
Gargoyletomreyn: You are my hero!!! 00:05
tomreynGargoyle: ;-)00:05
GargoyleAll 3 screens running happy at 2560x1440!00:05
tomreynwhich card is this?00:05
GargoyleRadeon VII00:06
GargoyleKernel 5.0 was looking for *_te.bin which is not in that list you linked to. But 4.20.7 is happy! :-)00:06
tomreynthat's *_te.bin in addition to vega20_sos.bin or instead of it?00:08
GargoyleNot sure, I only saw the te.bin filename in the dmesg error00:08
GargoyleOne other thing you might be able to help with. When I get an official kernel update, my EFI gets updated and it picks that one by default. But after manually installing 4.20.7, the EFI still defaults to 4.19. Is there something I can trigger to get it to do the same as if it was a normal kernel update.00:10
GargoyleI'm not sure I want to remove the official kernel just yet.00:11
tomreynit happens that there's ome delay until the latest firmwares become available. but most of the time agd5f releases it just in time.00:11
tomreynGargoyle: update-grub doesn't add it?00:12
GargoyleI don't use grub. I've got rEFInd.00:12
tomreynoh, i'm not familiar with that00:13
GargoyleMaybe because the upgrade to 19.04 had helpfully re-installed grub for me, it's updating the wrong menu.00:13
tomreynon an uefi system, grub installs its first stage on the efi, and that's all there is in term of linux by default. you can add more and change things using efibootmgr. when grub loads, the grub menu loads from /boot as in the past, and so are kernels and initrd00:16
tomreynso *if you use grub* you need to make sure /boot/grub/grub.cfg contains all the kernels you may want to run (in case the "update-grub" command misses some)00:17
tomreynso there is no wrong grub menu really00:18
GargoylerEFInd is similar, but it doesn't "need" the same config stuff. It's scans the HD's in your system for things it knows how to boot. So it just finds all the kernels in /boot automagically00:18
GargoyleJust not sure what triggers it to pick a particular one by default. But I'll leave that for another day!00:18
tomreyngrub would also add all kernels it finds in /boot00:19
tomreynplus some other kernels if those are found by os-prober00:19
Gargoylebut you have to run grub install ?00:19
Gargoyleor grub update?00:19
tomreyngrub-install does nothing but placing the grub stage 1 onto the esp00:19
tomreyngrub-update updates grub.cfg with kernels it finds00:20
tomreynerr update-grub i mean00:20
tomreyn"grub update" does not exist00:20
GargoylerEFInd does it automatically each boot00:21
GargoyleIt's saved me a few times when I "lost" my windows boot... or vice-versa00:21
tomreyni see. update-grub is also triggered when kernel packages are installed or removed00:21
GargoyleSo I eventually made it my default boot loader in EFI and removed grub00:22
GargoyleAnyway. Thanks for the help. Much appreciated that I finished the day with my new gfx card installed and working. :-)00:23
tomreyn:) enjoy it.00:23

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