
murthysammm: do you have your metapackage somewhere in a ppa?00:00
sammmno murthy , it's hosted via aptly00:03
sammmnot a ppa,  just regular repo00:03
CarlFK https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes#Get_Ubuntu_18.04.2_LTS  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases/18.04.2/release/ (Less Popular Ubuntu Images)  404 :(00:03
CarlFKis .2 so new it hasn't synced up yet?00:03
cim209hello guys my server isn't showing the message of the day00:03
cim209error showing Failed to connect to https://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts. Check your Internet connection or proxy settings00:03
tomreynCarlFK: it's so new it is not even relöeased, yet00:04
tomreynwait 3 more days00:04
tomreynit was postponed00:04
* SkilletB1y 00:04
CarlFKtomreyn: thanks.00:04
murthysammm: do you a link the meta file?00:05
tomreyncim209: probably dns or other connectivity issues00:05
cim209tomreyn: everythin works00:05
tomreynping the host, see what the response times are00:05
cim209docker, nginx, etc all work00:05
tomreynand curl the url00:05
tomreyncould also be a ipv4/ipv6 issue00:06
cim209ping is fine, averaging 30ms00:06
cim209curl shows the html00:06
cim209running cat /run/motd.dynamic shows the rest of the motd messages00:06
tomreynwell it must have been broken by the time of the latest update somehow.00:07
tomreyncurl -6 also works?00:07
cim209 System information disabled due to load higher than 1.000:08
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cim209tomreyn: turns out it was eternal terminal's fault00:26
cim209added "cat /run/motd.dynamic" to .zshrc00:26
tomreynglad you found out00:33
demoxim looking for some help coding anyone able to help me out00:35
cim209tomreyn: yeah i am using et instead of ssh to my server00:36
cim209ssh user@server shows the welcome message but doing et user@server didn't00:36
tomreyni see00:36
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fleabeardis there any way I can have Chromium play mkv files?00:49
fleabeardencoded with h.26400:49
fuxachesI'm trying to figure out if I have a hardware issue or if a piece of software is causing my browsers to crash after some time.00:51
fuxachesI run 18.04.1 on an older Dell desktop. It seems after a few days, Firefox and Google browser both schitt the bed. I have run00:51
fuxachesmy desktop, after a reboot for over a week and it's fine. It seems to happen when I use ThunderBird email and leave a tab open.00:51
fuxachesI am not a 100% sure about this, but it seems to be the pattern over the last month or so. Is anyone else having this issue or00:51
fuxachesdoes anyone have the same problem and believe it is because of another reason?00:51
tomreynfleabeard: https://www.chromium.org/audio-video00:52
fleabeardtomreyn, thanks, so in other words. Use Google Chrome :(00:55
tomreynfleabeard: i'd interpret it as "use non-patented formats instead"00:56
fleabeardtomreyn, I agree, however my security cam doesn't allow that scenario to exist for me :(00:57
tomreynuse vlc00:57
tomreynfirefox uses ciscos openh264, so may work there01:01
tomreynfleabeard: actually chromium-browser on ubuntu should support h.264 via chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra01:04
NDPTAL85Did odd10bf /msg anyone else before he/she quit?01:11
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fleabeardtomreyn, thanks, I'll czech it out!01:11
OerHeksNDPTAL85, if you feel you have an issue, please join #ubuntu-ops01:12
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NDPTAL85I just thought it was weird cause they messaged me immediately after I joined and they quit the network.01:16
OerHeksindeed, that is not nice01:18
fleabearddoes the "Software" app in ubuntu budgie not support searches for snaps or flatpaks?01:21
fleabeardI'd like to install Etcher to write an image to my sdcard but there's no results in it currently01:22
fnkymongo to https://etcher.io01:22
fnkymonYo should just be able to download t and double click on it01:23
fleabeardthanks! I'll give that a try01:24
fnkymonThen, of course, t will be under "Accessories" in your menu01:24
fnkymonYou're welcome!01:25
horus125Hey, could upgrading to Ubuntu 19.04 development branch corrupt my personal files, since its not stable yet?01:27
fnkymonNo, of course not. However, you may want to back up those files to google drive or something01:28
fnkymonYo should always have 3 copies. One on your drive, one in a cloud, one in a separate hard drive (or flash drive or whatever)01:30
fnkymonYo should always have 3 copies. One on your drive, one in a cloud, one in a separate hard drive (or flash drive or whatever)01:30
OerHeks if you have no backup, your files are unimportant, and you take a risc using development versions.01:31
fnkymonCopy that01:31
tomreynfnkymon: in case you'd like an apt repository: https://github.com/balena-io/etcher#debian-and-ubuntu-based-package-repository-gnulinux-x86x6401:32
fnkymonThanks for the link tomreyn01:32
fnkymon(Creepy wink) lmao01:33
fleabeardhow odd, I installed etcher via their website and it was here, but after reboot it's not in my menu's anywhere anymore01:33
fnkymonSorry 'm weird01:33
fleabeardit was in my "Other" menu01:34
fnkymonfleabeard, did yo try flashing Windows?01:34
fnkymonEther is not for Windows01:34
tomreynfleabeard: see the link i posted above for an apt repository for etcher01:35
fnkymonTry "Startup Creator"01:35
fnkymonIt comes preinstalled01:35
fnkymonI actually spent the greater part of today trying to flash Windows 10 to a bootable USB and was ncucessful lol01:37
OerHekswoeusb if for windows iso's01:37
fleabeardthanks tomreyn, now I'm googling how to add that repo :)01:37
fnkymonwoeusb is good too01:38
fnkymonBad kb grrrr01:38
fleabeardoh, the link even tells you how, noice!01:38
fnkymonlol noice01:38
OerHeksor just drag and drop on a windows pc, much faster01:39
fnkymonHow do yo do that?01:39
fnkymonI cannot get a bootable Windows 10 from Lubuntu01:39
OerHeksformat usb fat32, drag the whole iso content *.* to the usb, and voila, bootalbe thingy01:40
fnkymonOh shit01:40
OerHeks* on a windows pc01:40
fnkymonThanks I'll try01:40
OerHekswoeusb takes 1,5 hrs01:40
fleabeardtomreyn, that worked a treat, thanks again!01:43
fnkymonOerHeks, extract first, right?01:43
dipped12!CPF 943.712.275-5601:43
tomreyndipped12: wrong channel?01:44
tomreynfleabeard: you're wlecome01:44
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lionhertzThere we go.01:49
lionhertzNow I'm badass.01:49
lionhertz made myself lol01:49
lionhertzSorry I'm bored01:50
CarlFKtomreyn: about 18.04.02 - do you know if the .1 things have been removed from the mirrors?02:10
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CarlFKbooting this:  http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic-updates/main/installer-amd64/current/images/hd-media/boot.img.gz02:20
CarlFKgets me "no kernel modules were found"02:21
Kon-I have a relatively new installation of 18.04 and PulseAudio is introducing clipping to recordings that are NOT present when recorded directly from ALSA02:22
Kon-How can I troubleshoot this?02:22
CarlFK"no packages matching running kernel 4.15.0-45-generic in archiive"  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/18.04.1/release/ubuntu-18.04.1-server-amd64.iso02:22
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inpinkandredSimple Facts: https://www.bitchute.com/video/YpaOWanDFrmY/ (A classic by Scott Roberts)05:46
inpinkandredYou're welcome.05:47
technoobHi guys06:06
technoobI just installed ubuntu server on my nuc and was wondrring how long does it take to boot up the server06:07
bad63rtechnoob: which version?06:07
technoobUbuntu 18.0406:07
technoobServer version06:08
bad63rIt depends, for me ubuntu server 18.04 and ubuntu desktop 18.04 took too long to boot. after mesa update now it is all good06:08
technoobWhat should my ubuntu server look like if its all booted up06:08
bad63rtechnoob: only shell ;)06:09
bad63rno gui06:09
technoobYes i know its only like a cmd prompt06:09
technoobI mean what is the message at the end06:09
technoobAnyone can help me06:12
netsrotHi, how do I run 32bit oss app on ubuntu cosmic AMD64 with pulse?06:13
netsrotwhen I try to install pulseaudio-utils:i386 which includes 32bit padsp it say it will uninstall amd64 pulseaudio.06:14
technoobHey guys06:28
technoobNeed some help06:28
technoobI already installed ubuntu server on my nuc and want to know what the end result looks like so i know it is already fully booted up06:30
lotuspsychjetechnoob: #ubuntu-server for likeminded volunteers06:31
ivan_hello, i need help formating usb stick. can someone please help?06:43
guiverc_divan_, best if you ask your question, if someone knows the answer (to your problem) they'll provide it (but be patient).   I use `gnome-disks` usually to format my thumb-drives06:44
ivan_when i try to format my usb stick i'm getting an error - "This partition cannot be modified because it contains the partition table; please reinitilaze layout of the whole device.06:49
lotuspsychje!usb | ivan_06:51
ubottuivan_: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent06:51
ivan_ubottu, i have installed the ubuntu on my computer from usb stick, now i want to get rid of the data on the usb06:52
ubottuivan_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:52
ledeniivan_:  what de you use?06:54
ivan_ledeni, what is "de"?06:56
ledeniivan_:  desktop environment06:57
ivan_ledeni, Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS06:59
ledeniivan ok that mean you use gnome try to search for disks like guiverc_d said07:00
ivan_ledeni, thank you i figured it out07:04
pareshI am getting error below when I am trying to download07:53
pareshE: The package linux-image-extra-4.4.0-141-generic needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.07:53
MJCDWhy is alsa required when i'm using pulseaudio?08:04
MJCDjust curious08:04
Triffid_HunterMJCD: where do you expect pulse to send your sound without alsa? it'd be limited to network sinks only or something08:06
Triffid_HunterMJCD: also, it's not like you get to choose your dependcy tree in ubuntu, need gentoo for that :P08:07
MJCD*shrug* even assuming pulseaudio wasn't a fully featured sound daemon08:07
MJCDit also has JACK installed and required08:07
MJCDso that would do just fine08:07
MJCDalso gstreamer, various mpeg thing08:07
MJCDall required lol08:07
MJCDalso why is CUPS so hard to remove all of haha08:08
MJCDCUPS and PDF utilities make up like 40% of my install08:08
MJCDlike i'm never going to need to print from a vm lol08:08
MJCDalso unlikely to need to view a pdf in a vm08:09
MJCDhell I only keep pulseaudio because I think giving the vm users system sounds is pretty lux08:09
MJCDall the media players besides chrome have been removed08:09
Triffid_HunterMJCD: while pulse and jack do similar things, only fancy programs have jack support.. and gstreamer is a different layer again08:10
MJCDpulse can operate entirely standalone08:10
MJCDit in no way requires JACK or alsa08:10
Triffid_HunterMJCD: how do you think it gets sound to the soundcard? that goes via alsa..08:11
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CarlFKMJCD: do you know about u-server?08:16
MJCDTriffid_Hunter, you say that like alsa has some kind of magicks08:18
MJCDthat nobody else can achieve08:18
kewladexxHey guys!  is this channel active?08:27
kewladexxI'm running ubuntu server minimal, trying to just get better with the CLI08:29
lotuspsychjekewladexx: #ubuntu-server for likeminded volunteers08:32
lotuspsychjeparesh: can you pastebin: uname -a && lsb_release -a please?08:33
ryuokewladexx: that takes time. there's no silver bullet.08:39
kewladexxoff topic, but what is a good channel on this server for people who just feel like chatting about random stuff?08:51
lotuspsychje!chat | kewladexx08:52
ubottukewladexx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:52
kewladexxgotcha, cool08:53
svetakewladexx: :-)09:53
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Siilwyn[m]Does anybody here have knowledge about Linux suspension? I'm on a macbook and can't suspend because `usb2` fails to\. I already disabled XHC1 in /proc/acpi/wakeup10:37
Siilwyn[m]More info here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/181256110:37
Siilwyn[m]I'm basically trying to find a workaround because having a laptop that can not suspend is really annoying.10:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1812561 in linux (Ubuntu) "[MacBookPro11,5] wakes up and suspends in a loop while closed" [Low,Triaged]10:37
mojtabaHello, does anybody know how can I set the language per application in focus? (and be able to change it later.)10:51
dmnurmojtaba: you can run applications like this: LANGUAGE=somelang yourapp (example: LANGUAGE=ru gedit)10:57
mojtabadmnur: could you please explain more?10:58
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dmnurmojtaba: LANGUAGE is the environment variable to specify preferred display languages (these are specified by their two-letter codes). You can pass it to a command used to start your application. For that you'll need to use the terminal. I don't really know of any easy way to do this from GUI.11:04
mojtabadmnur: thanks, I will check it.11:05
dmnurmojtaba: for example, the command to start GNOME Calculator is "gnome-calculator". To run it in Japanese: LANGUAGE=ja gnome-calculator11:06
mojtabadmnur: So, this will change the language of the interface? or it will change the input language keyword layout?11:06
dmnurmojtaba: ahh, I see. You meant keyboard layout.11:07
mojtabasuppose that I am working in different applications in different languages. I want to set it, so when I switch to the application, the input language switches to the specified one.11:07
dmnurmojtaba: one sec.11:07
mojtabadmnur: thanks11:08
dmnurmojtaba: what Ubuntu version?11:09
mojtabadmnur: 16.04 LTE11:09
Bladeis lts11:09
mojtabamy bad11:09
dmnurmojtaba: see here (also comments): https://askubuntu.com/a/14673411:11
mojtabadmnur: thanks, just a sec.11:11
Blademojtaba  モニ チカチテチ11:11
mojtabaBlade: monitored?11:12
Bladejapan is work11:13
mojtabadmnur: where is Keyboard Layout and Layouts?11:13
mojtabaBlade: I used google translate.11:13
Blademojtaba トイイ11:16
mojtabaトイイ: toy?11:17
dmnurmojtaba: it's in the Settings app.11:18
mojtabadmnur: I just saw it.11:18
mojtabaBlade: What is your desktop? Is it Gnome?11:21
BluesKajHowdy folks11:22
Blademojtaba  xubuntu xfce11:25
Bladeis the same11:25
Bladejust add japan11:25
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Blademojtaba  xfce like gnome 211:26
catphishi'm looking for information about which AMD graphics cards are supported in 18.04, is there a list anywhere?12:06
catphishi could only find https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver which seems outdated12:06
guiverc_dcatphish, the wiki has this (but also outdated, it's up to the community to update it which doesn't always happen) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCards12:08
konradosHi. This might sound like package - specific question, but I have sort of general one, regarding installing stuff. I have virtualbox v. 5.1.x - the same thing appears to be in `apt search "virtualbox"` - but on their website they have 6.x available for my ubuntu (xenial) - https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads - i download it, open it, a 'package manager' opens, and all it says is "done" after 0.001 second. How, what? I don't have12:08
konrados6.x.. `dpkg -l  | grep 'virtualbox'`  gives me 5.1.3812:08
guiverc_dcatphish, this also has some info (and links to sites for video support) - https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/i386/ch02s01.html12:09
konradoslet me try from terminal...12:09
guiverc_dcatphish, http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Hardware-HOWTO.html  (is one link from aforementioned "supported hardware" wiki)12:09
guiverc_dkonrados, Ubuntu 16.04 is from 2016.April (hence 16.04), and whilst security fixes are backported to it, it doesn't get newer software (unless community package & add it to 'universe', usually it's only done for latest) - so if you want later software, you upgrade to 18.04 for example12:11
catphishguiverc_d: thanks, i'll have a look at those12:11
guiverc_dkonrados, ^ and when I said latest, I meant latest release (packaging currently is for 19.04)12:12
konradosguiverc_d, thanks, yes, I have it in my todo list :) but they, oracle, on their website *do* have a version for me....12:12
konradosguiverc_d, - here: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads - they have a link for 'Ubuntu 16.04'12:13
guiverc_ddon't forget, if you `dpkg -i` install software, security-updates won't be added until you re-ad them yourself, where as they are grabbed when from ubuntu sources (even if backported to older packages)12:14
konradosguiverc_d, yes, that one I understand :) BTW, I started from command line and it just started :) I don't know why the GUI thing didn't want to. So it's installing now \(^▽^)/ - and yes, I will soon go to 19.x :) Thanks!12:19
konradosIt woooorks. So now I can try ubuntu 19.x on a vm :)12:20
guiverc_d19.04 is currently the development release, why it's getting all the packaging - not a stable release (until april) [even if some of us use it]12:20
talxhello guys,12:37
talx# Language pack selection12:38
talxd-i pkgsel/language-packs multiselect he, en12:38
talxwhy it doesn't continue12:38
talxin the kickstart ?12:38
tomreyntalx: this doesn't look wrong to me. maybe the next line is the issue?12:50
tomreynproviding (a lot) more context could be beneficial to your goals.12:53
ioriatalx, no idea; maybe change the iso code  : heb13:00
mobile_chow do i get the 32 bit version of gcc13:19
mobile_cso i can compile using -m3213:20
ioriaafaik, you just use -m3213:21
mobile_cbut i get13:22
mobile_c /usr/bin/ld: cannot find Scrt1.o: No such file or directory13:22
Meilimobile_c: google says: sudo apt install gcc-multilib13:23
talxI don't understand why the kickstart doesn't continrue when it reaches the language13:33
talx# Language pack selection13:34
talx#d-i pkgsel/language-packs multiselect he, en13:34
talxd-i debian-installer/locale string en_US13:34
talxI tried two methods which in the installer it reaches the language section it does check what I want but dont move forward13:34
tomreyntalx: use the utf-8 variant of locales13:36
talxdo you have an example13:37
talxlocalechooser/supported-locales multiselect en_US.UTF-813:37
tomreynd-i localechooser/supported-locales multiselect en_US.UTF-8, nl_NL.UTF-813:37
talxlike tis ?13:37
tomreyni don't know whether this is what's causing your installation to get stuck.13:39
RangerBobSo I know I'm late to the convo, but did you do a shasum check of the iso?13:43
talxits  not stuck like freezes13:45
talxjust won't "click" continue13:45
talxyea still won't continue13:46
talxI don't find anything in goolge about it to be honest13:47
talxoh found something :p13:48
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LinuxuserWhat will Ubuntu 19 be like?14:07
talxdo anyone have an example for a kickstart.cfg file for ubuntu ?14:07
talxI can't make the language selection make a continue there14:07
lotuspsychjeLinuxuser: 19.04 support in #ubuntu+114:09
Meiliis kickstart even properly maintained? Shouldnt you use preseed?14:09
missmanorhi guys i need to know if lenovo ideadpad 330 ryzen3 work good with ubuntu or other type of distro14:10
lotuspsychjemissmanor: ubuntu works on many brands, lenovo might need updated bios firmware to avoid acpi issues14:10
pragmaticenigmamissmanor: The best thing to do is use the Live mode of the install image. That will let you try out Ubuntu or other distro before making the decision to install it14:10
lotuspsychjemissmanor: we have alot of users with hibernate/acpi issues on lenovo, but i dont want to generalize14:11
missmanori try manjaro14:11
lotuspsychjemissmanor: see also: https://certification.ubuntu.com/14:12
missmanorand im getting firmware bug error14:12
lotuspsychjemissmanor: acpi issues might go across several distro's14:12
talxMeili: how would do it14:14
pragmaticenigmamissmanor: Do note that this channel only support official Ubuntu flavors. If you have issues with Manjaro, you will need to seek out their support channels14:14
missmanori know im just letting you know the problem its ok thks for the bios advise14:15
Meilitalx: what are you asking me?14:16
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talxMeili: how would do it in preseed, what google suggests won't work14:43
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roraclehey guys, this is impossible and i don't know why: the PPA works and everything just like it says it should, but trying to install "DVDStyler" isn't working at all.  Does anyone have any information that could help me out with this?14:47
roraclein a nutshell: every document says the PPA should allow "sudo apt install dvdstyler" but that doesn't show up at all.  This page was updated this january: http://www.de-help-desk.nl/how_to_install_dvdstyler_30_in_ubuntu_amp_linux_mint-593.html14:48
JimBunturoracle, Have you sudoa apt get update , lately?14:50
JimBuntu*sudo, not sudoa14:50
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SlidingHornroracle: also, see "/msg ubottu !ppa" (without  quotes14:53
EriC^roracle: you might need to run "sudo apt-get update" first14:55
talxso no one know to confirm keyboard layout on ubuntu with preseed ?14:55
tomreynroracle: which ubuntu release is this actually?14:57
tomreyn!yy.mm | Linuxuser: there won't be "Ubuntu 19"14:58
ubottuLinuxuser: there won't be "Ubuntu 19": Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle14:58
roraclesorry guys, got side tracked.  JimBuntu and EriC^ yes i did update, SlidingHorn i'll do that in a moment, and tomreyn this is 18.10 release14:59
JimBunturoracle, I don't see 18.10 being listed as supported by the PPA14:59
roracleSlidingHorn: that told me what i already knew15:00
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roracleJimBuntu: oooh i didn't realize that was how it worked.  see, i did this from the UbuntuStudio at first, tried to take it to regular Ubuntu and nothing was working at all15:00
roracleJimBuntu: but the UbuntuStudio website has DVDStyler listed as one of the apps they package for video authoring15:00
roraclegenerally, i'm confused15:01
leftyfbthat PPA works15:01
roracleleftyfb: cool i'll check it out15:01
JimBuntuWell, I didn't see 18.10 listed in the guide as supported, but it does seem to have a build for it... I guess the docs are out of date.15:01
Ool dvdstyler 3.0.4-0build1~ubuntu18.1015:01
SlidingHornroracle: I was just letting you know that the support for PPAs is limited, at best. That's all :)15:01
Oolhere: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntuhandbook1/+archive/ubuntu/dvdstyler/15:01
roracleJimBuntu and Ool why won't it show up after i update the packages?15:04
roracleseriously, try it out!15:04
roracleoh man, if you go to package details, it says the 18.10 package failed to build15:05
tomreynroracle: sudo /bin/true; nc termbin.com 9999 < <( sudo apt-get update 2>&1; apt-cache policy dvdstyler 2>&1 )15:06
tomreynroracle: okay in that case you can skip this15:06
roraclesee, i'm starting up a small business of transferring VHS to DVD, so I wanted to test that software out to see how it worked. Is there any alternative that other people prefer that works as well?15:07
Meilitalx: what are you using? kickstart or preseed? The example preseed file has a keyboard layout selection example. Are you saying the example doesn't work for you?15:09
roracletomreyn: i think I'll learn Bombono instead.  i wish point upgrades wouldn't break software from 6 months ago u.u;;;15:11
Oolyou can put pressed lines into a KS file :)15:11
talxMeili: preseed15:11
tomreynroracle: https://alternativeto.net/software/dvdstyler/?platform=linux15:11
talxMeili :15:12
talxd-i console-setup/ask_detect boolean false15:12
talxd-i keyboard-configuration/xkb-keymap=us15:12
talxthis is my keyboard selection settings15:12
talxstill showing continue on keyboard layout screen15:12
Meilitalx: "d-i keyboard-configuration/xkb-keymap=us" is not correct if I look at the example15:12
talxshow me the example please15:13
Meilitalx: according to the example file you should have "d-i keyboard-configuration/xkb-keymap select us"15:13
talxthank you15:13
talxgoing to try it now15:14
* talx corssing fingers while typing15:14
rollappuseryo whats up15:15
cognitiaclaevesI'm trying to get specific syslog messages to be forwarded to a log aggregator. I'm having a little trouble figuring out how to write a filter to persist the messages to a file, and also send the message to the log aggregator.15:15
theblackpearli barely know what any of that means cognitiac lol15:15
cognitiaclaevesIt seems like the output from journalctl is not consistent with the fields to filter for rsyslog.15:16
tomreyncognitiaclaeves: this question may be better addressed to #ubuntu-server15:16
blackflowcognitiaclaeves: can you give an example? and that's in the context of forwarding to syslog, yes?15:16
cognitiaclaeves@blackflow, I'll post to #ubuntu-server, thanks.15:18
talxMeili: its still showing the continue button in the keyboard layout selection15:18
seven-eleveni want to install intelligj IDEA should I use snap or install the normal deb?15:19
blackflowseven-eleven: is there a .deb package even?15:20
seven-elevenblackflow, dont find one, seems they only distribute a snap :|15:20
seven-elevena snap a new thing, read it a few times now15:20
seven-eleven"universal linux packages" sounds good15:22
blackflowand misleading.15:22
lordcirth_I used snap to install ipfs, works well. But I wouldn't use a snap if there's a .deb.15:22
Meilitalx: I'm sorry to hear that. I'm currently don't have the time to help you further, but: make sure the keyboard selection is somewhere at the beginning of the file and any followup rules are correct.15:23
Meilitalx: you could try if this file works https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/example-preseed.txt and if so, modify it to suit your needs15:24
talxokay ty15:25
talxfor your time and effort15:25
benjamin_wmay I ask how to scroll weechat's topic?15:31
lordcirth_B1ack0p, hi15:39
benjamin_wBlack0p, Hi15:39
B1ack0pi was trying to update but i got error telling " failed, you may have broken packages. Aborting... "15:40
B1ack0pfull paste is here : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NTx9hSCRCF/15:40
B1ack0pusual updates15:40
B1ack0phow can i fix it?15:41
lordcirth_B1ack0p, sudo apt install -f?15:41
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lordcirth_It will try to auto-fix15:42
benjamin_wsudo dpkg-reconfigure libdvd-pkg  @Black0p15:42
benjamin_wtry this15:42
blackflowthat's a 1, not l15:42
B1ack0plol yes 115:42
benjamin_womg thanks15:42
benjamin_wthis mono font Im sorry15:42
lordcirth_tab-completion :)15:42
benjamin_wlordcirth_: I was wondering tab doesn't work, because 1 and l15:43
B1ack0pnow it doesnt say there are broken packages15:43
B1ack0p0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.15:43
benjamin_wB1ack0p: try re configure libdvd and try again15:43
B1ack0pis it fixed?15:43
benjamin_wre run `sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade` and I think you good to go15:44
OerHeksthat dpkg libdvd is needed to run the dvd codec installer15:44
B1ack0pthank you benjamin_w  now no error15:44
OerHekssee the dvd manual?15:44
benjamin_wnp glad you fix it15:44
B1ack0pwhat dvd?15:44
B1ack0pi have dvd rom maybe because of that?15:45
OerHeks*if* you want to play dvd movie, or some mediafiles need it too15:45
B1ack0pnope i usually stream online15:46
benjamin_wI thought you need it if you have dvd rom15:46
OerHeksoke, then you are fine15:46
SicnusWhat is the default clipboard manager in Ubuntu 18.10 and how do I turn it off?  It is killing my copy/paste buffer.15:50
OerHeksthere is no standard clipboard manager?15:51
blackflow$32k question: how is it "killing" your copy/paste buffer?15:52
tewardSicnus: there is no 'default' clipboard manager beyond the standard clipboard.15:52
blackflowI'm gonna hazard a guess and say you're not running a DE that's unifying the TWO xorg clipboards probably?15:52
Sicnuswhen I highlight text... it stays highlighted for a second then disappears.  I noticed this happened before and I turned off the clipboard thing in the top right.  Now that I've rebooted it has the same behavior but the clipboard isn't present.15:52
SicnusRunning default ubuntu "unity" gnome.15:52
blackflowunity OR gnome15:53
SicnusI guess it's Unity.15:53
blackflowand what cliboard thing "in the top right"? do you have a non-standard extension there?15:53
SicnusWhatever came with it.   I didn't install it.15:53
tewardSicnus: if it's 18.10 then you're on GNOME15:53
SicnusI'll try a different DE to see if I have the same issue.15:53
tewardSicnus: it sounds like you have an extra extension installed15:53
Bundestrojanerhello, I'm struggling with installing Kubuntu 18 on a Intel ATOM-Tablet (Medion E1240T). I've created a usb-stick following this: https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/UNetbootin/#Verwendung-fuer-U-EFI15:55
BundestrojanerThe USB-Stick is not listed in the Tablet's Boot-Manager at start...15:55
OerHeksBundestrojaner, we do not recommend using unetbootin, surprised the german wiki gives that advise16:00
OerHeksdoes that cheap Medion E1240T have a fully 64 bit uefi?16:00
OerHeksand check if the usb works on an other machine, saves you time too16:01
BundestrojanerOerHeks: i don't know if it recommends it, i'm using unetbootins since years and never had problems with it. I've also tried 7z x, same result.16:02
BundestrojanerWhen i boot the installed OS (debian Stable), it recognizes and mounts the USB16:02
SicnusFigured it out.  So there was some tool:   clipit  (wth?)  It was running...  (Oh and I was running Ubuntu not Unity DE)  anyway...  the clipit had a setting to wipe my history every 1 second.16:02
OerHeksoh, debian ..16:03
OerHeksSicnus, someone must have installed clipit16:03
BundestrojanerOerHeks: i've read it doesn't support 64bit, but will this keep the USB-stick from being recognized?16:03
Bundestrojaner"oh, debian .." - that's why i want to change to kubuntu ;)16:03
SicnusNo, I'm on Ubuntu 18.10 (upgraded from 18.04 and 17.10/17.04 )16:03
Sicnusanyway figured it out.  That was annoying.16:04
OerHeksBundestrojaner, what does not support 64 bit? your medion?16:05
OerHeksif so, use a 32 bit iso and install legacy16:05
BundestrojanerOerHeks: ok, i'll try the 32bit iso. What do you mean by "install legacy"?16:06
Bundestrojanerand which method of creating the usb install medium do you recommend?16:06
OerHekslegacy = non uefi16:06
OerHekson linux, dd, on windows rufus or etcher16:06
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:07
BundestrojanerOerHeks: the Boot manager says "EFI Boot Devices". i don't know if it supports non-uefi16:07
benjamin_whow can I scroll channel topic in weechat?16:08
OerHeksBundestrojaner, me neither, but efi boot devices, that is where the ubuntu usb should be visable16:10
BundestrojanerOerHeks: and how do i create a "non-uefi" install stick?16:13
yuradochello. Kali Linux related. i made some manipulation with 'su', 'sudo', 'runuser' I've got that my terminals run starting 'hlkali#', title contains 'Terminal -', desktop default background image disappeared16:14
yuradocwhat's wrong?16:14
ioriaBundestrojaner, i think you need this included in your usb media: https://github.com/hirotakaster/baytail-bootia32.efi16:15
Bundestrojanerioria: simply copy it to the usb disk's root folder?16:16
ioriaBundestrojaner, in /EFI/boot16:17
Bundestrojanerthx, i'll try it16:17
ioriaBundestrojaner, https://community.medion.com/t5/Notebook-Netbook/E2216T-Linux-installieren/td-p/3742716:18
OerHeksubuntu is hybrid, legacy & uefi  .. Medion E1240T is cherry trail16:18
OerHeksbut he has debian installed before, so he surely know what to do16:18
ioriaBundestrojaner, do you have Debian on that thing ?16:19
Bundestrojanerioria: yes, debian stable 32bit16:19
Bundestrojanerofcourse it came with win1016:19
ioriaBundestrojaner, ok16:19
Bundestrojanerbut i NEED 64bit, more and more applications doesn't support 32bit - which is quite understandable, amd64 has been released in ~200316:21
ioriaBundestrojaner, well, Ubuntu does not ship 32bit desktop ed. anymore16:22
JubeiHi. I was having some problems using a library (tensorflow) and had to modify my $PATH in /etc/environment to make it work. The problem now is that in bash every time I press TAB, I get an error message16:23
Jubeipytho-bash: /usr/local/cuda-9.0/bin${PATH/: bad substitution16:23
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
Jubeihere's my /etc/environment: http://codepad.org/08hDogoT16:23
JubeiI'm pretty sure it's broken, I just don't know how to fix it16:24
JubeiI'm guessing this is the offending line: PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/usr/local/cuda-9.0/bin${PATH:+:${PATH}}"16:26
yvyzJubei: echo $PATH | nc termbin.com 999916:28
Bundestrojanerioria: it succesfully booted! :) THX!!!16:29
Jubeiyvyz https://termbin.com/58dk16:29
yvyzDon't know why you'd set as self referential ${PATH} in $PATH16:29
ioriaBundestrojaner, good job16:29
Jubeiyvyz I received some instructions that I was suppoed to put in my bash_rc16:29
yvyzJubei: try completely removing ${PATH:+:${PATH}}16:30
Jubeibashrc or bash profile don't remember which. But I thought I'd put it in /etc/environment so that ALL users benefit from it16:30
yvyzIf you need to attach the $PATH var you can append it to the end of the environment PATH as usual with :$PATH16:30
Jubeiyvyz i guess my first question is, was it right to modify /etc/environment for a path change that I want to affect all users?16:31
yvyzThat is not wrong16:31
Jubeiyvyz removing ${PATH:+:${PATH}} fixed things by the way. I don't know why that was there16:32
Jubeithank you.16:32
Jubeiyvyz so when /etc/environment is read by the login process, the $PATH environment variable already exists?16:33
yvyzIn essence, you were writing /etc/environment PATH with local user PATH, which is taking from etc/environment PATH... you have a loop condition16:33
Jubeii.e. I'm overwriting it there?16:33
yvyzThen, that variable argument placement was making the path section for /usr/local/cuda-9.0/bin looking like /usr/local/cuda-9.0/bin//usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/usr/local/cuda-9.0/bin${PATH:+:${PATH}}:/snap/bin16:33
Jubeii see16:34
yvyzJubei: cat ~/.profile16:34
yvyzAnd you will see how the PATH is effected per user16:34
EriC^Jubei: this is what i have in my environment file, it's pretty stock PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games"16:34
Jubeiyvyz there's no mention of /etc/environment in there ?16:35
EriC^oddly enough mine has a PATH= unlike yours where the line only contains the list16:35
yvyzFurther path adjustments are stored in /etc/profile as well16:35
yvyz/etc/environment is for system wide adjustments/assignments. /etc/xprofile is the PATH var for your x-session. /etc/profile/ is for individual shells and /etc/<shellid>.<shell>rc is for single instance shells while you are in them16:36
yvyzTHey build on each other to provide your entire shell $PATH16:36
yvyzJubei: This might help you: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37676849/where-is-path-variable-set-in-ubuntu16:37
EriC^it's odd to me how he has just a line there, whereas i have PATH=something16:37
Jubeiyvyz I'll read up on it thank you for the help.16:37
JubeiEriC^ I also have PATH=16:37
yvyzEriC^: it is not weird, it is normal.16:38
yvyzThe only issue was reflecting the $PATH (which will be the users final PATH) into the /etc/environment. not only that, it was called at the wrong time.16:38
Shigo<Diablo-D3> erotic eggplant? is that the next ubuntu?16:38
yvyzTo fix the specific error and keep the ${PATH} assignment, he could have changed it to /usr/local/cude-9.0/bin:${PATH}16:39
teward!offtopic | Shigo16:39
ubottuShigo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:39
yvyzWithout the colon, the PATH construction was directly appending to /bin and referencing a directtory which does not exist16:39
JubeiEriC^ what you're looking at in https://termbin.com/58dk is the result of the echo command. It's not a system config file16:40
EriC^Jubei: where did this come from? ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}} it seems to have a coding error16:40
JubeiEriC^ I think somebody in #tensorflow told me to do it so that python3 can use tensorflow16:40
EriC^there's a ":" before it, and after the + another ":", so it would end up with ::stuff here16:40
EriC^instead of blabla:stuff16:41
JubeiEriC^ : I was wondering if that's a mistake as well16:41
EriC^it seems legit16:41
EriC^it means if the variable is set, use it16:41
JubeiEriC^ I see.16:41
redfoxthis is a test.don't reply.16:47
teward!test | redfox16:48
ubotturedfox: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3...16:48
tewardtesting is better off in other channels though16:48
redfox@teward I was stay here.see what you're saying.16:50
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EriC^hello running_man17:18
running_manHello! How are you? I never thought I would get a reply...17:18
EriC^i'm good thanks, yeah this is a support channel, if you ask a question people will reply back17:19
running_manoh I see, thanks for letting me know17:19
EriC^there's #ubuntu-offtopic for non-support stuff17:19
addajoneshey guys17:19
EriC^hey addajones17:19
EriC^running_man: no problem, is that the fortnite emote btw or just a coincidence?17:19
addajonescurrently running pre-alpha 19.04.... once the code freezes is there a command i can run in terminal that will stop it auto updating and just stay on that final build?17:19
EriC^running_man: i mean your nickname17:20
EriC^!ubuntu+1 | addajones17:21
ubottuaddajones: Disco Dingo is the codename for Ubuntu 19.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+117:21
EriC^addajones: no idea, but they might know in #ubuntu+117:21
addajonesah okay got it guys sorry17:21
EriC^no problem17:21
running_manHow does one whisper?17:29
EriC^running_man: /query <nick17:31
EriC^running_man: /query <nick>17:31
Bundestrojanerioria, OerHeks: 64bit Kubuntu acutally works on it, thx again for your help!17:35
Bundestrojaner(Medion itself wrote on their forums the Chipset would not be 64bit compatible...)17:35
hacker_manHow do I join ubuntu-offtopic?17:45
fleabeard/join #ubuntu-offtopic17:45
hacker_manHuh, I'17:46
hacker_mantried it but it's not working17:46
OerHekshacker_man, the error is clear, you need to register, no guests17:47
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qwebirc69795Hello I did install 18.04 server to my old home server box and man things have changed. I did select LVM and use of entire disk but how I can check that how much space I actually got available or does that volume extend automatically?18:43
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wilberttry df -h18:45
tomreynJohnRivera: it doesn't extend automatically. lvs shows your logical volumes.18:45
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tomreynpvs shows physical volumes (the storage the LVs actually reside on), vgs shows volume groups (just a way of grouping logical volumes).18:46
JohnRiveratomreyn: I thought so. How I do check that how large current Logical Volume is?18:46
tomreynyou will notice that you only have a fracture of your available storage in use currently.18:46
tomreynlvs tells you18:47
JohnRiveratomreyn: am I right that I can add more harddrives to my logical volumes later on to extend space available on my server?18:51
tomreynyou can extend space available to the VG this way, yes18:52
tomreynJohnRiverabut you can also just add more VGs if you prefer, or just partitiont he space and put file systems on those partitions the old way, or whatever you like to do18:53
tomreynLVM2 seems ot be new to you, it really isnt that new. and the other concepts of partition table, partitions, software raid continue to exist.18:53
tomreynwhat's new is really just the installer.18:54
tomreynzfs is rather new, btrfs is a bit new.18:54
JohnRiveratomreyn: yeah it is new for me, my project was pretty much frozen and almost forgotten for couple of years, so returning to it and seeing so many things changed is kinda surprising.18:55
tomreynbut ext4 is still kind of the default18:55
tomreynthe new server installer still has a few short comings so some people prefer the alternative server installer with its old but (mostly) working "debian-installer"18:57
JohnRiveratomreyn: where to get that?18:57
tomreynon the website, under server -> downloads18:57
tomreynJohnRivera: what will also be new to you is systemd, i guess. generally you should read the release notes.18:58
ubottuFor release notes of a given Ubuntu release, please refer to the 'Docs' column on the 'List of releases' table at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases18:58
JohnRiveratomreyn: Yeah I really should18:58
TheWildhow is the program (VNC/RDP client) called, if I had to run it from a command line19:07
TheWildpossibly - I still have this program. Thank you OerHeks.19:08
OerHekshave fun!19:08
slingamni have an issue where periodically X freezes completely, most likely due to a bug in the i915 driver19:14
slingamnhttps://gist.github.com/slingamn/caefd156b3a461e6c52ea30971b0478f dmesg output19:14
slingamnthis used to happen more often; i set `intel_iommu=igfx_off` on the kernel command line, which seems to mitigate somewhat, but it can still happen19:15
caldarella* Hi guys, I have a problem with conky 1.10.8 the problem is appear and disappear of text in the desktop (flickering)19:20
caldarella* this is my settings https://pastebin.com/cgfQWHH319:20
tomreynslingamn: the hang looks somewhat similar to the oops, and neither should be there.19:23
OerHekscaldarella, some manuals give a clue: double_buffer yes19:23
OerHekscaldarella, and more tweaks to fix stuff, old page, still valid https://saraithegeek.wordpress.com/2009/04/15/how-to-fix-conky-flickering-borders-and-drop-shadows/19:25
tomreynslingamn: is the system fully patched? (i notice the kernel is)19:25
tomreynslingamn: do you suspend / resume? does this also happen before suspend? do oyu have ACPI errors on boot?19:26
slingamni never suspend or resume (this is a desktop)19:26
slingamni don't see anything that looks like an ACPI error19:26
slingamni should mention, this gets triggered by specific applications, in particular image galleries in Eye of Gnome19:27
caldarellaOerHeks regarding double_buffer I had intentionally disabled it, because enabling it creates visualization problems19:27
slingamnthe traces suggest that i915's data structures are getting corrupted?19:27
tomreynslingamn: can you file a bug (ubuntu-bug linux) since i can't find a matching report.19:27
slingamnwill do19:27
tomreynslingamn: ubuntu-bug / launchpad will suggest possibly related bug reports while oyu file this one.19:28
OerHekscaldarella, oke, maybe it is the gpu driver, what is the output of >> lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use'19:30
OerHeksin a pastebin, please19:30
tomreynslingamn: and please consider posting the bug # here once you got it.19:30
slingamnwill do19:31
caldarellaOerHeks Kernel driver in use: radeon19:31
OerHekscaldarella, radeon, then i have no clue, for nvidia there were options in the settings..19:32
OerHeksvsync and such,19:32
beepbeep_guess what happened after rebooting my system for first time in three days this morning, tomreyn.. :(19:32
beepbeep_guess I'm forced to fix my issue now. :P19:33
tomreynbeepbeep_: hello. not sure, what happened?19:34
caldarellaOerHeks the problem I do not think is due to the video driver, I think it's due to a wrong configuration of the conky settings19:34
JohnRiveragot my probelm solved for now so I am out, might get back when my homebox is up and running properly19:34
beepbeep_tomreyn: one of the commands that I ran undid one of my boot options, making my system freeze after 5s of startup.19:34
beepbeep_tomreyn: I'm guessing it was the purge-all19:35
beepbeep_or maybe it was this one "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade".. can't remember if I ran that one though.19:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1815508 in linux (Ubuntu) "Xorg freezes due to kernel hung task in the i915 driver" [Undecided,New]19:36
tomreynslingamn: thanks, will have a look later.19:37
slingamnawesome, thanks19:37
tomreynslingamn: i mean, just out of interest - i doubt i will be able to add anything useful to it19:38
tomreynbeepbeep_: neither apt --purge autoremove nor apt update nor apt dist-upgrade should prevent the system from booting unless there is another serious issue.19:39
tomreynbeepbeep_: i'm looking at irc logs, trying to remember what the issue was exactly. if you can sum it up again this might make it easier (in case you were looking for guidance tonight)-19:40
beepbeep_tomreyn: I'm going to try a couple of things based on our previous conversation. I'll be back later and attempt to explain everything in case of failure.19:41
tomreyngood luck!19:42
tomreynslingamn: hmm this looks like you didn't use ubuntu-bug to file it. can you "apport-collect 1815508" on an affected system?19:44
barosnhow can i burn few debian ISO files in one iso?19:45
tomreyn(that's unless you didn't do it on purpose to not potentially exhibit serial numbers or the like)19:45
tomreynbarosn: on which ubuntu version?19:45
tomreyn!ubuntu+1 | barosn19:46
ubottubarosn: Disco Dingo is the codename for Ubuntu 19.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+119:46
ubottuDisco Dingo is the codename for Ubuntu 19.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+119:46
barosnyes disco19:47
slingamnwhat data is that going to collect exactly?19:47
leftyfbbarosn: If you are running Ubuntu 19.04(disco), then you need to go to #ubuntu+1 for support. We do not support unreleased versions of ubuntu here.19:47
barosn... do you know about previous versions though ?19:48
benjamin_wdoes touchbar MBP can handle linux well?19:48
leftyfbbarosn: go to #ubuntu+1 for support19:48
tomreynslingamn: example: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1813423/comments/119:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1813423 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Frequent system freezing with i915 error "*ERROR* Atomic update failure on pipe A"" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:49
=== SuperL4g is now known as SuperLag
swimllamaswimHey, so I'm trying to get my server up and going with Lubuntu, just a basic older supermicro board. I was able to get the installer booted with acpi=off but now that it's installed, it won't boot. The computer reboots shortly after selecting start lubuntu, regardless of if it's in recovery or not20:00
babou_tunthas the whole "Prime Display" nvidia driver issue been figured out yet, where you cant get the external monitor past 30hz?20:01
babou_tuntI haven't found anything on google20:01
beepbeep_tomreyn: I have failed to add a boot parameter to my kernel. I can boot into GNU GRUB. But all tutorials tell me that I need to highlight the kernel that I want to use and press the "e" key. I never get to highlight a kernel. When I press "esc" while booting, I boot straight into GRUB. Don't have the change to select anything.20:02
tomreynslingamn: looks like you got a reply already. i didn't see nouveau crashing on what you posted on the gist.20:02
slingamni'm not using any nvidia hardware, or nouveau20:03
tomreynbeepbeep_: what does "grub" look like? is a back background and a blinking cursor at a text prompt, like a shell? or is it a colorful menu where you can navigate up/down?20:03
beepbeep_black, cursor text prompt. When I tab, I get a list of available commands.20:04
tomreyn!ot | dipped1220:05
ubottudipped12: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:05
tomreynbeepbeep_: you'd get this when you hit escape even after the menu was drawn, can you reboot there again? or wait a few minutes and i'll try to remember how to load the menu from there20:05
ioriaswimllamaswim, try to remove acpi=off20:06
swimllamaswimioria, I added acpi=off to grub and it did actually boot20:06
beepbeep_tomreyn: makes sense, I was repeatedly hitting escape.20:06
ioriaswimllamaswim, ok20:06
swimllamaswimnow that it's installed, I mean. wouldn't boot either way without it20:07
tomreynbeepbeep_: is this an uefi or bios boot?20:07
ioriaswimllamaswim, does it boot now ?20:07
beepbeep_tomreyn: I don't know what "uefi boot" or "bios boot" means. How can I check?20:08
swimllamaswimIt does, obviously some things aren't quite right (dont think power management is working properly) but yeah20:08
beepbeep_tomreyn: I am dual booting windows. I'm on Windows right now.20:08
ioriaswimllamaswim, ok;   paste   cat /proc/cmdlineù20:08
ioriaswimllamaswim, ok;   paste   cat /proc/cmdline20:08
lordcirth_beepbeep_, ls /sys/firmware/efi20:10
swimllamaswimBOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.18.0-10-generic root=UUID=bb84f908-73ec-418a-a444-cc646445b9db ro quiet splash acpi=off20:10
lordcirth_beepbeep_, also for windows: https://itsfoss.com/check-uefi-or-bios/20:10
ioriaswimllamaswim, ok, first update the kernel and then try to reboot ; sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade; reboot20:11
beepbeep_lordcirth_: on windows, my bios mode is UEFI20:11
tomreynbeepbeep_: okay, so you boot using UEFI. then try booting into linux again, keep hitting escape again but try to stop doing so when the grub menu shows up20:12
beepbeep_tomreyn: okay, thx, I'll give it a go20:13
swimllamaswimUpdated everything, still rebooting without acpi=off20:18
ioriaswimllamaswim, have you rebooted ?20:19
ioriaswimllamaswim,  paste again   cat /proc/cmdline20:20
tomreynswimllamaswim: there is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1814555 but you shouldn't have it if you're fully patched.20:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1814555 in linux (Ubuntu Cosmic) "Ubuntu boot failure. 4.18.0-14 boot stalls. (does not boot)" [High,Fix released]20:20
swimllamaswimit's the same thing as last time except vmlinuz-4.18.0-1520:21
ioriacurrent for cosmic is
ioriaswimllamaswim, ok, try to shutdown20:22
ioriaswimllamaswim, and restart obviously20:23
tomreyncat /proc/version would tell whether it's 4.18.0-15 build #1620:23
ioriaswimllamaswim, the reason i'am asking is that acpi=off might stop a correct shutdown20:24
swimllamaswimAlrighty, I'll try again20:24
swimllamaswim 20:24
tomreynbabou_tunt: if this is a bug, then there should be a bug report about it, where you could subscribe to, potentially help testing + find a fix, and get notified as it's fixed.20:25
swimllamaswimseems to be hanging during shutdown20:26
ioriaswimllamaswim, how much ?20:26
swimllamaswimAs in not doing anything, I cant switch out of the x server, just stuck on the lubuntu shutdown screen with one of the dots illuminated20:27
ioriaswimllamaswim, but it works in 'reboot' ?20:28
swimllamaswimIt rebooted itself earlier after updating, seemed to work20:28
swimllamaswimI'll try rebooting it though20:28
ioriaswimllamaswim, if reboot works, i'd rather focus on 'shutdown'20:29
ioriaswimllamaswim,  from tewrminal   lxsession-logout ; sudo halt -p20:29
swimllamaswimOkay, give me just a minute to get it back up20:30
swimllamaswimIt's still just hanging as soon as I click shutdown20:36
demetrisi need to start a one time tftp server from inside a folder serving one file(*.img) at so i can recover my router20:37
ioriaswimllamaswim,  and the 2 cmds above ?20:37
demetrisany help appreciated20:37
swimllamaswimlxsession-logout just pulled up a menu with options to reboot, shut down, hibernate, etc20:38
demetrissorry tftp client20:39
demetrisNOT server20:39
swimllamaswimsudo halt -p just causes the same thing20:40
ioriaswimllamaswim,  try this   in /etc/default/grub   and after run sudo update-grub   GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="acpi_osi=! \"acpi_osi=Windows 2015\""20:42
tomreyndemetris: did you already choose a tfpt client then?20:42
demetrisi have no idea20:42
demetrisno i didnt20:42
demetrisfound tftpd32 but is windows20:43
tomreyndemetris: do you just need to transfer a file or do anything else?20:43
demetrispush a file to the uboot of my router looking at for a client with an image20:43
demetristomreyn: if i run this inside the folder that holds the image will it work?20:45
demetrisatftp --option "mode octet" --option "timeout  60" --verbose --trace -p -l code.bin
demetriscode.bin is the image20:46
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tomreyndemetris: i'm only a little into the tftp client, not into atftp. have you looked at the atftp man page? have you looked how others have done it with your very router model?20:48
demetrisnothing found20:48
demetrisso i will try this and see if it works20:48
demetriswill be offline for a while20:49
tomreyndemetris: you did not find the man page? which router is it?20:49
tomreynoh well20:49
OerHeksdo you have curl installed? curl --upload-file ./code.bin https://transfer.sh/code.bin20:49
simon_Ubuntu Mate on Raspi is nice c:20:49
OerHeksand you get some https://transfer.sh/<blablabla>/code.bin20:50
shadoxxAnyone know the "right" way of tweaking the ulimit for mariadb?20:50
shadoxxi could edit the systemd service file directly, but that doesn't see "right"20:51
ikoniashadoxx: what do you mean the right way20:51
shadoxxthe best practices way20:51
ikoniawhat's wrong with the current limit20:51
ikoniaare you using an interactive shell, or an environment20:52
shadoxxIt goes against the recommendations20:52
shadoxxfor most "performance tuning mysql" guides i've been reading20:52
ikoniawhat does ?20:52
ikoniawhat is "wrong" with the current limit20:52
shadoxxI'm 15+ year senior sysadmin. In the past I would've thrown it in /etc/security/limits.conf20:52
shadoxxbut systemd has changed some things20:52
ikoniaagain .....what is wrong with the current limit20:53
shadoxxI don't need a deep dive into my reasoning, I know this is what I want to do, just trying to figure out the best and accurate way of doing it20:53
ikoniawhen you're asking for best practices, understanding the context is key20:53
OerHeksjups, put a file in /etc/security/limits.d/ folder https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/457458/issue-on-updating-limits-conf-on-ubuntu-server-18-0420:53
shadoxxBut for this simple question, it's not tho20:53
ikoniaso asking for what is wrong with the current limit is a pretty reasonable question20:53
shadoxxOerHeks: thank you!20:53
ikoniashadoxx: it is, as you can set it many ways20:53
shadoxxikonia: the problem is that with systemd, i can edit the unit file directly, but that's going to get wiped on an update20:54
shadoxxat the least, it'll ask me every time, potentially20:54
ikoniashadoxx: again - no-one is saying to do that20:54
shadoxxthus why i'm asking for best practices.20:54
ikoniashadoxx: but it's important to understand context to give you correct advice20:55
ikoniashadoxx: right, and why I'm telling you the best practice depends on context20:55
shadoxxbut it's not tho.20:55
ikoniabut it is20:55
OerHekslinux finally get rid of populating config files directly, it is a convenience and security pleasure20:55
shadoxxok, give me a situation where editing the systemd unit would be "best practice" vs editing the security limits in /etc?20:55
ikoniashadoxx: there are more than just those ways20:56
ikoniaand limits may cause different problems, depending on context20:56
ikoniayou have an answer you're happy with, I suggest you follow it20:56
shadoxxikonia: not when it's a standalone database server. and literally those are the only two ways you should be editing the ulimit20:56
ikoniano it's not20:56
ikoniathere are multiple ways20:56
shadoxxok, school me then.20:56
ikoniabut you have an answer you like, so stick with it20:56
shadoxxikonia: pretned like i don't know anything. how would *you* go about doing it20:57
OerHeksi hope i gave no bad answer20:57
ikoniashadoxx: pretend that you've answered the questions I asked...no20:57
ikoniaOerHeks: nothing wrong with it if it meets the use case20:57
shadoxxOerHeks: nah, that's the way i was leaning anyway20:57
shadoxxikonia: it's a standalone database server, freshly minted.20:57
ikoniashadoxx: why are you telling me this ?20:58
shadoxxthe context is that it's replacing an existing server which is heavily loaded, and colocated with other services20:58
shadoxxikonia: you wanted context20:58
ikoniashadoxx: that's not the context20:58
ikoniashadoxx: I asked what the problems where with the current limits,20:58
ikoniashadoxx: you have an answer - use it20:58
ikoniaI'm not interested in begging for information20:58
shadoxxsounds like you don't know what you're talking about. simple questions require simple solutions. not a deep dive into my infrastructure20:59
ikoniashadoxx: pretty sure I do20:59
ikoniahence why I asked for the context to try to get you the best option20:59
ikoniaif it was black and white I'd just say dump it in the limits.d21:00
caldarella#stubby How can I make the Google DNS public key (tls_pubkey_pinset) automatically update?21:00
tomreyncaldarellahave your tried looking for a stubby channel? it's quite new software, personally i haven't worked with it, yet21:02
tomreyncaldarella: ^21:02
caldarellatomreyn in the official page https://github.com/getdnsapi/stubby I not found IRC channel21:04
shadoxxikonia: regardless of my wonderful attitude, i appreciate you trying to help21:04
ikoniashadoxx: no sweat for me21:05
esrosoo all my filesystems went RO21:06
esrohow do i untrash my rig... except getting rid of nvidia ?21:06
ikoniagetting rid of nvidia ?21:07
ikoniawhat has that got to do with your file systems ?21:07
esrowell i am blaming nvidia.21:07
ikoniawhy ?21:07
esroyou are offtopic21:07
esrofsck says filesystem is in use... while being ro21:08
ikoniawhat ?21:08
tomreyncaldarella: hmm right, apparently there's just a mailing list21:08
ikoniaesro: yeah, you can run fsck on an mounted file system21:08
esrono i cant.21:09
esrothat is the thing21:09
esroit broke for no reason21:09
tomreyncaldarella: maybe try #dns21:09
esroand i am blaming nvidia... because it was last update21:09
ikoniaesro: there will always be a reason21:09
esroyes, like why dont we just nuke the fuckers21:09
ikoniawhat makes you think it was/has anything to do with nvidia21:10
ikoniaesro: tone down the language please21:10
esroit was last update.21:10
esrosorry. i am not going tune down. i prefer to leave. bye.21:10
beepbeep_tomreyn: sooo .. totally fixed my stuff. I'm still on the mainline kernel though. Enough for one day.21:15
tgm4883cd ~/y21:15
beepbeep_tomreyn: so my problem was nouveau nvidea drivers.21:16
beepbeep_tomreyn: causing system freeze ~5s after startup.21:16
tomreynbeepbeep_: glad you got things into a working state again.21:16
tomreynbeepbeep_: did you file a bug there, yet?21:17
beepbeep_tomreyn: haha .. well .. now it's back to the original problem.21:17
beepbeep_tomreyn: not sure if I have to. Think it has already been filed. Let me link you some resources.21:17
tomreynonly launchpad.net counts, bonus points for bugzilla.kernel.org (or the relevant mailing lists)21:18
beepbeep_tomreyn: Here is a thread of people trying to fix ubuntu on Dell XPS. https://www.reddit.com/r/Dell/comments/9puckt/ubuntu_1810_on_dell_xps_15_9570/ . Heres the resource that ultimately helped me the most: http://www.palindrome.co.uk/p/blog-page_23.html21:19
tomreynsee above ;-)21:20
tomreynbeepbeep_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1797538 is mentioned on https://www.reddit.com/r/Dell/comments/9puckt/ubuntu_1810_on_dell_xps_15_9570/21:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1797538 in linux (Ubuntu) "watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 22s! [kworker/0:1:85]" [Medium,Confirmed]21:23
tomreyndo you see those messages on your log then?21:24
beepbeep_tomreyn: how can I check that?21:24
tomreynif the system doest freeze, run dmesg (from an ssh session if the graphical output fails and tty switching, too)21:25
tomreyn*doesn't freeze21:26
tomreynbeepbeep_: you can also "dmesg --follow" which will keep printing newly logged messages on screen21:28
tomreynbeepbeep_: "freezes does 5s after boot" mean that it freezes entirely, or can you still do things such as reboot with ctrl-alt-f3 followed by ctrl-alt-del ?21:29
tomreynif so, the ssh approach should help getting logs.21:30
lol2Hey guys, what's going on in here.. anything interesting?\21:38
beepbeep_tomreyn: a "freeze" means that I can't use mouse or keyboard. To clarify, my system doesnt freeze anymore right now.21:44
tomreynbeepbeep_: yes, but to report a bug you'd want to capture the error when it occurs.21:47
tomreynso you'd need to reproduce it, and then capture it somehow.21:47
beepbeep_so you're saying to remove the bootoptions and capture it somethow21:47
tomreyni guess so, if removing those boot options triggers it.  does removing those boot options also trigger it on this mainline kernel?21:48
beepbeep_tomreyn: ha .. haha! the tought gives me a little shiver.21:48
beepbeep_tomreyn, yes, removing the boot options will trigger it on this mainline kernel.21:48
tomreynif so, install the latest mainline kernel and boot into that, first witht he extra kernel options set, then without.21:49
tomreynhere's a script you can use to download and verify the latest mainline kernels https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tomreyn/scripts/master/wget_kernel_mainline.sh21:50
tomreyndon't try the RC (release candidate) ones but the latest stable, should be 4.20.something21:50
tomreyn4,20,7 exactly21:51
tomreynhi riiot23221:51
riiot232so what is this chat all about?21:51
beepbeep_tomreyn: okay, I'll do this next weekend. wasn't planning on spending time on this today. Kind of had to.. my system freezing and all .. :P21:52
tomreynriiot232: /topic21:52
riiot232how do I look at commads?21:53
tomreynbeepbeep_: yeah, this is a bit advanced, i admit21:53
beepbeep_tomreyn: I'm gonna grab a cup of tea, watch some tv. Thx for all the help, I'll ping you later when I find the courage next weekend to reproduce this problem.21:53
tomreynbeepbeep_: cool. maybe see you then21:53
riiot232see yaa beepbeep_21:54
Bashing-omriiot232: In terminal ' man <command> ' .21:54
riiot232so this is like terminal21:54
riiot232but with all the commands starting with /21:54
tomreyn!irc | riiot23221:55
ubotturiiot232: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see !alis - See also !Guidelines21:55
Bashing-omriiot232: Sorta .. the '/' depends on your client.21:55
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puxavidaI did an update today on 18.10 and got this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gZcmtFw5bB/22:07
puxavidaIt does the udevadm trigger stuff then quits at 80%.  I've never seen that before.  Is an OK process for an update?22:08
puxavidaI checked and the update did get installed.  Just looks odd the way it quit at 80%22:08
puxavidaThe update was for package libu2f-udev22:09
pragmaticenigmaprobably output wasn't updated prior to reach 100%... if you can confirm the new package is installed, I think that's all that is needed22:10
puxavidaok.  thanks22:10
pragmaticenigmaI don't now what that process was doing personally, one of the developer channels for ubuntu might be able to help or direct you22:10
Bashing-om!info libu2f-udev | puxavida22:11
ubottupuxavida: libu2f-udev (source: libu2f-host): Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) common files. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.4-1ubuntu0.1 (bionic), package size 3 kB, installed size 17 kB22:11
Bashing-om!info libu2f-udev cosmic | puxavida22:11
ubottupuxavida: libu2f-udev (source: libu2f-host): Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) common files. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.6-1ubuntu0.1 (cosmic), package size 5 kB, installed size 21 kB22:11
puxavidaI looked at dpkg.log and it looks like it installed ok.22:14
pragmaticenigmaswift110: Hello, is there an Ubuntu support question we can help answer for you?22:42
piyaXOhow to connect to an IRC site22:42
pragmaticenigmapiyaXO: This channel specializes in Ubuntu support related questions. If you would like to learn more about IRC, you can try asking in #freenode22:43
piyaXOrecently installed ubuntu ; unable to get audio from youtube22:45
piyaXOpragmaticenigma:tried to install vapi - by installing libva; but gmm doesnt instal22:46
pragmaticenigma!info vapi22:46
ubottuPackage vapi does not exist in bionic22:46
pragmaticenigmapiyaXO: I don't know what vapi is22:47
piyaXOgoal is not to install vapi however i need help in setting up audio driver for a recent installation of ubuntu on intel motherboard22:47
pragmaticenigmapiyaXO: Ubuntu doesn't require drivers like Microsoft Windows does. Everything you need should work without any intervention. If you recently installed Ubuntu, and had no audio, you should have come here first. Someone here would be more skilled at trying to help22:49
pragmaticenigmaSince I am unaware of what vapi is or what it means, I'm going to assume that you installed software from a site other than through Ubuntu's package management or software center. This channel only supports applications obtained through Ubuntu's software center or its package management applications22:50
piyaXOPragmaticenigma : Understood, Thanks. I just came to know about IRC just a while ago too. regarding vaapi  I just attempted tried google found the link  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/intel-vaapi-driver from github etc..22:51
piyaXOPragmaticenigma : could not find any from software center. Installed vlc player22:52
pragmaticenigma!info vaapi22:52
ubottuPackage vaapi does not exist in bionic22:52
pragmaticenigma!info intel-vaapi22:52
ubottuPackage intel-vaapi does not exist in bionic22:52
pragmaticenigma!info intel-vaapi-driver22:52
ubottuPackage intel-vaapi-driver does not exist in bionic22:52
OerHeksdid you install restricted extras?22:53
piyaXOPragmaticenigma: i dont have media for playing in vlc to check audio is working. I tried browser and opened youtube but cant hear anythin .Please advise on how to get the audio22:53
piyaXOno have not installed any restricted extras .22:54
pragmaticenigmapiyaXO: well for starters... vaapi is for the video driver, not audio22:54
piyaXOfor the add-ons there are some already installed. do i need to install all the addons.22:54
pragmaticenigmawhat web browser are you using piyaXO22:54
piyaXOyeah felt it might have audio too:-p22:55
OerHeks!info info ubuntu-restricted-extras22:55
ubottu'ubuntu-restricted-extras' is not a valid distribution: bionic, bionic-backports, bionic-proposed, cosmic, cosmic-backports, cosmic-proposed, disco, disco-backports, disco-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, xenial, xenial-backports, xenial-proposed22:55
OerHeks!info ubuntu-restricted-extras22:55
ubottuubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used media codecs and fonts for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 66 (bionic), package size 3 kB, installed size 14 kB22:55
OerHeks for the audio part, you would22:55
piyaXOvideo plays but cant hear anything22:55
OerHeksrestart your browser after install, i guess22:56
mobiusHave there been some outages of the ubuntu servers? I'm getting a lot of transient network errors like "E: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ ...404  Not Found [IP: 80]"22:57
OerHeksmobius, maybe there is a sync going on, wait a minute and update lists with apt update22:58
ber532kmobius: did you do apt update?22:58
mobiusber532k: yeah I did22:59
piyaXOPragmaticenigma  Installed sound application23:00
piyaXOPragmaticenigma  and changes the profile to HDMI23:01
jonfatinoHello I have booted to a ubuntu 16.04 livecd. I have a preseed kickstart file. I want to launch the ubiquity installer (debian installer) and just pass the preseed kickstart file and have it install. How do I do this? I have read 50 docs online and I want to do this in a livecd rather than pass it as a kernel/boot paramater.23:02
mozambiqueis there a diference between ubuntu and mint23:09
mozambiqueor diferent flavours23:09
mozambiquea channel for cha23:10
Bashing-ommozambique: Short answer - yes there are many difference.23:10
Bashing-om!mint | mozambique23:10
ubottumozambique: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)23:10
ber532kthe main version of mint is based on unbuntu, but is not an official part (just some guys who copied ubuntu things and added their own changes)23:10
mozambiqueI cant put irc.spotchat.org in xchat???23:11
jeremy31xchat is no longer supported23:12
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mozambiqueis hexchat23:13
Bashing-om!hexchat | mozambique23:13
jeremy31hexchat is based on xchat but still is supported23:14
mozambiqueI will sudo it23:14
jeremy31The spotchat IRC should be in the hexchat server list23:14
mozambiquejeremy do we know23:15
mozambiquelooks like I saw you23:15
OerHeksjeremy31, unlikely that ever happens23:15
OerHeks( connected to the main #freenode server that is)23:15
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OerHeksmozambique, you need to setup a new connection23:16
jeremy31mozambique: click on ircs://irc.spotchat.org23:17
mozambiqueok I have to fo23:18
mozambiqueok I have to go23:19
mozambiquesorry about that23:19
OerHeksmozambique, have fun!23:19
jeremy31Only one reason to want to be on spotchat IRC23:21
Linuxuserjeremy31 what's spotchat?23:31
fleabeardis the only way to install thunderbird in ubuntu is by using the snap package? It's all that shows up when I search for 'thunderbird' in software manager23:31
fleabeardLinuxuser, spotchat is another irc network23:31
jeremy31fleabeard: Thunderbird should be installed by default23:32
LinuxuserOhh okay, got it thanks.23:32
fleabeardjeremy31, sorry, should have mentioned I installed ubuntu-budgie minimalist23:32
fleabeardgot myself a rather limited netbook :(23:32
jeremy31The only active channels on spotchat IRC are linux mint23:33
fleabeardand if you want linux mint support, might I suggest their forum over their irc channel. That channel is off the charts toxic.23:34
Bashing-omfleabeard: There are lighter mail clients than thunderbird :)23:34
fleabeardBashing-om, oh I'm sure hehe, I'm still very new to linux and thunderbird is often touted around as being the best23:34
fleabeardat any rate, the snap thunderbird offered doesn't seem to play any notification sounds when new mail arrives. Even when I set a specific file for it to use. I get nothing :(23:36
Bashing-om!info thunderbird | fleabeard23:37
ubottufleabeard: thunderbird (source: thunderbird): Email, RSS and newsgroup client with integrated spam filter. In component main, is optional. Version 1:60.4.0+build2-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 (bionic), package size 42505 kB, installed size 167225 kB23:37
Bashing-om!info sylpheed | fleabeard23:38
ubottufleabeard: sylpheed (source: sylpheed): Light weight e-mail client with GTK+. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5.1-1ubuntu3 (bionic), package size 769 kB, installed size 2330 kB23:38
fleabeardI'll give that a shot Bashing-om thanks!23:39
Bashing-omfleabeard: I have run both .. and for my use case ... sylpheed suits .( core install too )23:40
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riiot232man help23:50
fleabeard!help riiot23223:51
Bashing-omriiot232: ' man man '23:51
riiot232no I was trying to do a command23:51
* riiot232 hello23:53
pjsI run 18.04, currently on kernel 4.15.0-43-generic, is there an issue with grabbing a mainline kernel from kernel.ubuntu.com and installing it? Should be fine right?23:53
ryu0pjs: those kernels aren't signed, so if you use secure boot, the system won't boot again.23:54
pjsryu0: that's a bios setting?23:54
ryu0pjs: yes, but only relevant if you're using UEFI.23:54
pjsryu0: I am 99% sure I have secure boot disabled23:55
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ryuopjs: well, you asked about possible issues.23:55
pjsryuo: yea, thank you! I will verify before doing it23:55
Bashing-om!ask | riiot23223:57
ubotturiiot232: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:57
riiot232Client: HexChat 2.14.1 • OS: Ubuntu "bionic" 18.04 • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4510U CPU @ 2.00GHz (1.72GHz) • Memory: Physical: 7.5 GiB Total (2.5 GiB Free) Swap: 9.7 GiB Total (7.8 GiB Free) • Storage: 82.6 GB / 381.5 GB (298.9 GB Free) • VGA: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controller @ Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT DRAM Controller • Uptime: 2w 0d 3h 57m 1s23:57
riiot232I am trying commands so that is why I am doing this of not making a complete sentence I try something then I test something else23:59
OerHeksriiot232, please do not test here, there is #test for that, thanks23:59
Bashing-om!test | riiot23223:59
ubotturiiot232: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3...23:59

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