
Spassok, done some, but I didn't have time for much, sorry01:09
pleia2bluesabre: good testing tweet! feel free to nudge for a retweet (baby care means I'm distant, but so still see irc pings, eventually :))01:52
* pleia2 rt on @xubuntu just now anyway01:52
JackFrostpleia2: IIRC, I was supposed to poke you in two weeks about dev.xubuntu.org upgrade?01:54
JackFrost(There's a slight chance my 'two week timer' is off by...a few weeks.)01:54
pleia2JackFrost: haha, I barely know what month it is ;) yah I should sync up with knome and get that done01:56
pleia2kiddo is almost 6 weeks old now, so I do have 2 hour blocks of time where I'm not trying to nap some days ;)01:57
JackFrostUrgh...That's "fun" :301:58
bluesabreThanks for testing Spass[m], looks like we've hit the mandatory tests02:13
bluesabreI'll go ahead and mark us ready, I think02:14
bluesabrepleia2: will do, hope things are going well for you :)02:14
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::platform:: Add masakari-api and masakari-engine to misc-servers. @ http://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/platform/commit/?id=5a71d37663c9f8e0bc7a7cde3c1306bb60b46200 (by Corey Bryant)02:39
knomepleia2, <305:58
bluesabreknome, pleia2, interested in "tooting"? https://mastodon.social/web/statuses/10159098430228648910:48
knomesays log in10:49
bluesabrewelp, I have no idea how to publicly view a toot... maybe that's a private one :D10:54
bluesabrehttps://ubuntu.social/@xubuntu Spass created a placeholder xubuntu one if we want it10:55
knomei believe most people wish most of their toots were private10:55
knomeoh meh, yet another social media platform that will die10:55
bluesabreanyway, just relaying ;)10:56
bluesabreWe might be able to turn it into a bot account that just mirrors the twitter account10:58
bluesabreI can look into that10:58
knomelet me know if you need assistance, like stuff to be done @twitter11:01
Spass[m]yeah, at this point most "official" mastodon accounts are just auto-retweeting, for example ubuntu one uses this tool - https://crossposter.masto.donte.com.br/11:11
Spass[m]so maybe there's no point on doing that, but that placeholder may be useful in the future :)11:12
bluesabreSpass[m]: yeah, at most I think that's what we'd do with it11:20
xubuntu43wHello! The torrent download links on this page are broken: https://xubuntu.org/download15:51
xubuntu43wThey point to 18.04.1, but the site only has 18.04.215:52
xubuntu43wNot sure if this is the proper place to report this.15:52
SpassBy the way, is there a reason Torrent links are directed to "http://torrent.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/bionic/release/desktop/..." instead of "http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/18.04/release/..."?15:59
SpassSeems like "cdimages" links are better, because links to older point releases are still active16:00
SpassI shouldn't add "..." to links, so to make it clearer, here's only the absolutely newest release - http://torrent.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/bionic/release/desktop/16:05
SpassBut here all is still there - http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/18.04/release/16:05
SpassSo the links would be alive16:06
knometorrent links fixed18:14
JackFrostUrgh, can we dump gnome-software yet? :/22:20
brainwashit's the best solution right now22:24
JackFrostI'd disagree on that point, it continues to do things very poorly.22:26
brainwashthere are some corner cases, yes22:26
JackFrostMore than a couple.22:26
brainwashbut overall it works fine22:27
brainwashyou want to promote finding and install packages/snaps via the cli?22:27
JackFrostAs for GUI, Synaptic seems to be the most functional, sadly.22:28
brainwashthat one could be added as a bonus maybe22:31
brainwashthe xubuntu iso is pretty oversized anyway :D22:31
JackFrostHah. :D22:32
JackFrostThere are now 10 of those emails pending.22:34
bluesabreJackFrost: related to this! Is gdebi going away... it does seem to be currently broken.22:34
bluesabreJackFrost: and yeah, will probably kick the size limit if I have access, or will ping some folks22:35
JackFrostbluesabre: I've heard nothing, but it's been nmu'd twice and is very poorly maintained.22:35
bluesabrein my recent usage, synaptic has shown itself to be pretty darn zippy (very different from g-s)22:35
JackFrostbrainwash did point out that it doesn't do snaps, if one cares about that (I don't.)22:36
bluesabreIt's zippy, not snappy ;)22:36
JackFrostDebian #915298, so I'd say gdebi is soon to disappear.22:36
ubottuDebian bug 915298 in src:gdebi "gdebi FTBFS with pyflakes 2.0.0-1" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/91529822:36
JackFrostbluesabre: Hah, yeah.  Also better at finding things, since it doesn't solely rely on appstream.22:37
bluesabreare there other .deb frontends?22:37
JackFrostMoun! :P22:37
JackFrostI'm not aware of anything, but I don't tend to use graphical package management either.  Synaptic has a few things that I can't get from 'apt' directly, though.22:38
bluesabreDoes synaptic have anything for installing downloaded .deb files? (the gdebi use case)22:40
Spasswhat about Eddy from elementary for .deb files? does elementary apps have many unwanted dependencies? https://appcenter.elementary.io/com.github.donadigo.eddy/22:43
JackFrostI don't see it in the archive, though I do see 'xteddy'22:44
JackFrostbluesabre: Not that I'm aware of.22:44
Spassalso, I stumbled upon AppHive, but I doubt it's better than GNOME Software - https://github.com/nick92/apphive22:45
Spassyeah, Eddy is elementary "exclusive" unfortunately :/22:45
JackFrostFork of Elementary's appcenter.22:47
JackFrostBummer, no wnpp.22:48

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