
wojakanyone on?01:42
wojakevery time i close my laptop and open it again, the screen just goes black after i log in01:43
wojakthe lock screen is fine, just after i log in01:43
wojaksometimes it opens wherever i left off after a couple minutes, but most of the time i end up having to restart the computer01:43
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
=== nine_ is now known as nine_pt
nine_pta mistake was made and I remove /usr/lib/ after some tweaking my pc start but xubuntu do not show my login screen and do not let me access to any other workspace (ctr-alt-f1..f6). Any method to disable xubuntu startx and go to console mode?06:59
diogenes_nine_pt, with live session07:02
nine_pta live cd?07:04
diogenes_yes or usb07:04
diogenes_you can copy /usr/lib directly from usb live to your hdd root partition07:06
nine_ptI did that, and after run a script https://askubuntu.com/questions/272729/accidently-deleted-usr-lib-how-do-i-restore-it but xfce don't show login screen and don't allow to change workspace07:07
diogenes_nine_pt, then you boot from live session usb/dvd and modify the Exec=startxfce4 to Exec=xterm in /usr/share/xsessions/xfce.desktop or /usr/share/xsessions/xubuntu.desktop07:16
diogenes_or both07:16
nine_ptdiogenes_: thanks, I will try that in a minute, my home partition is encrypted, I am trying to mount it and do a backup, if in case I can't start xfce I will clena and install again07:19
nine_ptdidn't work ... I replaced on both files and the screen gets black, it appears the mouse cursor and get black ... ang kepts this way forever. I am not able to reach to menu to do a login ...07:24
nine_ptany way to change xubuntu to start on text console instead  the graphic user login?07:32
elwoozyou can temporarily switch from desktop GUI to a virtual console by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1 to F607:43
elwoozBoot into Command-line Permanently: http://ask.xmodulo.com/boot-into-command-line-ubuntu-debian.html07:44
nine_ptchanged the runlevel to 3 and I was able to  boot. When executing statxfce4 it fails with parse_vt_settings: Cannot open /dev/tty0 (Permission denied)07:50
nine_ptdiogenes_: parse_vt_settings: Cannot open /dev/tty0 (Permission denied) have any meaning to you? I am not able to startxfce4 with my user but it works with root08:45
diogenes_nine_pt, try to create a new user or simply move all the .files in your /home dir to another place08:46
diogenes_.files and .folders and re-log or reboot08:47
nine_ptmy folder is encrypted and I need it that way ...08:48
=== jmcgnh_ is now known as jmcgnh
Andrei76have a nice day wherever you are12:12
MNDudekDiogenes_, I plugged in an Ext4 thumbdrive, and it copies fine, a bit slower (that may be due to the drive itself), but it was a constant flow of data, no pauses. Thanks for your time and your help, I'll continue to experiement.12:43
=== cmcmanis is now known as chuckm
nine_ptmy older isn't able to pass from lightdm login, enter authentication screen gests black and back to lightdm, but a new user (create a new one) can. Any tip on how to check what is causing the problem?19:48
diogenes_nine_pt, try remove .Xauthority19:50
nine_ptdiogenes_: ok ... one more logout login ...19:52
diogenes_and .ICEauthority19:53
nine_ptdiogenes_: more ideas?19:59
nine_ptdidn't work ...20:00
diogenes_rename .config20:00
nine_ptdiogenes_: all .config ?20:00
diogenes_yes .config.bak20:01
nine_ptgive me a sec20:01
nine_ptcontinue to fail ...20:02
diogenes_then continue renaming .folders to .folder.bak and re-log20:02
diogenes_that's a long trial and fail path20:03
diogenes_start with .cache20:03
nine_ptbahh ....20:04
nine_ptok, so after looing into .xsession-erros, should have done this some time ago ... file .ICEauthority was with was with root permissions20:09
nine_ptdiogenes_: thanks for the time and patient20:09
diogenes_nine_pt, you're welcome.20:10
xubuntu26whi can i install the google chrome browser on xubuntu20:28
diogenes_of course20:28
well_laid_lawn!info chromium20:37
ubottuPackage chromium does not exist in bionic20:37
xubuntu26whi can i install the google chrome browser on xubuntu20:43
xubuntu26wsorry I need the instructions - specific20:43
xubuntu26wthanks for your time20:43
diogenes_xubuntu26w, download this: https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/desktop/index.html20:45
xubuntu26wyou cant download, you have to use the terminal20:45
diogenes_rather this: https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb20:45
diogenes_if you want to use in terminal then run: wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb20:46
xubuntu26wok, thank you!20:47
diogenes_after it's downloaded run: sudo apt install google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb20:47
diogenes_and there you have it20:47
diogenes_or: sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb20:48

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