
alkisgvorlon: sorry for the direct ping, re: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/shim/+bug/1813541 - is it possible that `apt source shim` in 18.04 shows different code than the binary shipped/signed by microsoft?09:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1813541 in shim (Ubuntu) "Shim uses wrong TFTP server IP in proxyDHCP mode" [Medium,Triaged]09:00
alkisgBecause I'm trying with upstream shimx64.efi and it works, yet 18.04's shim doesn't, even though the patch seems to be in the codebase...09:00
Wimpressrbasak: Here you go - https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/installing-snap-on-centos/1002009:32
WimpressCover RHEL too.09:32
WimpressLinked from https://docs.snapcraft.io/installing-snapd/673509:33
vorlonalkisg: there are lots of ways that apt source might give you different behavior depending on what's in your sources.list, did you check that the versions match?09:53
alkisgvorlon: yes, I only have the "normal" sources list, the versions match09:53
vorlonalkisg: ok; then that is the source for the binary included in the shim-signed package09:54
alkisgvorlon: if the shim binary is signed by ms on every shim package update, then the problem is elsewhere and I'll find it; I just wanted that part from you, if it's signed on every build09:54
alkisgThank you :)09:54
vorlonit's not signed on /every/ build, but every shim package version that gets published to the archive is also signed by MS09:54
alkisgRight, that's what I meant, my english failed me09:54
alkisg(probably another patch was needed which is available upstream, not just the one pointed out by the developers)09:56
cyphermoxalkisg: what patch?09:56
cyphermoxalkisg: basically, the source in src:shim should match the binary in source:shim-signed09:56
cyphermoxwell, the other way around, modulo the microsoft signature09:57
cyphermoxwe actually test for that at build-time for shim-signed09:57
alkisgcyphermox: yup, that's what I was asking. So, in  https://github.com/rhboot/shim/issues/165, they pointed out commit 5f4fd53 which we do have, but probably b3e4d1f is needed as well; I'll check now if we have that already, e.g. in disco09:58
alkisgAh disco has the same shim version, nevermind09:58
rbasakWimpress: thanks!10:02
cyphermoxb3e4d1f is just the tip10:02
cyphermoxis it not?10:02
alkisgLet me check...10:02
cyphermoxit was the tip at which my tree was before I just pulled10:03
cyphermoxbut that's like, 4 commits away from 3beb291; which is what disco is10:03
alkisgcyphermox: well, it's possible that the fix for the issue I see is there; I don't mind if Ubuntu gets it sooner or later, as long as we do get it :)10:03
cyphermoxsure sure10:03
cyphermoxI do plan on updating shim again very soon, but it's at least two weeks away from now, at the earliest10:04
alkisgOh great, I'll test again then10:04
alkisgThank you cyphermox :)10:04
cyphermoxnone of the commits in between 3beb971 and b3e4d1f are netboot.c relevant10:05
alkisgThat would leave me with the question... "wth, why is upstream shim working and ubuntu's not..." :)10:05
jamespagecpaelzer_: are we stillhaving to blacklist the i386 testing for proposed migrations?10:06
cpaelzer_jamespage: my last test was a few weeks ago and still failing10:44
jamespagecpaelzer_: ack - raised a review to bump11:21
infinityahasenack: Are you aware of apache2's failing autopkgtests?14:07
infinityahasenack: Why is t/apache/expr_string.t poop?14:07
ricotzinfinity, the new dpkg doesn't create a Binary field in .changes files14:36
ricotzlaunchpad doesn't like that14:37
infinityricotz: Well that's fun.14:44
infinityricotz: Example?14:44
ricotzUnable to find mandatory field 'Binary' in the changes file.14:45
ricotzFurther error processing not possible because of a critical previous error.14:45
infinityricotz: Is that a source upload or a build?14:46
ricotzI would assume this happens with any package, or did I hit some intermediate state?14:46
ricotzthe source upload14:46
ricotzthis happened already with the previous try to update to 1.19.414:46
infinityFun.  doko didn't mention that bit when he asked me to re-do the merge. :P14:46
infinityVery much an intentional change:14:47
infinity https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=81861814:47
ubottuDebian bug 818618 in dpkg-dev "dpkg-genchanges: Please exclude packages disabled in unstaged builds" [Normal,Fixed]14:47
ahasenackinfinity: hm, no, I wasn't aware, it wasn't in https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#ubuntu-server this morning, but is now14:55
ahasenacklet me check14:56
ahasenackI see it failed the same way once when I uploaded openldap14:56
ahasenackand passed after a retry. Still, annoying to have a flaky test14:57
sarnoldrobert_ancell: sigh. I can't recall now where the discussion about mlockall and lightdm was; ~300 M feels like quite a lot to pin into memory. If you can limit it to the password field, and anything derived from it, that'd be better14:58
robert_ancellsarnold, I guess that's hard because the password is used in many places.15:00
robert_ancellI think just dropping the mlockall entirely is probably the way to go for now and adding in something better in the future if necessary15:00
sarnoldrobert_ancell: hmmm.. what do you think about using MCL_ONFAULT ? it's really new.. (I just learned about it a moment ago :)15:03
robert_ancellI have no idea what that is - I'd have to look it up15:03
sarnoldit locks in pages as they are faulted in; unused parts of libraries etc wouldn't necessarily be faulted in15:04
dokoinfinity: no, I wasn't aware of that one15:15
robert_ancellsarnold, is there a way to check how much memory is locked in a process?15:33
sarnoldrobert_ancell: I believe the Locked: lines in /proc/self/smaps would show that15:35
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