
konradosin /etc/apt/sources.list I do have this : "deb https://launchpad.net/~kritalime/+archive/ubuntu/ppa xenial main" and I don't want it so I do `sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:kritalime/ppa` - it wants me to confirm with enter, I do it but... it's still there, and `apt update` still outputs some warning / errors00:03
konradoswhat I'm doing wrong?00:03
OerHeksppa-purge perhaps?00:05
tomreynkonrados: this is not a standard ppa url00:05
tomreynthose would start with http://ppa.launchpad.net00:05
tomreynsee also "technical details about this PPA" at https://launchpad.net/~kritalime/+archive/ubuntu/ppa00:06
konradosok, let me test both suggestions :)00:07
tomreyneither remove it manually, or try: sudo add-apt-repository --remove 'deb https://launchpad.net/~kritalime/+archive/ubuntu/ppa xenial main'00:07
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konradosyeap, worked!00:08
tomreynyou may also want to "sudo apt-key remove 709901D8205BF7EC06062E0F78F9887001CEE17F"00:08
konradosok, will do00:09
tomreynyou may also want to "sudo apt-key del 709901D8205BF7EC06062E0F78F9887001CEE17F"00:09
tomreyn^ this rather00:09
RoadRunnerOerHeks: cleared  config (there was no cache to del) - no diff: task manager shows audacious trying to start and then it terminates. Would I have more luck trying to install 3.10.1 from Synaptic Package Manager or will it still default to the same ppa I have configured?00:10
towsertheponyHi I've just installed abdr00:10
towsertheponyI mean Android x8600:11
konradostomreyn, done, thanks!00:11
OerHeksRoadRunner, any apt action gives this version, to remove that ppa, use ppa purge00:11
towsertheponyBut it doesnt give me a selection on what OS i want, it just boots to windows 1000:11
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html00:11
OerHeksthere is no 3.10.1 in any of our repos, afaik00:12
towsertheponyCan anyone help get it to work00:13
guiverctowserthepony, neither android.x86 nor windows 10 are Ubuntu00:13
tomreyntowserthepony: this channel is about #ubuntu, do you have questions about ubuntu?00:13
konradoshow is this possible that when doing  `apt list --upgradable` I have "kio-extras/xenial 4:16.04.3-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04~ppa61 amd64 [upgradable from: 4:15.12.3-0ubuntu1]" but there is no word like 'kio' in neither /etc/apt/sources.list file nor the /etc/apt/sources.list.d dir?00:13
OerHeks!find kio00:14
ubottuFound: kde4pimlibs-kio-plugins, kdemultimedia-kio-plugins, kdesdk-kio-plugins, kdesvn-kio-plugins, kio, kio-audiocd, kio-audiocd-dev, kio-dev, kio-extras, kio-extras-data (and 401 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=kio&searchon=names&suite=bionic&section=all00:14
towsertheponyRight, is there like a general linux chanel since it does use a similar things liek grub etc etc00:14
OerHeks!info kio=-extras00:14
ubottukio-extras (source: kio-extras): Extra functionality for kioslaves.. In component universe, is extra. Version 4:17.12.3-0ubuntu2 (bionic), package size 481 kB, installed size 2050 kB00:14
OerHeksit is from the universe repo00:14
tomreyntowserthepony: there is ##linux - but you may not have much fun with android questions there00:15
guiverctowserthepony, again that's a freednode question so ask them, we support Ubuntu00:15
konradosOerHeks,  what does it mean that something is from 'universe repo'?00:15
konradosah, it means the official?00:15
tomreyn!universe | konrados00:15
ubottukonrados: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.00:15
konradosgot that!00:15
OerHeksbut the extention ppa says,  override by ppa repo00:16
OerHeksso it exists in universe, but you try to install the ppa package00:16
konradosbut - then where do I have it setup?00:16
konradosit's nowhere in the  /etc/apt/sources.list file or the /etc/apt/sources.list.d00:16
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OerHeksand when i read " ppa.launchpad.net/kdevelop/release/ubuntu  ... omg" i decided to not helping this beta setup, actually00:17
konradoswhat is wrong with ... this, is this about kdevelop or the version?00:17
RoadRunnerOerHeks: given that I seemed to have experienced the same issue whether getting 3.10.1 from this ppa (recomended by audacious creators) or from building from source maybe instead of filing a bug on the handbook ppa website, I should just report it straight to audatious people?00:17
OerHekskonrados, you have a development ppa added, and a lot more ppa s.. https://termbin.com/anz200:19
konradosOerHeks, what are "development ppa", do you mean they are in beta stages?00:20
OerHeksyou should seek support in #kubuntu, and maybe they do not support them either00:20
konradosbut what is wrong with them?00:21
konradosi don' ... understand?00:21
tomreynwe just can't know whether 3rd party packages will integrate well with ubuntu or break it.00:22
tomreynyou can easily introduce dependency conflicts, which can cause your system to lack security patches, and prevent software from being installable, if you use just a single badly maintained PPA.00:23
=== vanquish33 is now known as vanquish32
OerHeksoh, /kdevelop > kubuntu-ppa  .. anyway, it is not standard00:24
konradosI'm lost here, it's just  an IDE a text editor, am I supposed to limit my softwares to the 'official' ones, even on my desktop pc?00:24
GerowenAre there any good parental control options for Ubuntu that allow me to set "hours of operation" so that it automatically logs out a user at specified times?00:24
GerowenI found something about "Gnome Nanny", but it apparently depends on an older version of Gnome and is no longer being updated.00:25
konrados$ sleep 2h && shutdown; #:)00:25
Gerowenkonrados: I guess I could have a script that runs in the background, checking the time every 60 seconds and if it's a certain time/day combination, disallow user logins.00:26
OerHeksGerowen, opendns has a parental dns adress, and timekeeper https://www.linuxuprising.com/2018/06/timekpr-revived-easy-to-use-parental.html00:27
OerHeksnot this time keeper :-D https://www.gnome-look.org/p/100216200:28
OerHeksnice clock though00:28
konradosguys, what do I do with this kio-something? please... as you can see even if I have this kdevelop, I don't have an issue with this one, but with kio-extras ...00:29
RoadRunnerare ppa's on the handbook ppa website made by creators of each respective app or by a separate group of people?00:30
konradosor, what do I do when I see "Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)" - how can I see the details of the issue?00:30
Gerowen0erHeks: I will definitely give that timekpr a try, :-)  I'll tinker with it in a VM first.  Right the kids' PCs run Windows 10, but everything they do on Windows they can do on Linux while at the same time giving me a lot more flexibility in certain scenarios, so I'm "thinking" about moving them over.00:31
OerHekshandbook ppa is a volunteer, Ji m , that supports ubuntu with new builds to test00:32
konradosmaybe `sudo apt-get install -f` 🙏 ?00:33
tomreynkonrados: sudo apt-get -o 'Debug::pkgDPkgPM=1' -o 'Debug::pkgDPkgProgressReporting=1' install -f00:34
Apachezhow do I find out who is the maintainer(s) for a specific package? Casper particulary?00:34
ApachezI got a bug report that just turned 2 years last week and its still not handled even if proposed patch is included00:35
tomreynapt-cache show casper | grep ^Maintainer00:35
Apachez"Please consider filing a bug or asking a question via Launchpad before contacting the maintainer directly."00:36
Apachezso filed a bugreport, didnt help :(00:36
Apachezfor 2 years!00:37
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ubottuLaunchpad bug 1660206 in casper (Ubuntu) "Make casper capable of fetching filesystem.squashfs through http" [Undecided,New]00:37
konradostomreyn, I don't know what it is, but the result is here: https://paste.gg/p/anonymous/9ed654b04ab94b0aa3c906b2be2ed3a100:37
tomreyn"before contacting the maintainer directly" doesn't meanyou may never contact them00:37
tomreynApachez: for a package in 'main' thi is not a great response you got there (none). i'd try different ways to get someone qualified to give me at least a cursory response. you could send mail to this mailing list, or ask in #ubuntu-bugs during uk business hours, for example.00:42
andreycizovHey guys - I had recently installed a new version of atom from snap, and it seems to have a bug that stops it from showing the menus correctly. I would like to downgrade - but my snap no longer has a previous version in it's local repository - how do I set it to install a specific version instead?00:42
tomreynkonrados: sudo apt-get -o 'Debug::pkgDPkgPM=1' -o 'Debug::pkgDPkgProgressReporting=1' dist-upgrade00:43
OerHeksandreycizov, i am sorry, not. the site states 1.34 only https://snapcraft.io/atom00:44
Apacheztomreyn: yeah but still, when all contacts are rerouted to the bugreport system and then simply ignored that doesnt look too good00:44
tomreynandreycizov:       --revision=                     Install the given revision of a snap, to which you must have developer access00:45
tomreynandreycizov: there are also the different release channels: snap install --help00:45
tomreynApachez: i won't argue on this.00:46
tomreynandreycizov: actually, what OerHeks said, in case of this package.00:47
konradostomreyn, did it, the apt list --upgradable still lists lots of things to upgrade, should I do something more now?00:52
tomreynkonrados: you could show the output of both00:53
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konradosoh, yes, sec...00:54
konradostomreyn,  the sudo apt-get: https://paste.gg/p/anonymous/3f00a50087424e0b980f0cc8d5daafc8 and the apt list --upgradable : https://paste.gg/p/anonymous/c5e4d79c32b2458a8b6748c73c17476800:56
konradosbtw - the lines starting with /usr/bin/dpkg... *really* are intended in this weird way00:58
konradoswell, for me it's weird00:58
tomreynkonrados: is output of the first post (dist-upgrade) incomplete there? i don't see any errors reported, so packages should have been installed, but apt list --upgradeable then lists the same packages as upgradeable again. maybe you just missed to run "sudo apt-get update" in between01:02
andreycizovtomreyn: OerHeks: thanks guys!01:05
OerHeksandreycizov, have fun!01:06
konradostomreyn, yes it is all. The weird thing is ends with a % (which I guess means there is no newline?) I also thought about redirecting the output to a file, because maybe there is something wrong with .... IDK,  but it's interactive, it wants me to press Enter in the middle... so I don't know how to do it.01:07
tomreynkonrados: add -y01:07
tomreynkonrados: be sure to redirect both standard and standard error outputs to the file or pastebin01:08
tomreynkonrados: like so: command 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999901:08
tomreynkonrados: i'll head to bed now, maybe someone else will help, or we continue on another day01:09
konradostomreyn, ok,  goodnight and thank you!01:10
konradosjust btw - doesn't seem the -y worked... https://termbin.com/7mvt01:11
konradosi did `sudo apt-get -y -o 'Debug::pkgDPkgPM=1' -o 'Debug::pkgDPkgProgressReporting=1' dist-upgrade  2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999`01:11
=== daniel is now known as Guest64907
GerowenHow can you tell which "greeter" you're using?  Just installed timekpr in a VM and it depended on "unity-greeter" which isn't installed by default in 18.10.  I don't mind it if it needs it as a dependency, but I also want to keep the amount of unnecessary bloat to a minimum.01:26
konradosok, thank you all again, and see you tomorrow!01:28
Bashing-omGerowen: apt list --installed *greeter. Should at the least give a good hint.01:32
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GerowenBashing-om: So in the VM, as expected, unity-greeter is not installed, but on my personal system, it doesn't list anything as being installed, :p  So I guess in the VM, unity-greeter hasn't "replaced" anything and shouldn't cause any issues.01:37
Bashing-omGerowen: Options: dpkg -l *greeter* . Now if it works .. leave well enough alone :)01:39
GerowenBashing-om: My personal one doesn't even list any there either, and the VM still uses gdm3 and works/looks the same, so I'll just leave it alone.01:45
GerowenI just got a little curious when I saw it pulling in a greeter as a dependency.01:45
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lotuspsychje!es | antix_02:02
ubottuantix_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:02
GoopHow do I create a certificate authority that Chromium will accept that can sign any domain? I'm reading here that subjectAltName is required in OpenSSL for Chromium to trust the certificate authority, but I don't see anywhere online how to allow the certificate authority sign literally any domain.02:11
OerHeksGoop, if you find  such howto, let us know ( unless you want a wildcard cert for 1 domain )02:22
bonhoefferi just set up ssh key access to my server02:31
bonhoefferhow do i prevent password logins02:31
B0g4r7_bonhoeffer, man sshd_config02:32
B0g4r7_Look at the AuthenticationMethods section.02:32
OerHekshint: one sets this server side02:35
jhart2    /msg nickserv INFO jhart2 [ALL]03:21
FrogCastwith gsettings, is it possible to set the "return key" on a quick click, to actually perform a "return"? Right now, I have it set to be a shift, but I want it to be a dual purpose key.03:57
korzqdo live iso use the USB’s space left as fs or physical RAM04:11
SlidingHornkorzq: they're left alone.  For example, in a Tails USB, that space can be made into an encrypted persistent volume04:18
korzqso in a ubuntu iso, do i get to download more stuff if i dd it into a bigger USB?04:20
SlidingHornkorzq: I *think* so - you would have to create a partition for it if so04:21
korzqis their a tutorial on that to do so? and if i install ubuntu on a USB, is it going to work on all other computers04:22
Gerowenkorzq: If you "dd" one filesystem to another, it makes the destination filesystem appear to be the same size as the source.  Example, if I dd an ISO of an 8GB ISO file onto a 16GB thumb drive, it makes the thumb drive appear to be an 8GB optical disc when it's inserted.04:26
Gerowenkorzq: If you install Ubuntu to a USB, it "should" work on other computers of the same system architecture (i.e. x86_64).  There could be situations where it doesn't work because of hardware configuration, but I remember doing it years ago and it worked fine for me.04:27
korzqok, thanks04:28
Gerowenkorzq: Be careful with DD though, it's a very useful, and very powerful tool.  I've literally had Windows just straight up refuse to recognize the "real" capacity of a thumbdrive I created with DD and had to boot linux again just to fix and reformat the drive, :p04:28
korzqyes i experience it today when i was checking my USB(dd-ed with ubuntu) and macOS tell me its very small04:29
korzqbut fdisk shows the real size04:29
GerowenAny more I've been using "cp" to create bootable drives just to avoid that issue in the future.  It will create a partition on the destination drive of exactly the size of the source material, and leave the remainder of the drive as unallocated space.04:30
GerowenI.E. sudo cp somefile.iso /dev/foo04:31
GerowenWhere foo is your thumb drive such as /dev/sdc or /dev/sdd , sans the number at the end since the number identifies a partition an not the device itself.04:31
korzqdo i need to make rsdb04:31
korzqbecause for me i need to dd if=iso of=/dev/rsdb04:32
GerowenIf the destination "device", and not a partition on it, is /dev/rsdb , then that should be fine.04:34
korzqso is using cp to put an iso into a drive going to expand the / size of the live?04:35
Gerowenkorzq: No, it just creates a partition at the beginning of the drive that is the exact size of the source material.04:35
GerowenBut, since the remainder of the drive is left as unallocated, you "might" be able to expand it to the rest of the drive.04:36
OerHekscp..? the iso is read only04:36
Gerowen0erHeks: I've been using cp for ages to make bootable USBs.04:36
GerowenIn fact, literally like 10 minutes ago, :p04:36
korzqso if i install ubuntu in a x86_64, is it going to work on all x86_64 systems?04:37
korzq(basically all modern computers)?04:37
GerowenMaybe, I won't promise anything, but it worked on a handful of different systems for me personally.04:38
korzqok, thanks04:38
OerHeksso cp to an usb expands the iso over the whole usb, makes it writable?04:38
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Gerowen0erHeks: No, it creates a partition at the beginning of the drive that looks exactly like the source file, and leaves the rest of the drive unallocated.  Still works fine, but doesn't use the whole drive.04:39
korzqI think Gerowen mean cp puts the partition in the first partition so the disk space show correctly04:39
Gerowenkorzq: Yes04:39
korzqah, is their a way to like put kali, tail and ubuntu in one USB? (live)04:40
Gerowen0erHeks: I had a couple of instances where using dd made it so that Windows wouldn't recognize the "real" capacity of a drive, it just looked like an optical disc of whatever size the ISO file was and I had to use Linux to reformat it.04:40
Gerowenkorzq: There is, but I haven't done it in a very long time.  There's a project out there of some kind for doing that sort of thing.04:40
GerowenGoogitube it04:40
korzqill duck it, thanks!04:41
korzqum, how will drivers be handled on a new computer if booted from a USB that was installed from another computer05:09
Gerowenkorzq: Many of the common drivers are built right into the kernel.  You "could" run into issues if you go from a system with, say, an NVidia card using the proprietary drivers to one using open source drivers and an AMD card.  Then again, if you have both driver packages installed, it may just auto-detect and switch between them.  I dunno, it's been a long time since I messed around with a portable system on a stick.  I mean you'd think it wouldn't be too05:36
Gerowenmuch an issue because the Live system and installer for Ubuntu will boot on a wide range of hardware without having to manually screw around with drivers.05:36
korzqok, thanks!!05:40
Stupid0295i have a ubuntu computer06:02
Stupid0295Loging OFF06:02
raidensnakedoes anyone have any idea how to connect to a 5G wifi signal?06:10
raidensnakeit keeps giving me authentication errors.06:10
Svetaraidensnake: on what device?06:20
Svetaraidensnake: ubuntu or debian?06:20
raidensnaketrying to install a custom build of retropie06:24
raidensnakebut need the wifi working06:24
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guiverc_draidensnake, what release of Ubuntu?  and if you `sudo lshw -C network` is your wifi recognized?06:55
qwebirc39248Hi, I have a Thinkpad T480. It's been working fine with Ubuntu 18.04LTS for weeks. However suddenly my touchpad will not work. My trackpoint/nipple still works, but not the touchpad. Anyone have any ideas?07:40
guiverc_dqwebirc39248, only that you disabled it (i disabled mine preferring the nipple)07:47
qwebirc39248guiverc_d I didn't disable it.07:47
guiverc_dqwebirc39248, i can't recall how i disabled mine, a search found this https://askubuntu.com/questions/65951/how-to-disable-the-touchpad which maybe helpful (xinput list to list devices & enabling/disabling)07:48
qwebirc39248guiverc_d: https://i.imgur.com/irDlIgT.png07:48
qwebirc39248There is proof I didn't disable it.07:48
guiverc_di disabled mine by command, which may/may-not show in that (I don't know sorry)07:49
guiverc_dqwebirc39248, i don't know sorry, it was my only thought (heavily influenced by my own decision..)07:50
qwebirc39248guiverc_d: Thank you for the help though, it's the best part of linux is the community.07:50
=== tom is now known as Guest79297
jacklispgoogle-chrome cann't pop up the window in fvwm, but in gnome normal use, Any suggestion?08:41
widescreenhi there, a networking question: I have an external IP address which 78.47.208.yy, I'd like to "map" it to
widescreenright now when I ping the ip address is get: From icmp_seq=97 Destination Host Unreachable08:49
widescreenI've routed it to the interface, that sits on, but i think i need to do some iptables stuff?08:49
ikoniawidescreen: you need packet forwarding and a nat rule08:57
ikonia(or a nat type rule)08:57
unimatrix9hello there09:00
unimatrix9does anyone here have trouble connecting to public wifi and their landingpage09:01
ikoniaunimatrix9: no09:01
unimatrix9you never use public wifi ?09:02
ikoniawhy is that funy ?09:02
ikoniafunny even09:02
ikoniayes, I use it a lot when I'm on the go09:02
ikoniaI have zero problem with it09:02
unimatrix9there is a new public area , just opened here in my city, and my ubuntu laptops cant connect09:03
ikoniaok ?09:03
unimatrix9to many redirects on the popup page09:03
unimatrix9looking around for an idea how to solve the problem09:03
ikoniatalk to the people who own the wifi ?09:04
unimatrix9its outsourced..09:04
ikoniatalk the the people it's outsourced too09:04
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unimatrix9well older linux mint does work09:08
ikoniaand ?09:09
unimatrix9so its probably a 18.04.1 problem somewhere , changed dns resolve config09:09
ikoniawhy did you change the dns resolve config ?09:10
unimatrix9ubuntu 18.04.1 has a different name resolve , might be the hickup09:10
ikoniait has a different name resolve ?09:11
ikoniait's DNS09:11
ikoniait will resolve the same as any other resolver09:11
ikoniait is most likely a later version of the browser you are using having security features to stop you getting spammed by redirect exploits09:12
ikoniaeg: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/118136909:12
estanhi folks. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack does not list any installation instructions for the 18.04 hwe stack. is it the same as for 16.04, just s/16.04/18.04/ ? (i.e. sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-hwe-18.04)09:14
ikoniaestan: so a apt search to check the package names, but yes09:14
estanikonia: yea, i confirmed those exists, just wanted to be sure nothing had changed wrt to which packages to install. thanks.09:17
ikoniaestan: nope09:17
guiverc_destan, 18.04 doesn't get HWE until 18.04.2 comes out (eta = 14 Feb, it's in QA-testing currently) thus you're slightly early for 18.04 HWE09:19
ikoniaguiverc_d: the packages are there though, according to estan, that seems off09:20
guiverc_dyes; it was expected to go out last thursday but due problems was pushed until 14-Feb.09:20
unimatrix9okey thanks, got a few idea's to try ..09:20
ikoniaguiverc_d: that's interesting, was this on the mailing list ?09:21
unimatrix9have a nice day ;)09:21
ikoniaguiverc_d: saved me the bother of searching, thank you very much09:21
estanguiverc_d: hm. alright. my /etc/lsb-release says i'm on 18.04.2 and i just installed linux-generic-hwe-18.04 and xserver-xorg-hwe-18.04 :o. now i'm worried i have some package repo active that i shouldn't.09:21
guiverc_destan, if you're running it, don't worry.  it was kernel issues & safety-concerns (affecting a small number of users) that caused the push (time for another kernel to get pushed) - read the notice if you want detail (I haven't read it since it was release)09:23
estanah alright. i'll read the notice. thanks. (apt-cache policy linux-generic-hwe-18.04 says it was taken from the regular bionic-updates repo).09:24
estani wonder how i got on it though, since it was delayed..?09:27
guiverc_dthe change of date is mostly concern over ISO's I gather. As we're now a couple of days past the 7-Feb (original ETA)  i'm betting you just got preparations for 7-Feb (before the notice I gave & decision made to delay)09:29
estanalright. i shall reboot and cross my fingers :) (i have linux-image-generic-hwe-18.04         
estanit's alive \o/09:34
estan(and hwe-support-status --verbose says "Your Hardware Enablement Stack (HWE) is supported until april 2023.")09:35
renn0xtk9how to kill this max       5541  0.1  0.2 293668 28472 pts/2    D    10:50   ?09:55
renn0xtk9(when I do ps -fu)09:55
tomreynD    uninterruptible sleep (usually IO)09:56
tomreynyou can kill it but it will only apply when it becomes interruptable again, i think09:57
renn0xtk9tomreyn it is a scanning job to a scanner09:58
renn0xtk9I think it is dangling. is not there any way  to really kill it?09:58
tomreynrenn0xtk9: if kill -9 doesn't kill it then no09:59
renn0xtk9hmm that is really shit :S10:00
tomreynrenn0xtk9: which problems does it cause?10:00
tomreynand !language, please10:01
renn0xtk9tomreyn well the job seems to be hanging, may be a bug10:04
renn0xtk9and if I send another job it wont work10:04
renn0xtk9I believe if I kill it all it would work again10:04
renn0xtk9I could restart th ePC but I don't want now10:04
fightthewalrushi, I've recently had my email inbox flooded with spam (I use thunderbird). Do you guys have any recommendation on how can I filter them?10:07
tomreynrenn0xtk9: can't comment on whether or not it's a bug. what you say sounds like one. talk to whoever wroite the software, unless it's in ubuntu10:08
lotuspsychjefightthewalrus: i would say #thunderbird, but channel is pretty empty :p10:08
tomreynfightthewalrus: thunderbird comes with a mail filter. usually, mail hosts also provide some kind of server side filtering10:09
tomreynTB comes with both rule based filters and an adaptive bayesian (?) spam filter.10:10
fightthewalrustomreyn: do you happen to know if vivaldi.com does? I dug around there but could not find anything, neither in forums10:10
tomreynfightthewalrus: i don't10:10
fightthewalrusthanks... maybe I need to ask this elsewhere then10:11
tomreynthis ssems to be a web browser?10:11
fightthewalrushow can I activate this bayesian filtering, though?10:11
fightthewalrusalso an online community, with free email10:12
fightthewalruswhich I use10:12
tomreyntheir webmail uses roundcube. but yes, off-topic here10:12
Svetafightthewalrus: Perhaps #web is willing to figure out what software that service uses - if they welcome general questions.10:33
fightthewalrusthanks Sveta, I'll ping them just in case. I'm afraid the answer won't be so straightforward, though.10:35
lotuspsychje!rootirc | raislin10:37
ubotturaislin: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.10:37
jarnosCan anyone answer to this https://askubuntu.com/questions/1030572/why-was-home-encryption-dropped-in-the-18-04-installer ?10:37
guiverc_djarnos, it was discussed on Ubuntu Podcast (UK), but it was too long ago for me to be specific10:39
tomreynjarnos: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ecryptfs-utils/+bug/175684010:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1756840 in ecryptfs-utils (Ubuntu) "Buggy, under-maintained, not fit for main anymore; alternatives exist" [Undecided,Fix released]10:45
aldcorhi! where is musescore icons located on ubuntu?11:04
raislinhola mundo11:08
raislinsoy antonio11:09
raislindel modulo ASIR11:10
conjosoy carlitos11:10
SimonNLsoy simon11:12
Peeekabooi have a soy allergy11:12
tomreyn!es | raislin11:22
ubotturaislin: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.11:22
Natt0I'm trying to decide which version of (x)ubuntu to install on somone's ancient laptop, I know the 8.10 livecd boots but the 18.04 minimal produces a kernel panic after selecting install.11:36
guiverc_dNatt0, the 18.04 requires your CPU to have PAE (ie. 686 class of cpu), but you should get an error telling you the cpu isn't supported so I'd check your download (or write to dvd/usb-thumb-drive - ie. check-install-media on a pae cpu first)11:38
guiverc_d8.10 is is the 2008.October release; well past EOL (it was supported 15 months).. it wouldn't be safe11:39
guiverc_dI tested 18.10 (xubuntu & lubuntu) on 2004-2005 age laptops (ibm, dell, etc with single core cpu, 1gb ram) so that age should cope, but wouldn't boot on 2007 eeepc (non 686 class, no pae atom)11:40
Natt0it's a 1998 laptop currently running xp, PII 400mhz 192MB ram 10GB hdd11:42
guiverc_dpII is non-PAE, p4's aren't always PAE (later ones are) - it's too old for a modern cpu, chrome requires pae, flash (yuk) requires pae, as does lots of software  (PAE = instruction capabilities in cpu) - `lscpu` to see what a cpu contains..11:43
guiverc_ds/modern cpu/modern ubuntu/11:44
guiverc_di don't believe any supported version of Ubuntu would run on it.11:46
guiverc_dNatt0, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements11:47
Natt0also they don't use internet, as long it can process documents origination of ms office or pictures it would be fine11:47
guiverc_d256mb is ram required for CLI version of Ubuntu server.  (300mhz is speed of cpu) from that document11:47
Natt0what would the latest (unsupported) version of (x/l)ubuntu be that could support it?11:50
guiverc_doff-topic in this room (only supported can be discussed here).  I have no idea, it's too old, and I can't recall using less then 384mb ram myself with Ubuntu desktop.11:51
guiverc_dUbuntu was introduced in 2004 - you're after something pre-Ubuntu really.11:52
=== conjo is now known as chigong
blackflowNatt0: machines that old require special OS support these days, quite likely something you'll have to build from source in order to remove features requiring i686.11:53
guiverc_dpII is 586 class I'd believe; so you're looking at a kernel of that vintage (obselete & abandonded)11:54
blackflowyes, pentiums are 58611:55
Natt0or I could just try intrepid as at least the live cd works?11:56
blackflowbut modern software, espeially browsers, requires SSE+ which won't be possible on a CPU that old.11:56
lotuspsychjewe dont support end of life versions neither Natt011:56
chigongcan anyone think of any reasons hexchat on ubuntu 19.04 would (vanilla setup) not have write permissions for file transfers12:00
lotuspsychjechigong: join #ubuntu+1 please12:00
siavoshkcI am on a Xenial machine and am having problem setting up django with wsgi_mod. My mod_wsgi is form python 3.5.1 but mine is 3.5.2. Is tht a problem?12:51
BluesKajHi folks12:51
Glaishersiavoshkc: Not really12:51
siavoshkcI am a Windows user and confused about python on my system. When I write pip the wrong version gets executed12:52
GlaisherWhat does pip --version show?12:52
lotuspsychjesiavoshkc: did you add external ppa's to your system?12:52
tomreynthen use the right one, you probably have several pip's such as pip2.7 pip2 pip3 etc.12:53
siavoshkcGlaisher: crashes12:53
siavoshkc.DistributionNotFound: The 'pip==9.0.1' distribution was not found and is required by the application12:53
GlaisherWhat does pip3 --version show?12:54
blackflowsiavoshkc: that's in a virtualenv, correct?12:54
siavoshkctomreyn: I used update-alternatives to fix the problem with python itself. I set python3.5m which was in /usr/bin as default12:55
siavoshkcblackflow: no it is not12:55
blackflowsiavoshkc: so you're running pip as root?12:55
siavoshkclotuspsychje: I didnt do that for python12:55
blackflowir is pip red herring here12:55
siavoshkcOf course I should not use update-alternatives for pip! It is for execs right?12:56
blackflowsiavoshkc: it's to be used inside virtualenv, not outside it12:57
siavoshkcblackflow: pip? Well it is global pip.12:57
siavoshkcWell let me explain12:57
blackflowcreate a virtualenv, activate it, upgrade pip, and install package in that.  do NOT use pip to install python packages outside of a venv12:58
siavoshkcMy question is, how each version o python on system knows which pip it should use?12:58
blackflowwhich is kind of a secondary issue wrt the original question, for which you should be using packaged apache modules and python.12:58
blackflowsiavoshkc: pip is python2, pip3 is python313:01
siavoshkcblackflow: Got the general idea. But the problem is when I write python -m pip, it calls the correct pip. Where is this correct pip13:01
blackflow`python` is python213:01
siavoshkcblackflow: Changed that by update-alternatives manually13:03
siavoshkcNow python is python3. And seems like python3 knows to call its own pip13:04
blackflowsiavoshkc: but then what for. you shouldn't use pip outside of a venv13:04
blackflowsiavoshkc: that breaks PEP-394 and will lead to a ton of problems.13:04
blackflow`python` should NOT be python3 outside of a venv.13:04
siavoshkcblackflow: Well I did it by googling. Didn't know it is not the right way to do it at the time. Now I may hae to undo some things. But this time I have to know exactly what I am doing.13:06
siavoshkcHope so.13:06
blackflowsiavoshkc: then listen to advice you're getting13:06
beepbeep_tomreyn: yesterday you said "finally, dont run a lowlatency kernel unless you need to, and dont run a mainline kernel unless oyu need to.". but I don't know what that means.13:07
blackflowsiavoshkc: take a look at PEP-394. commands that use `python` expect it to be python2, NOT 313:07
lotuspsychje!mainline | beepbeep_13:07
ubottubeepbeep_: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds13:07
beepbeep_tomreyn: you also asked me to run another command https://termbin.com/tl8113:07
siavoshkcblackflow: No problem. I will remove alternatives alltogether13:08
beepbeep_tomreyn, lotuspsychje: okay, I think why I am running a mainline build. I'm running ubuntu on a Dell XPS and theres a problem caused by nvidea drivers. I followed this guide to fix that problem. https://gist.github.com/aaronmu/4f28dc6640c5a89db390c171b1442c0113:08
tomreynbeepbeep_: mainline kernels were just explained to you by lotuspsychje / ubottu.13:10
siavoshkcBeside that how for example python3 knows which pip to call when we write python3 -m pip?13:10
blackflowsiavoshkc: do you know what -m does?13:10
tomreyn!lowlatency is a special linux build with modifications for systems which require low latency when communicating with some hardware, such as some A/V systems.13:10
tomreynbeepbeep_: ^13:11
tomreynbeepbeep_: you can identify lowlatency kernel builds from "uname -r" (a command you can run)13:11
beepbeep_thx tomreyn, I haven't made any of these decisions conciously. I simply tried to get ubuntu working on my laptop.13:11
beepbeep_tomreyn: yep, running low latency.13:12
beepbeep_tomreyn: 4.19.0-041900rc8-lowlatency13:12
lotuspsychjebeepbeep_: wich nvidia card do you have?13:12
blackflowsiavoshkc: that doesn't call /usr/bin/pip3 at all, it loads the pip python module. python3 knows where python version 3.x modules are (paths hardcoded at build time), so it loads the appropriate one13:12
tomreynbeepbeep_: you should uninstall this kernel image and use a supported one.13:12
siavoshkcblackflow: I never read about it. I thought there are two versions of python tools13:12
siavoshkcone is exe and one .py. By using -m you call the .py one13:13
beepbeep_tomreyn:  not sure if I can. This is my issue. https://www.reddit.com/r/Dell/comments/9puckt/ubuntu_1810_on_dell_xps_15_9570/13:13
beepbeep_tomreyn: the reason I'm on mainline is because I executed the suggested fix in that thread.13:13
blackflowsiavoshkc: no, there's no such dichotomy. there's python 2.x (EOL'd next year) and python 3.x.13:13
siavoshkcblackflow: At least I knew it is not callin /usr/bin/pip3. There was no such file.lol13:14
tomreynbeepbeep_: can you explain what's not working when you boot on a default kernel?13:14
siavoshkcWHere is a good place to create a venve so apache2 can access it?13:14
blackflowsiavoshkc: when you run /usr/bin/pip3 you run that particular script whichi is a python script that invokes the python interpreter via the shebang line13:14
beepbeep_tomreyn, best way I can describe it is that the system completely freezes 5 seconds after logging into the system.13:15
tomreynbeepbeep_: "the fix in that thread" is several changes, one of them is to install an outdated mainline kernel image, the other is to set a boot parameter, which you could also do on a default ubuntu kernel that is supported.13:15
blackflowsiavoshkc: I put them under /usr/local/  but that's personal preference13:15
beepbeep_right. So you're saying that if I set the boot parameter on default image, it would probably work? Someone else was saying that as well.13:16
lotuspsychjebeepbeep_: some few ideas: we have a lot of users with better experiences with the ubuntu graphics nvidia ppa, acpi issues, check if your bios is up to date and for stable ubuntu try LTS13:16
tomreynbeepbeep_: i don't know this, we'd need to see some logs from a standard kernel where the issue occurs first of all.13:16
beepbeep_tomreyn: https://gist.github.com/leoheck/c44e2167f0c90f56342aed3ba429967013:17
tomreynbeepbeep_: what about it?13:17
blackflowsiavoshkc: reasoning for that is that /usr/local/... is not touched by packages, and /usr/ is a good place for that kind of toolset, as libs and bins are under /usr/13:18
beepbeep_tomreyn: wanted to link a specific comment. Can you check of the very bottom comment?13:18
blackflowsiavoshkc: some treat it as "web applications" and put it under /var/www/ or somehwere, but imho /var/ is for dynamic application data, not executables. that's why I prefer /usr/13:18
siavoshkcblackflow: Wouldn't it cause user access right problems?13:18
beepbeep_tomreyn: that person seems to be talking about the boot option you were talking about. So I guess I should really try again with default version and the boot option.13:18
qwebirc16671I need some serious help13:19
tomreynbeepbeep_: definitely always try hard to make the supported kernel images work.13:19
blackflowsiavoshkc: no. your venv should be readable by all, just like regular python packages. you _could_ force ownership and permission changes so only some users can access it, yes.13:19
siavoshkcFor example another user may want to change something in my venv13:19
qwebirc16671My all games are lagging like hell13:19
tomreyn!ask | qwebirc1667113:19
ubottuqwebirc16671: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:19
tomreyn!details | qwebirc1667113:19
beepbeep_thx tomreyn, still clueless about everything but I did learn a couple of things!13:19
ubottuqwebirc16671: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.13:19
blackflowsiavoshkc: no process should be able to change something in the venv. it should be owned by root and not writable by any other user.13:19
blackflowsiavoshkc: btw these questions are more suitable to #ubuntu-server13:20
\\Mr_C\\whats the difference between debian and ubuntu?13:20
blackflow\\Mr_C\\: ask google, this is no place for such treatises.13:21
siavoshkcblackflow: obviously. lol13:21
siavoshkcOK I will create venv and reconfig server. Will be back in server channel13:22
\\Mr_C\\whois google?13:22
tomreynbeepbeep_: so make sure you have the standard kernel images which comes with your ubuntu 18.10 still installed. "dpkg -l | grep linux-image" should list this kernel: linux-image-4.18.0-15-generic13:22
beepbeep_tomreyn: https://termbin.com/8f8g13:24
beepbeep_tomreyn: are you saying that I can fix my situation without throwing everything away and starting from a live usb? ;13:24
tomreynbeepbeep_: if it's installed (indicated by 'ii' in the beginning of the line) you can boot into this kernel by selecting this kernel from the *advanced* options on grub. to bring up the grub bootloader menu after a reboot, keep pressing escape during the early boot.13:25
tomreynbeepbeep_: yes, mostl likely you can improve your systesm' situation without throwing everything away and starting from a live usb13:25
beepbeep_tomreyn: I see, and if I want to set that particular boot option? I press e during booting?13:26
tomreynbeepbeep_: install all pending updates first.13:26
beepbeep_the problem is that if I boot into that "version", the system will freeze again13:26
tomreynbeepbeep_: yes. how-to for editing grub menu options is coming up13:26
tomreynbeepbeep_: the first thing you can try is to boot into the 4.18.0-15 recovery kernel, then just continue from the recovery menu.13:27
tomreynbeepbeep_: this will boot the system with the "nomodeset" boot option13:28
tomreynwhich may already help13:28
tomreyncheck whether it does13:28
qwebirc16671First of all I am using Ubuntu Mate Bionic Beaver 18.04 64Bit....My Processor is Intel Pentium 4 Prescott 2M 90nm with Hyper Threading and Virtualization Technology Architecture:x86_64 GPU:Intel 82945G Express Chipset Family Shared Memory:250MB Video Memory:64MB Ram:3GB In Windows XP and Windows 7 i played some old games like Project IGI,Desert Storm,Return To Castle Wolfenstein,GTA LC,GTA VC,SA etc... In windows i used to get 313:29
tomreynbeepbeep_: if this still freezes then try to set the other kernel options you came across, one by one, by setting them temoorarily as discussed here  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters13:29
tomreynbeepbeep_: as a reminder, these options are: nouveau.modeset=0  and   i915.enable_psr=013:30
qwebirc16671I can't play any windows games in Ubuntu using wine . extreme frame drops are there13:30
beepbeep_tomreyn: lemme rephrase, see if I got this correctly. I reboot, press escape to bring up the advanced boot loader. I select xxx.0-13-generic. That's the highest version I Have installed. If it freezes, I reboot, press "e" and I try to set the boot option "nouveau.modeset=0". If that still doesnt work and I cant access my system, I reboot, bring up boot loader by pressing escape and boot into my mainline version again?13:30
tomreynbeepbeep_: close, but not exactly. the firs tthing you do is update your system. this will give you the latest ubuntu 18.10 kernel image, which is 4.18.0-15. this one you should work with.13:32
beepbeep_tomreyn: how do I do that?13:32
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade13:32
tomreynbeepbeep_: actually not that13:32
qwebirc16671Someone please help13:32
tomreynbeepbeep_: you do this: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:33
beepbeep_alright tomreyn, thx a lot, I'm gonna try that tonight.13:34
jeremy31qwebirc16671: You may have to find open source game  engines and use the game data packager for the data files13:34
blackflowqwebirc16671: look into installing something like openbox and running wine in there. I'd suspect a gpu that old with as little as vram as it has, would have a ton of issues under gnome which requires a rather modern opengl support.13:34
ioriaqwebirc16671, i never seen in use a P4 EM64T , so idk how it moves  ; i'd try lubuntu 18.04 but with an intel 82945G  idt you can do much13:34
tomreynqwebirc16671 is gone, lacked patience13:34
tomreynbeepbeep_: can you repeat your recipe? i may have mrore edits13:35
beepbeep_tomreyn: 1. I Update my system to 4.18.0-15 using sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade. 2. I reboot, press esc, start bootloader and boot into 4.18.0-15. 3. If system still freezes, I reboot, press "e" and configure nouveau.modeset=0 and i915.enable_psr=0. If that still doesn't work, I reboot to boot loader and select my working mainline version.13:39
tomreynbeepbeep_: in 1. you upgrade your Ubuntru 18.10 "Cosmic Cuttlefish" system, which also gives you kernel-image 4.18.0-15, which can be verified with "apt list --installed linux-image-4.18.0-15-generic". In 2. you enter "Advanced" options and select the "recovery" variant of 4.18.0-15. once you reach the recovery menu, you just continue the boot (pressing ctrl-d when it asks about it). in 3. you edit the *non-recovery* (but standard) 4.18.0-1513:45
tomreynkernel option on the *Advanced* grub menu, trying these boot options.13:45
tomreynbeepbeep_: so it's important to try these options with the proper kernel image. if all of this fails, you should install a newer mainline kernel version and also keep it updated. we can discuss how to do this here should it come to that.13:47
laptophas anyone used firejail13:52
laptopkernel 4.2 does not work with nvidia13:59
=== beaver is now known as evilnewbie
peanut_bit of an open ended question, but... I have been using windows 2012r2 server with a debian vm for linux stuff remotely. Im having some issues with this and thinking about just replacing with a linux host. what do you think about using ubuntu server for this14:00
blackflowlauren: 4.2? that's no longer supported14:00
blackflowffs zero patience14:01
blackflowlauren: sorry, mistabbed14:01
FilikunHey! Just installed Ubuntu dektop on an old macbook that I don't use that much thinking it might be fun to have it run like a server. As I'm not a pro on termilans and commands is there an easy way of installing server like services like Nextcloud and Home Assistant in Ubuntu dektop enviroment?14:15
FilikunOr is it, for a Linux noob, rocket science?14:15
aldcorhi! where is musescore icons located on ubuntu?14:18
BluesKajFilikun, installing a ubuntu-server is not really much different than installing the desktop version , but learning some command line would definitely help ,and that's not rocket science by any stretch.14:19
FilikunBluesKaj: Ah okay, so should I install ubuntu-server instead of desktop on the Macbook then? Is it like best to try out Docker or is there any other "easy" way?14:21
BluesKajpersonally i wouldn't use a laptop as a server14:23
blackflowyeah, it's sometimes worse than rocket science :)14:23
FilikunBluesKaj: I use an Raspberry pie for it now. Must be bether than that one?14:24
PeeekabooI'd go with ubuntu desktop on it for now. In the end the two aren't all that different, the server version just doesn't come with a gui14:24
FilikunPeeekaboo: Sounds smart, I don't think I can handle it witout an gui as for now14:25
blackflowit comes with ubuntu-server rahter than ubuntu-desktop metapackage and all the deps it pulls in. there are some differences in initial network config as well (like netplan using systemd-networkd instead of NM)14:25
BluesKajFilikun, the question is, for what are going to use the server?14:29
BluesKajare you14:29
FilikunBluesKaj: First off I wan't to have an project. Second I need a basic NAS so I'm thinking of setting up an cheap Nexcloud server until I can afford a proper one. And third I have an Raspberry with Home Assistant (Hass.io) on a Raspberry and I would like to combine them into one and learn how to manage that14:31
FilikunOr might it be easier to just buy another Raspberry and go for Nextcloud on that?14:35
BluesKajif you want a NAS, buy a HDD or SSD and connect it via usb to your pc or router (if it has the option), rather then another RPI...nextcloud isn't needed IMO14:40
FilikunBluesKaj: I want the calendar and contacts sync as well as the photo mode that Nextcloud gives you. Thats why :) I'm starting to move away from Google and searching for a more privacy friendly option14:41
BluesKajan outboard type HDD or SSD14:41
FilikunI have a USB drive that I dont use as well14:42
=== daniel is now known as Guest98184
BluesKajthat would be a good drive to store your data/media etc ... much simpler. Outboard drive usb encloseures aren't expensive14:44
jeremy31Or ditch the DVD drive on a laptop and use a caddy14:46
FilikunFollowed this guide and got Hassio running now https://gist.github.com/frenck/32b4f74919ca6b95b30c66f85976ec5814:48
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=== evilnewbie is now known as beaver
=== ___Trullo is now known as _Trullo
_Trulloanyone able to help out with pi-hole?15:08
puven_lalolaWhat are some good VPS? and what should i look for in a good VPS provider?15:10
OerHekspuven_lalola, this is ubuntu support, not choosing your vps vendor, try ##linux?15:11
blastitis there some way to universally stop wifi from autoconnecting without having to modify each individual profile every time15:11
puven_lalolaok thanks OerHeks15:11
OerHeks_Trullo, not sure how pihole is supported on ubuntu?15:11
_Trulloonce I setup pi-hole I cannot surf anywhere on that computer..15:11
OerHeksoh, that is intentionally? a black hole for scammers/malware and trackers?15:12
_TrulloI cannot access http://pi.hole it transforms to www.pi.hole15:13
_TrulloI think this is basic network problem though..15:13
OerHeksno clue, ask in #pihole?15:15
_TrulloI'll try15:18
WaynesI wrote a tcp echo server which receives a small message, echoes it back to the client, and then closes the socket. The performance drops from ~14,000 connections per second to just 300 after a few seconds. Graph: https://i.imgur.com/jNBXFEe.png Since I close the sockets immediately, I don't think that I should hit any limits. What is going on here?15:27
blackflowWaynes: tcp FIN_WAIT states15:28
blackflowsorry, TIME_WAIT15:29
Waynesblackflow: should I decrease the TIME_WAIT duration or allow more sockets?15:30
blackflowevery time you close a connection the tcp session is not dropped by the kernel, it lingers around in TIME_WAIT state until it expires, so take a look if the kernel is complaining about being out of space in the tcp stack15:31
MrokiiHello. I'd like to know about the status of playing BluRay-discs on Linux. It is possible without jumping through too many loops?15:33
blackflowWaynes: "should" you? what's teh end goal?15:33
Waynesblackflow: 10k+ connections per second15:34
blackflowthen definitely yes, and you'll have to tune various parts of the tcp stack for that too15:34
Waynesnetstat says there are about 30000 sockets with TIME_WAIT state even after both the server and the client are closed, so that seems to be the reason15:35
blackflowWaynes: just keep inmind that TIME_WAIT has a purpose. I wouldn't recommend setting it lower than 10 seconds15:35
lubaroI have to ask a stupid question - are you sure your code is releasing properly and you don't have a leak of some type?15:35
=== AASuper is now known as justimagine
Wayneslubaro: I hope so. I'm using close(sock); in C and I also tried sock.close() in python and the docs say that close() should release all resources and that I don't need shutdown for that.15:37
blastitis there some way to universally stop wifi from autoconnecting without having to modify each individual profile every time15:39
blastitor some better wifi manager than the network-manager15:40
tomreynyou can disable wireless altogether15:42
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
jeremy31airplane mode in network manager15:44
blastitjeremy31: i just want to be able to manually select the network i want each time as a global thing15:45
blastitI use my laptop to connect to my drone but if im anywhere near my house it tries to connect to it instead and the back and forth is annoying as all hell15:46
pragmaticenigmablastit: So really, the issue isn't the Auto Connect, but rather priorities of the wireless networks?15:47
pragmaticenigmablastit: Is there not a check box when setting up the wireless connection for "Connect Automatically" ?15:48
tomreynblastit: just set the drone profile to never autoconnect to it.15:48
blastitpragmaticenigma: there is but the network made by the drone changes all the time was hoping to just have a universal off switch kinda like windows where i can just say hey dont connect to things unless specifically tell you to15:50
blastitIm assuming network-manager is open source so that may be the only solution is sounds like15:51
OerHeksif one adds a key for a wifi network, connect, then see in the settings, you can disable autoconnect for that network/key15:52
pragmaticenigmablastit: A possible solution is once the network connection is made to the drone, would be to disable network manager temporarily?15:52
OerHekspretty simple15:53
blastitOerHeks: i just forget to at times as i go back and forth alot and this messing up just once will crash the drone =$$$15:53
blastitseems like somewhere in network-manager there is a boolean set to autocheck that box15:54
blastitim assuming if i can find it then i just set that to false and mission accomplished15:55
OerHeksi just showed you, but if you want to do it an other way, succes!15:55
blastitOerHeks: you showed me for one network yes15:56
blastitOerHeks: but i end up with tons of new networks from this thing all the time and can have multiple drones out etc15:56
pragmaticenigmablastit: It is an option that you have to setup for each network. If there is a configuration file, that will require research on your part to read through the documentation to find it15:56
Waynesblackflow: lubaro: Thanks, I've figured it out. I was indeed closing the socket incorrectly. Turns out I should close the server socket, wait for the client to recv 0 bytes and only then also close the client socket. Previously, I was closing the client socket immediately, so it did not receive the FIN and went into TIME_WAIT state.15:57
pragmaticenigmablastit: If it was me... I wouldn't be using my everyday laptop to control my expensive drone15:57
blastitpragmaticenigma: im not but i still use the laptop to pull the geotiff files for mapping before flight15:58
blastitfor that i need internet and for firware updates etc15:58
blastitbut even if i didnt id still have the multiple drone thing and when the motors spin up at times they make enough interference to disconnect momentarilly then it tries to connect to something else15:59
blastitit just seems like poor security on ubuntus part to make this default both auto and unchangable15:59
pragmaticenigmablastit: It's not a security issue. A user must choose and enable a wireless connection. How the user configures that connection is on the user. Not a fault of anyone else16:00
blastiti dont mean to be combative just frustrated some im cloneing the git then ill find where that checkbox is defaulted to true and just flip the bit16:01
blastitThanks for the help16:02
pragmaticenigmablastit: Or you could just read the documentation on Network Manager... there is probably a faster and simpler solution16:02
blackflowWaynes: that's a bit of a red herring. your C10k issue is on the server side. it will have to cope with such situations, in real world scenarios16:15
blackflow(and properly closing on both sides, ie. having the full fin+finack+ack dance, will still leave the flow on the server side in time_wait state)16:15
rapidwaveHow do I properly install ASP.NET for latest Ubuntu?16:18
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BPLHi everyone16:19
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qwebirc35347Hello. I need some advice. I am looking for email provider and a cloud for linux. My main criteriums are that they are free and secure. I am running ubuntu mate 18.04.16:25
qwebirc35347I searched the net but can't figure it out because there seems to be lot of choices. I am using thunderbird right now for email. I have the same question for an instant messenging app that can integrate several messenger progs like telegram etc.16:27
BPLlinux newbie here, run gparte live cd and i'd like to assign unallocated space to an existing partition (ie: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/vj4mbfhwp5sshsl/VirtualBox_2019-02-10_17-30-48.png), how can i do that? also... when doing `sudo unmount /dev/sda1` says command not found :/16:32
ezaquariisudo umount16:32
ezaquariinot unmount16:32
BPLah, thx, it says /dev/sda1 not mounted16:33
ezaquariiso it is not mounted16:33
BPLcool, so... what'd be the next step then?16:34
ezaquariiYour partition layout is an issue. You can't extend /dev/sda1 because you have swap after it. Delete swap first.16:34
ezaquariithen you can extend /dev/sda1 and then create swap at the end.16:34
ezaquariianother option is to use LVM16:35
BPLezaquarii: Oh, so it was because of that, didn't recall about this one... haven't had to deal with partitions since ages :/ . Tyvm!16:36
ezaquariiBPL: make sure you resize your filesystem after that.16:37
ezaquariiunless gparte does it for you16:38
BPLezaquarii: Here's how it looks now https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/8li9930k7s1tgpw/VirtualBox_2019-02-10_17-41-04.png , not sure why i can use that 1.2mb of unallocated space though16:41
ezaquariiDon't bother with 1.2MB. You have no swap - this is an issue.16:42
ezaquariimake sda1 a bit smaller and give it a bit of swap.16:42
BPLok, let me try16:44
BPLezaquarii: ok, no clue why but the fact of creating a new primary partition with linux-swap fs did the trick (ie: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/zklcl53ktzc828w/VirtualBox_2019-02-10_17-47-09.png)16:47
moon_shadowsin Dolphin on Ubuntu (Gnome) 18.04 x64 there is no option for open with single-click, so how do i enable open file/directory with single click in Dolphin?16:49
moon_shadowsor does it only work if running Dolphin in KDE?16:54
xamithangotta use the gnome tweak tool16:56
xamithanI don't know what setting it is,  but its in there16:57
ioriamoon_shadows, someone made it works on xfce    ; check the #13 : https://forum.mxlinux.org/viewtopic.php?f=108&t=44735&sid=1b54d2d60df7971acc4d6b72bad666a7&start=1016:59
moon_shadowsxfce?  i run Gnome.  by the way, gnome tweak tool is a setup tool for Gnome software, Dolphin is the KDE default file-manager i dont think a gnome tweak tool will work to config Dolphin17:01
Treltomreyn: sorry, yes, I can confirm that 4.14.0-45-generic is what I was running at the time.  I had updated, booted the new one and couldn't login.17:02
Trel(sorry for the late reply)17:02
moon_shadowsas it is use to setup Gnome software...17:02
nucc1how can I make a specific directory in my /home folder accessible to "www-data" user ?17:02
tomreynTrel: thanks, did you mean 4.15.0-45-generic, though?17:03
nucc1ideally is it possible to do this with file acls?17:03
Treltomreyn: yes, that was a typo 4.15.0-45-generic is correct17:04
moon_shadowsthe thing is it should be a setting in Dolphin to open file/directory with single-click and that setting is not there17:05
tomreynTrel: could you state this on the bug report?17:05
tomreynalso your ubuntu release17:06
Treltomreyn: it looks like it was fixed in 4.18 though, but to double check, you mean https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1813873 in that it's affecting an additional one to the ones mentioned there?17:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1813873 in linux (Ubuntu Bionic) "Userspace break as a result of missing patch backport" [High,Fix committed]17:06
Treltomreyn: when you say release, does the fact that my issue was seen on Neon matter to that?  (It's bionic based, the the kernel was from the Ubuntu repos, but there's also the other parts from KDE)17:07
tomreynTrel: a fix was released for cosmic, bionic and xenial are missing, i'd like to make sure this is pointed out by people affected there17:07
moon_shadows ioria thanks i'll try that if it works in xfce it might work in gnome too17:08
tomreynTrel: oh yes that does matter, please dont comment then17:08
TrelI thought it might, I had originally asked here, since I know the majority of the packages are Ubuntu and not Neon specific so I was thinking it might have been an upstream issue (which it looks like it is/was)17:09
TrelEither way going to 4.18 fixed it for me, I think I just need to wait until the linux-image metapackage points to that17:09
OerHeksi think !hwe gives 4.18.x .. and inlog issue, sure it is not a neon issue?17:10
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack17:10
tomreynwont happen in bionic., -hwe only17:10
moon_shadowsthat file /etc/X11/Xsession.d/98qtconfig is empty? nothing there...17:10
bruntIs HexChat open-source?17:17
xamithanyou can find that out with one google search17:18
lotuspsychje!google | xamithan17:18
ubottuxamithan: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.17:18
SlidingHornbrunt: its entire webpage is built in github, so that should give you a hint ;)  (yes, it is)17:19
bruntTy, turns out that it is.17:19
xamithanOk sorry.  http://lmgtfy.com/?q=hexchat17:19
bruntSo does hexchat send your IP to the server or through the server? Just want to get an idea of how this works17:22
lotuspsychjebrunt: usually we try to focus on ubuntu support issues here17:23
lotuspsychjebrunt: there's a nice #hexchat channel if you like?17:24
lotuspsychjewelcome ajay17:35
ajayis anyone  there17:35
lotuspsychjeajay: ask your ubuntu question to the channel please17:36
ajaywill you tell me what can I discussed here17:36
lotuspsychjeajay: in here we focus on ubuntu support questions17:37
lotuspsychje!chat | ajay17:37
ubottuajay: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:37
jeremy31Ubuntu support issues can be discussed here, for other join #ubuntu-offtopic17:37
fleabeardcould someone explain to me why I can nudge the raven menu in budgie to say.. the end of my panel and all is well, then if I logout/login it's in the old area of the panel? It's driving me mad..17:39
fleabeards/raven menu/raven applet17:39
lotuspsychjefleabeard: maybe you can share a picture to the channel, volunteers might have an idea17:39
ajayYes I have an issue related to google-chrome17:40
ajaywhen I install chrome in ubuntu and want to run it, it automatically closes17:40
ajayPlease help me17:40
ajayprovide any fix solution17:40
fleabeardlotuspsychje, sure! https://i.imgur.com/h5aiapZ.png is how it starts off when I first login. Here is where I move it too > https://i.imgur.com/h5aiapZ.png17:41
tomreynajay: does it happen with chromium-browser?17:41
fleabeardif I logout and log back in, it will reset itself to the first image.17:41
ajaylotuspsychje, please give any solution17:42
fleabeardwelp, I managed to mess up that screenshot, just a tik17:42
lotuspsychjeajay_: there's no magic red button to fix things, could you reply what tomreyn asked?17:43
fleabeardhere's is how I'd like the raven applet to be https://i.imgur.com/A5p1SqF.png17:43
pragmaticenigmaajay_: It should also be noted Google Chrome is an application provided by Google. Ubuntu support channel is for software installed through Ubuntu's software center and package manager. For Google Chrome support you will have to go to Google's support site for help.17:44
fleabeardso now that I've royally messed that up, let's try again :) Here's the default location of the raven applet> https://i.imgur.com/h5aiapZ.png and here is where I'd like it to stay > https://i.imgur.com/A5p1SqF.png17:44
fleabeardthe raven applet is the icon that looks like a door with an arrow in it? in case nobody knows which of the icons I'm referring too17:44
ajay_lotuspsychje: THANKS17:45
lotuspsychjefleabeard: this raven applet, where you got it from?17:46
fleabeardlotuspsychje, it comes pre-installed with ubuntu-budgie17:46
lotuspsychjefleabeard: default, or you need to pick it?17:46
fleabeardlotuspsychje, default17:47
pragmaticenigmafleabeard: You might need try and find the task bar settings, there might be way to define the order in which items appear in the taskbar17:48
pragmaticenigmait's probably not saving it, as it is reading the layout from a config file17:48
pragmaticenigmathat moving the items around doesn't write to17:48
fleabeardpragmaticenigma, it's changed via the Budgie Desktop Settings > Top Panel as seen here > https://i.imgur.com/sgovlbO.png17:49
lotuspsychjefleabeard: system up to date?17:52
fleabeardlotuspsychje, yes17:52
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fleabeardI'm going to try another restart to verify it changes, brb!17:54
lotuspsychjefleabeard: is this what happens to you: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntubudgie/+bug/175482017:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1754820 in Ubuntu Budgie "the raven icon does not stay in a fixed position" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:56
fleabeardokay, for some raisin it hasn't reverted back to it's default, but I swear this is the 6th time putting this were I wanted and it didn't stick!17:57
fleabeardlotuspsychje, those were the symptoms I was having indeed17:58
fleabeardnot sure why, but now it's working. I'll keep a close eye on it.17:58
lotuspsychjefleabeard: could you affect yourself to the bug please, add your story and add your screenshots?17:59
lotuspsychjefleabeard: #4 says resetting the panel fixes this17:59
fleabeardyeah if it acts up again I sure will17:59
catphishi'm trying to configure a somewhat unsupported wifi adapter, the driver appears to work, but i can't get netplan to bring it online. my config looks like this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jqx8RHJpDR/ and i have insalled wpasupplicant, but the wifi just remains disconnected, running wpa_supplicant manually works18:00
catphishany idea what i could have missed?18:00
jeremy31catphish: Does the device show in iwconfig?18:01
catphishi don't have iwconfig, but it shows in iw, and successfully scans for SSIDs18:01
jeremy31nevermind, it must if wpa supplicant works18:01
lotuspsychjefleabeard: you would help the community if you add yourself to the bug18:02
lotuspsychjefleabeard: alot of budgie users might experience the same18:02
jeremy31catphish: You are missing some info in the file, see the example at https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7CB8QKMPxY/18:04
catphishare you referring to the addresses?18:05
catphishif so, i assumed they could be left out if using dhcp18:05
catphishi'm happy to try non-dhcp though18:05
catphishi don't think that's made any difference sadly18:07
catphishit's just not connecting to the access point for some reason18:07
jeremy31make the network open for a test?  See if it is password issue18:08
qwebirc63803acer aspire es-132 ...no bootable device error18:13
catphishjeremy31: that's not trivial sadly18:14
catphishit seems totally happy if i do it manually https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Sn5SPPCCZd/18:14
catphishnetplan has a channel, i'll ask there18:15
tomreynqwebirc63803: https://askubuntu.com/questions/918083/bios-not-seeing-ubuntu-installed-on-acer-aspire-es1-132-can-boot-via-grub-cli18:18
tomreynyour uefi is broken18:19
janat08how do i get into grub rescue from live cd?18:28
ubottuIf your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode18:28
=== qwebirc76283 is now known as bgilb22
catphishsad to say, just installing ifupdown solved the problem18:29
janat08prgmaticenigma: would that work for live cd?18:29
bgilb22having trouble adding more space to a LVM pvs shows: /dev/sdc3  ubuntu-vg lvm2 a--  <236.97g <232.97g18:30
bgilb22and df shows /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv  3.9G  3.9G     0 100% /18:30
janat08pragmaticenigma: I can't boot into EUFI live usb so I have to install with BIOS on gpt drive18:30
tomreynbgilb22: what does lvs show? how are those 232 GB used?18:33
bgilb22ubuntu-lv ubuntu-vg -wi-ao---- 4.00g18:34
bgilb22its weird because i just did the defaults when installing ubuntu lol18:34
tomreynbgilb22: no other LVs?18:34
bgilb22so the Lsize is only 4gb18:34
tomreyncan you post the full output of pvs, vgs, lvs to a pastebin please18:35
tomreynalso discuss how you installed (name of ISO file, downloaded where)18:35
nicoleis there an accurate tool for measuring signal strenght and quality in ubuntu18:36
tomreyn!pastebinit | bgilb2218:36
ubottubgilb22: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit18:36
bgilb22here you go https://pastebin.com/cz3veUbJ18:36
tomreynbgilb22: okay what happens whenyou try to resize ubuntu-lv ?18:37
bgilb22sudo lvextend -L 100G /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv  .... /etc/lvm/archive/.lvm_ubuntu-kvm_3154_1867997075: write error failed: No space left on device18:41
nicoleis there oneplease18:41
mra90Theoreticaly, would it be possible to extenden some small microcontroller with SD card, set up part of it as RAM rest as ROM and flash kernel onto?18:42
tomreynbgilb22: you will need to free some space on your / file system first of all. start by "apt clean"18:42
tomreyn!ask | nicole18:42
ubottunicole: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:42
nicoleI know now18:43
bgilb22ahhhh lmao so it was that there was no space to execute the command -_-18:43
tomreynmra90: probbaly a matter of hardware architecture, and whether it meets ubuntu's minimum reuirements. this is too unspecific to answer whether ubuntu could run there. however, the main target is amd64.18:44
bgilb22okay the command worked now18:44
tomreynbgilb22: correct18:44
bgilb22sorry im dumb, although the wording is confusing!18:44
tomreyntry not to have your / get to 100% in the first place. normally ext4 would reserve 5% for the root user.18:44
tomreynbgilb22: you can use tune2fs to set this reserved space again if you like to18:45
tomreyn(it's aso possible that the resevred space is set and the root user filled those 5%)18:45
bgilb22would a sudo copy command ignore the reserve?18:46
bruntWhen do you get closed for inactivity? I've been here for hours18:46
bgilb22im going to double check though with tune2fs18:46
tomreynbgilb22: anything root does would ignore the reserve18:47
tomreynbrunt: what do you mean?18:48
bgilb22ah okay. well thanks for the help!18:48
bruntAnyone know why I'm running on a 64GB hard drive but my it says I only have 500mb left? All I have installed is the OS18:48
ikoniabrunt: probably bad partitioning ?18:49
bruntHow to fix?18:49
ikoniabrunt: depends, do you know how to use a pastebin ?18:49
OerHeksbrunt, no one can, show us the output of df -h18:49
OerHeksand sudo fdisk -l18:49
bruntIDK how to use pastebin. Here;s my df -h: Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on18:50
bruntdevtmpfs        459M     0  459M   0% /dev18:50
brunttmpfs           463M  496K  463M   1% /dev/shm18:50
brunttmpfs           463M   13M  451M   3% /run18:50
brunttmpfs           5.0M  4.0K  5.0M   1% /run/lock18:50
brunttmpfs           463M     0  463M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup18:50
ikoniagoing to get muted18:50
OerHeksdon' t paste here, use a pastebin18:50
tomreynBGL: sudo dumpe2fs -h /dev/sdXN | grep -i reserved18:51
tomreynbgilb22: ^18:51
tomreyn!paste | brunt18:51
ubottubrunt: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:51
bruntSector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes18:51
bruntI/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes18:51
bruntDisk /dev/ram4: 4 MiB, 4194304 bytes, 8192 sectors18:51
bruntUnits: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes18:51
bruntSector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes18:51
bruntI/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes18:51
ikoniabrunt: stop pasting please18:52
ikoniayou'll keep getting muted18:52
bruntDisk /dev/ram7: 4 MiB, 4194304 bytes, 8192 sectors18:52
bruntUnits: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes18:52
bruntSector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes18:52
bruntI/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes18:52
bruntDisk /dev/ram8: 4 MiB, 4194304 bytes, 8192 sectors18:52
ikoniabrunt: please stop pastgin18:52
bruntUnits: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes18:52
bruntDisk /dev/ram11: 4 MiB, 4194304 bytes, 8192 sectors18:52
bruntUnits: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes18:52
iorianot sure was it fault18:52
bruntSector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes18:52
bruntI/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes18:53
bruntDisk /dev/ram12: 4 MiB, 4194304 bytes, 8192 sectors18:53
bruntUnits: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes18:53
ikoniaare you for real18:53
ikoniayou've rejoined and started pasting again18:53
laptopanyone can recommend a good distro for 1gb ram18:53
ikonialaptop: lubuntu18:53
blackflow"IDK how to use a pastebin, I'm too dumb to even try, so I'll harass the entire channel with my paste...."18:53
MikeRLAnyone know how to create a permanent 8GB swap file on Ubuntu Mate for the Raspberry Pi? I'm on
catphishlaptop: xubuntu and lubuntu seem the obvious choices18:54
=== ctrlbreak_MAD is now known as ctrlbreak
MikeRLWithout swap space, I get out of memory messages.18:54
ikoniaMikeRL: make a swap file and put it in fstab18:54
laptoplubuntu is good but 18.04 seems slower on my computer18:54
ikoniawin 118:55
MikeRLikonia, How do I do that? Any li8nks?18:55
catphishMikeRL: you can create a swap file on any OS exactly as per the docs OerHeks linked to :)18:55
ikoniacheck out what OerHeks just pasted18:55
OerHeksfirst swapoff, remove old swapfile, and go for it18:55
catphishMikeRL: if you're getting memory errors though, i'd strongly suggest looking at using less memory though18:55
catphishswap is usually a bad solution to running out of RAM18:55
tomreynlaptop: weren't you asking essentially the sane question yesterday?18:55
OerHeks* assuming you have a fresj 18.04 with swapfile standard18:55
ikonia8GB swap file - your machine will be unusable if you need that muc18:55
MikeRLcatphish, RPi is a low memory device.18:55
catphishMikeRL: that doesn't change anything18:55
OerHekscatphish, swapfile is not in ram18:55
ikonia1 GB of ram + 8GB of swap = machine on it's knees and not responding18:56
catphishMikeRL: using more RAM than you have is generally a bad idea18:56
laptopno I never asked this question18:56
catphishyou can potentially get away with a little, but best to avoid it18:56
MikeRLHow about 4GB swap then? Or just 1GB?18:56
laptopyes anything more than 1 gb swap18:56
laptopis way too slow18:56
ikoniaMikeRL: what is using up your ram18:57
laptopunless you have a SSD18:57
catphishMikeRL: the amount doesn't matter much IMO, but just be aware that you will lose performance if you use much more RAM than you have installed18:57
OerHekscatphish, again: swapfile is not in ram18:57
MikeRLOh ok. Then I'll stick to 1GB.18:57
laptopalso browser uses up 1 gb all by itself18:57
ikoniaMikeRL: what is it you are doing that's eating the ram ?18:57
catphishOerHeks: obviously not, i don't understand what you're getting at18:57
fleabeardcan't you just download more RAM?18:58
ikoniafleabeard: don't be silly18:58
laptopram is cheap18:59
laptopvery cheap18:59
MikeRLI'm going to reboot and return. Swap should be working now, thanks guys.18:59
catphishOerHeks: i was stating that using more memory than you have physical DRAM is generally a bad idea for performance reasons, if you *need* swap, it's generally better to reduce your RAM usage, rather than try to swap things in and out to disk18:59
catphishof course there are exceptions, but i'd always advise trying to use less RAM in that situation18:59
mrelceei think the point may have been driven home with a sledgehammer18:59
catphishMiklo: cool19:00
laptopantix uses only 160 gb ram19:00
laptop160 mb19:00
catphishlol 160GB sounds expensive :)19:00
laptopbut when you use the browser 4 windows pandora, gmail, tradeview, and google news about 700 mb19:01
laptopand then 1 gb with about 6 windows19:01
catphishsounds nice and lightweight, i've not heard of it before19:01
laptopit is update, also allows you to reinstall while preserving home directory19:01
laptopuptodate with kernel 4.2019:02
laptopand scripts for nvidia out of the box19:02
laptopbut uses icewm as desktop manager19:02
laptopsimilar to lxde19:02
laptopor you could try q4nos 200 mb on average oob19:02
OerHeksthose are not supported here, so totally offtopic19:03
MikeRLOne thing I should've mentioned. Can I move the swap file I created to a USB drive? Currently the swap is on an SD card. Not good for the card, obviously.19:08
MikeRLI also set my swapiness value to 1.19:09
MikeRLIt was 10.19:09
MikeRLUSB drive still has limited r/w cycles, but it may fair better than an SD card.19:09
tomreynis it flash storage, hdd, ssd?19:12
tomreynif it's flash, you didnt win very much19:12
tomreyngetting more ram would help19:13
fleabeardif RPi, getting more ram isn't an option :P19:14
ikoniaMikeRL: what are you doing that's using so much ram19:15
OerHeksLinuxuserKBD .. have you not fixed your network yet?19:20
MikeRL100What I'm doing that's using so much RAM is Firefox on MATE with two tabs open.19:21
ikoniano way is that 1 GB of ram on ubuntu on a pi19:21
MikeRL100No way is that what?19:22
ikoniausing 1gb of ram19:23
MikeRL100It's MATE. It worked on the Pi 2 with 16.04.19:23
MikeRL100It is not GNOME.19:24
ikoniano-one said it's gnome19:25
ikoniaand there is no way mate + firefox on the pi build is taking up 1GB19:25
OerHeksthat must be 2 heavy pages19:25
bgilb22using netplan how can i create an interface with a static IP and a bridge with its own static IP ?19:28
_Trullook, I installed Ubuntu Server and then ubuntu-desktop. trying to set static ip. but when I go into network settings, wired is not there.. only VPN and Proxy..19:29
OerHeksbgilb22, some examples https://netplan.io/examples19:30
bgilb22i was on there but can't really see how to set a static IP for a bridge19:31
bgilb22https://pastebin.com/AaNgDzRu as soon as I uncomment the br0 both IPs become unreachable19:32
OerHeksmaybe a better example https://askubuntu.com/a/97123419:34
ikoniabgilb22: where are you setting the static IP's ?19:34
OerHeksset dhcp false before the bridge19:34
ikoniabgilb22: also having an IP on the interface you're trying to use as a bridge....it not going to end well19:34
bgilb22how can i have them both have a static IP then?19:35
ikoniabgilb22: normal practice is to not have an IP address on the physical device you're trying to use as the interface for the bridge, more so if you're bridge is on the same network19:36
ikoniathat netplan doesn't appear to be setting any IP addresses though19:36
bgilb22under addresses: ?19:36
ikoniabgilb22: that's not setting an address, that's just giving a huge range19:36
ikoniahow do you expect to get a static IP when you're setting a range19:37
bgilb22i guess it picked the first one. It needs to be /32?19:37
ikoniayou don't get a static IP assining a range19:37
bgilb22it worked for the main ethernet19:37
ikoniabut again - putting an IP on the physical interface is a bad move if you're trying to use it as a bridge on the same network19:37
bgilb22a bad move like bad practice or impossible?19:38
ikonialike will cause lots of problems19:38
bgilb22what are my options if i want to set a static IP on the kvm host and a KVM then?19:38
ikoniabgilb22: what ?19:39
bgilb22kvm VM*19:39
ikoniaare you trying to use the bridge as a virtual interface for a single vm or for multiple ?19:39
bgilb22for now one but maybe multiple later19:42
bgilb22basically should i not set anything static in the bridge and define that in the guest?19:43
ikoniabgilb22: how many network cards are in your machine19:43
bgilb22just 1 unfortunately19:43
ikoniabgilb22: that's going to be quite challanging then19:44
BPLmy ubuntu was presenting me the graphical login screen where i could pick which dekstop manager to use and after installing console-common , changing set-x11-keymap , set-keymap and reboot now I'm presented with the non graphical login screen, how can I get the "graphic mode" back? :/19:44
ikoniabgilb22: I assume you want both the VM and the machine on the same network19:44
bgilb22thats correct19:44
ikoniabgilb22: you should maybe conider removing the IP from the physical card, and setting 2 bridges, one for the machine and one for the VM19:45
ikoniabgilb22: just use the physical interface as a socket for the cable to go in19:45
bgilb22okay i'll read up on that. it sounds like it'd be much easier to just add a nic for the VMs?19:46
ikoniabgilb22: works like a charm19:47
ikoniabgilb22: 90 seconds work19:47
ikonia(but I appreciate that's not always an easy option)19:47
bgilb22and all future VMs dont need their own NIC do they?19:47
bgilb22i think i'll just buy a NIC19:48
BPLhow do i get this one back https://i.imgur.com/d8qXEfE.png when booting my ubuntu?19:50
BPLright now I just get this https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/pkyltxrby4ieg4z/VirtualBox_2019-02-10_20-51-21.png19:51
jeremy31BPL, ctrl+alt+F719:53
BPLjeremy31: nope, already tried, ctrl+alt+f1,f2,...f12 and none of them did the trick. I can see how tty1 changes from tty1 to tty6 though :/19:53
ioriaBPL, lightdm is running atm ?   ps -A | grep light19:53
BPLlet me see19:54
nicolewhen can I expect ubuntu mate 18.10 to stop receving updates?19:54
nicoleI don't want to have to replace for another 2 years19:54
jeremy31nicole: August19:54
OerHeksjust stick to LTS, for 5 years support19:55
OerHeksand 'replace' is just another kind of upgrade19:56
BPLioria: great... trying to find the `|` character... (using spanish keyboard) over here :D19:56
ioriaBPL, grep 'light' <(ps -A)19:58
BPLmmmm, https://askubuntu.com/a/435243 , interesting, maybe `sudo apt-get install console-common` was the guilty19:58
nicoleso the 18.04 is for mission critical19:59
BPLioria: ok, spanish keyboard now, `ps -A | grep light` gives me nothing19:59
nicolecan't I also install the latest features on 18.0419:59
ioriaBPL,  sudo service lightdm restart19:59
SlidingHorn!latest | nicole19:59
ubottunicole: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.19:59
OerHeksnicole, then you have no other option20:00
BPLioria: nope... # sudo service lightdm restart # ps -A | grep light gave me nothing and after rebooting nothing20:01
nicoleOerHeks: got it20:01
ioriaBPL,  what happens when you run the cmd ?20:01
BPLioria: btw, i'd installed this `sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop` if that can help...20:01
ioriaBPL,  what happens when you run the cmd ?20:01
BPLioria: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ru6wndthzbbr9si/VirtualBox_2019-02-10_21-02-08.png20:02
ioriaBPL,  what happens when you run the cmd ?20:02
BPLioria: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/wd5hjf441brol8q/VirtualBox_2019-02-10_21-02-56.png ?20:03
ioriaBPL,  is lightdm still installed ?  dpkg -l lightdm20:04
BPLwhen doing `sudo service --status-all` it says "[-] lightdm"20:04
BPLioria: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/cbxfih6tz7y6o7q/VirtualBox_2019-02-10_21-05-21.png20:05
OerHekslightdm not running?20:05
OerHeks[-] says so20:05
ioriaBPL,  has been removed20:05
ioriaBPL,  by console-comon20:06
BPLi see... great :/20:06
BPLgood to know though20:06
OerHeksreinstall required20:06
BPLsudo apt-get lightdm ?20:06
BPLsudo apt-get install lightdm?20:06
ioriaBPL,  purge console-common and reinstall ubuntu-desktop20:06
ioriaBPL,  nope, it removed also plymouth20:07
=== phoenix_firebrd is now known as murthy
OerHekssudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm20:07
ioriaOerHeks, has been removed20:07
BPLioria: what are the commands? Sorry for so many dummy questions, but always used rpm based distros :/20:08
ioriaBPL,  sudo apt purge console-common ; sudo apr install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop20:08
nicolewhat's thedifferencia between apt and apt-get20:08
OerHeksapt is better, but apt-get is still valid20:10
BPLioria: Tyvm! that last command did it ;)20:10
ioriaBPL,  ok20:10
BPLso one last question guys, what's the proper way to change keyboard layout in the command line? I'll definitely won't use this console-common anymore :P20:11
BPLthis one sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration ?20:12
ioriaBPL,  yep20:12
BPLok, moving on, ty20:12
ioriaBPL,  but i use sexbkmap <lang>20:12
BPLgoogling it20:12
SlidingHornnicole: they're both front ends to the packaging system.  apt is made to have a newer, more streamlined system that contains the most frequently used commands of apt-get/apt-cache, etc.20:13
nicoleSlidingHorn: apt-get is backward compatible? what does that mean? it installs older programs?20:16
iorianicole, no20:17
iorianicole, the only difference is this : ' apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.'20:18
BPLin this site https://buildozer.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html#android-on-ubuntu-16-04-64bit one of the requirements is to run `sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386` but when I do `dpkg --print-foreign-architectures` I already get i386... is still necessary to add it though?20:18
OerHeksBPL, likely not20:19
nicoleioria: what means isnot stable?20:20
nicoleioria: is a beta?20:20
iorianicole, nope, it uses ncurses things... bash does not like that20:20
tomreynalso, output format as well as the naming and availability of options are not guaranteed to remain the same at this point.20:21
janat08how do i get grub prompt/rescue from live cd/usb20:25
ioriawhy ?20:25
janat08i need to installed eufi grub20:26
janat08i cant boot into eufi live cd20:26
ioriajanat08, does your system support uefi ?20:26
ioriajanat08, how did you make the media ?20:27
janat08burned the image20:27
OerHeksjanat08, why not? ubunt iso is hybrid, it is possible to boot in uefi mode .. unless it is a machine with 32 bit uefi20:27
janat08i dont know20:27
ioriajanat08, how ? what software ?20:27
janat08opensuse image writer20:27
ioriajanat08, idk it20:28
janat08i also used ubuntu disk startup previously and had same issue20:28
janat08how do i get grub prompt20:28
ioriajanat08, on linux use dd20:28
OerHeksno grub prompt at the live iso, anyway, what would you do there? it is not the place to reinstall grub20:28
janat08i was looking to boot into installed os20:29
ioriajanat08, do yu have a working linux box available ?20:29
ioriajanat08, windows ?20:29
ioriajanat08,  are you trolling ?20:29
bocephus /join #mrrobot20:30
janat08so there is no grub resuce on live cd20:31
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub220:31
OerHeksand the uefi manual20:31
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI20:31
tomreynjanat08: so your overall goal is to install ubuntu? and it fails somehow?20:37
janat08tomreyn: yes, i'll try simply mounting eufi partition and installing bootloader there20:41
tomreynjanat08: it is called UEFI by the way20:41
tomreynjanat08: this is not how you'll succeed in UEFI booting if you don't have a boot menu option for it in nvram20:42
OerHeksuefi manual says: disable secureboot, maybe that is your issue20:43
OerHekserr fastboot, secureboot is oke20:43
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pldiemhi, do you guys use antiviruses? If so, which would you recommend?20:47
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OerHekspldiem, maybe clamAV or rootkithunter in certain setups20:51
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using Samba). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus20:51
pldiemI never used one, but lately I came across a few options, so I was curious if people use them and if they are necessary20:54
tomreynalso if you do hosting of any sorts, you may want them20:55
OerHeksuhu, you might consider a monitoring system, for a server20:56
OerHeksbut desktop, without frequent file exchange, harly likely you *need* one, but you can have it installed20:57
pldiemno, it is for my personal use20:57
mattiaciao a tutti20:57
=== mattia is now known as Guest44151
pldiemok, thank you for your answers20:58
tomreynLinuxuserKBD LinuxuserKBD_ LinuxuserKBD__: can you please fix your connection20:59
tomreynLinuxuserKBD___: can you please fix your connection21:01
=== robertparkerz is now known as robertparkerx
heloclouHello, I am looking for a secure and free cloud for Linux, I am using Ubuntu mate 18.04. Does someone have some suggestions. I have googled but there seems to be a lot of choice.21:25
OerHeksnextcloud, if you want to host it yourself, and there are tons of others21:28
heloclouthank you, I checked indeed nextcloud, owncloud, syncthing, cloudron and sandstorm. But I haven't figured out yet wich would be the best to use. I am a linux beginner.21:30
heloclouSo I am hesitant on the hosting myself. I don't understand exaclty what it means and what is the differenc!?21:31
tomreynthe difference is who has the data at their disposal and who has the responsibility to keep the data safe and available.21:32
heloclou*..."to host myself"21:32
tomreynif you're a new user, using a paid hosted service may be the better choice.21:33
heloclouoke and for someone who is not a pc genius but has some lets say medium experience, this is easy to figure out?21:33
tomreynthere is not a combination of free && privacy preserving && reliable21:33
heloclouyes I understand this. That the best way is not to use a cloud at all!21:34
heloclouI mean the best privacy. It's just to share some pics and small vid's from time to time.21:34
tomreynhosting nextcloud yourself should be doable if you have basic experience in hosting internet accessible services, and are diligent enough to read manuals.21:35
heloclouok thank you for the advice.21:36
tomreynyou're welcome.21:36
randomnumberdon't know if you already talked about that but YunoHost is also an OS making self-hosting pretty easy to do (using Nextcloud server btw)21:37
randomnumbershould glance at yunohost.org21:39
tomreynor just use ubuntu, the topic of this channel21:39
randomnumberow, sure, just thought about that because it's debian based21:40
OerHeksnextcloud connection is build in , under accounts21:44
=== phoenix_firebrd is now known as murthy
curlyearsheigh hough22:26
curlyearsI am attempting to install something that requires the latest version  of node.js.  I follow the instruction to the official page for node.js.and under ubutntu it says:   "Node.js is available in the "    I am unaware of what thisd means.  Help?portage tree22:28
curlyearsoh, my copy & padste didn't work right.22:30
curlyearsNode.js is available in the portage tree   <  this is what that page is telling me22:30
curlyearsI don't know whatr this means, I am unaware of the term "portage" in reference to ubuntu22:31
curlyearsis anyone home?22:33
ber532kwhat's that website you're refering to22:34
curlyearsber5:  https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/#debian-and-ubuntu-based-linux-distributions-enterprise-linux-fedora-and-snap-packages22:39
OerHeksand that points to https://github.com/nodesource/distributions/blob/master/README.md22:39
OerHeksinstall the snap, many versions, https://snapcraft.io/node or maybe you better seek help in #ubuntu-server or #node.js here on #freenode?22:41
curlyearsOerHeks: Oerthank you.  I just checked that github page.  Nothing on that page means anything to me, or makes any sense to me.22:42
curlyearsOerHeks: I mean, sorry]22:42
ber532kcurlyears: Seems the portage tree is mentioned in relation to gentoo (which is a completely different distribution)22:43
curlyearssomeone in #reprap has been ragging on me to try this IRC cloud client thing name TheLounge, and installing and running it apparently requires the latest version of nnode.js.\22:44
curlyearsber532k: I don't know22:44
OerHeksand does he use ubuntu?22:44
curlyearsOerHeks:   not to my kn owledge.  It is supposedly multi-pkatform.22:46
OerHeksreally, i just lost interest22:47
curlyearsthank you for trying to help, OerHeks22:50
fleabeardwhat software can I use to use my printers scanner?22:56
fleabeardI installed minimal ubuntu budgie so nothing is really jumping out at me22:56
fleabeardis simple scan any good? I found it in the software center22:58
Ben64idk, try it22:58
fleabeardworks great!22:59
heloclouHi thank you <randomnumber> I will check yunohost.org out. Sorry for the late response something came up.23:01
heloclouI'm looking also for a secure cloud that can run with very low traffic (up/down)23:02
OerHeksheloclou, for hosting yourself? nextcloud ..23:04
fleabeard+1 for nextcloud23:05
ber532kheloclou: There's also seafile (seafile.com)23:05
OerHeksother not-doing-yourself-options is not an ubuntu support issue23:05
heloclouYes I also checket out nextcloud. Not necessarely for hosting myself but that seems to be the most secure way (if such a thing exist) but I understood that with very lox traffic hosting myself might not be the best solution.23:06
OerHekswrong channel then23:06
heloclou*low traffic23:06
heloclouso on Ubuntu the only way it supports is hosting myself if I undestood correctly!?23:08
Ben64this channel, #ubuntu23:09
OerHeksyes, you can try ##linux for hosting, a more general linux community23:10
heloclouokey thanks23:11
heloclouI'try that out. Good evening.23:12
OerHekshave fun!23:13
GerowenHmm, for some reason if I try extracting a .tar.xz file by just right clicking it and hitting "extract here", it creates a folder I don't have permissions to and then fails to extract.23:17
GerowenIf I open the wile with the archive manager though and then extract it within that GUI, it works fine.23:17
GerowenStill have to fix permissions on the resulting folder, but it does actually extract it.23:17
murthyGerowen: hi23:18
Gerowenmurthy: Howdy23:19
murthyGerowen: have you heard of sticky permissions?23:20
Gerowenmurthy: Negative.23:21
murthyGerowen: https://www.thegeekstuff.com/2013/02/sticky-bit/23:21
OerHekswhere do you extract too .. your /home/  or in the linux folders, then you need sudo rights23:22
murthyGerowen:  also https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19683-01/817-3814/userconcept-95347/index.html23:22
murthyGerowen: For me this happened when I used airdroid android application to download files from my mobile to desktop23:24
Gerowenmurthy: They were stored on my home server, I was connected over SMB and created the archives from files there, then copied the archives over.23:25
murthyGerowen:  when did you copy?23:26
murthyI mean where did you copy to23:26
GerowenFrom server to local drive23:26
murthyGerowen: ah I think I know your problem23:27
murthyGerowen: your local drive is in /media/<username>/somename ?23:27
GerowenIt's a 1TB drive I have mounting at boot in /mnt/localstorage23:28
GerowenIt's not the end of the world, a slight inconvenience, but these are just archival backups of things like TV shows and old Playstation games I've ripped.23:28
GerowenJust trying to save some space so I don't have to buy ANOTHER 12TB drive, :p23:29
Gerowen.tar.xz seems to be reducing file size anywhere from 1/3 to over half.23:29
murthyOerHeks: can you guide Gerowen to own the mount point and help him as you see23:29
GerowenI did a chown -R user:user and then chmod -R 770 on the mount point, but it didn't take effect on the new folders created when extracting the archives.23:30
GerowenNow if I personally make a new folder, the permissions carry over, but not on the things that come out of those archives, for whatever reason.23:30
murthyGerowen: why not own all the files after extraction?23:32
ber532kGerowen: tar actually stores information about permissions (and owner), so the permissions you get are probably the ones the files had when you packaged them23:32
Gerowenmurthy: I did23:40
Gerowenber532k: That makes sense, even though my PC was creating the archives, they were stored on the server at that time and then copied over after the fact, which means that when they got here it was a different user.23:40
murthyGerowen: try this option when you extract with tar "--no-same-permissions"23:43
murthyGerowen: check this out https://askubuntu.com/questions/693589/why-does-tar-preserve-the-original-files-permissions-even-when-not-passing-the23:44
wonderworldGerowen: ZFS could solve your problem as well. It can do transparent compression at filesystem level.23:48
sammmhey, I have made a metapackage to be able to install a group of software packages, now I would like to host multiple versions of this in my repository so I can upgrade/downgrade these packages when I want23:51
sammmbut I'm having issues when the repository contains newer versions of packages, and the metapackge calls for older versions, I get an unmet dependancy error23:51
sammmI can resolve it by apt-get installing the individual packages, but this defeats the purpose23:52
sammmany ideas?23:52
Gerowenwonderworld: I've considered that, but I don't have anywhere to store 24TB of data while I re-format the drives, :p23:54
murthysammm: hi23:56
sammmhi murthy23:58

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