
bluesabreJackFrost: what's the next freeze date?02:43
bluesabreI'm going to try to get packages refreshed tomorrow02:43
JackFrost    [2019-Feb-12] Soft freeze (no new packages, no re-entry, 10-day migrations)02:51
JackFrost    [2019-Mar-12] Full freeze02:51
JackFrostAnyone tried the gsettings backend of xfconf yet?  I have a script that'll export the dconf values to xfconf's backend.03:31
bluesabreJackFrost: not tried it yet, but curious13:46
amerigenaThere's an upstream issue with Gdebi in (X)Ubuntu. I've heard that Gdebi is being deprecated in the next LTS, 20.04. Is there an Xubuntu dev here who is willing to confirm / deny this?23:42
krytarikamerigena: What's the upstream issue?23:46
amerigenaGdebi bombs when trying to install a package. Crashes. Running sudo gdebi-gtk from a terminal and opening a .deb package works, but double-clicking a .deb package and trying to install it doesn't.23:48
amerigenaBased on my limited knowledge, it seems like an issue with gdebi-gtk escalating to root, or with gksu.23:48
amerigenaI'm using a current and fully patched install of Xubuntu, and I'm having the issue.23:49
amerigenaA user that I know is using MATE on the same Ubuntu point version, and says that he's not experiencing the issue.23:49
amerigenaI don't know if this is true or not, since I haven't had a chance to install MATE and test.23:51
amerigenaRunning gdebi from a terminal also works fine.23:53

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