
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Carla is now in Autobuilds for your testing pleasure, complete with the wine bridges. Falktx tells me he'll likely do another RC fairly soon for a bug that he's highly motivated to fix.01:20
sakrecoerhi all! Eickmeyer: Maybe i should be removed from the core team? I would like that. Not that i want to distanciate myself. But I'm not that active obviously. And it's quite a responsability to have such access...14:07
sakrecoerjust make sure someone else, (you, Eickmeyer ) has the proper access without automagic termination before you do...14:08
sakrecoeri suppose i can remove myself... i've been thinking about it, but i felt i needed to give you a heads up first and make sure i'm not locking everybody out...14:08
Eickmeyersakrecoer: Feel free to do whatever it is you need to do. I already have administrator, but not owner. If you terminate yourself, would that make someoene else owner automatically?16:32
OvenWerksEickmeyer: ubuntu-bug will not allow me to file a bug report for controls :P20:24
OvenWerks(I don't have the released version installed)20:25
EickmeyerYou might have to do it directly via Launchpad.20:25
EickmeyerOvenWerks: In other news, bug 181523020:30
ubottubug 1815230 in Ubuntu Studio "Tascam US-122 locks up system when audio is sent to it" [Wishlist,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181523020:30
EickmeyerHad to politely say no to that one.20:30
EickmeyerProprietary, non-repo driver required, no longer developed.20:30
OvenWerksThe right answer is talk to the ALSA team20:31
OvenWerks(be prepared to supply a unit for them to work with)20:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1815240 in ubuntustudio-controls "Latency time is for 48k sample rate only" [Undecided,New]20:32
EickmeyerYeah, that's kindof the direction I pointed him.20:33
OvenWerksYa, I see that20:33
EickmeyerAs for your bug, I assigned it to the actual Ubuntu package to get some attention.20:34
EickmeyerIs that something you're working on?20:34
OvenWerksI will be, I am not sure which way to fix it... remove the time value or recalc the wh0o bunch.20:35
EickmeyerThere actually is a simple calculation for latency if you wanted to put that in a special window. Another nice thing would be to mention that a USB devices work best on 3 periods per buffer to get a latency in multiples of 1ms.20:36
Eickmeyers/special window/special field20:36
OvenWerksThat may be the better way to go20:37
OvenWerksI may end up adding the periods field as well.20:38
EickmeyerI honestly think that would be the way to go since calculating latency (as general as possible not accounting for specific hardware) is fairly trivial.20:39
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Do you think you can do that before feature freeze?20:41
OvenWerksWhen is that again?20:41
EickmeyerFebruary 14th.20:41
OvenWerksI can at least remove the wrong time values.20:42
OvenWerksI am working on installer just now.20:42
EickmeyerFor us West Coast US/Canada people, it might as well be the 13th since everything Ubuntu revolves around London.20:42
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Looks like it worked, he's going to contact the ALSA developers.21:19
OvenWerkswhere do we fix the user rt permisions again?21:24
* OvenWerks goes to clear some snow... 21:31
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Just saw this. You mean in -installer?21:37
EickmeyerI stuck it below Line 188 with a set instcmd "pkexec /usr/sbin/ubuntustudio-system fix" in line 192.21:43
EickmeyerWe hadnt' really established where we'd put it, so if that's the wrong spot, I'm cool with whatever.21:44
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Stay warm. Snow is starting to get heavy here, too.21:44
OvenWerksSo where did you actually run that command?21:51
OvenWerksAll I see is that a variable has been set to that string. Did it work?21:51
EickmeyerI honestly don't think it did, but I don't really know this scripting language that well.21:52
OvenWerksOk I will make sure it runs...  ;)21:52

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