
=== Mead- is now known as Mead
=== BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK
MJCDwhat's a lightweight window manager deally using Qt512:48
lubot<HMollerCl> WM or DE?14:34
lubot<HMollerCl> Lubuntu uses openbox as WM and lxqt as DE14:36
justtesting_running lubuntu off a usb, find if it's too loaded, then it freezes without warning, then in spurts, allows me to use the mouse, then freezes again,    if i can manage to close some windows i may be able to recover, otherwise it's too frozen to even close a window (though moving a mouse is usually ok - even if there is like a 20second delay). and i have to restart.15:34
heyoI need help15:58
diogenes_!ASK | heyo15:59
ubottuheyo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:59
heyoI just wanted to know why on earth is screensaver turning on after changing the clock? It really scared me the first time cause it was some weird one straight from hell16:00
heyodesktop i38616:01
zleapusually the screen saver kicks in after x mins of in activity, maybe changing the clock is confusing the timing16:01
heyoIt does that only with particuall hour seems like; maybe mismatch in iso, i didn't verify it ;D16:03
zleapah ok16:03
zleapdoes the screensaver have a log file?16:04
heyoWhy would it?16:05
zleapi dunno, but a lot of things have log files, a log file could perhaps log any errors when starting up or failing to start16:06
heyoWell I am using it in live mode anyway so wouldn't help; md5 looks good tho16:08
heyoVirtualbox 5.2.22 r126460 (Qt5.6.2), resolution 1920x725, disk 4mb, live cd mode; when I go to Time and date configuration, turn off NTP and make time one hour up, screensaver is popping up16:16
heyoTbf yeah proably the timing think. Thank You for help16:23
heyoBut tesselimage is scary16:23
=== Narcos is now known as everlost
=== everlost is now known as Cephissus
=== Cephissus is now known as Narcissus
=== Narcissus is now known as Narcissuspseudon
=== Narcissuspseudon is now known as Cephissus
lubotnerdv2 was added by: nerdv218:32
lubot<nerdv2> Hi all! ... I been contributing to the Indonesian LXQt Weblate for a while now and thinking about contributing to the ... Lubuntu Weblate too since it's fairly empty, ... it's just that seems that I haven't able to receive the confirmation email for any of my email account. ... The Weblate contact form seems to be broken too..., is the18:35
lubot website inactive?18:35
=== ale is now known as Guest63741
lubot<tsimonq2> @nerdv2 [Hi all! ... I been contributing to the Indonesian LXQt Weblate for a while now and …], Hey! Let me talk to the person who manages the MTA for that and get back to you22:46
lubot<tsimonq2> Meanwhile, it would be great if you could join our development channel at https://telegram.lubuntu.me/development22:48
oxekwhen will Lubuntu 18.04.2 LTS be released?23:15
tsimonq2oxek: As soon as I publish the announcement.23:26
tsimonq2So, less than an hour.23:26
oxekgreat, thanks!23:29

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