
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
mobile_cwhere do i aquire this file  "include/linux/compiler-gcc.h:100:1: fatal error: linux/compiler-gcc7.h: No such file or directory" (for compiling android-goldfish-3.4 kernel)02:33
lordievaderGood morning07:09
lordievadermobile_c: Sound like you are missing a -dev package (of gcc?)07:09
Jussisigh... toshia sattelite...cant seem to figure out a) the boot options key, and b) the model number....07:35
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf
iomarigreetings, on my kubuntu desktop, right clicking only gives my a logout option. no reboot or shutdown.10:17
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
BluesKajHowdy all13:16
IrcsomeBot1<ericadams> morning blues14:22
BluesKaj'Morning ericadams14:33
Jussiso, installed kubuntu, reboot, no grub, straight into windows. any suggestions?14:37
IrcsomeBot1<ericadams> @Jussi, Choose the boot options menu when you restart the computer. Normally it's F12. See if Ubuntu is listed as an option. If not it could be the boot sector wasn't written to the proper location (or a host of other possibilities).14:39
BluesKajJussi, efi or legacy bios?14:51
CruX|hello i have gtk 1050ti and kubuntu 18.04. When I use proprietary nvidia driver xorg is very laggy - when any opengl or vulkan app is running16:29
CruX|is it known bug in this version ?16:29
=== Roey is now known as EvilRoey{-
EvilRoey{-can anyone help me with something here.. I'm trying to do a reverse-SSHFS connection17:56
EvilRoey{-I am not sure I am getting the syntax correct17:56
n0ydHi, I am using a new laptop (new to me) and my keymap seems to be changing on me sporadically. Not sure why. It seems to go to a keymap where it thinks I have a numpad, from what I can tell.18:22
n0ydIf I go into keyboard in system settings, and change it to Fujitsu| Happy Hacking, it seems to work fine. But it switches back all of a sudden sometimes while in use18:23
n0ydThe laptop is a Fujitsu, btw18:23
n0ydDoh! I figured it out, it is when I hit the NumLk key by accident. :)18:30
n0ydNow to figure out how to disable said key entirely18:30
n0ydxmodmap ftw :)18:32
azxhey guys, i don't like how the windows when minimized/maximized animate torward the top left of the screen20:47
azxhow can i change these animations?20:48
azxis minimize/maximize windows proprietary keywords?20:48
bpromptno that I know of, and hmmm there are some customizations in the System Settings, I think under Workspace on the windows behaviour, but what you want may not be there20:51
azxalright thanks! i keep getting a notification saying i might need proprietary drivers to get full features20:53
azxi believe that is from my nvidia gtx 1060 graphics card20:54
azxi don't mind installing proprietary drivers for this one device, how can i go about installing them?20:54
bpromptazx:   well... not sure the drivers will give you the minimize animation customization though20:54
azxyeah, i'm sure it will work without20:54
Dragonslicerazx- try looking in System Settings -> Desktop Behavior -> Desktop Effects23:48
DragonslicerThe Appearance section has a bunch of window animations23:49

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