
=== rypervenche_ is now known as rypervenche
=== Seveas_ is now known as Seveas
lordievaderGood morning07:15
=== andol_ is now known as andol
talxmorning folks09:05
talxI'm having issues with preseeding installation. during the installation I get to the part of the keyboard layout which is english us I see its marked but it won't click on continue09:06
talxI'm working on it two days and anything that I found in google won't help09:07
qman__talx: you have to specify some of the options on the kernel boot line, as they happen before it loads the preseed file12:23
qman__talx: this is a boot line from my debian preseed, I haven't completed the ubuntu one yet, but should be very similar12:24
qman__talx: append priority=critical initrd=boot/debian/amd64/initrd.gz preseed/url= preseed/url/checksum=9db8c17c90f3bd1cf24b66732c8ccc08 locale=en_US keymap=us netcfg/choose_interface=auto hw-detect/load_firmware=true12:24
talxappend root=/dev/nfs priority=critical debian-installer/locale=en_US keybaord-configuration/layoutcode=us ubiquity/reboot=true languagechooser/language-name=English countrychooser/shortlist=US localechooser/supported-locales=en_US.UTF-8 boot=casper netboot=nfs nfsroot= initrd=test/initrd url= splash quiet auto=true12:29
talxnouveau.modeset=0 automatic-ubiquity noprompt noshell ---12:29
talxthis is mine heh12:29
talxwhat would you change12:30
talxbecause I have no idea whats failing me12:31
qman__well, I don't know all the options off hand but it looks like you have all the keymaps and such specified12:32
qman__I do notice you don't have a preseed file, though12:32
talxwell I don't have kymap=us12:32
talxwhat is a preseed file12:32
talxisn't it the ks_tal.cfg12:32
talxwith all the d-i configurations ?12:33
qman__oh, yeah12:33
qman__yours is just url, mine is preseed/url12:33
qman__you also don't have a checksum12:33
qman__mine didn't work without one12:33
qman__but I only tested debian, not ubuntu12:34
talxcan you share you preseed-server.txt?12:35
qman__talx: http://paste.debian.net/1067318/12:40
=== dlloyd_ is now known as dlloyd
technoobHi guys15:59
technoobCan i ask something15:59
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:00
lotuspsychjedid you fix your nuc server technoob ?16:00
technoobI want to make my nuc5cpyh play music16:01
technooblotuspsychje nope not yet16:01
technoobBut i was able to ssh in my nuc and install all the things i want16:02
technoobOn the main terminal where my nuc is i was able to login when i press a bunch of keys16:02
technoobIt then asked me to login16:03
technoobNot sure if thats the right way though16:03
lotuspsychjeshare some details to the channel, volunteers might think along with you16:04
technoobI see16:04
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.16:05
technoobIts fine16:05
technoobIll just put that issue aside for now16:05
technoobSince i can still run and access my apps fine16:05
technoobIs there a way to play music on my nuc using ssh16:06
technoobOr do i need to do it on the nuc itself?16:06
mike802hey, i just implemented ssl on my apache2 server and i'm running into some warnings with the latest dist-upgrade......16:15
mike802wondering if anyone else has seen this16:15
tewardmike802: the warnings themselves need to be shared for proper assistnace to be given.16:16
mike802cryptsetup: WARNING: The initramfs image may not contain cryptsetup binaries16:16
mike802    nor crypto modules16:16
lordcirth_mike802, do you use an encrypted filesystem? If not, it's not a problem16:16
mike802alright, thank you16:16
technoobGuys how do you play music on the server16:22
tomreynyou can use "aplay" to play back music files from a terminal16:28
tomreynor paplay16:29
geniiYou can also use ffmpeg/ffplay and then connect to it with a web browser16:32
technoobtomreyn will it play on the nuc itself?16:37
technoobI intend to use ssh16:37
technoobgenii connect witha browser?16:38
technoobWhat if i want to play it on my nuc itself16:38
tomreyntechnoob: where else would you want the audio to play back?16:38
technoobOn the machine itself16:39
tomreyntechnoob: well it will.16:39
technoobOk ill try it out16:39
tomreynthis is not really a server question, though16:39
technoobWhere is this kind of question usually brougt up16:40
lotuspsychjehe's running server on his nuc16:40
lotuspsychjehe probably wanted to know where to play music, locally or..16:40
tomreyni see well if you run ubuntu server then it's probably fine here16:41
lotuspsychjetechnoob: thats why i asked you good details at your first question mate, so volunteers can understand what it is you really need/want16:42
technoobWill ask with more detail next time16:44
technoobThanks lotua16:44
mybalzitchanyone know when the docker snap is getting updated to address that latest vuln?16:49
tewardmybalzitch: ask Docker.16:52
tewardbecause the snaps are typically independent of Ubuntu's packages getting patched16:52
teward(at the snapper or upstream's leisure)16:52
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