angry bc that's supposed to work welll11:30
renzocorrea_can anybody help me11:32
jeremy31renzocorrea_: why try to install 18.10 when it is only supported until August?  Even 16.04 is supported until April 202111:34
renzocorrea_i don't know that11:34
jeremy31renzocorrea_: you made need to use nomodeset in the grub line for it to boot if you have nvidia graphics11:35
renzocorrea_i don't have any graphics card. just a old mother and low ram11:37
ledenirenzocorrea_:  how much ram11:40
renzocorrea_@ledeni 512 ram11:41
renzocorrea_but i have also a 1gb ram connected... if i retire the 512 mb ram i don't have video output11:41
guivercrenzocorrea_, did you verify your download (ie. md5sum etc), or verify the iso was written correct (check install media)?11:42
ledenirenzocorrea_: check --> https://askubuntu.com/questions/1030839/minimum-requirements11:43
renzocorrea_guiverc: yes, i don't have any trouble burning the ISO11:43
renzocorrea_in this moment i can switch desktops with ctrl+alt+f211:44
renzocorrea_but i'm a newbie. idk nothing about bash11:44
guivercthat's not what i asked, did you verify download, verify the image written to dvd (ie. ask it to check-install-media after burn)11:44
renzocorrea_as i said, newbie here. how can i do that?11:45
guivercrenzocorrea_, it's a functon on the lubuntu disk, a menu option11:45
kunalI am getting Dummy Output in my Sound Settings. Please help!11:45
renzocorrea_i can't boot lubuntu live even11:45
renzocorrea_(sorry for my bad english)11:45
renzocorrea_i start the pc, smash f10 boot button, select CD-ROM, start lubuntu, and i can't go forward11:46
tomreynrenzocorrea_: how far does the boot get there?11:48
guivercrenzocorrea_, https://docs.lubuntu.net/lubuntu_installation_on_old_computers  may be useful,  some releases have a menu which asks "try lubuntu, check install media, install lubuntu etc" (wording may vary), others require you to press <space or a key> to display this menu offering only two options (when it's too late for keystroke)11:48
LaRose_Bleusup nerds11:48
tomreyn!sound | kunal11:48
ubottukunal: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - https://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.11:49
kunalI am using Ubuntu 18.04 1 LTS. I recently installed that after getting the same problem (Dummy output in sound settings) in my previous versions of ubuntu11:49
LaRose_Bleudo we support kvm on this channel? or is it strictly ubuntu and nothing else?11:49
tomreynLaRose_Bleu: qemu-kvm?11:49
tomreynsure, if so.11:49
LaRose_Bleutomreyn: yes11:50
LaRose_Bleuim having issues installing a windows guest11:50
LaRose_Bleui just blue screens on startup11:50
guivercrenzocorrea_ i just booted 18.10, it has "try lubuntu", "install lubu", "check disk for defects", "test memory" "boot from hard" - I'd suggest you run the "check disc for defects" option first11:50
LaRose_Bleucan confirm the image is valid as i used it on my dual boot11:51
LaRose_Bleucan confirm kvm works, i have a mint guest11:51
renzocorrea_oh fuck idk how to response11:51
guiverclanguage please renzocorrea_11:51
renzocorrea_can i talk in dm with you guiverc?11:52
renzocorrea_i'ts just 5min11:52
konradosHello! I have xenial, and trying to install newest libre office. According to a tutorial I found it should be enough to `sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa` and then just install it with `sudo apt-get install libreoffice`  -11:52
konradosI also tried `sudo apt-get install --only-upgrade libreoffice` and but it said  "libreoffice is already the newest version (1:5.1.6~rc2-0ubuntu1~xenial6)." - so... how do I do it?  I really still don't understand these ppas and repos... here : https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/ubuntu/ppa?field.series_filter=xenial it says it's 6.1.4 so ...?11:52
renzocorrea_direct message11:53
tomreynLaRose_Bleu: the blue screen would ideally give you a hint on whats not working. also i'm sure you can find documentation online on how to configure quem-kvm to make certain windows guests work. you will need to do full virtualization (hvm) there for sure.11:53
bindikonrados: did you run 'apt update' after adding the ppa?11:53
konradosbindi, hah, no, sec :)11:53
tomreynLaRose_Bleu: also make sure ubuntu is fully updated, and reboote dinto the latest kernel, of course.11:54
tomreynLaRose_Bleu: and that all required cpu features are enabled.11:55
LaRose_Bleuthe error is "unhandled thread exception" or something similar to that11:55
tomreynLaRose_Bleu: well we wont debug windows here.11:55
LaRose_Bleuwill i need to update my kernel to the latest version? (4.10 i think)11:56
LaRose_Bleui use ubuntu 18.0411:56
tomreynLaRose_Bleu: the latest default kernel should be fine there11:56
LaRose_Bleucan confirm everything is up to date, i just use the default kernel, i dont mess around with that11:57
LaRose_Bleuoh alright11:57
LaRose_Bleuso HVM you say11:57
LaRose_Bleudo you have a quick / rough list of CPU feeatures i will need to check if are running?11:58
LaRose_Bleui use AMD R5 160011:58
konradosbindi, when I do `apt list --upgradable` the list is huuuge, I know - that's bad and I should do the update more often - but for now, is there any way to upgrade libreoffice only?11:58
tomreynLaRose_Bleu: amd-v11:59
tomreynalso discussed on the first question of the KVM FAQ :/12:01
konradosbindi, wait, the apt-get update will *not* upgrade anything, right?12:01
konradosfound it! "apt-get update updates the list of available packages and their versions, but it does not install or upgrade any packages." :)12:02
tomreynkonrados: "apt-get update" does nothing but update information on what is actually available in terms of updates12:02
guivercrenzocorrea_, if you have more questions, in this room please, or #lubuntu12:02
ToxtloHi, need help with ip tables. I have an application that will need incoming connections on ports, say, 12000 to 13000. Do I have to enable each of those ports. I read about ESTABLISHED and RELATED but I dont quiet get that...12:02
konradostomreyn, got it, thanks!12:02
weedloserkonrados, https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-faq/ch-pkgtools.en.html12:03
konradosweedloser, thanks, will read it for sure, maybe finally I'll understand and thus remember :)12:03
tomreyn!apt | konrados12:04
ubottukonrados: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)12:04
konradostomreyn, will read it too, repetition is the mother of all learning :) Thanks!12:05
weedloserthat wiki page is rather misleading, you should just use "apt" instead of "apt-*" for daily usage, unless you need the more advanced functions for lower level.12:05
weedloserthe same commands after apt still apply however12:06
konradosok, got it as well! This time I will learn it.12:07
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tomreynToxtlo: by default, there's no firewall active on ubuntu.12:09
guivercrenzocorrea_, okay I see an image from your forums post; your options are different  the check media maybe your second (not the third) menu option (sorry id on't read your language)12:09
Toxtlotomreyn, I installed ufw by now, does that count?12:10
renzocorrea_i had 4 choices:12:11
renzocorrea_start lubuntu, check disc for defects, test memory, boot from first hard disk12:12
renzocorrea_the disk check is ok: 0 problems12:12
tomreynToxtlo: by being a frontend for iptables, depending on it and installing a default rule set, yes, it does. although i think it's still disabled by default (not sure there). established + related connection states will need to allowed for keeping connections open (tcp). but you usually just add a policy on that once for everything.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo12:12
renzocorrea_there is a components list: https://imgur.com/a/wR0AHKT12:13
tomreyn512MB RAM is really nto much these days12:14
tomreynyou could use it as a server without a GUI, or just a text based window manager (running graphically only what you have to=12:15
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tomreynrenzocorrea_: a raspberry pi or similar SoC may be faster, comsuming much less power.12:18
LaRose_Bleuthanks tomreyn12:19
LaRose_Bleuwill check it out12:19
guivercrenzocorrea_, that doesn't tell us your gpu (graphics capabilities; those often show before bios boot screen you photographed).    in the https://docs.lubuntu.net/lubuntu_installation_on_old_computers if you look up nvidia/amd/ati/radeon section it mentioned the nomodeset option though https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/AdvancedMethods may be more useful.. also many intel cpu's of that era lied about PAE and you may need12:20
guivercthe forcepae --forcepae mentioned in last link  (was more an issue with lubuntu 16.04 though)12:20
renzocorreai don't have any GPU card in the computer, only a pentium 412:22
renzocorreahow can i do to use --forcepae in the install process?12:22
guivercrenzocorrea, the gpu is on your motherboard; it's the graphics chip your screen is connected to (on card or motherboard)12:23
tomreynrenzocorrea: adding to the above, https://docs.lubuntu.net/ states that 512 MB RAM should suffice.12:23
renzocorreaintegrated GPU, i get it12:23
leeyaaany idea why upgrade is failing? i get these errors: https://bpaste.net/show/92b6f89b192612:24
Meilileeyaa: i've seen stuff like that happen when the boot partition was full12:26
Meilileyaa: you know how to check that?12:26
tomreynrenzocorrea: note what https://docs.lubuntu.net/lubuntu_installation_on_old_computers says under Installers -> Advanced usage: "The desktop installer needs more RAM than the other alternatives. So you should try other installers, if you have low RAM." See also the list of alternative installers further down the page.12:26
leeyaaMeili: not full, already checked it12:26
leeyaa./dev/disk/by-uuid/7f669f05-854e-437d-91a5-d1cc3d4b5600   15G  3.5G   12G  24% /12:27
bloodhound007Do i need to keep the make files for install if they contain the uninstall option to uninstall later? Or will the package manager take care of its on its own12:27
renzocorreaok tomreyn, another distros like what?12:27
Meilileeyaa: you do not have a seperate boot partition?12:28
leeyaaMeili: i dont12:28
tomreynrenzocorrea: i did not recommend different distros.12:29
Meilileeyaa: ok. anyway, I'm not really qualified to assist with an agry dpkg12:29
renzocorreai'm trying with forcepae -- forcepae now12:29
leeyaaMeili: ok, thanks anyway :)12:29
leeyaaanyone else ?12:29
bloodhound007Hi would someone like to help me out, i am using irc for the first time lol12:30
bloodhound007 Do i need to keep the make files for install if they contain the uninstall option to uninstall later? Or will the package manager take care of its on its own12:30
tomreynbloodhound007: this sounds like you built unpackaged software from source, and used "make install" to put it in place, this is entirely separate from ubuntu / apt / dpkg package management. should only be done if this software in this version is not available as a package. and you should keep the files to - hopefully - be able to remove the softeware later.12:32
renzocorreai'm going to take a nap. thanks all of you for the help. there is a thread if u want to check out :) https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=241211212:32
bloodhound007Yes i did that. Ok thank you i will keep the makefile safe12:33
tomreynleeyaa: does your system boot depend on ntfs file systems?12:33
kunal_Hello, I tried sound troubleshooting from !audio, I am still getting Dummy Output, please help!12:34
tomreynleeyaa: alternatively, post the url returned by: cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 999912:34
leeyaatomreyn: it doesnt12:35
tomreynbloodhound007: if you'd like alternative suggestions, tell us about your ubuntu version and the software and version you tried to install there12:35
leeyaatomreyn: in fact, i just removed /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/ntfs_3g and it is now able to finish the process of updating initramfs lmaop12:35
leeyaais this bad ?12:35
leeyaano idea how it happened. it is a headless node12:36
caliculkHello, I am trying to setup vnc screen sharing on a machine over CLI/SSH. I enabled or turned on the option in the GUI a few days ago, but I am now away from the machine and can only access it remotely. If I run netstat I can see that the service is not running, and if initiate a vncserver connection it starts on display :1 (but with a gray screen). However, I am trying to connect to session :0 and would really appreciate some help in getting12:36
Meilileeyaa: if you dont depend on a ntfs volume during boot, that is just fine. It's interesting though how it might have gotten broken.12:36
leeyaaMeili: it has happened during a failed upgrade i guess, but i dont know when exactly12:37
leeyaathat is some old vm i had to re-use for a test and need to upgrade it12:37
leeyaaat some point it did indeed have 0 space for /12:37
tomreynleeyaa: no, it's not bad that your boot doesn't depend on ntfs. run this: sudo /bin/true; nc termbin.com 9999 < <(sudo dpkg --purge ntfs-3g 2>&1 && sudo dpkg --configure -a 2>&1 && sudo apt-get -f install 2>&1 && sudo apt-get update 2>&1; )12:37
kunal_I can't get hear sound from my laptop.12:38
kunal_I am on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS12:38
Meilileeyaa: yes those are nasty. You can try a install --reinstall on packages you suspect to be broken12:38
Meilileeyaa: or do as tomreyn suggested =P12:38
kunal_I keep getting Dummy Output, even after trying many fixes and sound troubleshooting from ubuntu support12:38
kunal_Meili, can you please help me too?12:39
caliculkI see this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/4474/enable-remote-vnc-from-the-commandline/12195 but doesn't look like it is relebvant anymore.12:41
leeyaatomreyn: there you go https://termbin.com/4wiqs12:42
Meilikunal_: could you open at terminal and execute the following command: lspci -vv |  nc termbin.com 999912:42
leeyaahow do you do that btw, do you have it on github ?12:42
Meilikunal_: then post the link you received here12:42
kunal_lspci -vv |  nc termbin.com 999912:42
tomreynleeyaa: so what is vm-sql-sh5.qa.nc12:42
leeyaatomreyn: just a host without dns set12:43
leeyaaso it fails to resolve it when doing sudo12:43
kunal_Meili, https://termbin.com/v7o112:43
tomreynleeyaa: if it's not usable you shouldn't have it in your configuration - i suggest you remove it then12:43
leeyaatomreyn: will do once update passes12:44
tomreynleeyaa: does it not pass now?12:44
leeyaatomreyn: it does now12:44
Meilikunal_: could you now do: pacmd list-cards |  nc termbin.com 999912:45
tomreynleeyaa: you may want to reinstall ntfs-3g12:45
leeyaatomreyn: will do. thanks a lot for the input. going to do a full pkgs check12:45
tomreynleeyaa: you asked "how do you do that btw, do you have it on github ?" - what did this refer to (i did not understand)?12:45
kunal_Meili, https://termbin.com/hcxm12:45
leeyaatomreyn: the nc pipe output to that website12:46
BluesKajHowdy folks12:47
tomreynleeyaa: oh, termbin.com is just a pastebin service which listens on tcp port 9999 for text input, and returns a url to the paste you send on this connection: http://termbin.com/12:47
tomreynleeyaa: the source code is here: https://github.com/solusipse/fiche12:48
leeyaatomreyn: thanks!12:48
Meilikunal_: so far everything "looks fine". Since I'm not really familiar with the audio subsystem, I'm not sure how to assist you further. To me it looks like only your HDMI/Displayport audio output is detected (I assume you have nothing connected, so there is no output available for that).12:50
kunal_Meili, can you tell me the reason why Dummy Output is visible in my Sound Settings and not the name of my sound device?12:51
Meilikunal_: I dont know however, why the laptops internal speaker is not available.12:51
Meilikunal_: I bet that if you plug a tv into your laptop (with hdmi) you will get audio throught the tv.12:52
kunal_I don't have access to a TV rn, rip12:53
tomreynleeyaa: you could do something similar using: MYPASTEBINURL=http://example.org ; mkdir /var/www/pastes; while true; do FILENAME=$RANDOM; echo "$MYPASTEBINURL/$FILENAME" | nc -l 9999 > /var/www/pastes/$FILENAME ; done12:53
tomreynleeyaa: then you'd just need to have a webserver serving the (virtual) host $MYPASTEBINURL on port 80 from /var/www/pastes/12:54
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leeyaatomreyn: yeah just never thought of the idea going through nc12:54
tomreynleeyaa: this is an example, it's not anywhere close to as performant as "fiche"12:55
tomreynalso not multi threaded12:55
Meilikunal_: what is the exact brand and model of that laptop?12:55
kunal_Meili, Dell Inspiron 756012:56
Meilikunal_: could you do: pacmd list-sinks | nc termbin.com 999912:58
kunal_Meili, here https://termbin.com/hj8u12:59
tomreynkunal_: can you post the output of the alsa-info script?13:07
kunal_Do you need the text in /tmp/alsa-info.txt.RF9LHzJ0nS?13:07
tomreynkunal_: i don't know what's in there, would just like to see the output the script produces13:08
qwebirc29112how do i start a movie at a spefic time? i have tried the at command and crontab and both dont seem to work13:08
tomreynkunal_: running this script is part of the trouble shooting procedure you went through13:09
kunal_tomreyn, https://termbin.com/qw9f13:09
qwebirc29112i have tried to run the vlc command from crontab but i understood that crontab doesnt use the pc's display so i tried to make it run a scripts that runs vlc but that doesnt work as well13:10
tomreynkunal_: thanks. how would you expect to hear sound, do you have speakers plugged into the audio output of this computer?13:10
kunal_tomreyn, I have built in speakers in my laptop (as well as a mic).13:11
daphniaLubuntu 万歳13:11
tomreynkunal_: ok13:11
kunal_tomreyn, the mic doesn't work as well, but that is not so urgent13:12
tomreyni see13:12
coconutdaphnia: english only channel here13:12
kunal_!patience | qwebirc2911213:13
ubottuqwebirc29112: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/13:13
dmnurqwebirc29112: use crontab, but pass DISPLAY environment variable to the command. E.g.: DISPLAY=:0 vlc /path/to/movie13:13
qwebirc29112dmnur, tried that and didnt work13:13
qwebirc29112dmnur: any idea why?13:14
tomreynkunal_: did sound ever work on ubuntu, if so, what changed in between?13:15
daphniaI'm Japanese. Can you see my comment?13:15
tomreyndaphnia: we can read you when you write in english, yes13:15
dmnurqwebirc29112: do you edit crontab of your user (crontab -e)?13:15
daphniatomreyn, thank you.13:15
daphniaIn the name of the moon, I'll punish you!!13:16
qwebirc29112dmnur: ofc13:16
dmnurqwebirc29112: should work, tried here with: 13 16 * * * DISPLAY=:0 vlc13:16
tomreyndaphnia: i see. do yu have an ubuntu support question?13:16
qwebirc29112dmnur: i will try right away13:16
kunal_tomreyn, I had this issue since Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (sound works on windows), then I installed a fresh copy of 18.04 hoping it would fix the issue - no luck. Previosuly, I booted into BIOS setup and enabled and disabled the audio option but even that doesn't work now.13:17
tomreynkunal_: so are you saying it never worked on ubuntu, including on ubuntu 16.04 ?13:17
dmnurqwebirc29112: show your exact crontab line, may be the syntax issue.13:17
ioriakunal_,    can you paste   'aplay  -l ' ?13:17
kunal_**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****13:18
qwebirc29112dmnur: 18 15 * * * DISPLAY=:0 vlc13:18
kunal_card 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]13:18
kunal_  Subdevices: 1/113:18
kunal_  Subdevice #0: subdevice #013:18
kunal_card 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 7: HDMI 1 [HDMI 1]13:18
kunal_  Subdevices: 1/113:18
tomreyn!paste | kunal_13:18
ubottukunal_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:18
Meilitomreyn: I'm seeing a long history of problems with that chip and missing outputs13:18
qwebirc29112dmnur: didnt work :c13:18
tomreynkunal_: you are currently muted, but will be able to chat again shortly.13:18
daphniatomreyn, I'm using Lubuntu18.04LTS. Now I have no issue. thank you.13:18
tomreynMeili: yes, it may be related to microcode updates, but not sure.13:19
Meilitomreyn: would trying a hwe kernel be worth a shot?13:19
kunal_ioria, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dSV5PHBqQZ/13:19
traekilihow do i stop my monitor turning off, i checked settings and it says never?13:20
qwebirc29112dmnur: is it the syntax?13:20
ioriakunal_,   there is a specific bug for  the Inspiron 7560  ,but not sure it's your case : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/177851213:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1778512 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "PCI/internal sound card not detected. System Sound settings shows dummy output" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:20
kunal_tomreyn, it used to work at one time, then one time when I woke my lapop from suspend it stopped. And since then...13:20
tomreyndaphnia: good to hear this, and you're welcome. this channel is just for support questions + answers, so if you'd like to chat about other topics best do it in #ubuntu-offtopic (but some guidelines also apply there).13:20
tomreynMeili: this is a hwe kernel already.13:21
kunal_ioria, aplay lists my card, but still I see dummy output.13:21
tomreynioria: good find, this sounds very much like kunal_'s issue13:22
dmnurqwebirc29112: syntax is OK: the command is to be run every day at 15:18. Right?13:22
qwebirc29112dmnur: yup13:22
ioriatomreyn, probably, but he got some output from   the aplay -l command13:23
tomreynkunal_: what's the output (a single line you can post here directly) of: dmesg -t | grep ^DMI:13:23
Meilitomreyn: not exactly the same, he has the card detected and some outputs, there are some missing13:23
dmnurqwebirc29112: let's see what's wrong (use paste.ubuntu.com): journalctl -u cron -n 2013:23
tomreynioria: just from the hdmi though13:23
kunal_Meili, DMI: Dell Inc. Inspiron 7560/, BIOS 1.8.0 10/04/201813:23
ioriatomreyn, ofc13:23
tomreynthey got a microphone jack, so must have a separate audio chipset13:23
ioriakunal_,  i can suggest a mainline kernel13:24
Meilitomreyn: here's his lspci output: https://termbin.com/v7o113:25
tomreynMeili: oh right there are two13:26
qwebirc29112dmnur:   https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4ZVM7dGt6n/13:26
tomreyni must have missed this13:26
kunal_ioria, I am not too familiar with Unix systems so I don't know what exactly do you mean.. :/13:26
qwebirc29112dmnur: is MTA the problem?13:26
ioria!mainline | kunal13:27
ubottukunal: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds13:27
daphniaToday, I understand I have to study English. lol13:27
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BluesKajkunal_, check alsamixer in the console and disable automute, then, sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel, to load the driver, there won't be any output from the command13:30
sphrakwould it be reasonable to assume my server is compromised if sshd was restarted when I was asleep and the host key is now changed? im the only one with access to it13:30
BluesKajkunal_, you probly need to reboot13:30
kunal_BluesKaj, I don't see an option to disable automute in the alsamixer gui13:31
BluesKajkunal_, not the gui, use the console/terminal13:31
ioriakunal_,  and scroll with the right arrow key13:32
caliculkJust wanted to reiterate, if anyone knew how to enable screensharing of session:0 over ssh for Ubuntu? I had enabled it but is telling me that it is offline or something else is locking the process so it won't start and I need to be able to use a GUI.13:34
dmnurqwebirc29112: no, missing MTA is fine, it just discards error messages... You could set it up, but one more thing first.13:35
pragmaticenigmasphrak: anything changing on your system without your knowledge would be cause for concern13:35
dmnurqwebirc29112: is your DISPLAY really ":0"? Check by typing: echo $DISPLAY13:35
qwebirc29112dmnur: then y does it close the session?13:35
kunal_BluesKaj, I am getting this screen https://imgur.com/a/RdOvQ9v13:35
qwebirc29112dmnur: $DISPLAY  :0: command not found13:36
ioriakunal_,  F6  ?13:37
qwebirc29112dmnur: echo $DISPLAY  :013:37
kunal_ioria, https://imgur.com/a/cTmLfB513:37
qwebirc29112dmnur: the plot thickens...13:38
dmnurqwebirc29112: OK, set up MTA using these instructions: https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/amd64/ch08s05.html13:38
qwebirc29112dmnur: alright13:39
ioriakunal_,  no idead .... fastboot enabled in bios ?13:39
qwebirc29112dmnur: i thought mta wasnt the problem tho13:39
kunal_ioria, fastboot is disabled in Windows (I have dual boot)13:39
BluesKajkunal_, choose the HDA_Intel13:39
dmnurqwebirc29112: it isn't, but we need it to see error messages.13:39
qwebirc29112dmnur: ok13:40
dmnurqwebirc29112: you'll need "local delivery only". After that you'll be able to read cron mail by running the "mail" command.13:40
ioriakunal_,  does  it work  in LiveCd ?13:41
kunal_BluesKaj, still no effect13:41
kunal_ioria, no it doesn't13:41
kunal_ioria, I have the same problem (Dummy Output)13:41
tomreynkunal: is package   timidity-daemon  installed?13:41
kunal_tomreyn, no13:42
qwebirc29112dmnur: exim4 is not installed on my machine. Do i just apt install exim4?13:42
kunal_tomreyn, I had to check that with `which` command right/13:43
dmnurqwebirc29112: yes. Also, "mail" may be missing too, it's in the package "mailutils".13:43
qwebirc29112dmnur: do i need mutt as well?13:44
Meilikunal_: same train of thoughts as tomreyn. Could you do: sudo fuser /dev/snd/*13:44
leeyaaanyone any experience with mariadb galera? i am wondering which setup should perform better, in theory? http://oi66.tinypic.com/x5w7bo.jpg13:44
tomreynkunal_: not exactly: please show the output of: dpkg -l timidity-daemon | grep timidity-daemon13:44
leeyaaand why13:44
leeyaawhops wrong channel13:44
dmnurqwebirc29112: no, "mutt" is just an alternative to "mail".13:44
qwebirc29112dmnur: alright13:44
kunal_Meili, /dev/snd/controlC0:   1050  49813:44
kunal_tomreyn, no packages found13:44
konradosweedloser tomreyn bindi - just want to say that I succesfully installed newest libre office, thank you! BTW and FWIW:  there was a vulnerability - https://www.theregister.co.uk/2019/02/04/apache_openoffice_no_patch/13:45
konradosand besides now they have a nicer splash screen :)13:45
kunal_tomreyn, I just installed it now13:45
pragmaticenigmacaliculk: You can't initiate the VNC server remotely... it will generate a virtual desktop instead of connecting to the existing desktop session13:45
tomreynkunal_: plesase uninstall it.13:45
pragmaticenigmayou have to start vnc within the desktop session to remotely access ti13:45
kunal_tomreyn, ok sorry lol13:46
weedloserkonrados, great to hear!13:46
ioriakunal_,    windows has been closed correctly ?13:46
tomreynkunal_: please reboot, setting this temporary boot parameter: dis_ucode_ldr   as explained here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters#Temporarily_Add_a_Kernel_Boot_Parameter_for_Testing13:46
tomreyn...then test whether audio comes back13:46
kunal_ioria, yes (fastboot was disabled and I did a proper shutdown)13:46
tomreynkonrados: good choice after all13:48
qwebirc29112dmnur: ok this time there was no mta error, so where do we see the error messages?13:48
tomreynkonrados: only libreoffice is part of ubuntu, anyways, not openoffice.13:49
qwebirc29112dmnur: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Xbx759chpg/13:49
konradostomreyn, didn't know, but I always used libre anyway:) So good to know now :)13:49
tomreynkonrados: then i must have mixed you up with soeone else - who had open office installed and insisted in using that13:50
dmnurqwebirc29112: huh, so VLC not found. What's the output of this command: which vlc13:50
kunal_tomreyn, ok I am rebooting with parameter set13:50
kunal_be back13:50
tomreynkunal_: ok13:50
qwebirc29112dmnur: /snap/bin/vlc13:51
Meilisnaps... the gift that keeps on giving13:51
dmnurqwebirc29112: I see, so it's a snap package. Specify full path in your crontab then, should work: DISPLAY=:0 /snap/bin/vlc13:51
qwebirc29112dmnur: OMG IT FINALLY WORKS!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!13:52
dmnurqwebirc29112: you're welcome. :)13:52
tomreyn!persistentsupercookie | dmnur13:52
qwebirc29112dmnur: and you also taught me how to troubleshoot crontab issues, which is the best part13:53
qwebirc29112dmnur: thank you so much for your patience and passion13:53
dmnurqwebirc29112: yes, and other services may use mail for notification too, so it's useful to set up local MTA as you did.13:55
dmnurqwebirc29112: for example, some S.M.A.R.T. monitor may notify you if your hard drive is going to die soon. That kind of stuff.13:56
tomreynMeili: hmm looks like we lost kunal_ - this reboot i asked them to do was to skip microcode updates, which may have caused the system to fail to boot (once). in case you'll stay and they return, i'll take a ~ 45 min break now.13:57
Meilitomreyn: Yeah, I noticed. I'll keep an eye out.13:58
kunalHey, I am back. I added dis_ucode_ldr to my gnu grub but the sound is still not wokring :(14:01
Meilikunal: welcome back.14:01
Meilikunal: tomreyn is away for 45 minutes14:02
kunalMeili, okay14:02
Meilikunal: and I'm not sure what he was trying out there.14:02
kunalI think solving this problem is beyond hope now. I should accept this fact and move on. :(14:06
Meilikunal: really depends on how much you would like this to work. There are still a lot of things that can be tried. (for example switching to a mainline kernel, as suggested by someone earlier)14:08
kunalI want to try more ( I want sound really badly )14:09
mircx1Hello this a possible install mbedtls in ubuntu 14.04?14:09
kunalMeili, should I then try switching to a mainline kernel then?14:09
Meilikunal_: tomreyn isn't here atm. Are you sure you have actually enabled to audio again?14:11
Meilikunal_: in bios?14:11
kunalMeili, yes14:11
kunalMeili, I should try to reboot to windows and then back to ubuntu once14:12
BluesKajMeili, why so drastic, think the pavucontrol settings might need some configuring14:12
kunalI'm listening14:12
kunalBluesKaj, I don't have pavucontrol14:12
BluesKajkunal,  install pavucontrol14:13
BluesKajcheck the pavucontrol audio output device14:13
kunalstill Dummy Output14:14
BluesKajis there a drop down with choices?14:15
kunalThere is an option to select Hardware or Software devices, there are none in Hardware14:16
kunalJust this one in Virtual Output Devices14:16
BluesKajthe configuration tab should have a list of choices14:18
mircx1please help14:18
mircx1Hello this a possible install mbedtls in ubuntu 14.04?14:19
kunalBluesKaj, all options are showing unplugged14:19
farrugia_I ran `sudo apt install php7.2-fpm` and it says "php7.2-fpm is already the newest version" yet /var/run/php is completely empty. Where would php7.2-fpm be?14:20
BluesKajkunal, did you run, sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel , in the terminal as I suggested earlier... it's a known bug that's never been fixed14:24
kunalBluesKaj, yes I ran it. Should I expect an output?14:25
kunalI ran it14:25
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BluesKajsometimes a reboot id needed14:27
kunalCool I am rebooting...14:28
tomreynso it wasnt the microcode update, good.14:32
tomreyn(i stumbled upon some reports which calimed it could be)14:33
tomreynmircx1: why do you want / need to?14:34
mircx1tomreyn i need install that for ssl14:37
tomreynmircx1: can you be more specific? why do you need thios very TLS implementation?14:38
mircx1i run inspircd version 3 and there  mbedtls to be install14:38
tomreynmircx1: also, are you aware that ubuntu 14.04 looses support in two months?14:39
mircx1then you main is not possible to install?14:39
pragmaticenigmayou were told that yesterday mircx114:40
mircx1yes but i no see the answer14:40
mircx1if this possible or not14:40
tomreyninstalling and running 14.04 wont be supported here as soon as it reaches end of life14:41
tomreynyou also wont get security patches anymore14:41
tomreynunless you pay for !ESM14:41
pragmaticenigmamircx1: I told you yesterday it was not possible. Also, the dependencies that package needs are not available on 14.04.14:42
mircx1ok thanks14:42
pragmaticenigmatomreyn: mbedtls doesn't exist at all for 14.04... and it's dependencies do not supply its needed requirements14:42
tomreynpragmaticenigma: i'm aware there are no packages for it in ubuntu14:43
tomreynalso inspircd 3 isn't actually released14:44
lapideviridiHow does the command "ifconfig eth0" translate to /etc/network/interfaces? I'm trying to connect with a software radio over ethernet, but it is configured to only connect to that particular address.14:52
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lapideviridiI've understood that the command assigns the given address to the interface14:53
tomreynlapideviridi: yes, that's all it does, on older ubuntu releases.14:56
lapideviriditomreyn, can I add it to /etc/network/interfaces somehow, or should I simply put it in rc.local?14:57
tomreynlapideviridi: which ubuntu release and varian (desktop, server) is this?14:58
lapideviriditomreyn, Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS14:59
tomreynlapideviridi: what's the output of: dpkg -l *-desktop ubuntu-server 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999915:01
tomreynlapideviridi: use the network manager applet (should show top right) or nm-connection-editor to configure your network interface.15:02
tomreyn /etc/network/interfaces is somewhat deprecated now (still works, but not the default way now)15:04
lapideviriditomreyn, I plan to do this with a raspberry pi later on for a more permanent solution. Have already tested with network manager. Is it not possible to configure this in /etc/network/interfaces?15:04
lapideviriditomreyn, does that affect all debian based distros?15:04
tomreynlapideviridi: it is possible, just not the preferred approahc anymore on 18.0415:04
tomreynlapideviridi: maybe not, we only support ubuntu here15:05
lapideviriditomreyn, what's taking over for interfaces?15:05
tomreynlapideviridi: network-manager on desktops, systemd-networkd on servers, optionally managed by netplan.15:06
tomreyn!releasenotes | lapideviridi15:06
ubottulapideviridi: For release notes of a given Ubuntu release, please refer to the 'Docs' column on the 'List of releases' table at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases15:06
lapideviriditomreyn, fair enough. I can try at ##raspbian or ##linux. Thanks though! I'll have a look at systemd-networkd15:06
tomreynno0te that interface names also changed15:06
tomreyngood luck15:06
MeiliIs there any (easy) way to make Xorg ignore monitor hotplug events?15:09
kinghatBluesKaj: you around? question about `alias uu='sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade'`15:10
sphrakpragmaticenigma: sorry for late reply, is there no reasonable explanation other than compromise if ssh_host_ecdsa_key is changed and openssh server is restarted? This happend at the same time 0640 this morning afait15:10
pragmaticenigmasphrak: Do you have auto updates installed?15:11
sphrakpragmaticenigma: i believe i have security updates turned on15:12
pragmaticenigmathere was an update available for SSH this morning on my computer. an update could explain the restart of the ssh server15:13
sphrakpragmaticenigma: which package was that? i looked before and saw an ssh package published the 29/1-2019 as the latest once for bionic15:14
drakonanAnyone know why my ubuntu container isnt receiving a dns server from dhcp?15:14
qwebirc11414I'm trying to install Ubuntu into my computer, but I'm running into issues15:14
drakonanit has an ip from dhcp but it doesnt have the dns server on there.. but my other computers receive it fine from dhcp15:14
kinghatBluesKaj: my `.bashrc` file says that i might want to make a new `.bash_aliases` file instead of adding to the bottom of `.bashrc`. i did that and put that command in there but its "command not found" does bash need to be reloaded or something?15:15
qwebirc11414It takes me to a GNU Grub screen right at the boot from my USB15:15
qwebirc11414Any way to get past this?15:15
tomreyndrakonan: docker? https://github.com/docker/libnetwork/issues/218715:16
kinghatBluesKaj: yep that was it. needed a new bash session.15:16
Meilisphrak: I don't think there is a reasonable explanation for that key to change. Then again, when compromising a computer, you generally dont want people to know you did that, so an intruder wouldnt normally change that key either15:16
drakonantomreyn, lxc15:16
tomreyndrakonan: will be the same, i guess, unless it's ubuntu's15:16
sphrakMeili: it was the automatic security update15:16
drakonani dont even have a resolv.conf file at all15:17
sphrakopenssh-sftp-server openssh-client openssh-server was updated 0640 exact same time the key is regenerated and sshd is restarted15:17
tomreyndrakonan: on the ubuntu host? that's normal, it's usually a smylink15:17
pragmaticenigmasphrak: I'm not well versed in the apt... I don't know where to look for recently updated packages15:18
sphrakso it was just ubuntu being a good boy updating my shit :)15:18
Meilisphrak: if so, ubuntu failed you miserably by regenerating that key15:18
pragmaticenigmathat's good sphrak ... please mind the language in channel15:18
sphrakpragmaticenigma: i looked at /var/log/apt/history and I can locate the update that occurred at 0640 this morning15:18
sphrakMeili: unless the key was generated with an vulnerability15:19
Meilisphrak: true, but I would expect to have read something about that then. Could have missed it ofc...15:20
qwebirc11414Any reason I'm being taken to the GNU Grub screen after trying to boot with a flash drive?15:20
sphrakMeili: yes, Im digging around to see if I can find it somewhere15:20
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qwebirc11414Ah, n/m.  Finally found a way around it.15:22
phazonqwebirc11414: typically one does boot with/into a bootloader such as grub15:22
BluesKajkinghat, yes, .bash_aliases works too :-)15:22
kinghatBluesKaj: shouldnt these aliases also work in ssh sessions?15:22
sphrakMeili: https://usn.ubuntu.com/3885-1/ here15:23
qwebirc11414Yeah, I'm not used to that.  On my previous laptop, it took me right into asking if I wanted to install Ubuntu15:23
qwebirc11414So having it take me to a Grub menu first was odd for me.15:23
drakonanoh i see its grabbing the dns from the host and the host dns is wrong :)15:23
drakonanthanks for your help15:23
pragmaticenigmakinghat: They should work... but you might need to restart the session for it to take15:23
pragmaticenigmakinghat: there is a way to re-initialize bash so you don't have to close and reopen... I'll see if i can find the reset command15:24
kinghatpragmaticenigma: you are correct. sorry.15:24
sphrakpragmaticenigma: Meili thanks for your input and help tho, im just happy it wasnt compromised :)15:24
BluesKajkinghat, I've never tried any ssh aliases TBH15:25
kinghatpragmaticenigma: actually my aliases are just newlining even in new session.15:25
kinghatBluesKaj: i dont think it works. or im still doing something wrong.15:26
pragmaticenigmakinghat: can you pastebin your aliases file?15:26
BluesKajkinghat, altho i do use them with openvpn15:26
Meilisphrak: I don't see any mention about a host key problem there15:26
leftyfbkinghat: if you're asking if an alias on your machine will work while ssh'd into another remote machine, the answer is no. The remote machine will not be aware of your local aliases15:26
sharkboyare there any other folders I need to backup beside the home folder?15:26
sharkboycurrently using Déjà Dup Backup Tool15:26
kinghatleftyfb: ya thats what i was asking.15:26
sharkboywhich only backs up the home folder by default15:27
pragmaticenigmasharkboy: only you can answer that, that would be dependent on what is running on your system and what you are planning on doing with the backups15:27
sharkboyrestoring in case of hardware failure15:27
BluesKajkinghat, set up the aliases in the remote machine too15:28
pragmaticenigmaThen you should be using a disk imaging backup ... Deja Dup is for backing up your personal data, not system wide15:28
kinghatpragmaticenigma: its just alias ul="sudo apt update && apt list --upgradable" and alias upg="sudo apt upgrade -y" so far.15:28
sphrakMeili: you are right, im still digging15:28
leftyfbkinghat: you'll need to copy those aliases to the remote machine15:29
leftyfbkinghat: now what you could do it make an alias/function to ssh into the remote machine and run those commands15:29
kinghati wonder if there is a way to do it where  youre not confined to shell? so like hotkey to enter text type of thing.15:29
qwebirc25081Huh, so I'm barely into the install, and am running into a list of errors.15:30
cryptodanqwebirc25081: what errors15:31
phazonqwebirc25081: we'll need the errors, and what it is you're trying to do15:31
qwebirc25081I don't ever recall having this much trouble on my last laptop...15:31
tomreynqwebirc25081: installation of what?15:31
qwebirc25081Oh, basically a list.  Print error, SQUASH, etc...15:31
qwebirc25081Ubuntu 18.0415:31
tomreynhow much RAM does this system have?15:32
qwebirc25081Let me pull it up15:32
qwebirc25081It should meet the requirements, though15:32
tomreyn4GB or more?15:33
qwebirc25081As far as I'm aware.  Let me double check once my system finishes rebooting.15:33
phazonqwebirc25081: should be able to jump to a tty and use something like 'free' to check15:33
sphrakMeili: i cannot find anything that would suggest host key regeneration by looking at the commit history even.. should I bug report it? https://salsa.debian.org/ssh-team/openssh/commits/master15:34
phazona text console15:34
tomreynthe bios should also tell15:34
phazon^^ that works too :-)15:34
tomreynsphrak: which debian version are you running there?15:35
qwebirc25081Ugh, its being an extra pain now.15:36
sphraktomreyn: well im on ubuntu bionic, 1804. i just follow from here http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openssh/openssh_7.6p1-4ubuntu0.2.dsc15:36
tomreyni see15:36
qwebirc25081Okay, here we go15:36
qwebirc25081It's 8gb of ram15:36
tomreyn!md5 | qwebirc2508115:37
ubottuqwebirc25081: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows15:37
qwebirc25081I mean, I downloaded it from the main site...15:37
tomreynqwebirc25081: you have enough RAM, so the errors you posted earlier are more likely explained by either a broken ISO download or a media failure15:37
qwebirc25081Media failure?15:38
phazonqwebirc25081: install media; bad disk, faulty flash, corrupt iso15:38
tomreynqwebirc25081: if the ISO file downloaded properly, but writing it to the installation media did not succeed entirely, such as due to bad sectors, this could cause errors like those you have seen15:39
leftyfbkinghat: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/wGRRqqxPJ9/15:39
hermierhi, I have a 18.04 server vm, and since a few days the tty login is looping as soon as I press enter. It doesn't let me the time to type my password.15:39
qwebirc25081I mean, I used Rufus to install it to the USB15:39
qwebirc25081Is there a better one to use?15:39
leftyfbkinghat: ul will run it on your local machine. ul <remote machine> # will run it on the remote machine15:40
tomreynqwebirc25081: use etcher.io , it does a verification run.15:40
qwebirc25081I'll give it a look15:40
tomreynqwebirc25081: but before you do thi make sure the ISO actually downloade properly15:40
hermierit doesn't seems to be a vm issue (looked at the envent and there is no spurious keyboard events), looked at pam without much success. Any ideas ?15:40
jeremy31qwebirc25081: some people have better luck with the DD option in Rufus rather than ISO15:40
kinghatleftyfb: oh nice. ty. can the remote machine be one from the ssh config file?15:41
qwebirc25081Isn't that for putting it on a CD?15:41
leftyfbkinghat: yes, that is preferred15:41
leftyfbkinghat: also, I use apticron on all my machines. It send me an email when there are updates to be done15:42
tomreynqwebirc25081: what is "that"?15:42
qwebirc25081Responding to Jeremy about using the DD option in Rufus.15:42
qwebirc25081I know the Ubuntu site tutorial said that that option was normally for CD booting.15:43
tomreyni dont know rufus, but generally dd does work against usb attached storages, but not against cdroms/dvdroms15:43
qwebirc25081Well, I'll just redownload the ISO and try Etcher.15:44
pragmaticenigmatomreyn: rufus is the recommended method of flashing Ubuntu ISOs to usb drives on Windows15:44
tomreynpragmaticenigma: thanks, i know *that* :) just never used it15:44
kinghatis there anything you guys use for .ssh key management? is there something like authy for 2FA to manage them?15:45
Meilidoesnt the installer iso have a media test boot option build in?15:45
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tomreynMeili: yes it does. it's not as thorough as a byte to byte comparison of the ISO write, but is probably enough to detect data corruption, too.15:46
phazonqwebirc25081: you can try downloading the image via torrent, which does a builtin hash/integrity check (although it uses sha-1, which is deprecated)15:46
qwebirc25081I'm trying a direct download again.  It's possible I think I know what I did wrong the first time.15:48
qwebirc25081Which was downloading it to the flash drive, and then copying it to the desktop. <.<15:49
tomreynyes this sounds incorrect15:52
qwebirc25081Yeah, so hopefully I'll get it right the 2nd time.15:53
cryptodanqwebirc25081: do you currently have a linux install?15:55
qwebirc25081What do you mean?15:55
cryptodanqwebirc25081: i mean just what I asked, if you have a current linux install why are you using windows to create a usb?15:56
qwebirc25081I currently have Windows 10. I'm wanting to switch out of it to Ubuntu15:56
sphrakMeili: just to clarify about the ssh problem -- i think this is what happened, the update regenerated the host file because it was missing since I only use ed25519, and after it restarted the ECDSA host key took precedence over my ed25519 key thus prompting the host key change warning. if I remove the newly generated host key it all works again16:09
sphrakIt was merely a misconfiguration on my part since I believe it regenerated because HostKey in settings was enabled even tho I dont use it hehe16:11
tomreynsphrak: if you have preferences on which host key files and algorithms should be used, be sure to make your ssh server aware of them16:12
sphraktomreyn: yupp I have disabled all except ed25519 now so Id expect it not to regenerate "missing ones" now hehe16:12
tomreyni'm not even certain it wont generate them, but it shouldnt use them16:13
sphraktomreyn: yeah well all are disabled now at least so it should only use ed25519 from now on :)16:17
tomreynsphrak: ssh-keyscan -t ecdsa,ed25519,dsa,rsa your.host16:20
Meilisphrak: glad you found the cause!16:25
sphraktomreyn: what does that do? check if those are available on the host?16:26
tomreynsphrak: and display their fingerprints, if so, yes16:26
sphraktomreyn: thats cool, now it only shows ed25519 as expected :)16:28
uebera||Hi. How can I debug the following apt-get error message? "The HTTP server sent an invalid reply header" (<-- I'd like to see the invalid header). "apt-get -o Debug::Acquire::http=true update" (output captured using "script") does not list the server reply in question.16:48
OerHeksuebera||, what server/mirror do you try to connect to ?16:52
OerHeksand what ubuntu version?16:52
uebera||OerHeks: It's "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu xenial stable" -- and it works on other machines (one Xenial, one Bionic) just fine atm.16:52
uebera||Also, it used to work for a couple of months…16:53
OerHeksuebera||, so you are not behind a proxy, and have 'apt-transport-https' installed ..16:56
uebera||OerHeks: Yes.16:56
OerHeksuebera||, remove the sources.lists, and update again? sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists  && sudo apt-get update17:01
OerHeksapt clean and autoremove could do no harm too17:01
uebera||OerHeks: I did that selectively for *docker* before, to no avail (along with "apt clean" before and after). What puzzles me is the fact that I don't get to see the server response for *.docker* with the above option "-o Debug::Acquire::http=true".17:06
OerHeksuebera||, i find no clue either, maybe someone else has a clue?17:08
OerHeksyou might want to reask in #ubuntu-server too17:08
uebera||Ok, will do that later on. Thanks! :)17:08
lotuspsychje_uebera||: or the #ubuntu-mirrors guys to debug if its mirror related17:08
uebera||lotuspsychje_: It's not an Ubuntu mirror in this case (Docker 3rd party repository)...17:09
lotuspsychje_uebera||: we dont really support external ppa's here sorry17:10
lotuspsychje_uebera||: cant you use docker from apt/snap ?17:10
uebera||lotuspsychje_: I'm using apt here?17:11
uebera||lotuspsychje_: But the question is about the default apt* packages… the Docker people likely cannot help me to debug the apt code.17:11
lotuspsychje_uebera||: how can we be sure your issue is not related to external sources?17:15
tomreynuebera||: https is not http, you want "-o Debug::Acquire::https=true"17:16
OerHeksoink, good spot, tom17:17
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uebera||tomreyn: Thanks! That looks better…17:24
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timelesshow does one add a link to an upstream bug tracker in launchpad?17:27
tomreynuebera||: the issue will be "HTTP/2 200"17:27
tomreyntimeless: "Also affects project"17:28
timelesstomreyn: and just paste in the github issue url?17:29
gpCannot get graphics to display in 16.04.  I just booted the 16.04 installer in repair mode and got to the recorvery command line.  How do I get it to tell me what graphics options it is using so I can fix xrandr settings on the regular boot process?17:30
tomreyntimeless: i'mnot sure you can link to github issue trackers, but give it a try17:31
lotuspsychjegp: sudo lshw -C video && uname -a would be handy17:31
timelesstomreyn: it claims to https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs/MultiProjectBugs#External_trackers_that_Launchpad_supports17:31
uebera||tomreyn: I was suspecting this (in conjunction with curl). Wasn't there an option to use wget instead of curl and/or force "APT-CURL" to not use HTTP/2?17:32
timelessok, clearly i'm not supposed to enter a url into search17:32
gplotuspsychje: hrm no luck and can't seem to use apt. I'll try the desktop live cd I guess. lspci is the only thing I seem to have in the recovery console17:32
tomreynuebera||: i don't know, would have to reasearchmyself, but got to go.17:32
timelessit wants a project17:32
timelessdoes someone need to create a "project" in launchpad for the github thing?17:33
tomreyntimeless: better ask in #launchpad or #ubuntu-bugs17:33
lotuspsychjegp: did you enable networking before going to root shell17:34
qwebirc73474what is the correct channel for help on amd graphics drivers?17:36
lotuspsychjeqwebirc73474: on ubuntu, here17:37
gplotuspsychje: hrm desktop live cd has no video output once it boots17:37
lotuspsychjegp: what kind of graphics card do you have?17:38
qwebirc73474so i have trouble getting my rx480 to work properly on ubuntu 18.4, i tried it through the drivers from amd17:39
timelesstomreyn: thanks17:39
qwebirc73474and oigf i think they where called the app17:39
gplotuspsychje: its an old intel atom gma 3150 something. has graphics problems but I was able to make it work on 14.04. trying to get it running on 16.04 but not having much luck17:39
lotuspsychjeqwebirc73474: did you have trouble with the stock amdgpu driver from ubuntu?17:39
qwebirc73474the problem is that i keep having these weird green tearing lines and flikkering on my screen17:39
qwebirc73474i can install it but the issue remains17:39
lotuspsychjegp: if its an old card, you might try with xubuntu or lubuntu17:40
qwebirc73474rx 480 isnt that old17:40
qwebirc73474like 2 years?17:40
qwebirc73474amd says it should be supported by their driver17:40
lotuspsychjeqwebirc73474: follow the nicknames, that wasnt for you17:40
gplotuspsychje: trying to use as an ltsp thin client so I gotta stick with 16.0417:40
lotuspsychjegp: 16.04 lubuntu or xubuntu?17:42
gplotuspsychje: Regular ubuntu 16.0417:42
unimatrix9hi there17:43
lotuspsychjegp: i mean you can try one17:43
lotuspsychjeqwebirc73474: do you have tearing on both stock driver and amd driver?17:44
unimatrix9ubuntu 18.04 when connecting  to hotspot wifi i get to many redirections error, where can i find the config file to change the amount of redirects allowed ?17:45
qwebirc73474yes and the mesa drivers from oibaf17:45
unimatrix9gnome desktop, connection detect is that thing that popups17:45
qwebirc73474i also tried it in mint where the exact same thing happend17:45
qwebirc73474so i geus there must be a setting wrong somewhere but i have no clue where to start looking17:45
qwebirc73474so i thought you guys might have a suggestion17:46
lotuspsychjeqwebirc73474: doublecheck if you did all steps: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-the-latest-amd-radeon-drivers-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux17:46
qwebirc73474lotuspsychje: i have followed that exact same site 2 times on 2 diffrent distros17:47
lotuspsychjeqwebirc73474: enable DRI too?17:47
qwebirc73474lotuspsychje: did not do that17:48
qwebirc73474lotuspsychje: ill give it a try thx17:48
qwebirc73474lotuspsychje if i dont have the x11/xconf file i should just make it right17:48
qwebirc73474and leave it there and reboot and it should work?17:48
lotuspsychjeqwebirc73474: got something in these locations? xorg: /usr/lib/xorg /usr/include/xorg17:50
qwebirc73474lotuspsychje: also when i go back to the amdgpu drivers should i uninstall the ppa17:50
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | qwebirc73474 to uninstall ppa's & packages17:51
ubottuqwebirc73474 to uninstall ppa's & packages: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html17:51
qwebirc73474ubottu: if i want to install a diffrent driver there i should do that right17:52
ubottuqwebirc73474: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:52
qwebirc73474thx anyway :P17:52
lotuspsychjeqwebirc73474: try to do everything systematic, test out 1 driver at time17:53
qwebirc73474lotuspsychje: ill throw all the ppa stuff out and try it with the dri3 from amd thx allot17:53
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lotuspsychjeqwebirc73474: also i would reccomend, if you encounter problems with the stock driver, file a !bug for it17:54
lotuspsychjeqwebirc73474: is your system up to date also please?17:54
qwebirc73474it should be17:54
qwebirc73474lotuspsychje: i ran update check from terminal and the gui17:55
gpSo server recovery console doesn't have lshw. What other ways can I see the active graphics driver?17:55
qwebirc73474i installed it this morning and allowed it to garb updates from the internet17:55
lotuspsychjegp: can you try to enter your system with !nomodeset ?17:55
gplotuspsychje: I will try that17:56
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | gp17:56
ubottugp: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:56
OerHeksgp, atom gma 3150, that is covered by the nouveau driver, not a youtube monster card17:56
gpno luck with nomodeset18:02
gp16.04 desktop livecd doesn't display18:03
lotuspsychjegp: try lubuntu or xubuntu, make that card happy again18:03
gplotuspsychje: Problem is I am running LTSP and the server is 16.04.  So the client has to run the same system.  I am guessing it is possible to make it work?18:04
gpIt is complicated to change18:04
lotuspsychjegp: trying ubuntu-server to install?18:05
lotuspsychjeor desktop18:05
unimatrix9ubuntu 18.04 when connecting  to hotspot wifi i get to many redirections error, where can i find the config file to change the amount of redirects allowed ?18:10
ash_worksiwhat is the best way to paste what you're doing when asking for help on here?18:11
SwedeMikeash_worksi: pastebin for instance, together with one-liner description of the problem and what you have already done.18:12
lotuspsychje!paste | ash_worksi18:12
ubottuash_worksi: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:12
dsfdsfjlkHi, I am trying to upgrade from 18.04 to 18.10 but I get the following message: An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade.   This was likely caused by:  * Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu Please use the tool 'ppa-purge' from the ppa-purge  package to remove software from a Launchpad PPA and  try the upgrade again.18:14
dsfdsfjlkIt also says If none of this applies, then please report this bug using the command 'ubuntu-bug ubuntu-release-upgrader-core' in a terminal.If you want to investigate this yourself the log files in '/var/log/dist-upgrade' will contain details about the upgrade. Specifically, look at 'main.log' and 'apt.log'. at the bottom18:14
OerHeksdsfdssdfsadfasdfa interesting name... did you have any ppaś installed?18:15
ash_worksiSwedeMike: whats the best highlighter for that?18:17
ash_worksi"Bash Session" probably18:17
pragmaticenigmadsfdsfjlk: You installed a PPA to your system. The Ubuntu upgrade tool will not upgrade a machine to a new version until the PPA is disabled. Any software provided by that PPA will be uninstalled during the upgrade process18:17
fdsfOerHeks: I had wireguard and unistalled it. I also wiped /etc/apt/sources.list.d18:18
fdsfAlso I am on this secong nick cause it seem that the other timed out or smth18:19
OerHekswiped, sources.list.d folder .. that is not reversing packages18:19
OerHeksadd those ppaś again, and follow your own post with ppa-purge18:19
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pragmaticenigmafdsf: To remove ppas, you use ppa-purge ... just like the error message told you to18:20
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pragmaticenigmafdsf: If you read the entire error message, you would see that it actually told you how to solve your own problem18:20
fdsfYeah I used ppa-purge but it didn't work18:20
fdsfalso I might have had other ppa than wireguard18:21
fdsfwireguard was unistalled by apt remove .....18:21
pragmaticenigmafdsf: If ppa-purge didn't work, then you didn't add the PPAs properly to begin with18:21
OerHeksppa purge works for launchpad ppa's only, not for 3rd party stuff18:22
fdsfwireguard is on launchpad18:22
fdsfactually wireguard has not been uninstalled via apt18:22
OerHeksso, reinstall 18.10 fresh, is the fastest way, unless you know exactly what sources you added18:22
fdsfI forgot to uninstall it18:22
fdsfthe thing is that the computer is blocking on ppa so it must know I have ppas?18:23
OerHeksgood, valuable lesson18:23
fdsfalso I'd rather not reinstall18:23
pragmaticenigmafdsf: At this point, you're stuck with what you have or a reinstall... untangling the mess of what ever you did to your package manager is on you to figure out. If you didn't write down the steps on how you did it, you won't be able to reverse it. Best attempt here is only going to get your system to limp along till it eventually becomes unuable.18:30
fdsfOkay then I'm just going to stick with neovim not working until I have a good reason18:31
fdsfto switch. My install has been frankenstein-like for already 1 month with stuff not running at startup and stuff so why not wait a little longer18:32
pragmaticenigmafdsf: there's your problem... why didn't you use the neovim that was provided by Ubuntu package manager in the first place?18:33
fdsfI use the neovim that is provided by the package manager. the problem is that it is version 0.2.* which isn't supported by deoplete and deoplete doesn't want to install anymore because of this which is why I want to switch to 18.1018:34
fdsfAlso don't think I added stuff like non-sense18:34
OerHeksif you reinstalled, you could be done by now18:34
pragmaticenigmaso very true...18:35
fdsfAt first I tried to do everything correctly including the ppa-purge part but as stuff started to not work I had to improvise18:35
fdsfAlso if I reinstall will I keep my home?18:35
fdsfhow would it work?18:35
fdsfDo I need to back it up?18:35
fdsfOr is ubuntu going to upgrade with my /home18:36
pragmaticenigmaif /home isn't on a separate partition, you will need to back it up first. Once done installing and initializing your user, you can copy it back18:36
fdsfIt is on a seperate partition (on a seperate drive in fact)18:36
OerHeks"if you have no backup, your data is unimportant" is my favo18:36
pragmaticenigmaThen all you need to do is make sure when installing that you mark that drive/partition as mounting on /home and ubuntu will take care of the rest. Though it is still a good idea to back it up18:37
pragmaticenigma3-2-1 backup: 3 is 2 backups, 2 is 1 backup, and 1 is no backup... 3 total backups with 2 being offsite with 1 of them being a different type of media18:38
fdsfOerHeks: please god18:38
fdsfok I know18:38
qwebirc82194hi, i tried to get the screen tearing to stop on my rx480 before i was wondering if lotus or anyone else who saw it was still around?19:25
qwebirc82194i followed the instructions from https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-the-latest-amd-radeon-drivers-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux19:25
qwebirc82194i keep having the same problems with dri319:25
brainwashdid you try tearfree option yet?19:27
qwebirc82194brainwash: i did not but that means i have to make a file in X11\xconf19:28
brainwashyou did not create that file yet?19:28
qwebirc82194i saw it come by in google searches19:28
qwebirc82194should i?19:28
brainwashyou mentioned dri319:28
OerHeksthat is how you deploy "dri " "3"19:28
* OerHeks facepalms19:29
brainwashI assumed that you set that via the conf file19:29
qwebirc82194i tried to dploy is from usr19:30
qwebirc82194but then i dint deploy it adall?19:31
brainwashyou explicitly enable tearfree via the conf file, restart the session and then check the Xorg log file19:34
brainwashwell, you'll see if it's working or not anyway, so check the log file only to verify that the option is enabled19:35
qwebirc82194so im in x11 but i dont se any xconf file19:36
qwebirc82194can i just put one in there19:36
qwebirc82194yeah i dont have that file19:37
qwebirc82194nefore a user in this chat told me to go check in usr if i had a file with xcong19:37
brainwashand you shouldn't, unless you create one manually19:37
qwebirc82194should i just create that file and reboot19:38
brainwashrelog should do the job19:38
OerHekshttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config  > the wiki is old, edit   /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-amdgpu.conf19:39
qwebirc82194but the system will just pick up that file i dont have to do anything special with it19:39
qwebirc82194i just started linux :P19:39
brainwashOerHeks: that file is most likely owned by the amdgpu driver package, so editing it is not recommended19:41
brainwashuser changes go in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/19:41
brainwashthose have higher priority19:41
OerHeksi see no/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/19:42
OerHeksthat was 10.04 .. changed with 10.1019:42
qwebirc82194can i miss files by not having permission or something?19:43
qwebirc82194it tried sudo ls19:43
brainwashtried where?19:45
brainwashit really isn't that hard to understand19:45
station23 years ago i left my Arduino, ESP… with blink script programmed on ubuntu 16.04, now I only have a pc which is supported by ubuntu / debian18.04 and higher where they no longer show up on usb. spent nearly 2 days figuring that one out trying all types of solution. hat have I missed.19:47
brainwashqwebirc82194: maybe it would help if you'd link the web site which you have open19:47
brainwashthe one which explains how to set the tearfree option19:48
lordcirth_station2, so, if you do 'watch -d lsusb' then you plug in your Arduino, do you see any change?19:49
station2lordcirth_ it registers the usb hub but no other combination19:53
lordcirth_station2, does it show up on any other computer? It could just be broken...19:54
station2no i left them programed19:54
z3r0hi guys19:55
station26 boards each different19:55
bad63rhello guys, does anybody have slow bootup with ssd on xubuntu 18.04? so strange, I installed it couple days ago. on 16.04 I had no problems at all19:56
station2lordcirth_ since I could program them they also have bootloader19:56
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station2it was ubuntu 16.04 32bit20:01
lordcirth_station2, sorry, I rebooted there. What did I miss?20:08
station2does it show up on any other computer? It could just be broken... ? no i left them programed, 6 boards each different, since I could program them they also have bootloader, it was ubuntu 16.04 32bit20:09
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lordcirth_station2, perhaps people on ##arduinotalk would know better20:11
ioriastation2, what's the problem exactly ? the device 's not detected or not working  ?20:13
ninjaaronHi. I zsh and I also have have scripts that rewrite my .profile and other shell initialization files on a new system. My snaps no longer appear in my path nor in the gnome application search.20:14
ninjaaronI'm not sure if the two things are related.20:14
station2ioria   not detected         3 years ago i left my Arduino, ESP… with blink script programmed on ubuntu 16.04, now I only have a pc which is supported by ubuntu / debian18.04 and higher where they no longer show up on usb. spent nearly 2 days figuring that one out trying all types of solution. hat have I missed.20:15
ninjaaronI'm also using the communitheme snap under wayland.20:15
ninjaaronthat seems to be working fine.20:15
ioriastation2, i'd try to unplug, plug again  and paste   dmesg | tail -3020:15
OerHeksninjaaron, "scripts that rewrite my .profile and other shell initialization files on a new system." interesting20:16
OerHeksninjaaron, without a pastbin, how could we tell?20:17
ninjaaronOerHeks, I mean, I have a bunch of scripts and config files on github for setting up my environment. I feel like I'm not alone in this.20:18
ninjaaronOerHeks, So, are you asking how you could tell, or are you suggesting I pastbin them?20:18
ninjaaroni.e. is this a rhetorical question?20:19
lordcirth_ninjaaron, if you have a problem with your $PATH, then you'll need to pastebin any files that modify your $PATH from default20:19
OerHeksninjaaron, as we have no clue what changes you make, how could we look for the issue ? and what changes did you make recently, after snaps were still there20:20
OerHeksi have the feeling you don't want help at all20:20
GargoyleHey all. Can anyone help me out with trying to get a Radeon gfx card working. I've done all kinds of googling and reading and after having been stuck with only a command prompt for over an hour, I'm back to a desktop by doing a dist upgrade to 19.04 :/20:21
GargoyleBut I'm stuck at 1024x76820:21
cryptodanGargoyle: what amd video card do you have20:21
ninjaaronOerHeks, I'm eager to change your mind.20:21
OerHeksGargoyle, 19.04 is still in beta, support in #ubuntu+1, please20:21
GargoyleRadeon 7 :D20:21
cryptodanGargoyle: more information then that20:21
Gargoylecryptodan: That's it's name. It's a 2ng gen Vega... shows up on "lshw -c video" as "vega 20"20:23
station2ioria  dmesg | tail -30 only changes when I plug in hub20:23
ninjaaronhere is the part of my .profile that concern the $PATH: https://paste.debian.net/plain/106619320:23
cryptodanshould be something like a r7 290x or something like that20:23
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Gargoylecryptodan: It's the new one that came out yesterday.20:24
ioriastation2, the hub ? i don't asked you about the hub20:24
ninjaaronthe current value of my $PATH is this: /home/ninjaaron/bin:/home/ninjaaron/.local/bin:/home/ninjaaron/.gem/ruby/2.3.0/bin:/home/ninjaaron/.poetry/bin:/home/ninjaaron/bin:/home/ninjaaron/.local/bin:/home/ninjaaron/.gem/ruby/2.3.0/bin:/home/ninjaaron/bin:/home/ninjaaron/.local/bin:/home/ninjaaron/.gem/ruby/2.3.0/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games20:24
cryptodanGargoyle: then you may need a newer kernel20:25
station2ioria so I checkd if I was doing right ith the hub but the rest wasent detected20:25
blackflowninjaaron: your path is a mess and full of duplicates20:25
ninjaaronHowever, I was in i3 earlier, and the snaps were working there after this change. At the moment I'm using the communitheme thing with wayland, and it's the first I've noticed the change.20:25
lady29Mia khalifa -> http://www.lba.io/AcN3J20:26
ioriastation2, if dmesg or kern.log are silent the device is not functional20:26
ninjaaronblackflow, agreed. It get's doubled in my .zshrc file. This is so I will still have all my paths over ssh. it's in .profile for the login shell, and .zshrc for non-login shells.20:27
station2ioria hmmmm but it blinks bekause I programed it io blink  hmmmmm20:28
ninjaaronI suppose I could use some logic to avoid the duplication.20:28
ninjaaronwould you speculate this is related to my snap problem?20:28
OerHekslady29, stop spamming that dangerous site, thanks20:28
OerHeks!coc > lady2920:28
blackflowninjaaron: "login shell" is not just local login20:28
ubottulady29, please see my private message20:28
SlidingHornOerHeks: I hopped into -ops to let them know20:29
blackflowOerHeks: srsly, you think that bot will listen? :)20:29
ioriastation2,  i stop here, sy20:29
ninjaaronblackflow, the reason I added it in two places was because I had problems accesing my ~/bin and ~/.local/bin binaries over ssh.20:30
ninjaaronI thought this was due to login shell issues, but, whatever the cause, this fixed the problem.20:30
ninjaaronDo you think it is related to my issue with snaps?20:31
blackflowninjaaron: it "fixed" the problem because you've set it up wrong in the first place.20:31
ninjaaronblackflow, I await your recommendation.20:31
blackflowyou do not need to separate shell rc for ssh logins.20:31
blackflowninjaaron: you simply need to configure properly the shell rc of the shell you're using. zsh I'm assuming?20:32
ninjaaronblackflow, yes.20:32
blackflowninjaaron: right, so I'm not too familiar with zsh, but I'm guessing there's .zshrc?20:32
ninjaaronblackflow, There is a .zprofile (which I have symlinked to .profile), a .zshenv, and a .zshrc.20:34
blackflowninjaaron: and if you look at the manpage, it mentions several rc files and situations they're used in20:34
ninjaaronthey are all sourced on different occasions.20:34
ninjaaronblackflow, yes.20:34
blackflowninjaaron: yes and nothing stops your from sourcing the noninteractive ones in interactive ones20:34
ninjaaronIt's interesting. I have an identical setup on Arch, and it doesn't produce this kind of duplication.20:35
ninjaaronidentical in terms of the shell.20:35
blackflowninjaaron: are you sure .zshrc is not sourced always? the manpage seems to suggest it is. local login and ssh login are both the interactive kind, and "login shells".20:35
blackflowninjaaron: probably because of different shell rcs and what they source from each other20:36
blackflowninjaaron: for example with bash (that I use), there's .bashrc executed for non-logi shells. it is then sourced from .profile by default, so .bashrc covers both cases.20:37
ninjaaronblackflow, in zsh, .zshrc is only sourced in interactive shells.20:38
blackflowninjaaron: which is both ssh and console login, and terminal emulated one20:39
ninjaaronblackflow, I think .zshenv is the one that's always sourced.20:39
ninjaaronblackflow, yes, but it doesn't work with application launchers like dmenu.20:40
blackflowninjaaron: non-interactive shells is when you start a script with eg.  `zsh somescript`. that spawns a subprocess/subshell which is noninteractive. console login and ssh login are both interactive, login shells.20:41
blackflowninjaaron: then I suppose .zshenv is where you should define your PATH for all possible situations.20:42
blackflowbut you definitely do not need two separate definitions, nor duplication.20:42
ninjaaronHm. I will look at this again and see if I can improve it (though it has the desired behavior on Arch. Maybe I need to dig around in the configs in /etc and see what is different between Arch and Ubuntu there)20:42
ninjaaronblackflow, Aside from my $PATH having duplicates, any thoughts on the snap dilemma?20:43
blackflowninjaaron: or just look at the manpage and try ~/.zshenv which it suggests.20:43
ninjaaronI feel like I tried that in the past, but I will experiment with it again.20:44
blackflowninjaaron: you need /snap/bin in your path20:44
ninjaaronblackflow, Thanks. I'll try that.20:45
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ninjaaronblackflow, it seems to be working in the terminal. I assume it will work everywhere if I change it globally and log in again!20:48
ninjaaronI'm sure you'll be hearing from me again if it didn't work!20:49
blackflowninjaaron: or see if there's a zsh specific channel. I don't use it, but I'm sure the shell rc mechanism is ubiquitous in the *nix ecosystem.20:50
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fleabeardI used the Budgie Desktop Applets program to install an applet called "Global Menu Applet". However, after restarting my PC I can't seem to find it and none of my programs are using a global menu whatsoever. Any ideas?21:06
iomarigreetings, can I get a armhf64 iso image for the orange pi 4g-iot?21:13
bogwogI'm trying to setup a chron job on my server, but one of the scripts uses an encrypted keyring to store passwords. Every time the script runs, it prompts me for a password to unlock the keyring, which breaks my chron job. I tried setting an empty password, but it tells me that empty passwords are not allowed.21:13
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MissileGuidedDisanyone familiar with ubuntu-mate?21:14
bogwogIs there a way to prevent that prompt? Or just kill the keyring encryption entirely?21:14
fleabeardiomari, I don't think there's any official arm variant iso's available by canonical. I think most ppl use the Raspbian images for the orangepi.21:16
iomarifleabeard: that was my next question. rapsberry images work for orange?21:16
fleabeardiomari, I believe they do, you should be able to download raspbian stretch and be good to go from their website.21:17
fleabeardbogwog, I'm assuming the keyring is using a passphrase?21:18
OerHeksiomari, armFS or arm64 ..21:19
OerHekshttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/18.04/release/ubuntu-18.04.1-server-arm64.iso , not sure rasp pi images work on orange pi, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RaspberryPi  and they give armbian https://www.armbian.com/orange-pi-win/21:23
Net|opencv_dnn opencv_ffmpeg is missing ?21:26
tomreynyes! no! maybe!21:27
Net|yes looks like21:28
tomreynNet|: would you mind serving some context with this?21:28
Net|18.04 is missing them, but it might be because opencv3.2 is old21:29
Net|i will look into it21:30
iomariOerHeks: thanks21:30
CarlFKright click, select "Always on top"  - where is that stored?   or.. how can I add that to a desktop shortcut?21:30
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* OerHeks wipes screen21:53
qwebirc83076hello everyone, i have an issue where if i turn off my econd screen i get screen tearing on my first screen, anyone have any clue what this could be?21:56
mra90what virtual machine for windows 10 is recommended?22:04
ubottukvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM22:05
NorthwestVegankvm is my favorite22:06
mra90okay and I wonder how different virtualizatio is than instalation on bare metal?22:08
phazonmra90: IDE bus will make kvm run like a dog however; best to use SATA or virtio stuff22:08
other_rickHi, someone knows how to allow to wine use the usb devices?22:08
mra90phazon: what is IDE BUS?22:09
mra90and virtio?22:09
mra90Virtio. Paravirtualized drivers for kvm/Linux22:10
jeremy31mra90: try google22:10
mra90I found that22:10
mra90but what is IDE BUS?22:10
jeremy31I think it was used for hard drives during the dark ages22:10
phazonmra90: it's used on the storage bus (and poorly implemented at that)22:11
OerHekswine issue, https://wiki.winehq.org/Wine_User%27s_Guide#Serial_and_Parallel_Ports22:11
mra90IDE (Integrated Drive Electronics)22:11
mra90this stuff ^22:11
OerHeksyou might want to reask in #winehq22:12
jeremy31mra90: Likely.22:12
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu22:12
OerHeksmaybe the device needs a windows driver22:12
phazonmra90: you can use libvirt and virt-manager to get your feet wet and more easily play around with KVM22:13
mra90phazon: what is a good resource of knowladge to understand virtualization?22:15
mra90I would like to learn how it does what it does22:15
phazonmra90: kvm, libvirt and the like are reasonably well documented; for low level stuff, source code is probably the authoritative source22:19
phazonfirst hand knowledge and just playing around with it cant hurt either22:20
mra90phazon: you mean kvm is open source and I compile it?22:29
phazonmra90: it's built into the linux kernel22:33
mra90phazon: but can I compile KVM on windows 10 and run ubuntu on it?22:34
phazonmra90: kvm is a facility for hypervisors built within and exclusive to the linux kernel. you run windows on top of that, inside the hypervisor22:36
phazonmra90: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel-based_Virtual_Machine22:36
mra90ahh I am looking for other solution - I am on windows and want to make virtual ubunut on top of that22:37
OerHekswindows gives WSL, or hyperx22:37
mra90what about virtual box?22:38
OerHekssure, but ask in ##windows about that22:38
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texlaIs there a calendar in the Ubuntu system that can be imported to a Ubuntu favor system23:01
OerHeksubuntu gnome gives calendar23:03
OerHeksconnected to online accounts, so go wild23:04
yvyzabsolutely wild23:06
texlaOerHeks, I have all of that equipment did not know I could use google thanks for the info23:06
OerHeksinstall synaptic, a much more detailed softwarecenter23:07
texlaOerHeks, also have synaptic thanks23:08
mra90can I virtualize just linux kernel using virtualbox on windows 10?23:09
mra90virtualbox is looking for .iso to boot from23:09
OerHekswhat do you mean with 'just the linux kernel'?23:10
mra90OerHeks: just the linix kerenl ;P23:10
mra90not any distro23:11
OerHeksthat makes no sense to me, one uses a iso with server/desktop/core on virtualbox23:12
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mra90OerHeks: like flashing rasperby pi with just the kernel to play with it23:20
mra90thats the use can I have23:20
hggdhmra90: and what would you do with just the kernel? No SSH, no shell, etc?23:21
courrierI succeffully made 2 backups with DejaDup months ago and want to make a new one. It asks for my encryption password, starts analyzing 1000ds of files a couple of minutes and later asks for the password again23:22
courrierSame thing for restoring a single file from Nautilus... it says "Restoring", works some minutes, does not restore anything but asks for password again23:22
courrierI might have mixed up with all my passwords, but at no moment Deja Dup tells me the password is incorrect, so I'm puzzled... Can it be the reason of failure?23:22
courrierFor restoring the password must obviously match the backup, but for a recording a new backup, does it need the same password than previous backups?23:22
mra90shell won't be there?23:22
mra90so what adds shell capability?23:22
mra90hggdh: ^^23:22
leftyfbmra90: the ability to DO anything with it23:22
phazonhggdh: doesnt the kernel have a shell and all that stuff built into it now? (it has web server!)23:22
leftyfbmra90: what EXACTLY are you trying to accomplish?23:22
hggdhphazon: nope, it does not23:23
mra90phazon: exactky I though shell is there from start23:23
mra90hggdh: so what needs to be added to have shell?23:23
leftyfbmra90: what EXACTLY are you trying to accomplish?23:23
mra90leftyfb: mainly learning purposes23:23
mra90set up tasks23:23
leftyfbmra90: learning what?23:23
mra90monito them23:24
leftyfbmra90: Are you referring to just a linux server as opposed to desktop? Just CLI?23:24
mra90enabling of basic HW like USB23:24
fleabeardmra90, are you wanting a linux install that just boots you to a shell with no desktop environment? If that's the case, you can try a minimal install of ubuntu.23:24
mra90fleabeard: close to what I wanted23:25
mra90as minimal as possible23:25
leftyfbmra90: Install ubuntu server23:25
hggdhmra90: the kernel is just the kernel, nothing else. You would need user=land packages to actualy use it23:25
OerHeksor core23:25
mra90and I still doesn;t understand why kernel doesn;t have shell oO23:25
OerHeks"the kernel" is not an iso23:25
leftyfbbecause it's a kernel, not a user-land application23:25
hggdhmra90: because a shell is an user-land process23:25
dmnurmra90: first, something needs to boot the kernel. Second, you'll immediately get kernel panic because the kernel won't have anything to run (init process), and one of the main kernel functions, well, is to actually run programs. You probably mean "core system", "minimal system" etc.23:25
mra90dmnur: I can write this main task no problem23:26
leftyfbOerHeks: I would not suggest Ubuntu core for learning linux. That's not what it's for.23:26
leftyfbmra90: Install ubuntu server. Good luck23:26
mra90leftyfb: *server* suggest me distro packed for web23:26
hggdhmra90: this is not correct23:27
leftyfbmra90: there will be no web server intalled23:27
phazon!lfs | mra9023:27
ubottumra90: LFS is Linux From Scratch ( http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/ ) - not to be confused with !LTS, which is the long term support release of Ubuntu23:27
OerHeksserver install gives a lot of options, if you choose none, you just have a cli prompt with basic kernel tools23:27
mra90okay so can you tell me the delta between vanila kernel and ubuntu server?23:27
hggdhmra90: the delta is about 500 packages, give or take a few hundreds23:28
OerHekslets not do your homework23:28
leftyfbmra90: https://www.amazon.com/Running-Linux-Distribution-Neutral-Servers-Desktops/dp/0596007604  # I suggest reading a book like this to learn what the linux kernel and distros are all about23:29
mra90Okay guys, looks like I get enough resources to keep me busy for another weeks23:29
mra90thanks a lot!23:29
OerHeksgoood start https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-install-ubuntu-server#0 ---- https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/23:29
phazonmra90: depending on one's level of knowledge, this may also be helpful: http://flossmanuals.net/command-line/ (physical book is here: https://shop.fsf.org/books-docs/introduction-command-line )23:37
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Guest12652is were online ?23:44
Guest12652ubuntu is a cool os23:45
OerHeksGuest12652, sure is, do you have a support question??23:47
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CarlFKmra90: one more for you: Benno Rice -  The Tragedy of systemd -  http://youtu.be/o_AIw9bGogo23:54
murthyGuest12652: hi23:55
murthyqwebirc61792: hi23:56
qwebirc61792anyone made a port of the johnny castaway screen saver?23:56
OerHeksnope, not in our repos23:56
qwebirc61792bummer best screen saver ever lol23:57
mra90CarlFK: thanks will check that ;]23:57
mra90looks like there is no sound23:57
OerHeksCarlFK, not helpfull23:58
mra90OerHeks: do you also suffer sound issue?23:58
CarlFKOerHeks: how do you know?23:58
qwebirc61792wish i would have found this chat when i was playing around with ubuntu23:59
OerHeksCarlFK, this is not the channel to descuss or start a flamewar about systemd23:59

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