[00:11] bleh, looks like I can't mount a FreeBSD zfs pool on 18.04 - messing delphi spacemap or somesuch feature. [00:12] at least not in RW mode [02:13] hey all, is Cobbler available in Bionic? I'm finding packages for Xenial, but I'll be darned if I can find them for Bionic [02:13] !info cobbler bionic [02:13] Package cobbler does not exist in bionic [02:14] seems like not law [02:15] well shucks [02:15] I found it here - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/amd64/cobbler/2.6.6+dfsg1-13 [02:15] but it doesn't say if it's in main, universe, or multiverse [02:16] hmm weird [02:16] talk to the #ubuntu-release guys law they might know more [02:16] will do. many thanks! [02:37] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/amd64/cobbler [02:37] Deleted on 2018-02-26 by Steve Langasek (From Debian) ROM; no time for this package, nobody adopting, RC buggy; Debian bug #889099 [02:37] Debian bug 889099 in ftp.debian.org "RM: cobbler -- ROM; no time for this package, nobody adopting, RC buggy" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/889099 [02:37] obsolete [02:38] so build it from github https://cobbler.github.io/ [02:39] hmmm 2017 https://github.com/cobbler/cobbler/releases/tag/v2.8.2 [02:40] oops [02:40] https://github.com/cobbler/cobbler/releases/tag/v2.8.4 [02:42] yup, going through that whole process now [04:45] I'd like to say that ubuntu server 18.04 runs nice on hp ml350p [13:54] Hi. In apache2 config. I need to put my python venv path for python-home parameter. In my venv there are a few directories like bin and lib. The pth should be to its root or some other directory inner? [13:57] siavoshkc: the venv root [14:04] blackflow: I thought maybe it should be site-packages [14:05] nope. https://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/develop/user-guides/virtual-environments.html [14:08] siavoshkc: and for more info to understand how PYTHONHOME env works (to which mod_wsgi's python-home translates), see this: https://docs.python.org/3/using/cmdline.html#envvar-PYTHONHOME [14:09] alright. thanks [14:15] authorized_submit_users = !root, static:all [14:15] I saw that^ in postfix config. Is it normal to block root here? [14:19] It seems to be causing fatal errors in journalctl [14:22] it's not [14:22] in fact, if anyone could/should sendmail, it's root. [14:52] blackflow: now it can [14:55] https://termbin.com/pnbv https://termbin.com/2r0d [15:04] Although I changed the config of apache2 to use a venv it seems it is still using the global python env^ [15:25] hey [15:25] do you get anaconda.cfg [15:25] after installing ubuntu ? [16:45] Hi guys [16:45] I have a problem with one package [16:45] I try to install tvheadend from official repo [16:45] but I get this error: [16:46] unable to fetch some archives maybe run apt-get update or try with fix-missing [16:48] zzlatev: can you pasetbin your issues please, volunteers can think along better [16:48] *pastebin [17:02] lotuspsychje: I paste my issue [17:02] unable to fetch some archives maybe run apt-get update or try with fix-missing [17:03] !pastebinit [17:03] pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit [17:04] apt-get install tvheadend | pastebinit ? [17:04] lotuspsychje: [17:04] yes [17:04] sudo === Guest22118 is now known as hexagon [17:15] lotuspsychje: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qFcypZQc8B/ [17:17] !info tvheadend trusty [17:17] Package tvheadend does not exist in trusty [17:19] so I can't install tvh on 14 [17:19] zzlatev: does apt-cache search tvheadend show anything usefull? [17:19] zzlatev, you seem to have updates held back, run apt full-upgrade ? [17:20] always start with an updated system, when installing something [17:20] +1 [17:21] what do you mean start with an update-system [17:21] I should update the system when I try to install any package? [17:21] What is the recommended backup software? [17:21] zzlatev, normally one would do that, yes, *before* installing something [17:22] Is there anything similar to acronis on windows [17:22] OerHeks: OK [17:22] Deihmos, backup as in cloning the system? or just data? [17:23] Cloning in case I want to do a full restore [17:24] live server iso, and DD the partitions to an empty drive is one solution [17:25] supervisor.service: Failed at step EXEC spawning /usr/bin/supervisord: No such file or directory [17:25] rsync & clonezilla are also liked by many [17:26] But I am seeing the file there [17:27] siavoshkc: why would you even want to run supervisord under the supervising systemd to begin with? :) [17:30] blackflow: I am not sure what you mean. But I think you mean it is systemd's job to supervise and it will do that better than supervisord. So why on earth I am try to run it as a daemon by systemd [17:31] siavoshkc: yes, that's what I mean :) [17:32] You see I didn't config this server. Somebody else did and now I am trying to fix errors reported by sudo journalctl -xe [17:33] siavoshkc: what errors, "No such file" that you mentioned before? [17:34] Yes, that is one of the errors. Another one was that the root didnt have postfix access right [17:35] siavoshkc: so do you need help with any of them in particular? [17:35] Fixed the access problem by editing postfix config. Now I need help for this one. [17:36] siavoshkc: can you pastebin the entire .service unit file? that error tends to be misleading in some cases, eg. when sandboxing is used [17:38] blackflow: Where can I find it? [17:40] siavoshkc: systemctl cat supervisor.service [17:41] https://termbin.com/w648 [17:43] siavoshkc: what about journalctl -U supservisor.service -n 50 [17:43] (sans typos of course :) ) [17:43] And there are to conf files for it. siavosh @ kamanacademy.ir: ls /etc/supervisor/conf.d/*.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/laravel-worker.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/statsd.conf [17:44] Failed to parse timestamp: supervisord.service [17:45] can you pastebin the output of that journalctl command? the whole log context is important [17:45] I'm assuming last 50 lines are relevant, feel free to adjust if that's not the case [17:50] blackflow: https://termbin.com/lztx [17:52] siavoshkc: my bad, use -u and not -U (I'm working with psql at this very moment and it uses -U, so finger memory did it....) [17:54] lol https://termbin.com/jotx [17:58] siavoshkc: is python installed? [17:58] python2 [18:00] Well. At least it was! [18:00] Now it is missing. That one is my doing [18:00] that's the problem. the "No such file" error comes from the supervisord shebang line that invokes python [18:00] I think I mistakenly removed it from update-alternatives [18:01] siavoshkc: altered default python command? [18:05] blackflow: Yes I did. Fixed it :-)))) [18:05] * lotuspsychje prepares a python cookie :p [18:06] siavoshkc: yeah. :) PEP-394 .... NEVER alter the version of `python` command. by established technical standards (the said PEP), `python` is always supposed to be python 2.x. [18:06] (except in virtualenvs where the only installed python3.x may have `python` symlink) [18:07] Yes according to that I removed alternatives. but i should have only removed python3s. I did it altoghether [18:08] I have installed Ubuntu Server 18.04 [18:09] After setting up a couple of things, I did apt update, apt upgrade. [18:09] The PC upgraded itself and now on booting, the new GRUB option gives me kernel panic and doesn't boot up. [18:10] The old one is still working fine. [18:10] What should I do? [18:10] wich kernel is that failing super_koza [18:11] Just a sec [18:12] 4.15.0-45 [18:12] blackflow: Thank you [18:12] 4.15.0-29 still works [18:13] super_koza: is it possible to paste the error line kernel panic to the channel? volunteers can take a look for you [18:17] I can try to take a photo of the screen and paste it here [18:17] siavoshkc: you're welcome [18:19] lotuspsychje: here it is [18:19] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mOY8fsnFvhPXR-8JjBAgq7Dkw4R1HF1W/view?usp=sharing [18:23] super_koza: what's the hardware? [18:24] which installer did you use? [18:24] (iso image file) [18:24] I used the old installer [18:25] I think this one: ubuntu-18.04.1-server-amd64.iso [18:27] super_koza: so, which hardware? can you look for a firmware upgrade, too? [18:27] Lenovo X201t [18:29] hmm so not actually a server. but of course the default kernel image should be working fine. [18:31] super_koza: can you upload your previous boots' log and post it here? this would do it for you (except for pasting the url): journalctl -b -1 | nc termbin.com 9999 [18:45] Oh no [18:45] sorry [18:45] it is a server [18:46] I just snatched the iso name of the ubuntu website [18:46] to show that it is not a live iso [18:46] super_koza: i mean it's not actually server hardware [18:47] ubuntu-18.04.1-server-amd64.iso is indeed a server installer (the alternative one, based on debian installer), so this could have been correct. [18:48] Oh, that is true [18:52] super_koza: you should still not be running into this issue, so if you like posting the journal i'd be happy to review it [18:54] Just a second [18:56] tomreyn: https://termbin.com/jhrf [18:56] here it is :) [18:57] super_koza: hmm, do the timestamps of when your boots were logged, as per "journalctl --list-boots | tail" then suggest that the 4.15.0-45 boot wasn't logged? [18:58] I booted with 4.15.0-29 [18:58] let me see what I get with that command [18:59] https://termbin.com/j9ih [19:00] super_koza: journalctl | grep -F ' kernel: Linux version' | tail | nc termbin.com 9999 [19:01] https://termbin.com/1r2f [19:01] I can't get inst 0-45 at all [19:01] *into [19:03] i see [19:03] super_koza: is the intel graphics the only graphics chipset on this system, or is there something else, such as nvidia [19:04] No, there is only iGPU on the board [19:05] !recovery | are you able to boot to recovery, super_koza [19:05] are you able to boot to recovery, super_koza: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode [19:05] on -45, that is. [19:07] Nope, can't do that [19:08] Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unkown-block(0,0) [19:08] hmm unknown block? interesting. [19:08] What are my options here? [19:09] do you have lvm, disk encryption raid etc? [19:09] Can I remove this kernel, or should I reinstall everything as I was just setting up the PC. [19:09] Nope, I have nothing [19:09] may i repost the photo you uploaded to googleyou could purge the -45 kernel image and reinstall it [19:09] i meant to write: you could purge the -45 kernel image and reinstall it [19:10] also: may i repost the photo you uploaded to google to imgur.com ? [19:10] sure thing, I don't believe that photo has any sensitive data [19:11] https://i.imgur.com/hjM0syR.jpg [19:13] Notice the line in the middle... :D [19:13] i did ;) [19:14] i'll have a shpwer, bbl. but please post if you have more findings [19:14] *shOwer ;) [19:31] <_Trullo> I installed Ubuntu Server and then ubuntu-desktop. trying to set static ip. but when I go into network settings, wired is not there.. only VPN and Proxy.. [19:31] <_Trullo> network is working fine, I have done updates and stuff, so nothing wrong with the connection, it's just not there.. [19:39] meh I need to find a sane way to deply all my certs from my CA proxy without having half of them failing on renewal [20:00] OK. We have django website and apache2 on Xenial. I created a python3 venv and configured apache2 to use it. I am trying to use wsgi_mod in damon mode. Accessing website causes an error log to be written down in server log. [20:03] _Trullo: is your ethernet interface actually detected and a driver loaded, though? lspci -knnv | nc termbin.com 9999 [20:03] siavoshkc: you need an application server like wsgi for that [20:04] blackflow: mod_wsgi apache module does that [20:04] It will interface between django and apache2 [20:04] you mioght want to post the error log [20:26] tomreyn: https://termbin.com/3zxp [20:28] siavoshkc: first hit on web search: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6454564/target-wsgi-script-cannot-be-loaded-as-python-module [20:31] tomreyn: yes I did. I installed wsgi_mod for python3 based on that thread. [20:32] also sudo chmod a+x django.wsgi [20:33] also changed python3 from global mode to venv mode [20:34] django.wsgi? this log suggests that kamanquest/wsgi.py was called [20:35] maybe this is a question for #django really (not sure this channel exists, but you could check) [20:49] I think the solution lies here https://modwsgi.readthedocs.io