
=== thumper is now known as thumper-afk
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=== away is now known as thumper-afk
didrocksgood morning06:55
=== thumper-afk is now known as thumper
seb128good morning desktopers08:39
didrockssalut seb12808:43
seb128lut didrocks, en forme ?08:44
didrocksseb128: je suis en train de tomber enrhumé08:44
didrockset toi ?08:44
seb128moi ça fait 2-3 jours le rhume08:44
seb128j'espère que ça sera passé d'ici dimanche08:44
seb128(et que ton virus c'est le même ou que je vais pas le chopper :p)08:44
seb128en fait pas trop aujourd'hui, repose toi08:45
didrocksouais, bonne idée08:48
seb128hey Wimpress Laney, how is u.k today?09:05
Laneyhey seb12809:09
Laneylooking GREAT, blue skies all the way09:09
seb128same here!09:09
didrockshey Wimpress, Laney09:09
Laneyhey there didrocks09:15
Laneyhope you have a blue sky too09:16
Wimpressseb128: It grey today. Looking forward to Malta :-)09:24
seb128weather in malta looks nie, 16°C sunny09:24
Laneyadd another 10 to that and I'll be happy09:24
seb128sad Laney it is09:26
seb128sorry :(09:26
* didrocks wouldn't complaing with 16°C09:31
didrocksespecially, not really getting cold at night09:32
Laneysorry, I have a consitutional obligation to complain about any weather09:33
LaneyEverybody gets a stack of forms at birth, and they have to be filled in at least once a day09:34
andyrockit's 10°C in London today \o/10:30
andyrocklooks like spring10:30
seb128hey andyrock, nice :)10:33
seb128it's nice & sunny here too10:33
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Laneyfixed the udisks2 test I think11:48
Laneylike all good fixes it's one line11:48
Laneyhey andyrock11:48
seb128Laney, wooooot, well done12:21
seb128Laney, btw did you figure out if your bluetooth sound device not listed was a g-c-c bug or other?12:22
seb128tjaalton, bug #1816004 might be something for you?12:27
ubot5bug 1816004 in libglvnd (Ubuntu) "GLVND: AARCH64 : Fix address passed to clear cache " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181600412:27
tjaaltonseb128: yes12:33
seb128tjaalton, well, I crossed it while looking at daily reports and wanted to mention so that's done :) it's probably not that important since it's arm64 only12:33
Laneyseb128: yeah it's buggy, dunno exactly how12:33
tjaaltonseb128: there's another update waiting in -proposed, this will wait until it's in updates12:35
seb128tjaalton, yeah, as said I don't think it's important, I just wanted to mention it12:35
jbichaseb128: new webkit doesn't build on armhf https://buildd.debian.org/status/package.php?p=webkit2gtk&suite=experimental12:35
seb128jbicha, is upstream looking at that?12:36
jbichaI can ask berto…12:37
mitya57Trevinho: hi again, can you review 4 more my compiz MPs? I want to make a new release tomorrow, but want your approval first.13:30
seb128jbicha, btw component-mismatch still list libnotify as wanted to pull n-d to main14:10
kenvandinejbicha: i just released gedit from the gnome-3-30 branch automated build to stable15:14
seb128andyrock, did you see my comment on https://code.launchpad.net/~azzar1/update-notifier/livepatch-notification-button/+merge/362478 ?15:32
andyrockyup one sec15:33
seb128andyrock, so clicking on the notification bg is supposed to do the same as clicking on the button?15:44
jbichaseb128: yes I saw the component-mismatch so I tried something else :)15:44
jbichathese alternate dependencies are annoying15:44
jbichahttps://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu/commit/?id=2f639d44 is what I tried this time15:47
jbichaoh I wonder if s390x might be part of the trouble…15:47
jbichaI wasn't thinking about that 😢15:48
jbicha* ubuntu-session [!s390x]15:49
jbichaI guess we could have libnotify4 recommend gnome-shell [!s390x] | notification-daemon [!s390x]   it's a bit ugly but maybe it's the right thing…15:51
jbichawe'd have to do that for the other n-d rdepends in main too: update-notifer and network-manager-gnome15:53
jbichakenvandine: thanks, it's a nice upgrade :)16:13
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mitya57Trevinho: thanks a lot :)17:31
Trevinhomitya57: np17:31
seb128k, enough work for today17:31
seb128enjoy your w.e desktopers, safe travel for those flying on sunday17:32
jbichaseb128: maybe no desktop IRC meeting next week?17:32
seb128probably not17:33
Trevinhomitya57: can you also include https://code.launchpad.net/~azzar1/unity/+git/unity/+merge/363124 in the landing please?17:46
Trevinhoso we can start the SRU process17:46
kenvandineanyone here running disco + wayland that can test something for me?18:29

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