
MJCDwhen running xubuntu in virtualbox with all the hardware accel options turned on (3d, VT-X, etc) - do I want to go for the kernels and xorg stuff marked 'hwe' ?01:25
MJCDps: sent here by #vbox01:25
JackFrost'hardware enablement stack' just means kernels/etc from newer releases, this tends to be useful if you have newer hardware and the kernel support is suboptimal.01:26
MJCDhm I see01:27
MJCDso i'd probably be better off with the more stable mainstream ones01:27
MJCDeven though the versions are the same01:28
MJCDthat's confusing01:28
MJCDyou'd think newer features would just be... newer releases01:28
JackFrostBionic comes with 4.15.x, hwe is linux-tools-4.18.0-15-generic, soo...That looks like a newer release to me!01:29
MJCDwhat I mean is like01:36
MJCD4.15.x has a hwe module01:36
MJCDthe same as 4.18.0-15-generic does01:36
MJCDso 4.15.x-hwe would seemingly have stuff from newer releases included01:37
MJCDnewer than itself01:37
MJCDwhich seems like a bad plan01:37
JackFrostI'm not seeing that, though.01:39
MJCDit wont be in the bionic repo's01:39
MJCDit would be in the previous one01:39
JackFrost...So then what's your point?01:39
MJCDMy point is that it just seems a weird concept01:40
JackFrosthwe gives you newer releases than at the time of the release, rather than just being bug/security fixes.01:40
MJCDif you wanna enable next-gen stuff01:40
MJCDinstall a next-gen version01:40
JackFrostSo then don't use them..?01:40
MJCDlike having two copies of the same thing01:40
MJCDthat's what I mean01:40
MJCDone with newer features from proposed01:40
MJCDthat's just a newer version01:40
MJCDI don't get the hwe thing01:41
JackFrostI mentioned what the basic concept was, but..01:41
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack01:41
MJCDjust seems like a complete anti-pattern01:42
MJCDas a dev01:42
MJCDlike just make a new minor release :/01:43
MJCDof that package I mean01:43
JackFrostDid you read the page?01:43
MJCD"even recommended for cloud or virtual images"01:44
MJCD"The 16.04 HWE Stacks will follow a new Rolling Update Model as documented at the following location: "01:45
MJCDso i'm using LTS01:45
MJCDI am running servers obviously01:45
MJCDin VM's01:45
MJCDand it's desirable for me to have rolling updates to my kernel and graphics drivers? :|01:45
MJCDin a vm where the drivers never change01:46
MJCDor rather are seldom updated01:46
JackFrostOK, so the answer to your support question "Should I use them?" would seem to be "No."  If you disagree with them...existing, well then perhaps file a bug report or whatnot, nothing will get done if you just elaborate here.01:46
MJCDwhat? that page says I should use them01:46
MJCD"even recommended for cloud or virtual images"01:46
JackFrostYou seem to fundamentally disagree with them, so..01:47
MJCDI'm just asking questions01:48
MJCDLike it just seems fundamentally flawed as a concept01:48
JackFrostYou're not really, though.01:48
MJCDI want the latest features01:48
MJCDtbh I'm livid there isn't a release of 1901:48
MJCDbecause I Wanted to go full wayland01:48
MJCDso for now i'm just xorg'ing by01:49
JackFrostXfce doesn't have support for wayland, and the release schedule that has been around for years means that there will be a release in a couple months...01:49
MJCDI noticed these and thouht it meant hardware enablement01:49
ubottuUbuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo) will be the 30th release of Ubuntu, scheduled for April 2019 (<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DiscoDingo/ReleaseSchedule#>). It will be supported for nine months.01:49
MJCDaka better support for the latest features01:49
MJCDwhich sounds good01:49
MJCDbut I don't want 'rolling releases'01:49
MJCDof the same version01:50
MJCDbut with different capabilities?01:50
MJCDhow does that make sense haha01:50
MJCDand I know xfce doesn't, i'm using it for now01:50
MJCDthough I do like it01:50
MJCDI also like Qt01:50
MJCDQt5 and wayland will probably be the next thingy01:51
MJCDbut unrelated01:51
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EoflaOEToday when I open my XFCE whisker menu on Xubuntu, it doesn't show categories, only Favorites, Recently used, and All. I know the search function, but I need to use categories to easily find an app08:46
pfeifferany way to reset xfce terminal font from the command line?09:11
pfeifferI've set it to 'clean' and everytime i try to use the Appearance menu it crashes09:11
pfeiffer.terminalrc doesn't seem to mention font09:12
brainwashpfeiffer: dot?10:00
brainwashhere is xubuntu's default config https://git.launchpad.net/xubuntu-default-settings/tree/etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu/xfce4/terminal/terminalrc10:00
brainwashit has FontName10:00
pfeifferhmmm. my terminalrc didn't have any font in it10:13
pfeifferI'll try that ...10:13
pfeifferbrainwash, didn't work.. i've added the line: FontName=DejaVu Sans Mono 910:20
pfeifferlogged out and back in.. still stuck on cean font and stil crashing10:20
pfeifferclean* font10:20
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eddyyy4Hello everyone. Is there a way to get a .deb version of VLC 3.0.6. Snap version can't be themed so I want to stick with .deb.21:49
gnrpeddyyy4: Did you try the ppa? https://launchpad.net/~videolan21:53
gnrpI don't know though if it is the most recent version in there21:53
eddyyy4They abandoned PPA.21:53
eddyyy4Disco repos has latest VLC, is it possible to get it on Cosmic?21:54
gnrptbh, I don't know. I am not aware of a backports-like thing on ubuntu21:55
gnrpand compiling it yourself is not an option?21:55
JackFrostIt'd be easier to backport it to a PPA or rebuild the package yourself, imo.21:58
eddyyy4Not yet, still learing about Linux, using Xubuntu for about 5 months on my laptop. Love it.21:58
eddyyy4I'll give MPV a try, heard a lot of good things about it.21:58
JackFrostIt's a nice player too.21:59
eddyyy4What Xubuntu version are you running? I'm on 18.04.22:04
gnrpeddyyy4: You can really try compiling. It is not hard, as long as no problems occur22:05
eddyyy4Tnx, I'll look into it.22:09
brainwasheddyyy4: there is bug 181248022:12
ubottubug 1812480 in vlc (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Update to bugfix release 3.0.6 in Bionic" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181248022:12
eddyyy4So 3.0.6 might end up in 18.04?22:23

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