
=== thumper is now known as thumper-afk
=== thumper-afk is now known as thumper
=== thumper is now known as thumper-afk
didrocksgood morning07:18
dufluHi didrocks07:20
didrockshey duflu07:22
Laneymoin moin07:55
willcookehi didrocks07:57
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:57
dufluMorning Laney, seb128, willcooke, oSoMoN07:58
dufluIs there a PPA around that might contain Nvidia 418.30?07:59
seb128tseliot, ^07:59
ricotzduflu, yes, but not updated for the libnvidia-egl-wayland change08:08
dufluricotz, no problem I only want to test a Xorg driver fix08:08
ricotzduflu, https://launchpad.net/~mamarley/+archive/ubuntu/staging/+packages08:08
dufluwhich Nvidia don't seem to have publicly documented, but privately mentioned08:09
dufluTa ricotz08:09
dufluAnyone know a more official PPA from say tseliot or tjaalton?08:17
dufluFor Nvidia 41808:17
tjaaltonduflu: graphics-drivers ppa maybe08:18
ricotzduflu, https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+packages08:18
tjaaltonthat ^08:18
ricotzbut concerning the mentioned issue I haven't copied it there08:18
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tseliotduflu: I am going to upload here soon too https://launchpad.net/~oem-solutions-group/+archive/ubuntu/nvidia-driver-staging09:39
duflutseliot, thanks. I have already decided not looking at it today09:48
dufluSo I will bookmark that09:48
duflutrevinho, Laney, is there an env var to override glib schema search dirs?10:08
seb128Trevinho, you marked https://trello.com/c/bRmox812/131-glib-bookmarks-rename-crash-fix as fixed in bionic-SRU but at least the glib change is not in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glib2.0/2.56.3-0ubuntu0.18.04.110:08
dufluTrevinho ^10:08
seb128duflu, it's looking in XDG_DATA_DIRS dirs10:10
seb128so you can add to that list10:10
dufluOh. Ta seb12810:10
seb128duflu, there is also GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR10:11
seb128which it uses in addition to the system ones10:11
seb128like GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=builddir/data/10:11
seb128not that you need to compile the schemas in ther (glib-compile-schemas)10:12
dufluWell, XDG_DATA_DIRS works. Now completed relearning what changed in the past two weeks to make gnome-shell runnable10:14
seb128didrocks, thx for doing the sponsoring for those unity session changes, I had dropped some references to those in my backlog but wasn't near to get to them yet10:34
didrocksseb128: no worry! I'm going to still try a session restarts (so probably will upload the last one tomorrow) to ensure that everything is ok for the one with UPSTART ref10:37
seb128trevinho, Laney, thx for the glib/bionic SRU :)10:37
seb128didrocks, makes sense, no hurry for that10:37
didrocksbtw, launchpad branch handling is confusing :/10:37
didrocks(as the previous MP was another branch, and it wasn't reverted)10:38
Laneyseb128 the Launchpad spy ;-)10:38
didrocksanyway, fixed in 19.04.2, and not a big issue10:38
jameshrobert_ancell: https://github.com/flatpak/xdg-desktop-portal/blob/master/src/xdp-utils.c#L500-L50114:06
willcookempt, https://trello.com/c/SuVs7ZZA/120-can-we-enable-geoclue-out-of-the-box14:31
willcookeI've added you to the card so you should have edit rights14:31
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Laneywhat's running profile.d in graphical sessions?16:12
seb128good old bash16:28
k_alamseb128: Hi,  the logout issue we talked about was fixed upstream, can we cherry pick that for systemd-240-7 ?18:12
gitbotsystemd issue (Pull request) 11697 in systemd "Notify about Job property change when job is uninstalled" [Pid1, Closed]18:12
seb128k_alam, k18:24

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