
Mirvcould someone approve my application to https://launchpad.net/~sso-2f-testers ? I have a case of "haunting" 2FA (snap login, live patching) but no access to 2FA controls since I left Canonical, but actually if there's a way to get real 2FA access back that would probably solve my problem07:02
wgrantMirv: Yeah, weird things can happen if you have 2FA enabled but aren't actually meant to be allowed to use it any more.07:04
wgrantMirv: I'll add you as long as you promise to have a backup device07:04
Mirvwgrant: I promise07:20
wgrantMirv: Done07:22
Mirvwgrant: thanks! I was able to login with my yubikey, now I can finally remove the obsolete 2FAs and add fresh ones.07:22
acheronuk!x86 network builders (and autotest infra) have slight movement, but still don't look healthy. any news?08:24
ubot5acheronuk: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:24
wgrantacheronuk: ! starts an ubotu command08:30
wgrantWe're slowly bringing bos02 back08:30
wgrantAfter some pretty nasty switch bugs this morning08:31
acheronukah, thanks :)08:31
jarnos"A new OAuth token consumer was enabled in Launchpad."14:51
tomreynhi, I got timeouts whole posting a comment at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual-tests/+bug/1798992 : "Timeout error, please try again in a few minutes." - It does last for a few minutes now.16:37
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1798992 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Fresh desktop installation has packages pending autoremoval, pending updates" [Undecided,New]16:37
directhexis launchpad poorly? i'm showing PPA builds which started a while ago, and failed with no buildlog - https://launchpad.net/~directhex/+archive/ubuntu/mock-dnf/+build/16390059 https://launchpad.net/~directhex/+archive/ubuntu/mock-dnf/+build/1639006319:24
directhexit cleared up after ~20 minutes19:46
marlincIs there way to get notified when a new release comes out for a source package? I'd like to start the build of a nginx module when a new version gets released21:37
marlincMaybe using some kind of webhook/api in Launchpad21:38
marlincI'm currently trying curl "https://api.launchpad.net/beta/ubuntu/+archive/nginx?ws.op=getPublishedSources" but its giving a 40422:13
wgrantmarlinc: https://api.launchpad.net/devel/ubuntu/+archive/primary?ws.op=getPublishedSources&source_name=nginx&exact_match=true&order_by_date=true may be of interest. You can also use the distro_series parameter. See the documentation for getPublishedSources on https://api.launchpad.net/devel.html#archive23:01

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