
rookieHello everyone12:18
rookieI've run into a peculiar problem and I was wondering if someone would help me get rid of it faster12:19
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:20
rookieI'm running xubuntu along with windows although on different drives. For some reason xubuntu refuses to connect to the ethernet when first instaled but after a day or so it connects with no problem and without me doing anything12:21
rookieAlso, it has no problem connecting to ehternet if I boot it from live cd...12:22
diogenes_try reboot router12:23
rookieIt has nothing to do with it since I'm not using a router, I got wire running straight from the electric panel or wherever it comes from to my pc (I live in a flat)12:26
knomeso... what's the issue?12:29
rookiethe issue is that I've got no idea why my xubuntu can't connect to the ethernet for a day or so after I install it but after a certain period of time the problem fixes itself12:34
rookiemind you that both windows and the live version on installation cd have no problem accessing ethernet12:34
brainwashrookie: you would have to check the log files then12:39
rookiethat's a good idea. Now how do I do that?12:40
rookieActualy I'll find this myself, thanks for the input12:44
=== Babloyi_ is now known as Babar
=== Babar is now known as Babloyi
xubuntu21wHello. Are there some active community members here ?21:19

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