[03:01] can i post https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2019-February/000238.html on fridge? [03:03] Yes, please! [03:29] http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2019/02/15/ubuntu-18-04-2-lts-released/ (headings are bold only; couldn't achieve your larger font (18.04.1) krytarik - i think how pasted it forced what I got..) [03:33] guiverc: I used "


" there. [03:35] http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2018/10/18/ubuntu-18-10-cosmic-cuttlefish-released/ - but it's an improvement over this one already. >_> [03:36] i considered an 'edit' yours (to peek at what was done then cancel), do you want/need me to change? better good enough :) [03:38] is it worth publising on weekly newsletter social media? (I usually don't) [03:40] http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2018/08/02/ubuntu-16-04-5-lts-released/ - here you simply did bold too, which is generally fine enough for me - the headers I did look rather ginormous in the context. :P Also, the 18.10 post doesn't have the text autowrap unlike all the others. [03:42] Yeah, as I said earlier, I'm generally in favor of doing social media on non-UWN posts too - if someone is willing to make the effort. [03:45] And here I simply looked at the source code of the produced post of mine btw. :P [03:46] i can't be relied on to remember things (brain injury), if you told me I forgot sorry (at least now; some days I'm better than others..). ... I'll settle for posting on social.media today [03:46] I wonder though if I put the tags there manually or if the editor has buttons for them. [03:48] Well, not sure anymore if you were around when I talked about it then, so.. :) [03:48] i looked for ways to do it via buttons (I don't remember tags) & didn't see way.. it had bold so I settled for that.. (spending most of time removing \n\w\w etc. i suspec you manually added them [03:49] In which mode do you paste text like this there then? Visual or text? Should be the latter. [03:52] it's got a new interface; it wants 'block' mode.. and it ended up stuck in performatted-block (heading changed all lines) .. switching to view source (in word press, not browser) lost \n (becoming
that was too busy for me to not get lost...) i'll try again next release/EOL [03:54] Yeah, I still have yet to see its new interface. [04:00] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: The Fridge: Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS released @ http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2019/02/15/ubuntu-18-04-2-lts-released/ [04:05] guiverc: So now, instead of having the text separated into paragraphs using the '

' tag, it's all in one separated by two '
' tags. >_> [04:06] Which seems to be what makes the space between the paragraphs quite a bit larger. [04:06] i removed quite a lot of \n's .... anyway tweet, g+ & even fb 18.04.2 done [04:08] Cool, thanks for all of it! [04:09] "Don't look at the source code!" :D [04:22] FYI: that 18.10 (rude-word-redacted) you pasted has been cleaned up a little [04:34] guiverc: Oh thanks! I thought of it too, but didn't dare to suggest it. >_> [04:36] LOL - you achieved the same thing by letting me see it :) it was an abonimation (spel?) [04:40] Could you normalize the space around the headers there someway at least still though? [04:43] https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/abomination - and you were close enough there! [05:16] normalize spacing; i added double lines before bold(headings) as single line looked bad... adding
didn't really help, I've switched tags to

but spacing is not better... (hopefully less noticable maybe) [05:17] I mean some headers have less space around them than usual. [05:38] I don't see it sorry krytarik [05:41] guiverc: There is less space below of "About Ubuntu" and "More Information" than below the other headers. [06:04] sorry I still don't see it... I'd never be employed for anything related to aesthetics/good-taste .. it complains now about 'invalid content' (last attempt was with tags in html) so I'd prefer to leave it now & not risk loosing anything (the 18.10 post had errors where I'd made errors with mouse; i've reduced dexterity with hands & make errors) [06:08] "

More Information

" vs "

Help Shape Ubuntu

" [06:14] something is wrong ... was replaced with

awhile back.. [06:15] if i enter edit, search finds no strings (in html) [06:17] Probably because it's '' there. That wasn't the point though, but rather the double '
' or not. [06:29] ...Actually, I think it's '' in the editor too - so it would seem you are working on another post than the 18.10 one. >_> [06:29] krytarik, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DHBGf4p8rw/ -- still don't see it. (my pain level is higher, so my attention for detail is reduced) [06:30] yes - I'm on 18.04.2 [06:30] ..Hehe, yep! :P [06:33] I'll have a look at 18.10 in a little while, thanks krytarik .. [07:05] LOL @ huge space gaps [in 18.10] which I couldn't see [when looking at 18.04.2] ... changed to <3> & extra

lines all removed (added missing first, gap was too big with h3 so remove all) -- 18.10 [07:11] Ok, both look much better now, thanks! Just could you remove the extra '

' tags still at the bottom of each post, above and below the attribution line? [07:25] done [09:08] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Fridge:: Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS released @ http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2019/02/15/ubuntu-18-04-2-lts-released/ (by guiverc) [09:09] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS Released, Available to Download Now @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=138146 (by Joey Sneddon) [11:15] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Daniel Pocock: SFK, OSCAL and Toastmasters expanding into Kosovo @ https://danielpocock.com/sfk-oscal-toastmasters-expanding-into-kosovo [13:20] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Why Create a Snap App? This Video Explains All… @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=138515 (by Joey Sneddon) [19:28] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Full Circle Magazine: Full Circle Weekly News #121 @ https://fullcirclemagazine.org/podcast/full-circle-weekly-news-121/