[07:02] good morning [07:11] Morning didrocks [07:15] hey duflu! Connecting from breakfast place? :) [07:18] didrocks, technically yes. I am at home [07:19] duflu: oh, I thought you were flying to the sprint [07:19] didrocks, yes I was, but not any more. How is the weather? [07:19] duflu: well, in Lyon, blue sky [07:20] didrocks, you're not in Malta either? [07:20] duflu: I'm not either, started to get sick this week-end and couldn't travel thus [07:21] :( [07:21] Well, Perth also blue sky. [07:22] still warm or is it starting already getting colder? [07:22] I also went for lunch on Sunday up the coast which at least /looks like/ Malta [07:22] didrocks, still over 30 degrees every day [07:22] ok, not the start of automn at all thus :) [07:23] here, we had 18°C yesterday, which is insane for February [07:23] last week was ~7°C [07:23] Yeah that would be [07:24] quite pleasant, when you can walk outside :p [08:01] good morning desktop!!!! [08:01] hey Laney! [08:02] how was your flight? [08:02] yeah good [08:02] sunny Malta? (but windy from what I read) [08:02] picked one which stopped in sardinia though, probably could have made it more efficient [08:02] yep, and not that bad imho [08:03] seems like there is almost no direct flight to Malta [08:03] from anywhere :p [08:03] there would have been, but I didn't pay enough attention :P [08:03] Good morning Laney [08:04] hey duflu, how's it going? [08:04] good morning desktopers [08:04] Laney, ah ok. You? [08:04] hey seb128 [08:04] Hi seb128 [08:04] yep, I'm good [08:05] duflu, didrocks, we are missing you! [08:05] missing being with you guys :( [08:05] seb128, thanks, it's nice to be needed [08:05] Although sometimes in life needed too much [08:08] good morning desktoppers [08:08] hey oSoMoN [08:08] salut didrocks [08:09] oSoMoN, I noticed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ibus/+bug/1814551 in my recent-bugs-triaging daily batch, might be worth keeping an eye on/checking [08:09] Launchpad bug 1814551 in ibus (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 18.10's ibus package breaks password fields in Firefox Beta (65, 66 via PPA)" [Undecided,Confirmed] [08:09] Hi oSoMoN [08:10] hey duflu [08:10] seb128, ack [08:10] it claims that newer firefox versions have an issue with password entries again [08:14] good morning all [08:17] hey ricotz [08:22] mitya57: done, also please can you do your pushes under ~mitya57 instead of under ~compiz-team? So we can keep the branches list cleaner :) [08:23] seb128, hey === alan_g_ is now known as alan_g === pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski|sprin === pstolowski|sprin is now known as pstolowski|sprnt === jamesh_ is now known as jamesh [10:49] audit: type=1400 audit(1550486647.552:90): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="snap.lightsoff.lightsoff" name="/etc/glvnd/egl_vendor.d/" pid=2421 comm="lightsoff" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=1000 ouid=0 [11:08] kenvandine, ^ but libglvnd didn't change since cosmic and I don't see changes around that in the mesa update either [11:11] seb128: thx [11:19] jbicha: I fixed eog plugins in the snap [11:19] jbicha, can you push your update-notifier s390x changes to the vcs? [11:20] jbicha: i'm going to attempt to build eog-plugins in now [11:31] kenvandine, robert_ancell, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/1816396 [11:31] Launchpad bug 1816396 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "[Disco] starting snap from the after-install notification fails" [Undecided,New] [12:41] seb128, hi, do you know if apparmor 2.13 is going to land in disco? [12:42] ricotz, that's a question for security team, maybe chrisccoulson or mdeslaur know? [12:43] or jdstrand? [12:45] probably jdstrand [12:49] I vote for jdstrand [14:01] seb128: pushed [14:06] jbicha, thx [14:13] ricotz, work on merging 2.13 from debian is in progress [14:16] oSoMoN, thanks [14:24] kenvandine, [14:24] sudo dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.NetworkManager /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.SetLogging string:"debug" string:"" [14:29] didrocks: I ran into a weird bug with gnome-terminal resizing when I change tabs. It seems like it might be related to Yaru, since it doesn't occur with Adwaita: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/yaru-theme/+bug/1816436 [14:29] Launchpad bug 1816436 in yaru-theme (Ubuntu) "gnome-terminal window shrinks when changing tabs" [Undecided,New] [14:30] jamesh: do you mind report it to the Yaru upstream github repo? clobrano ^ [14:31] jamesh: more than possible with recent gnome-terminal versions [14:31] didrocks: sure. [14:31] thx! [14:36] didrocks: Hi, good afternoon [14:38] hey k_alam [14:38] k_alam: sorry, didn't get to review your fixes (but I saw them) [14:38] k_alam: planning to do them (and sponsoring) tomorrow [14:39] ok no prob...that's what I am about to ask... [14:39] :) [14:40] yeah I saw you did the fix I discussed, just need a deeper look [14:41] I moved those files to unity session [14:41] jamesh: for a similar testcase, see the last few comments at (closed) https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-terminal/issues/44 [14:41] GNOME issue 44 in gnome-terminal "Implement header bar" [Opened] [14:41] jamesh: gsettings set org.gnome.Terminal.Legacy.Settings headerbar false (and then close all your terminals and reopen and see if you still have the bug) [14:42] upstream does not enable the headerbar by default for 3.31/3.32 [14:45] jbicha: turning off the headerbar makes no difference [14:46] I strongly suspect it is the notebook tabs (specifically how they're drawn with Yaru), which is there with or without the headerbar [14:47] ok, thanks [14:47] I guess it's worth trying to reproduce with Adwaita then? [14:48] oh you already said that [14:50] didrocks, jamesh: weird bug :O [14:59] there's been similar things before [15:00] it was something to do with the cell based stuff in vte IIRC [15:18] Laney: I see, it doensn't happen with factor 1 [15:23] clobrano: it was something to do with vte calculating $size_thing internally based on sizes from the theme [15:23] and that was going wrong with Ambiance [15:32] Trevinho: thanks! I will use ~mitya57 next time. [15:34] (and I will delete my existing branch in lp:compiz now) [16:17] jamesh: the culprit was the orange border in checked tabs [16:18] probably at higher scales, computing the size of the border creates some issue [16:18] pushing a change now [16:23] clobrano: so keep the underline for inactive tabs, just using the background colour? [16:40] No underline at all actually. In fact, for checked tabs, we have underline + font change + background highlight. It's a bit too much [16:46] clobrano: We have no-shadow for rightmost button, so it looks different than headerbar button:checked even though path-bar buttons are just headerbar buttons . no? [17:12] k_alam: pathbar buttons have a special class, so they might be styled differently. However I expect no shadow in any hb button. Isn't that so? [17:18] clobrano: they are inheriting from headerbar-buttons the same as in 3.26, but even if has special styles it should still respect the generic button state....I guess regression in upstream [17:22] k_alam: I see, definitely not expected. Unfortunately I need a VM that I can only use tomorrow