
sparrI'm experiencing a kernel bug(?) causing cpu cores to soft lock one at a time. I can't open new web browser tabs right now, but I can run w3m. I'd like to possibly collect any useful info about the bug, and also figure out how to install a newer kernel than 4.1900:06
tomreynubuntu-bug linux helps you collect logs and post a bug report00:19
sparrI managed to upgrade to a mainline kernel. If the problem doesn't recur then I doubt I'll need to submit a bug. if it does, I'll go back to the latest supported kernel and report it.00:34
tomreynreporting a bug using the standard kernel could ensure it gets fixed, others benefit from the fix, have a better out of the box experience than you.00:44
tomreynbut it's a matter of how much you believe in communities helping each other.00:44
sparrif it's already fixed in the new kernel, would my report make a differnce in whether or not the fix is backported?00:47
hggdhsparr: yes. It will all depend on which kernel version added the bug, and which one corrected it00:50
sparrat the very least I'll test with whatever kernel ships with disco00:52
Bashing-om!info linux-image-generic disco | sparr 00:53
ubottusparr: linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (disco), package size 2 kB, installed size 15 kB00:53
sparryeah, that's the one I was experiencing the bug on earlier, I think00:55
sparrdefinitely 4.19.0-12, not sure about the .13?00:56
sparr"systemd[1]: unattended-upgrades.service: Succeeded." <-- would this explain why my machine just spontaneously rebooted?04:36
sparrhopefully unrelatedly... something I've done today has led to powertop being terminated by "SIGSEGV (Address boundary error)" almost immediately after starting, before it displays any results. I don't even know how to troubleshoot that.05:02
sparrI got powertop to give me a core dump, but unfortunately it's compiled without debugging symbols07:57
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
tomreynsparr: there is powertop-dbg18:52
sparrI compiled with debugging symbols myself, collected some data, am now out of ideas / gdb-fu18:53
sparrbut it's on a mainline kernel, so I'm seeking help elsewhere18:54

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