
talxhey guys08:37
talxif I want to configure ubuntu 18.04 installtion via pxe is it the same as 16.04 ?08:37
CarlFKtalx: same process, some different options08:55
CarlFKand I'm assuming you mean preseed.  pxe is like another boot media08:57
talxso yea09:01
talxI'm talking about same definitions in the default file09:02
talxI find many guides for 16.04 but not really something that actually says 18.04(bionic)09:02
talxI guess I'm just gonna follow the errors09:03
talxby the way - d-i finish-install/reboot_in_progress note09:03
talxdoesn't do the trick for me, I still get a dialog at the end asking me for reboot09:03
talxwondering if I should put in post-installation script (init 6) or something09:04
CarlFKhere is mine, I have that line, I don't get that message: https://salsa.debian.org/debconf-video-team/ansible/blob/master/roles/tftp-server/files/d-i/xenial/preseed.cfg09:46
CarlFKd-i finish-install/reboot_in_progress note stop09:47
CarlFK"stop" is different.  no idea where that came from.09:47
talxCarlFK : ttps://salsa.debian.org/debconf-video-team/ansible/blob/master/roles/tftp-server/files/d-i/xenial/preseed.cfg09:51
talxis this for bionic ?09:51
* talx reboots09:54
CarlFKhmm, no.  but I have the same thing here09:54
talxstill here mate ?11:36
CarlFKtalx: did a bionic, it rebooted, no prompt16:41
CarlFKhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes#Get_Ubuntu_18.04.2_LTS   dl links are 404 - I hear there was a delay, but that was like a week ago.  did someone forget something?22:50
mwhudsonCarlFK: things are happening right now22:52
CarlFKmwhudson: thanks.  I was just making sure.  like a short lived bug report ;)22:53

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