[03:56] https://youtu.be/3aADeK-bSMU [04:20] FYI - new container breaking exploit incoming. Impacts Docker, LXC, etc [06:09] Bess was added by: Bess [06:10] Hi bess [06:15] @KMyers, Totally McD Donuts [13:39] Thanks for the heads up @KMyers. Any docs out yet? [16:19] @KMyers found you a new screen [16:55] https://thehackernews.com/2019/02/snapd-linux-privilege-escalation.html [16:56] Ha! [16:56] @govatent - https://seclists.org/oss-sec/2019/q1/119 [16:56] Does anyone like snap packages? They are just statically linked apps right? [16:56] Thanks Keith [16:56] I haven't tried snaps yet [16:56] I'm old fashioned [16:56] Get off my lawn [16:57] @Luke Van Dervoort, It is the new preferred way to do things but I too dont like them. I am also old fashioned - then again I like to build things from source when I have times. [16:59] I have a number of applications installed as snaps. I don't really care if something is a snap, and apt package or whatever. As long as I can run the software I need. [17:12] @RazPi, Can you fit that in carry on? [17:12] I would like it as a souvenir if you dont mind [17:13] XD I would if I could [17:21] @govatent [17:50] @govatent I may be running Coreboot on my Galago Pro. [17:52] Nice! [17:52] I can't wait to see it [17:52] Working pretty well so far. Still a few bugs here and there. [17:52] @KMyers not bad price. Gas here has been around 1.80 [20:17] @govatent, It is.. it was marked $2.09 a gallon at the pump [20:36] Hey. Anyone in this group host a D and D session? [20:37] @Luke Van Dervoort, Not that I know of. I know @RazPi is trying to get into Table Top games - specifically Battle Tech [20:38] Huh dont know that one [21:27] I have been wanting to play some D&D and WoD particular the Vampire the Masqurade part of WoD [21:30] 5 ha, I used to play vampire when it was a card game [21:32] I think ot started as a tabletop game in 1991 [21:33] I do still olay Vampire the Masqurade Bloodlines. It works pretty well under Wine if you use the shell script that comes with the Unofficial patch [22:52] I never played the video game. I had like 300 cards ... good time [23:17] Polygon: The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening remake coming to Nintendo Switch. … https://www.polygon.com/2019/2/13/18224033/legend-of-zelda-links-awakening-nintendo-switch-release-date-trailer-video-watch [23:18] Now that is worth it [23:20] Dammit Siva, you beat me to it [23:43] I have to work from home on Monday. I hope ten megs up is enough