
guivercubuntu 19.04 qa-test:  i'm usually stream utube vids on flavors, but can't on ubuntu (live daily).   no browser support for H264. but this works with xubuntu/lubuntu (last time tested) - is this an issue with ubuntu, or do i need to add something flavors by default have?10:21
guiverchttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1juarTSumPFTUuQb0dAwb_GvQ3mqwGufR/view  for screenshot of issue10:21
guivercsame box was tested with lubuntu 19.04 daily no issues earlier today, xubuntu 19.04 daily using 14-feb's daily without this issue10:24
lotuspsychjeguiverc: did you enable restricted extras during setup?11:34
guiverci'm using live, but yeah i added multiverse then added ubuntu-restricted-extras & it worked...11:34
guivercthanks lotuspsychje :)11:34
lotuspsychjenp :p11:35
guiverci just didn't expect it (i'm so used to flavors I guess)11:35
lotuspsychje!info ubuntu-restricted-extras11:35
ubottuubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used media codecs and fonts for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 67 (disco), package size 3 kB, installed size 14 kB11:35
lotuspsychjeflavors got this by default guiverc ?11:35
guiverci can stream utube on xubuntu & lubuntu without issues (even recall kubuntu test a few weeks back)11:36
guiverci assume they have it; no idea & never looked - just know no h264 issues with live on flavors11:37
lotuspsychjejust tested lubuntu bionic here11:37
lotuspsychjebut i did enable the extras during setup11:37
guiverc:) @ thanks !11:37
guiverc& thanks I meant11:38
lotuspsychjeguiverc: did you try lubuntu 19.04?11:38
guivercyeah ran a test earlier today; caused bug report that had me requested same test with ubuntu (causing the question on here...) - Yep.11:39
lotuspsychjedid you get 2 network icons on lubuntu?11:39
lotuspsychjei still did on the default bionic iso11:40
lotuspsychjeits a known bug guiverc just wanted to know if its fixxed on dingo11:40
guiverci sure don't recall any, nor see any on this box (lxqt on 19.04)11:40
lotuspsychjemight been solved then11:41
lotuspsychjeafter i updated, its also gone11:41
guivercmaybe not - lots of icons bottom right; and yeah two are network (different icons, but I'd easily miss them) so my not seeing them means little11:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1761606 in network-manager-applet (Ubuntu) "Two Wi-Fi network applets appear after logging back into live-usb Lubuntu 18.04 session." [Undecided,Confirmed]11:42
guivercmy current two have different text, one is network, one is my 'wired' connection (which has fixed ip address)11:43
guiverc24 folks - yeah that affects a few...  powering up a lubuntu 18.04 box now to look11:44
lotuspsychjei grabbed the bionic iso this morning11:44
lotuspsychjeand still was affected11:44
guivercmy installed Lubuntu 18.04 LTS (reports 18.04.2 too) doesn't have two network; I have panel @ top & bottom so mine no doubt is modified  (only recently installed, but $HOME wasn't formatted)11:53
guiverci had an issue trying to upload modified packages; so I switched from x86 to x86_64 (the recent re-install) -- but the old configs in $HOME would be why it isn't effecing me no doubt11:54
lotuspsychjetnx 4 checking guiverc 11:55
lotuspsychjei downloaded the amd64 lubuntu iso if that matters11:56
lotuspsychjefrom the lubuntu website11:56
guiverclubuntu.me  (lubuntu.net is a fan site & unofficial!!!)11:57
guivercthe .net sure looks official, but it ain't!11:57
guivercfyi: i always send people to https://www.ubuntu.com/download/flavours for flavors11:58
lotuspsychjethats where it goes wrong then..11:58
lotuspsychjeoutdated iso's heh11:58
lotuspsychjefirst hit on google too when keyword lubuntu11:59
guivercno idea what iso's are on lubuntu.net; i just know it's unofficial 11:59
guivercmost of the info is valid, but it's not controlled by Lubuntu team (and thus yeah out-of-date)12:00
lotuspsychjeill keep that in mind guiverc 12:01

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