[00:00] FurretUber: https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2018/01/msg00226.html seems to suggest 'no', systemd was just too verbose there. their issue 7188 has disappeared, but is referenced at https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/7319 [00:04] Hmm... it really does not say anything useful about what it is. And the Ubuntu kernel has CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL=y, so I wonder even if the information on the Debian mailing list is correct [00:05] Thanks for sending the message, however. I searched for the warning and found no meaningful results before [00:06] * tomreyn does not actually know [00:27] Platonides, can do you please show me how I can delete select pages of a pdf document with stapler? A simple example will do. Let's say delete pages 2 and 4 [00:27] I've spent two hours trying to achieve this. LibreOffice does not render the pages correctly [00:28] fkl, that might be protection in that PDF? [00:31] fkl, i can edit this pdf, delete pages, add pages.. http://files.ubuntu-manual.org/manuals/getting-started-with-ubuntu/16.04/en_US/screen/Getting%20Started%20with%20Ubuntu%2016.04.pdf [00:32] ( libre office) [00:32] At the moment, I have two channels (#archlinux and #ubuntu) trying to help me print select pages of http://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/~bretscher/b63/lectures/w5/mst.pdf [00:33] LibreOffice does not render the pages correctly. [00:33] And if you try to print under Linux (Arch or Ubuntu) the slides reduce in size by ~40-50% [00:33] Page-selection using Adobe's (own) PDF reader is just wrong. [00:35] How so you might ask? B/c it goes by the pagination within the PDF document itself and not the ***actual*** pages [00:38] hello anyone know anything about csf firewall [00:40] csf is not in our repos, laptop, so that makes it harder to find support [00:41] anything work similar to it that might be good [00:41] what is wrong with standard UFW? [00:41] + gufw as gui [00:43] I have the sneaky suspicion that the ubuntu upgrade to lxd 3.0.3-1 on Jan 8th broke my ability to use profiles when launching a container from a template ... I can still launch containers w/o any profile, but adding a profile stops the creation of the volume and gives me an error message like this: [00:43] Error: Failed container creation: Create LXC container: Initialize LXC: Mount /dev/storage/containers_humpty onto /var/lib/lxd/storage-pools/data/containers/humpty: no such file or directory [00:43] does gufw block spambots and [00:44] prevent spaming network [00:45] A proper firewall blocks ALL traffic except what's allowed. [00:45] Hmmm, I thought that the basic functionalities of the OS kind of took care of those things these days. Is this a feeling of false security? [00:46] check csf online [00:46] it is not in any respository [00:47] spam bots..does csf detect non humans ? [00:47] i guess not [00:48] laptop: That's because its an overengineered and poorly designed mess that does little of -actual- value beyond configuring iptables. [00:48] ok [00:48] sticking to gufw [00:49] A host firewall shouldn't need a web UI. [00:49] it is cli [00:50] csf has a web interface. I'm looking at their site right now. [00:50] zeropoint: cups has a web interface... should that same principle apply there? [00:51] ryuo: Last I checked, cups isn't a firewall. [00:51] no it is cli [00:51] trust me\ [00:51] I have it installed and it is cli [00:51] laptop: No, I think I'll trust the people that make it, and the screenshots of the web UI that they provide. [00:52] ok I am going to back to gufw [00:56] csf's web interface is worth using only in a virtualmin or cpanel server. the cli is just as easy to use, though i haven't used it in 5 or more years. i don't think it changed too much over time [01:04] Howdy [01:05] Why isn't Shotcut in the Ubuntu repository? It's the best video on Linux IMO. Sure there's the Snappy package, but snaps are slow to load the first time after a reboot. Should I just not reboot unless I absolutely have to? [01:06] CountryfiedLinux: maintaining a package is work. no one wants to do it for Shotcut [01:06] and yes, Shotcut is fantastic. I use it. [01:07] there's also a flatpak, and a "portable tar" [01:07] Maybe snaps will have improved performance someday. [01:07] that's the only reason there are not enough packages. [01:08] CountryfiedLinux: sounds like it would have better performance with a SSD [01:08] I use SSDs exclusively bpords [01:08] After I first used one I didn't look back. [01:09] why is it only slow the first time after reboot then [01:10] I don't know. Snaps always open slow the first time and then faster thereafter. [01:10] Until I reboot again. [01:10] I'll reboot and see if it's still the same. [01:10] Anyways, wouldn't that be software that would most likely be included in Ubuntu Studio? [01:10] there are unsupported (and apparently poorly packaged) PPAs, too https://launchpad.net/~haraldhv/+archive/ubuntu/shotcut https://launchpad.net/~gagarin/+archive/ubuntu/bionic [01:11] thaurwylth: does ubuntu studio have a separate apt archive? === Taco is now known as alore [01:11] tomreyn: No. [01:11] then i guess they won't have different software than any other ubuntu flavour [01:12] I don't know, a couple of weeks back I was told that the flavours are different systems from each other. [01:12] CountryfiedLinux: the correct answer is probably, use the snap, since that is what upstream provides [01:12] Oh ok thanks tomreyn. I see Bionic is the last update for the PPA. [01:12] thaurwylth: They have different default packages, that is all [01:12] That's what I was thinking tgm4883 [01:12] thaurwylth: All flavors must derive from the same Ubuntu repositories by default. [01:12] !flavors [01:12] Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours [01:12] Hello. I installed postfix for ubuntu 18.04 and I lost my connection to ssh before I could set it up during the initial installation (which comes up right after I ran apt-get postfix). I can't run it again and I get this error: "E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)" when trying to apt-get r [01:12] emove postfix [01:13] how do I redo the installation? [01:13] Hmmm, but didn't people at one point tell me that the DE greatly affects on what is functional on a system? At least on the graphical environment? Now I am confused. [01:13] Dice: when installing software over ssh, use a terminal multiplexer which you can reconnect to after you connection fails. [01:14] And also, what use is the low latency kernel if it doesn't make the system any different from a regular kernel? [01:14] thaurwylth: without knowing what you were told, it would be hard to explain why that is wrong [01:14] Dice: the situation now, according to the error message you posted, is that a dpkg process is still running, possibly waiting for your input. [01:14] thaurwylth: the low latency kernel is available to everyone, not just ubuntu studio users... [01:14] Dice: maybe an apt process is still running, have to wait for it to finish, otherwise try rebooting the machine [01:14] !lowlatency | thaurwylth [01:14] thaurwylth: lowlatency is a special linux kernel build with modifications for systems which require low latency when communicating with some hardware, such as some A/V systems. [01:15] Dice: last resort would be to delete lock files [01:15] Dice: since you cannot regain control over the input channel to this process now (maybe you could, but you chould not really try to), you will need to kill this dpkg process [01:16] Dice: deleting the lock files is really the wrong approach, it'd be better to reboot then. [01:16] Dice, just be patient for a minute, updates are running in the background [01:16] what service is re-creating the man page index.db files for all the locales in /var/cache/man ? is it man-db.service? [01:16] and might need a reboot, if there is a fresh kernel [01:17] Dice: i just said that's the worst case option and said to try rebooting first [01:17] sudo mandb # updates the manpages db [01:17] * tomreyn [01:18] bpords: oh i missed the suggestion to reboot, right [01:19] ;) [01:19] i have 133M per machine in /var/cache/man. [01:20] I want to stop the man pages caches from being created. which systemctl service is responsible for creating them? [01:20] bpords: i've never had to remove dpkg lock files, though, i'm pretty sure it just cleans them up itself when it notices these pid's are no longer active [01:20] (but i didn't mean to criticize you there.) [01:21] so if I wait and see if it's installing updates, how do I run the installation process again? do I have to delete it and reinstall? [01:21] tomreyn: rare, but it happens. I have had it a few -- like, 3, 4 -- times in all those years [01:21] Dice: just run install command again, might not have to do anything special [01:21] tomreyn: i don't think they're auto cleaned up if the process exits unexpectedly [01:21] hggdh: maybe if the same pid was assigned to some other process this could happen. [01:22] tomreyn: I personally think it happened because I forced reboot while dpkg was running in the background [01:23] hmm, interesting. [01:23] on thse few events, the lock did exist, although no dpkg was running (anymore) [01:23] and just running dpkg again would not remove them? [01:23] no, it does not [01:24] it reports another dpkg is running, etc, etc [01:24] yes, but just once, i think. but maybe i'm wrong there. should test. ;-) [01:24] hey guys, how are you? Well I hope! Quick question if you don't mind. How can I view what DNS servers my system is using via the command line? That's it! Thanks! [01:24] that's the very concept of the lock file though [01:24] if it had other ways to tell whether dpkg was running it wouldn't need a lock file [01:25] it precisely makes the lock file to know if another instance is running or not [01:25] fleabeard: they might be stored in the /etc/resolv.conf file, depends on system though i think [01:25] fleabeard: do you yuse network manager, systemd-networkd or something else? [01:26] tomreyn, tbh, I'm not entirely sure, this is Ubuntu Budgie though [01:26] bpords: these lock files contain PIDs, so ptocesses can check whether the PID is still active, and if not, remove the lock file. [01:27] tomreyn: is there any evidence it actually does that though? [01:27] i always had to manually remove the lock files [01:27] fleabeard: does "networkctl status" report it? [01:28] bpords, is it still locked now? [01:28] OerHeks: im not having that problem right now i was jsut discussing it [01:28] fleabeard: does "nmcli" report it? [01:28] fleabeard: resolvectl dns will list the DNS servers per interface [01:28] bpords: so far this evidence just exists in my mind. [01:29] tomreyn, nmcli output some stuffs it seems [01:29] that did the trick tomreyn thanks! [01:30] hggdh: i don't have "resolvectl" no 18.04 [01:30] *on [01:30] tomreyn: oh. I keep forgetting I am running disco. I think it was introduced on Cosmic [01:31] is this part of systemd(-networkd) then? [01:31] err systemd, not networkd [01:32] oh yes it is [01:32] systemd-resolved I think [01:33] https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=resolvectl&mode=exactfilename&suite=cosmic&arch=any [01:34] systemd-resolved is part of systemd, too,, apparently [01:35] yes. The gift that never ends === deathonater is now known as Smeef [02:27] hi there [02:32] Hi all. I'm running 18.04 amd64, on a relatively recent and working/clean install. I'm experiencing hard lockups (graphics and cursor remain frozen, but up; system does not respond to anything but power-off). They usually happen after quite a bit of use, I can't reliably provoke one. How can I go about collecting any logs that may be useful to figure out what is causing the lockups? [02:32] FWIW, these frequently seem to happen when scrolling in firefox. [02:32] where do i aquire this file [02:32] include/linux/compiler-gcc.h:100:1: fatal error: linux/compiler-gcc7.h: No such file or directory [02:33] *for compiling android-goldfish-3.4 kernel) [02:33] (* [02:34] hi there [02:34] i`ve finished installed ubuntu 18.04.2 in a dual boot uefi mode [02:35] although, when pc restarts, i came to grub shell, not grub OS select menu [02:35] it`s weird [02:36] i`ve selected efi partition during installation [02:37] what i have to do? [02:37] What video card / GPU do you have? [02:37] efibootmgr returns: BootOrder: 0003,0000,0004,0005 Boot0000* Windows Boot Manager Boot0003* ubuntu Boot0004* UEFI: KingstonDataTraveler 2.0PMAP Boot0005* UEFI: KingstonDataTraveler 2.0PMAP, Partition 2 [02:38] mobile_c: how does this error arise? Are you following some default build instructions with the android kernel you mentioned? [02:38] thaurwylth: Was that directed to me? [02:38] Ah, sorry, no, LuisM_. [02:38] thaurwylth: AMD [02:38] Oceanquake how much ram does your system have [02:38] gpu and grub? [02:38] wth? [02:38] Nullsec72: 32 GB [02:39] it`s new pc. windows 10 + ubuntu [02:39] it`s my third try to fix that sh** [02:39] reinstalling os [02:40] Oceanquake, have you tried disabling hardware acceleration in firefox? [02:41] Nullsec72: no, but should that be able to cause a hard lock? Gfx is AMD. [02:42] thaurwylth: ? [02:43] Someone else might want to help us here, but isn't there a bunch of safety modes such as nomodeset that could be tried here? Or would that kind of troubleshooting be meaningless if there is a problem of starting up GRUB properly in the first place? [02:43] (That was directed to the people at large.) [02:45] LuisM_, another thing, do you know for sure that GRUB properly found all the bootable operating systems on your computer? [02:47] i didn`t check grub [02:47] installer did it for me [02:47] =/ [02:48] thaurwylth: should i install grub in a uefi partition or in device? [02:48] during disk management at installation window [02:52] in old bios/mbr, i always installed grub in device, not in partition [02:52] For UEFI, grub-install will just do its thing, regardless of which device you tell it to. [02:52] what does make sense [02:52] I'm afraid I have old information for that so I'm afraid to say. Someone else would give a better answer. [02:52] You could even run 'grub-install dummy' and it would work. [02:52] Zeropoint, anyways, would it be of any use to try to boot the system with a live stick / DVD and try to see there that the GRUB was properly installed? [02:52] i`m in live ubuntu stick [02:52] https://linoxide.com/distros/install-ubuntu-18-04-dual-boot-windows-10/ [02:53] sorry [02:53] https://www.pcsuggest.com/dual-boot-windows-10-and-ubuntu-uefi/ [02:53] Did you try out update-grub in the live environment already? [02:53] I'm having a problem where the cause is that a certain user doesn't have permission on a folder. the solution is supposed to be to do this command: "sudo chown -R myusername:myusername /var/www/html/myusername" [02:54] This doesn't change anything though [02:54] what else should I look for when it comes to permission? [02:54] How about chmod? [02:55] also tried that, should be good [02:58] it's an imap error so could possibly also be a port error or something [02:58] gonna check the ports when I can === gry is now known as Sveta [03:11] lets try [03:23] Hi all, when using htop I am see that /sbin/init is using around 40%-60% cpu. I am access the ubuntu box via ssh. Any advice? [03:26] Yes, stop looking at htop [03:28] kidding, you could probably strace the pid that is high usage to see what it is doing, could be anything [03:30] xamithan: hey! ok cool. I'll try strace [03:30] ironpill_: check dmesg first [03:31] Hi, new install of bionic on a laptop. prime-select query shows nvidia and the proprietary drivers are selected but glxinfo is still showing SGI mesa as it's renderer === cim209 is now known as cim20 === cim20 is now known as cim209 [04:16] hey [04:17] hey [04:26] oceanquake: im just using the default configuration [04:29] adb devices [04:31] no permissions (user in plugdev group; are your udev rules wrong?) [04:31] do i need to add it to a group? === alphaseg1 is now known as alphaseg === lotuspsychje__ is now known as lotuspsychje === Alex4921 is now known as Guest66832 === adikwok1 is now known as adikwok [06:33] is there a way that i can have terminal output swap text color for each new line eg white then yellow then white etc [06:35] MrCrackPotBuilde, maybe there is a gnome terminal plugin, i cannot find such [06:37] i might be looking in the wrong areas [07:19] MrCrackPotBuilde, `lolcat` works on consoles too, so possible yes, don't know if someone has written it - but if not I'd look at lolcat & fork from that [07:33] yo [07:35] yes === administrator is now known as Guest7606 [07:37] hi guys [07:39] Hi Guest7606, if you have a Ubuntu Support question, please just ask it (and be patient waiting for a response, people will respond if & when they can) [07:44] hi guys i want a good vpn for android studio please help me === Class7_ is now known as Class7 [08:10] hello ubuntu folks, i have a, hopefully, simple query [08:11] !ask | tallguy [08:11] tallguy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [08:11] i am running ubuntu 18.04.1 LST and have just scrounged up a bigger monitor [08:12] the screen is bigger than the program, will someone please help me reset the display resolution [08:13] ... i have not found the right path, so far [08:13] what is the program, and i'd have expected on reboot your system (18.04.2 is current, so dist-upgrade when you can) the GNOME gui would have just used the higher resolution [08:14] interesting, [08:14] i did reboot, but saw no positive result' [08:15] i am streaming video, local news [08:16] so the program is a browser? some sites have fullscreen options (bottom right for utube) [08:17] yeah chrome browser [08:18] the issus is that I dunno how to access the display to change screen resolution [08:19] i'm not a gnome user sorry tallguy, but I'd expect 'display' at menu to show something useful. my lxqt (lubuntu) sets resolution via "Display Settings" which can be accessed with Monitor-Settings [08:20] ok thanks guiverc, i have been looking for that, but not founfd yet' [08:21] by selecting that, I can change resolution, refresh rate for each display (plus position etc), but as I'm not using gnome I can't be specific for gnome [08:46] Hi. [08:47] `rm -rf ~/.wine;wine MyGame.exe;` This does not install wine-gecko with the first command. What do I do? 18.10 latest wine. [08:47] I tried wine msiexec /i wine-gecko-$VER.msi but it fails. It just does nothing and returns the shell [08:48] http://dl.winehq.org/wine/wine-gecko/2.47/wine_gecko-2.47-x86.msi [09:00] hello guys [09:04] I've upgraded from 16.04 to 18.04 and I get black screen I have all the drivers [09:04] restart gdm3 didnt work [09:04] any suggestion ? [09:06] Anyone how to migrate the NETDOWN=NO that I usually put on /etc/default/halt which is not present in 18.04 LTS [09:23] using this guide: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/linux-package-manager/ubuntu18-04/sdk-current dotnet installs on my local VM but not on digital ocean any ideas? [09:33] hi [09:33] i have esxi [09:33] i have installed ubuntu server on it [09:33] i have files on esxi data store [09:34] how can i mount them [09:34] ZackTech, are both using the same sources? I've read some cloud companies use modified sources (that reduce their running cost, tweaked for themselves or are not complete mirrors) [09:38] guiverc,don't know I though the first line in that guide would add the necessary sources? [09:39] guiverc, is there any commands I can use to fix the package? [09:39] ZackTech, it is likely to pull in libraries from your existing sources; it was this I was thinking of. I'd suggest `apt-cache policy` examining any packages that have errors & compare what works, & what didn't [09:42] guiverc, looks like I am getting 500 for microsoft packages [09:43] guiverc, is this some sort of firewall issue? [09:43] 500? reminds me of a package source priority.. - but I don't know what context you're referring 500 to. [09:45] http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/cosmic/man5/apt_preferences.5.html - search 500 is what i though of [09:45] hgfh [09:45] s/though/thought [09:45] guiverc, can I upload a screen grab for you to look at anywhere? [09:45] `rm -rf ~/.wine;wine MyGame.exe;` This does not install wine-gecko with the first command. What do I do? 18.10 latest wine. [09:45] http://dl.winehq.org/wine/wine-gecko/2.47/wine_gecko-2.47-x86.msi [09:46] I tried wine msiexec /i wine-gecko-$VER.msi but it fails. It just does nothing and returns the shell [09:47] isn't it text? ZackTech (ie. pastebinit) [09:48] guiverc, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NDHYdnRcqr/ [09:51] so? as already stated - i believe it's the 500 in the prior man page I sent -- i was expecting a list of errors from the dig.oc install (not what you sent sorry) [09:52] https://askubuntu.com/questions/172457/why-do-i-get-package-not-found-when-trying-to-install-jabref-with-apt-get is sudo apt-get update & sudo apt-get upgrade worth a try? [09:57] Industrial: for starters, if you rm .wine methinks you have to reconfig it with winecfg. second, there's winetricks for all additional tools and bits [09:58] ZackTech, i assumed you'd already `sudo apt update` (if you make any change to sources, you of course should) - yes (i also assumed you'd dist-upgraded too) [10:04] blackflow: that doesn't include wine-gecko and I read everywhere on the net that it should auto install with the initiation of ~/.wine [10:05] However if that doesn't then you can download the MSI [10:05] `RoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot` [10:05] Is the error I get from [10:05] wine msiexec /i wine_gecko-2.47-x86.msi [10:05] I even tried removing all of wine from the system and re-installing it [10:09] yeeh i finaly managed to repair ubuntu :) , question during attempts to fix stuff i have installed systemd on ubuntu 14.04 lts , i was told yesterday that ubuntu 14.04 does not use systemd but uses upstart, is it safe to simply uninstall systemd from ubuntu 14.04 lts ? [10:12] guiverc, advise from DO seems to have worked: sudo dpkg --purge packages-microsoft-prod && sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb [10:15] or maybe the question should be: does it matter if systemd is installed on ubuntu 14.04 lts when doing an upgrade to 18.04 lts ? [10:15] Industrial: `winetricks gecko` === maddawg is now known as Guest24306 [10:16] greetings, on my kubuntu desktop, right clicking only gives my a logout option. no reboot or shutdown. [10:17] Industrial: btw which wine is that? older versions did not ask to auto-install gecko and .NET iirc [10:22] wine 3.0.3 [10:22] blackflow: I'm getting a winetricks help from that command along with [10:22] You are using a 64-bit WINEPREFIX. Note that many verbs only install 32-bit versions of packages. [10:23] So I guess that's the problem :-) [10:24] Industrial: possible. wine64 shouldn't be used yet unless you really need it. there's currently no support for both 32bit and 64bit (aka multilib) as far as I know (there are efforts for it though), so depending on which programs you'll want to run, maybe 32-bit is better [10:26] Ok, I'll try to remove everything and install only wine32. I have no use for 64 specifically since I just want to run an old game [10:28] Industrial: don't forget to re-rm ~/.wine too just in case [10:34] blackflow: it doesn't seem that winetricks can install gecko. At least `winetricks gecko` doesn't work. I still get the same error message from the MSI file === mikneim is now known as aldcor [10:35] Industrial: what msi file? are you installing it manually? [10:35] what does winetricks say when you try to install gecko? look up its help or manpage, I may've forgotten exact component name. it should support listing available components [10:37] `winetricks list-all | grep gecko` returns nothing. [10:37] Hi! I dont have any unallocated space on hdd. I want to extend root partition with gparted. Can I take few gigs from home partition and add to root? Is it safe? [10:38] I'm upgrading to wine 4 from winehq through their repo [10:39] AH~! that was it ;) now installing mono and gecko [10:46] aldcor in theory it should be okay, but when something goes wrong during the partitioning all ur data is los, so back up important stuff first [10:57] I am repeating my question NETDOWN=NO that I usually put on /etc/default/halt which is not present in 18.04 LTS please let me know alternative if anyone === 07EAA1OJP is now known as nikki09 [11:00] Hi. I'm wondering how I can run a specific script when I connect to a specific network. [11:01] !details | MrM1st [11:01] MrM1st: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. [11:02] OK. So it's Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. When docking my laptop at work, I'd like to run a specific script. === arch1mede is now known as arch_temp [11:03] MrM1st: yes you can. You can add scripts to /etc/NetworkManager/disatcher.d/ (see DISPATCHER SCRIPTS in man NetworkManager). The script can check if it's on the right network and do its thing === Vuurdraak_ is now known as Vuurdraak [11:06] Seveas: Thanks. I'll look into that. Any way to make sure the script is run after I've gotten an IP via DHCP= [11:06] ? [11:08] MrM1st: well look into that and your questions will be answered :) [11:11] sup nerds [11:11] Yo [11:11] Can i get some support please? [11:11] !ask | Ben_ [11:11] Ben_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [11:12] !patience [11:12] Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/ [11:12] * Vuurdraak hugs Ben [11:12] there u go i supported u :D [11:12] i missed the question [11:12] maybe he just needed a hug ;D [11:12] looks like we have a lot of people here doing sysadmin [11:13] am i correct? [11:13] im a linux gamer [11:13] ok [11:13] im a protected species :D [11:13] very rare :D [11:13] #ubuntu-offtopic for idle chatter, please :) [11:13] Vuurdraak: by the way, do you know if the linux graphic drivers [11:13] I used " sudo chmod 777 / " on my server while logged in as root and now I do not have permissions to use sudo or even access my website, please help me fix this. [11:14] the new ones come up for embedded chipsets [11:14] and by the way whch command do i have to check for seeing my graphics card? [11:14] Any way to restrict the wlan when connecting to a docking station? The WiFi keeps connected although I connect the laptop to the dock [11:14] tmm88, i use the drivers suplied by vendors not nouveau [11:14] Ben_: did you use -R for that chmod? [11:14] no blackflow [11:14] tmm88, so no idea [11:15] Ben_: then running the same with 755 should help. then 777 for /tmp and 700 for /root [11:15] there may be more exceptions that I'm not remembering at this point [11:15] I cannot use sudo though blackflow [11:17] blackflow 700 for root would be quite bad :) [11:17] upgrading from 18.04 to 18.10. is sudo do-upgrade (i forget the full command) any better /safer than making a live CD and over upgrading my install from a live environment? like an installation, but upgrade [11:17] tmm88, try: sudo lshw -C display [11:17] Ben_: it does look like you did chmod -R. What does `ls -la / /usr /usr/bin/sudo` say? [11:18] Seveas: eh? [11:18] Seveas: that's default [11:18] blackflow: 755 is the default. With 700 nobody but root would be able to access *anything* [11:18] Seveas: yes.... for /root [11:18] that's expected and default [11:18] no, for / [11:18] hello [11:19] I never said 700 for / [11:19] blackflow: ah. *facepalm*, I completely misread :| [11:19] I said 700 for /root, 755 for / and 777 for /tmp [11:19] I just installed Linux for the first time. [11:19] with 755 / being _first_, then overrides [11:19] any pointers? [11:19] no, /tmp needs 1777 [11:19] Ben_: sorr but if your root does not have set password so you can "su -l" you're dun goof'd. need a live env to reset permissions [11:20] Ben_, if you hadn't created another user (enabled root login for example) you may need to boot a 'live' system (eg. ubuntu install media) & make changes using that. [11:20] one of reasons why I'm REALLY against this stupid practice of blocking root password. It does more harm than good and is NOT any significant security improvement. [11:20] Ben_: oh wait... maybe you can use one of dbus/polkit based actions to elevate privilage [11:20] * guiverc always thought everyone just enabled root login [11:21] guiverc: well I do. ubuntu does not by defautl and you'll frequently get "advice" here not to do that. VERY BAD ADVICE. [11:21] way enable a root login if you can just do: sudo su ? [11:21] Vuurdraak: because you can't if you break sudo [11:22] QED [11:22] i didnt know :') [11:22] blackflow: rescue shell should work [11:22] (from the boot menu) [11:22] Seveas: does that not ask for root password? :) [11:22] not if one isn't set, I believe [11:22] yeh boot to root promp and give a: mount -o remount,rw / [11:22] but it's been years since I used it [11:22] Seveas: I don't remember either [11:22] sorry i am quite the beginner when it comes to ubuntu [11:22] to load the file system in read write [11:22] but i can use most other commands as root [11:23] while logged in [11:23] Ben_: can you `su -l` ? maybe your root has a valid password set [11:23] just after executing sudo chmod 700 / it seems i no longer have perms to use sudo [11:23] i know my root password if thats what you mean blackflow [11:24] Ben_: if you sudo chmod 700 /, you can't do anything. as root, chmod it back to 755 [11:24] Ben_: I thought you said you did "chmod 777 /" ? so which is it? [11:25] Seveas: they can't if sudo refuses to run due to too open permissions on /etc/sudoers* [11:25] blackflow: 738.5 :D [11:25] blackflow: that's why I said 'as root' instead of 'with sudo'. He'll need to log in as root :) [11:25] right, so let's stop going in circles :) [11:25] on a vt [11:25] i sorry i am getting confused like a noob, it was 700 i am sure [11:25] Ben_: can you `su -l` ? [11:25] yes su -1 works [11:26] not 1 (one) but l (lowercase L) [11:26] huh [11:26] fix your IRC client fonts too [11:26] yes it seemed to work blackflow [11:26] su -l [11:26] i am using freenode right now haha [11:27] greetings, my logot menu only shows logout and not shutdown/reboot. how can i correct this? [11:28] Ben_: right. now "chmod 755 /" then "chmod 700 /root" and "chmod 777 /tmp" [11:28] no [11:28] chmod 1777 /tmp [11:28] sticky bit matters [11:28] yeah ok, 1777 [11:28] check if they're actaully broken first though [11:29] ok i did that blackflow [11:29] these are default so it shouldn't matter if they are or aren't. there's no recursion here either [11:29] Ben_: now see in another terminal if your sudo is working [11:29] ok will do [11:29] the website is backup [11:29] so i assume that it is fixed [11:29] i will check the sudo now [11:30] blackflow: by the way, why chmod /root and /tmp if he only changed /? Just as a precaution? [11:30] Seveas: because for some reason I thought recursion was used [11:30] sudo: unable to stat /etc/sudoers: No such file or directory sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting sudo: unable to initialize policy plugin [11:30] fair enough. If it were, there'd be a *lot* more to fix though [11:30] this is what i get when trying to use sudo now [11:30] definitely [11:30] iomari, sudo apt-get install indicator-session is being said in: https://askubuntu.com/questions/201263/shutdown-and-user-button-missing-in-panel [11:31] Vuurdraak: thanks [11:31] or if its installed already: sudo apt-get install --reinstall indicator-session [11:31] I've had that once: mounted a remote box's root via sshfs as /home/$me/remote-box and then decided to chmod og-rwx -R $HOME :) [11:31] Ben_: ls -lad /etc /etc/sudoers [11:31] what does that say? [11:31] !pastebin [11:31] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [11:32] it's 2 lines, no need to pastebin. Not like it's very busy in here :) [11:32] still :) good habits and all that [11:32] ls: cannot access '/etc/sudoers': No such file or directory [11:33] you dun goof'd more than just chmod 777 / [11:33] yeah, sudoers doesn't generally go missing automatically [11:33] what is snap and what is it for? [11:33] that certainly explains why sudo doesn't work [11:33] Ben_: just to be sure, you're running all this as root, correct? [11:33] yes blackflow [11:33] !snap | lesshaste [11:33] lesshaste: it's a packaging format for installing applications including all their dependencies in a separate place from OS packages. [11:33] lesshaste: Snaps are containerised software packages similar to flatpaks or appimage. For more info, see https://snapcraft.io [11:34] why would anyone use it instead of apt install? [11:34] for packages where you need different versions of libraries then what the system provides for instance, or for isolation between the app and the os [11:34] Ben_: when you run `dpkg -l sudo` it ends with a line starting with "ii sudo" right? [11:35] Vuurdraak: I forgot to mention that I'm using kubuntu. [11:35] lesshaste: it's meant for vendors to deliver their programs packaged up with all the required dependencies without any fear of which host it'll be run on, with potential library issues [11:35] iomari it doesnt work there ? [11:35] with some security as a side thought but..... just side thought. [11:36] Vuurdraak: ok. [11:36] You are correct, ii sudo. [11:37] Ben_: `apt-get install --reinstall sudo` should get the config file back, but you really should try to figure out why it's missing :) [11:37] Ben_: so why don't you come clean and say what did you do really? that chmod could not perish the sudoers file [11:37] iomari i see an old forum threat saying there are problems when using kdm instead of gdm in kubuntu, but its an old post so not sure [11:38] Seveas: I think it needs confnew or confmiss -o Dpkg::Options though [11:38] iomari, somebody mentions: Go to System Settings → Startup and Shutdown → Session Management and check the “Offer shutdown options” checkbox. [11:38] being that it's already installed, the packager does not know if missing configs is intended [11:38] Vuurdraak: Thanks. I'll check that now.............. [11:39] "come clean" ? what is this, alcoholics anonymous? I'm telling you the truth to my knowledge, I appreciate your help so far but I would honestly just tell you if i had done something else [11:39] blackflow, thanks. [11:39] blackflow: I thought so too, but the dpkg manpage for `confmiss` says it overrides prompts, so I'm expecting it to prompt whether the config file should be restored [11:39] Ben_: because knowing what actually happened would help us help you faster and on the point. chmod itself did not remove your sudoers [11:40] Ben_: anyway, try the command Seveas gave you, see if that restores the sudoers file. by default your user should be in the "sudo" group unless you had a different sudoer config [11:41] The command returned saying it was unable to get some archives [11:41] Ben_: and you'll probably be surprised to hear how many users start asking about one problem only to have it revealed that they did somethign entirely different to cause their problems. see also !xy factoid) [11:43] Oh i bet that always happens, just believe me when I tell you, im a genuine guy with no online ego, i'm doing my best to listen to your help. [11:43] which i highly appreciate [11:44] Ben_: can you pastebin the entire output? [11:44] sure seveas [11:44] the problem seems to be with my host [11:44] OK. So I'm creating this tiny script in /etc/network/if-up.d just dumping some variables to a log file. However it seems to be ran TWO times when connection the laptop to the docking station. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? [11:44] but im sure you can identify it better than me [11:44] !pastebin [11:44] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [11:45] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Dj5P5SjnKD/ [11:45] Ben_: not necessarily, I'm thinking you're either running an unsupported ubuntu release, or simply need to run apt-get update and apt-get upgrade. The output will help determine what it is. [11:45] ooh, entirely different. dns issues [11:46] pastebin the output of this please: ls -la /etc; ip a l [11:46] I think im running ubuntu 1804 [11:46] sure [11:46] you are running ubuntu 18.04, which is very much supported still === tsglove2 is now known as tsglove [11:47] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Ph9Q7dnw2M/ [11:49] greetings, what is the channel for disco dingo? [11:49] iomari_: #ubuntu+1 [11:49] iomari, other things i have found is if it still doesnt work, making sure your user is added to the 'power' group & reseting kdm (if you use kdm): sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm , or not using kdm and using gdm instead, cant see much else also im not using kubuntu [11:50] anyway have a nice day all catch you later o/ [11:50] bye [11:50] Seveas: I thought that was it but it's blank. AS well as the user list. [11:51] Ben_: that's missing the second part. But let's do a different set of commands: ip a l; ip r; resolvectl [11:53] #openstack-dns [11:55] The resolvectl command was not found. [12:00] Ben_: that's not (stock) Ubuntu? is that a hosted/modified environment or something? [12:01] Anyone? How can I make wifi turn off when connecting my laptop to a docking station? [12:01] Ubuntu 18.04 LTS [12:02] MrM1st: I'm not familiar with docking stations, do they change anything in the system? some device (dis)appears? === Tom is now known as Guest95084 [12:02] MrM1st: because if so, you can trigger via udev rules (or even systemd device units maybe) for something to happen when the device appears or disappears [12:03] blackflow: How can I debug? I've got the laptop besides me here (another machine) [12:05] blackflow: Also, shouldn't wireless by default be disabled when connecting to wired network? Instead of being connected to both? [12:06] ./ help [12:06] MrM1st: well, you can run `sudo dmesg | tail -n 50 | nc termbin.com 9999` after you dock the laptop and paste here the URL you get. I'm assuming last 50 lines should suffice to see the relevant hardware/kernel messages [12:06] greetings everyone! [12:06] howdy [12:07] Am trying to set up my artik 710 module so i can using arduino ide to write code to it but it has been a pain in the back. I have followed the documentation from the artik site but still yet my code compiles successfully but fails at upload. please help anyone [12:07] MrM1st: ah so the wired network becomes available with the dock? [12:08] MrM1st: I don't know myself, I don't do wireless, but google returns this (and is about the NM dispatcher scripts you originally asked) https://askubuntu.com/questions/112968/automatically-disable-wifi-wireless-when-wired [12:09] hi any one can arduino here? [12:09] !anyone [12:09] bah, wrong bot. ionwind just ask the question, someone will respond :) [12:09] blackflow: Wow. I guess that's it! :) [12:11] blackflow: Also, I found putting the script in /etc/network/if-up.d might do the trick for me. However I can place this in /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d as well. Unsure about which approach is best. [12:11] MrM1st: they're two entirely different programs. /etc/network/... is ifupdown. /etc/NetworkManger/ is NetworkManager [12:11] and this was a NM dispatcher script which has nothing to do with ifupdown [12:12] generally NM will not / should not configure interfaces managed by ifupdown [12:12] blackflow: except that n-m has a dispacher.d script for ifupdown :D [12:13] blackflow: Yep.. that's it. I had a look in /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/01-ifupdown, and it calls the scripts in /etc/network/if-up.d [12:14] Respect to Seveas, he solved my problems with great skill. [12:14] Seveas: oh I see, 01-ifupdown .... well still, they're two managers with conflicting interests. I'm not even sure oyu can use a NM dispatcher script as an ifupdown hook? [12:14] Seveas: what was their problem? [12:14] blackflow: Seveas: Heh.. I'm getting confused now. Is this two ways of controlling what happens when connecting/disconnecting interfaces? [12:15] MrM1st: in a nutshell.... yes. they're both network managers (as a class of programs) and therefore competing with each other. [12:15] MrM1st: the gods of backawards compatibility decided that ifupdown scrits should still be run in a full network-manager managed system [12:16] so even if you're not using ifupdown, the pre/post-up/down scripts shipped by pacakges with ifupdown support still work [12:16] personally I'd keep NM dispatcher scripts under NM config. after all, the script is issuing nmcli commands so would be useless for ifupdown without NM present [12:17] blackflow: they had some dns trouble as well. Not sure of the source, worked around it by switching to then reinstall sudo (--force-confmiss was required) to make /etc/sudoers reappear [12:17] blackflow: This script, Yes! I totally agree. However I'm also creating a script that should do some operations when connecting the laptop to my work subnet [12:17] Seveas: I see. solved via pm? [12:17] MrM1st: just forget all about ifupdown. It's a relic from the past [12:17] blackflow: yeah [12:18] Seveas: if that suits you, fine :) personally I adhere to the policies, guidelines and hints of !pm . otherwise they'll keep bugging you directly, often when least wanted. [12:19] Seveas: OK. I'll recreate the script as a pure NM-script. However I need a bit of config for my script as well. Should the script be a symlink to something in /opt and the config-file be placed in /etc/opt ? [12:19] blackflow: for me it depends on the users attitude. If they're annoying, I ignore PM's :) [12:19] Seveas: personally I don't think it's a relic, just because some hothead in Canonical decided to NIH a netplan. it's very much alive and used in Debian [12:20] MrM1st: that [12:20] MrM1st: that's up to your tastes [12:20] and some even reinstall it under bionic because ItJustWorks(tm) while Netplan does not for some cases [12:21] blackflow: I'm using both Debian and Ubuntu systems [12:21] as well as RHEL / CentOS [12:27] MrM1st: right, so it makes sense to have as homogenous set of config paradigms as possible [12:27] MrM1st: which in this case would be NM, as one manager used across all those distros [12:27] blackflow: That's right. However the stuff I'm doing right now is just for my laptop [12:28] blackflow: Mm... I'll create this as a NM script. Creating the local git repo as we speak :P [12:29] blackflow: Seveas: Thanks to you both for pointing me in the right direction! :) Think I'll manage to continue on my own [12:29] yw [12:31] Oh... one more thing. There's nothing wrong with making the NM script call a python-script, is it? [12:32] MrM1st: no, in fact I don't see why the NM dispatcher script itself can't be a pythons cript [12:33] blackflow: I tend to prefer Python.. for everytihng :P [12:35] MrM1st: same here, python dev :) [12:36] blackflow: me too [12:37] G'day everyone. Dies anyone know if its possible to make it so that I'd have a / and /boot partition, abd have them both encrypted with DIFFERENT keys? (So that at boot I'd need to enter one /boot password, and then would enter anotger password to thr / partitoon) [12:40] Hi does ubuntu update firefox to minor releases or only when a major release happens? [12:42] TheSilentLink: updating ubuntu gets everything updated [12:43] WhiskerBiscuit: yes, the two are separate stages in the boot process [12:44] !uptodate | TheSilentLink [12:44] TheSilentLink: To ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`. [12:44] WhiskerBiscuit: I do fail to see _why_ you would do it, but it's technically doable [12:44] whateverrrrrr: ^^^^^ that was for you (sorry WhiskerBiscuit , tabfail) [12:46] How could it be done then? And it's done cause a script in the boot parititon remotely retrieves the passwors for the majn one, but i also want the scriot to be secure therefore the boot parition needs to be encrypted too [12:47] whateverrrrrr: first, one thing to be clear. the only thing disc encryption "secures" is data at rest. ie. disks when they leave the machine or machine is powered off. [12:48] Well initramfs is technically at rest before retrieval no? [12:48] whateverrrrrr: now, the stages are separate. encrypted root is understood and handled by initramfs hooks and scripts. encrypted boot is detected and dealt with by grub itself. however last time I tried that it was a pain to get grub detect and ask for passphrase for /boot, and I don't know if things got better since. [12:49] whateverrrrrr: is this fora server? if the initramfs remotely receives the pass to unlock root, why does /boot need to be encrypted? [12:49] I have that situation, but I don't encrypt /boot, no point in that. [12:50] Client [12:51] A client with extremely sensitive data. [12:51] Would it be best to just leave /boot unencrypted then? Just slightly worried aboit possible tampering with it. [12:51] whateverrrrrr: anyway, look up GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y option for /etc/default/grub if I'm not mistaken that's really the only thing you need to have the first stage loader detect and ask for /boot passphrase. [12:52] Is it possible to somehow have jt be set to that durijg install though? [12:53] whateverrrrrr: store extreme sensitive data offline and external [12:53] whateverrrrrr: really depends on the vectors you want to protect against. just understand that a running system can be attacked and in theory keys retrieved, so it's actually more vulnerable while it's running. [12:53] Or would installing with an unencrypted boot be needed first and then somehow remake the encrypted boot partition? If yes how [12:54] whateverrrrrr: no you can create a LUKS container for /boot before the installation. I'd recommend debootstrapping the system [12:55] So during partitioning itd be a Luis container thst contains an unencrypted /boot right [12:55] question is... do you need to additionally encrypt root? I mean, you'll _have_ to go there and physically supply the password for /boot (because at that stage you can't do any remote ssh or whatev), so why not just have one big encrypted / that contains /boot ? [12:55] whateverrrrrr: What is your threat model that leads you to believe that tampering with /boot is a risk? [12:56] but eh... iirc that wouldn't matter as you'd still have to input the passphrase _again_ for initramfs. grub doesn't relay it to the kernel. yeah that was one problem I remember now, couldn't use one prompt for all [12:56] One big encrypted / doesn't exactly allow me to have one password at the beginning and then retrieve another one that shoild be used [12:56] Like, i need tk retrieve the luks password remotely [12:57] but you'll have to walk over physically to boot the machine [12:57] Well I'd just need it to be retrieved so one / sadly is out of question [12:58] Why do you need it to work this way? [12:58] and btw your machine can still be tampered with and trojaned with a keylogger or whatever that loads itself up before regular passphrase for /boot is shown [12:58] Requirements for a thing zeropoint [12:59] as in, if that machine was really attacked, you would not know the difference without inspecting the drives. [12:59] Hm, I see [12:59] so if oyu ask me, encrypted /boot is just an annoyance that the attackers can work around [12:59] Which is a non-answer. [12:59] unless efi + trusted boot is in question but that's out of my comfort zone [13:00] Haven't really checked that out tbh [13:00] yeah I've done very little EFI myself, even less with secureboot or whats the term. but it's designed to sign and check the _entire_ boot process. I don't know how effective it is. [13:01] That sounds pretty interesting, will definitely need to look more into it [13:01] I have updated but it seems firefox 65.0.1 isn't in the repos yet [13:02] (because one could swap out the motherboard while you're not around so still vectors exist to circumvent even that, which then requires you to physically lock or boobytrap the case and..... there we go into the cray cray) :) [13:02] though jokes aside, I once did look into booby trapping my computer case. [13:02] !latest | TheSilentLink [13:02] TheSilentLink: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. [13:02] TheSilentLink: you can also try snaps if you want later packages [13:03] Well, swapping definitely is something that would be too much haha :D [13:03] whateverrrrrr: right, hence the original questions about threat models affecting your use case [13:05] Really only the possible modification of hard drive contents is a threat I assume [13:05] lotuspsychje: TheSilentLink: I wouldn't go that far to suggest a snap over point-point update of FF. [13:06] yea not really worth it but it does have some security updates and bug fixes. But I can wait for 66 [13:06] blackflow: its the users choice, dont shoot the messenger :p [13:06] The user isn't always right. [13:06] indeed :) [13:07] snaps have a whole lot of additional things going. in my personal use case, inability to set a custom AppArmor profile is a big turnoff for any snap use [13:07] something one should weigh in when deciding between waiting for a point-point update or going snap [13:07] the user has a software center, to pick it from...and shows at first hit :p [13:10] lotuspsychje: well the messenger should know better not to suggest a snap without explaining the whole difference :) plus, whatever is snapped is coming to packaged FF as well, at least with FF it's constantly bumped (eg. doesn't stick with ESR or something) [13:10] if anything, a snap for ESR should exist in that case. it just doesn't make any sense. [13:11] oh I see there is a snap for ESR. good. [13:12] blackflow: software center doesnt explain the difference neither [13:12] snapstore vs apt, thats all [13:12] either* and the fact that it doesn't is problematic imho [13:13] lotuspsychje: right and we should know better here in #ubuntu :) [13:13] yep :p [13:14] snaps are great idea for vendors to deliver their software that would otherwise collide with native libs/applications. snapping up something that's already packaged natively has zero sense, except to TEST stuff before it lands natively. [13:14] *makes zero sense [13:16] Howdy all === semeion is now known as mnemonic === captain_fixerpc1 is now known as CaptainFixerpc14 === med is now known as med_ [13:51] greetings, has anyone updated their kernel to 5x? is it safe? [13:52] iomari_: Hello, you might find better information asking your question in a kernel specific channel. In this channel, support is primarily focused on the kernels that are released by Canonical/Ubuntu through install images and the apt package manager. [13:52] iomari_: it's not yet released, meaning it's still a developent version, so it's as "safe" as ultra-edgy dev kernel can be [13:53] and what pragmaticenigma said === ilfantomas_ is now known as ilfantomas [14:23] Hi. My laptop screen sometimes goes dead because of some hardware issue. the only way to get around this is to restart the computer: effectively cut the display power off. is there a way where i could cut the display power off for my laptop. thanks [14:24] specifically is there a bash command using which i can cut off power to the display? [14:24] martiansoul: unlikely, but you can try to fiddle with xset and dpms? [14:24] or are you using wayland? [14:25] no. using ubuntu 18.04 [14:25] i tried using xset and the screen got off normally. but when the problem occured - the screen going dead - the screen just wouldn't go off. [14:26] does xset cut the power off to the screen? [14:37] ping [14:38] pong [14:40] martiansoul: sounds like one of those weird glitches that might be fixable with a BIOS update. [14:40] martiansoul: consider investigating that avenue. [14:42] Hello. I tried to copy root filesystem to a new partition using cp -a. However, the new system does not boot - systemd starts but then many services fail and the GUI or event a prompt does not appear. Any ideas? [14:50] Greetings everyone [14:50] welcome m-blaise === nat is now known as Natkeeran [14:54] pragmaticenigma: blackflow: sorry for the late reply. thanks for the info. [14:56] thank you lotuspsychje [14:57] Hi. Are my messages visible? [14:58] yes [14:58] Good. Thanks. [15:01] qwebirc23321: copying a file system with cp -a will not make the system bootable [15:02] qwebirc23321: you copied the root filesystem via cp -a, did you also chroot and install grub? [15:02] you would need to do something along the lines of using the dd program on an .iso or .img file in order to make it bootable [15:02] qwebirc23321: also, you need to edit fstab so that the uuid of the new filesystem is there instead of the old one, my guess is that that's the problem [15:02] be very very careful if you use dd because if you use it incorrectly you could bork your system [15:03] I have been trying to set up an Artik710 module, so i can use my Arduino ide to upload my codes but it has been a pain at the back. i have followed the documentation on their website but still unable to upload my code successfully, I need assistenace. anyone please? [15:04] m-blaise: you may have more luck in a channel focused on arduino's - here we mostly deal with Ubuntu itself, there's not much arduino or artik talk usually [15:05] EriC^^: yeah, I reinstalled grub. I changed fstab. I booted into recovery mode and saw that the partitions are mounted correctly. [15:05] qwebirc23321, and what error messages do you get? [15:06] It's a pity I can't copy them. I will retype some of them [15:06] qwebirc23321: I still think your best best would be to copy your unmounted file system using dd. Don't use cp it won't work [15:07] best bet [15:07] Seveas: thank you, any active Arduino channel you can suggest? [15:07] [FAILED] Failed to start Avahi... [15:07] qwebirc23321: unless you used `-x`, `cp -a` will actually have copied too much. Check if all of the usual tmpfiles like /run etc. are properly mounted (and empty on your new root fs) [15:08] !alis | m-blaise [15:08] m-blaise: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http" [15:08] m-blaise: I'd try #arduino - but I don't know how active it is, I'm no arduino pilot :) [15:11] Sevas: I made a copy from a livecd. The root fs was mounted to /mnt/root If I understand correctly, cp -x would not make any difference as there were no other mounts under /mnt/root/. Right? [15:11] qwebirc23321, he's talking about /dev, /proc, etc [15:12] Was the system that you copied from not actually running? [15:12] lordcirth__: it was not running [15:13] lotuspsychje: thanks once again [15:13] Seveas: thanks I appreciate [15:13] qwebirc23321: the live cd is special, the installer does some more pre-install cheanges and post-install cleanups after copying all files. [15:13] why not just use the installer to install your system? [15:15] Seveas: I just wanted to move the system to another partition preserving installed packages and configs [15:16] qwebirc23321: https://serverfault.com/questions/4906/using-dd-for-disk-cloning [15:16] qwebirc23321: you just said you copied from a livecd, now you copied from an installed system? Which one is it? [15:17] I copied an installed system, which was not running, using a livecd [15:17] qwebirc23321: https://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/10/dd-command-examples/ [15:18] ah! That's actually quite sensible :D That just means grub may be confused and needs a config update, and fstab may need an update. [15:19] qwebirc23321: using the livecd again, mount your new root partition, chroot into it and fix up the grub config and regenerate the config. And have a look at its fstab, update any uuid's that need to be updated [15:20] hey [15:20] anyone up [15:20] ayy [15:20] What's up [15:21] laraib: we're all down :) [15:21] great [15:21] new to ubuntu [15:21] Ya [15:21] what about you [15:21] am new too [15:21] Been using it for like 12 years [15:21] Feels like I'm getting old [15:21] Is there something you need help with though? [15:22] well i am new too [15:22] you could tell me anything [15:22] We all were new to ubuntu once :) [15:22] where are you from [15:23] there's people from all over the pancake here [15:23] Hello people, I got a question due to the custom keybinds: Currently Ubuntu's Keybind for "Next workspace" is CTRL+ALT+DOWN, how can I change this to CTRL+ALT+RIGHT, I ask, because I can not find the entry in the keyboard settings [15:23] why do you want to know, laraib ? do you have an Ubuntu support question? [15:24] idk much [15:24] i am still figuring it out [15:24] asciiwarrior7, add that key combo, as it is still free? [15:24] I'm from Texas [15:24] It's big and flat and hot [15:24] wodencafe, laraib use #ubuntu-offtopic to learn to know each other === Budgii_ is now known as Budgii [15:25] Ok :) [15:25] Seveas: do you think the problem is in GRUB? I have already restored it so it can boot the system on the new partition. And the system seems to begin to boot, it mounts / and /home. But some systemd services fail to start... [15:25] OerHeks I can make a new key comb, the comb is free, but I dont know the terminal command to achieve this behaviour [15:26] qwebirc23321: if it gets that far, it's probably not grub, agreed. Any useful log messages about those failing services? [15:26] OerHeks there is no prebuild entry for "Next workspace" [15:26] #ubuntu-offtopic [15:27] asciiwarrior7, i see, you need dconf to edit the current key combo, https://askubuntu.com/questions/315625/how-to-disable-the-shortcut-ctrl-alt-arrow-in-gnome-3-8 [15:27] asciiwarrior7, not sure why it is not in the settings gui .. [15:28] OerHeks, thank you very much, yes if it would be in the settings gui, I wont ask, because I can change it right there [15:28] OerHeks, it is weird that it is missing [15:28] Seveas: I think dbus-deamon does not start. Every 60 seconds the system prints [ OK ] Started D-Bus System Message Bus. It does not consume CPU or load anything from HDD. [15:29] qwebirc23321: and you said you cannot get in right? Can you boot the live cd and see if there's anything useful in /var/log/syslog on the new root? [15:30] qwebirc23321, can you boot to recovery mode and get a root shell? [15:30] asciiwarrior7, ahh, it is the same as super+page down > ['Page_Down', 'Down'] [15:30] lordcirth__ yes, recovery mode works [15:30] qwebirc23321: what happens if you try to start dbus in recovery mode? [15:31] It prints "unknown group power in message bus configuration file" and dies 60 seconds later. [15:38] OerHeks: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-to-workspace-down "['Page_Down', 'Down', 'Right']" [15:38] OerHeks: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-to-workspace-up "['Page_Up', 'Up', 'Left']" [15:39] OerHeks: I used this settings, I double checked it with dconf-tools [15:39] OerHeks: now it works, thanks mate for your help [15:41] asciiwarrior7, have fun! [15:41] i wondered if you needed to logout/login again, but that is no problem [15:41] OerHeks, no it works instantly [15:42] good to know, to help others [15:42] ya :) [15:43] OerHeks, but dconf-tools can brick the system, others should use it carefully [15:45] asciiwarrior7, sure it can, but removing ~/.config/dconf/ might well reset those choises [15:46] it is a binairy, unreadable thingy [15:46] OerHeks: good to know [15:49] hello I'm having a problem to block ip's with psad and ufw the message when I run psad --fw-list is "[-] Table: filter, chain: PSAD_BLOCK_FORWARD, does not exist" someone knows how to fix it? [15:52] noob-noob, what guide dit you follow to set it up? [15:54] OerHeks: oh boy, a couple I've tried everything... [15:57] OerHeks: do you recommend someone in specific? [15:57] *some [15:58] noob-noob, i never tried psad, there are tons of howto's, and differ [16:00] OerHeks: thanks anyway === cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer [16:01] i would look first at d.o. howto's, and compare them with an other, https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-psad-to-detect-network-intrusion-attempts-on-an-ubuntu-vps [16:01] those pages get updated, and not a fresh one any new version [16:03] I've tried this one [16:04] interestingly, based on web searches, no one seems to have run into a similar error before [16:05] noob-noob: which ubuntu version is this, are psad and ufw from this ubuntu version? [16:07] tomreyn: I'm using 18.04 and the last psad v2.4.3. [16:09] noob-noob: does the PSAD_BLOCK_FORWARD chain exist? [16:10] just the Chain PSAD_BLOCK_INPUT and the PSAD_BLOCK_OUTPUT the last one chain: PSAD_BLOCK_FORWARD do not exist [16:11] does it work without ufw? [16:12] tomreyn: didn't tried, my mission is only to be able to block an address after a port scan [16:14] noob-noob: okay. i'm, just wondering whether ufw's default policies are incompatible with psad (or this version of it). [16:15] so personally in this situation i'd probably try to cimplify matters, and one of the components you can easily take out is ufw. [16:17] i'd also get me a fresh copy of the psad configuration files, and, without diffing my changes to it, would do the whole psad configuration again, as if it was the first time. this can help rule out configuration file typos, bad configurations due to not reading the instructions / examples thoroughly. [16:17] noob-noob: ^ just some generic suggestions, maybe they'll help, maybe not. [16:18] it is unusual that no one has hit this or even a similar issue before (from what i found). this could be explained with a configuration file typo or misunderstanding. [16:18] Hey, I don't know if anyone has the answer to this, but I haven't been able to find it on the wikis or on forums anywhere [16:19] tomreyn: I must try [16:20] I can't get xmodmap to run on login and stay set. If running a shell command that touches a file if it succeeds, the file is created on login, but the keyboard is untouched. Some people online suggested the keyboard layout is being set AFTER the command and is overwriting my settings [16:20] noob-noob: comparing the error message to others i find on the web, as well as the comma in ", does not exist" also makes me suspicious that there may actually be something missing between the comman and "does not exist". just a hunch... [16:20] Does anyone on 16.04 hav any idea how to get my xmodmap back? [16:20] ajvermillion: finally you could try the latest (upstream) psad version and if it also happoens there, file a bug. [16:22] tomreyn: I guess so. I hadn't yet because some forum posters seemed to be saying it wan't a bug but a feature. Thanks, I suppose it helps to know it shouldn't be happening. [16:22] I am having a hard to locating a proper issue / fix. wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction. I am running 18.04.2 on a Lenovo T450s. I have this issue where i keep losing my ethernet. for example if i try to find Wired Connections in the Gnome settings its missing, or if run an ifconfig is missing. My fix is to remove and add the e1000e kernel module. but cannot find where the issue is. I am up to date on this LTS [16:22] build [16:22] / hasn't been phased out through not caring [16:23] I'm having problems getting MySQL to work. I keep getting this error: ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) [16:24] Hoping someone can advise better channel or on the issue of data recovery [16:24] !info testdisk | nekowaiidesu [16:24] nekowaiidesu: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool, and PhotoRec file recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 7.0-3build2 (bionic), package size 391 kB, installed size 1530 kB [16:25] https://pastebin.com/cGraEN2P [16:25] I've tried :/ [16:25] It gets weirder.. maybe you can guess or tell me what has happened. [16:26] nekowaiidesu: IO errors are mostly bad sign [16:26] nekowaiidesu: try to scan whole drive with photorec to recover data [16:26] I'll try again [16:26] but I'm curious [16:27] ajvermillion: i'm not sure about ubuntu 16.04, but generally xmodmap support seems to be going away (at least in gnome-shell in 18.04), and you should migrate to xkb, where possible. [16:27] Sorry guys...I'm searching up the error. [16:27] tomreyn: Thanks! [16:27] /dev/sdc1 2048 3905995904 3905993857 1.8T 7 HPFS/NTFS/exFAT [16:27] /dev/sdc2 * 3905995905 3907029166 1033262 504.5M c W95 FAT32 (LBA) [16:28] And the 500mb FAT can be mounted, it has what looks like windows BOOTMGR and BCD [16:29] I think the drive is fine physically :S did someone maybe try install windows to the external hdd or something? [16:30] maszlo: does the e100e module print anything possibly related on dmesg? the module offers a 'debug' option you could try (modinfo -p e1000e) [16:32] maszlo: usually such is caused by broken wires, insufficient shielding / drop-in signals. but it could also be a suspend / power (saving) or firmware issue. [16:34] hi guys, do you have any ideas why xrandr returns 'cannot find mode x' when i try to set the mode for an external monitor, even though that mode *is* listed by xrandr for that output? [16:34] rapidwave: that's a pretty common issue, really, but there can be multiple causes. usually it just means the mysql server is not running because it failed to start. and the logs will tell you why. [16:34] tomreyn: from dmesg i see gaps from boot initializing then Link is down because was not attached.. then when went to use it see removed it and add it. not really any type of errror [16:35] rapidwave: if you have more questions about this tell us about your ubuntu version and which mysql server and version (installed from where) you're using. [16:35] tomreyn: for the debug option. how would i set that to be applied on boot so can catch it? [16:35] or better to do it manually and try and catch it [16:39] maszlo: you can set e1000e module options in e.g. /etc/modprobe.d/e1000e.conf (create this file) and they will be applied by the time you load a module (insmod / modprobe). [16:39] example line for e1000e: options e1000e debug=8 [16:43] Hello everyone [16:44] nekowaiidesu: if you think the drive is fine physically then you should just create a full disk image and then experiment with that in possibly destructive ways.but not on the realy one. [16:44] tomreyn: it looks like intel updated that driver.3.2.6-k is what ubuntu has and can find intel download is available for [16:44] possibly destructive ways include editing the partition table with testdisk, running any kind of file system *reapirs* (not just read-only checks). [16:44] I would, but i dont have 2tb right now to store raw img :/ [16:45] I have a quick question: I'm doing stuff for my school right now, and there is a question: What is the difference between "smb:/" and "smb://" - I did not even know that it works with one slash, too... [16:45] maszlo: this doesn't have to mean you need the updated one to fix this issue. you probably don't, [16:46] could someone tell me the difference please? [16:46] nekowaiidesu: then get it, or give it to someone who has. a 2 TB HDD is quite affordable nowadays. [16:47] do you think if i gathered some 500MB hdds and did a raid0? [16:47] it would still work fine for recovery? [16:47] niko1990: so this is a school project, and you're looking for a shortvcut to solve problems coming up? :-) [16:47] tomreyn: nope, just looking for help [16:48] :) [16:48] niko1990: is this an assigned task? [16:49] niko1990: i mean a task you got assigned, as a class, or you specifically? [16:49] niko1990: which manuals have you read on this, yet? [16:50] tomreyn: it's a question in a worksheet we have here - the problem is that nothing was standing about that topic in my book - happend many times before, but because i want to know it - i was asking the question [16:50] nekowaiidesu: if you use multiple disks it increases the chance of data loss on the copy, but if you just use them to back up the image it should be fine. [16:51] niko1990: thanks for being honest there. what about the manuals you read? [16:51] (do you know where to look, where have you looked so far) [16:52] Thanks tomreyn === mnemonic is now known as Guest37422 [16:52] tomreyn: I'm actually not too bad with samba, but I really have no idea what to search for [16:54] tomreyn: does that have to deal with UNC? [16:54] niko1990: me neither, i'm just reading manuals as we speak, maybe we can find it together. did you read the smbmount manual? [16:56] it may be // denotes relative path and / absolute [16:56] relative to what? [16:56] idk -\_0.o/~ the path that the smb service is called from [16:57] like curl does a relative http request? [16:58] i'm just giving guesses lol, niko1990 is the one with the project needing anything to google [16:58] niko1990: please tell us when you found out. I really want to know now myself. [17:00] to see groups, " smb:/" gives smb:/ and to see shares smb://host [17:00] hard to find, thank you KDE https://docs.kde.org/trunk5/nl/kdenetwork/kioslave5/smb/ [17:00] !cookie | OerHeks [17:00] OerHeks: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! [17:01] I have the feeling that this is something wired from our teacher again. Happened a couple of times before... He wrote the books on his own, in the ... idk ... 1980 or something, and just updated the every once in a while, took parts out, added some parts, but every once in a while forgot to change the questions in the work sheet. :/ [17:01] i have no samba running to confirm [17:02] smbmount(8) only discusses double forward and back slashes initiating the service name [17:02] Well, I can see Dolphin allowing the "smb:/" input. But I haven't seen any record this an "official" syntax [17:02] Could this be something KDE specific? [17:02] tomreyn, yes, i was thinking about windows/linux differences to access, but no [17:03] OerHeks: That is fantastic :) Thank you very much [17:03] niko1990, you just put the most interesting Question of the week :-D [17:03] Agreed [17:03] @everyone: Thank you all for helping me finding the answer :) I'm going to tell this tomorrow my teacher ... [17:04] was there an answer? [17:04] Partially [17:05] is apt-get asynchronous? [17:05] i have a script that runs a series of apt-get commands and sometimes dpkg is still locked from a prior command when the next one executes === SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk [17:06] leftyfb, to see groups, " smb:/" gives smb:/ and to see shares smb://host [17:07] OerHeks: hm, don't know what a group in smb is. I'll have to look that up [17:07] oh, workgroups? [17:08] Oerheks: I really feel this is a KDE (kio) specific trick [17:09] again, i cannot confirm, no samba here :-( [17:10] I have some samba stuff here, how would you like me to confirm? [17:12] Meili: maybe try to smbmount something with a single slash smb: URI and see how it behaves [17:13] k, hold on [17:14] wait... how would mounting a workgroup work? [17:15] If I understood that correct, you can show with smb:/ all workgroups in your netwook, and smb:// connects of course to a remote device [17:16] I'm going to build a test location up right now... I think what our teacher was meaning was: in opensuse KDE in conquer just type smb:/ [17:17] niko1990: yes, this really seems to be a KDE specific thing [17:18] I just typed in Konqueror: smb:/ and it told me something like "there are no workgroups found in your local network" [17:19] I'm going to try that at home with my ubuntu server running samba too - just to see if this is only working with kde [17:20] niko1990: yeah, dont expect this to work with any other desktop environment [17:23] funny is that Konqueror changes smb:/IP automatically to smb://IP - only smb:/ shows this message -.- I'm sometimes wondering why our teacher ever taught this stuff before... Who needs thos informations -.- our book about samba is around 100 pages long - what is not a lot (to my point of view) - I would say there are a lot informations more important than that [17:26] typing smb:/ in nautilus puts me into 'folder' "Windows Network", showing a single icon / object "WORKGROUP", so it seem to work there, too. [17:26] niko1990: I would say it's a nice to know about feature in KDE but it's questionable to teach such an implementation specific feature\ === semeion is now known as mnemonic [17:29] hi. everytime i reboot and other random times my resolv.conf line nameserver changes to nameserver this began when i set up dual nic. any idea how to fix this? [17:31] funnyun: i just dealt with that this web page helped... https://askubuntu.com/questions/973017/wrong-nameserver-set-by-resolvconf-and-networkmanager [17:34] funyun: Did you see mrelcee 's response? [17:34] i apparently doubled his n [17:34] crossposting channels, lets wait and see [17:35] oh :-( [17:35] pragmaticenigma: yes. thanks mrelcee, trying now [17:35] I would like to know how to find ubuntu's display function, it eludes me :( [17:36] tallguy: Can you define what you mean by "display function" ?? [17:37] i want to change screen resolution [17:37] darling, dinner is ready! [17:37] oops [17:37] but have not found it [17:37] tallguy: It's in the settings app [17:38] yeah i have looked for that, wonder why that eludes me [17:38] tallguy: what version and flavor of Ubuntu are you using? [17:39] ubuntu 18.04.1 LST here [17:39] I like the beaver :) [17:40] click on the grid of dots bottom left corner type settings works for me [17:40] tallguy: https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/look-resolution.html.en [17:40] uh huh done that, but have not found 'settings' [17:41] k tnx ill see that link [17:42] tallguy: another quick way to settings is the top right network / sound / power menu, where you can click on the round settings button [17:42] thank you [17:43] Hi, I usually have Ubuntu 18.04, but some software I needed was only supported by 16.04, so I installed 16.04, but I think that I accidently deleted the bootloader, or something like this, and now I can't use the 18.04 [17:44] Someone knows what can I do about it? [17:45] soeone235 did you install to a different drive or partition? [17:45] someone235: so you're saying that you installed Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (first) and 16.04 LTS (later) next to one another? on the same physical storage (disk)? [17:45] tomreyn: yes [17:46] someone235: to both questions, or one of them? may i choose? [17:46] tomreyn: yes to both questions [17:46] mrelcee: i changed it to DNS= but that didn't change anything. is that the wrong DNS to enter? [17:47] tomreyn: I don't think it's relevant, but 18.04 although had home folder in different disk [17:47] alhtough = also [17:48] someone235: can you run: sudo apt -qqy update && sudo apt -qqy install pastebinit && sudo parted -ls 2>&1 | pastebinit [17:48] tomreyn: this is the error I see https://i.imgur.com/b63bffA.jpg [17:48] this should return a web address oyu can post here [17:49] oh so you can't boot into either now? [17:49] tomreyn: I'm in 16.04 now [17:49] >sudo apt -qqy update && sudo apt -qqy install pastebinit && sudo parted -ls 2>&1 | pastebinit [17:49] tomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5pPsrgpGp6/ [17:49] ^ that's beautiful tomreyn thank you, installing pastebinit too <3 [17:50] yw [17:50] tomreyn: the 377GB partition is my old 18.04 OS [17:51] funyun: I can't know what your dns entries are supposed to be for your ISP. You could try (google) and see if that does it. [17:52] someone235: so it's not that 18.04 generally fails to boot, it just drops you to emergency mode during boot, since a kernel module failed to load. i think you will be able to boot into 18.04 if you add the nomodeset or nouveau.nomodeset kernel option. [17:52] !nomodeset | someone235 [17:52] someone235: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [17:53] tomreyn: Why would it matter? [17:53] tomreyn: I mean, I don't care trying [17:53] someone235: read this on how to set kernel boot parameters (i said "options" above, that's wrong) temporarily and (if they work) permanently: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters [17:54] do you know how can it be related to the 16.04? [17:55] someone235: i assume what really happened is that you installed an update or proprietary nvidia drivers on 18.04 before you installed 16.04, and it just seems like the 16.04 installation broke the 18.04 one now since you hadn't rebooted into 18.04 since installing those drivers / updates. [17:56] tomreyn: I only have integrated GPU [17:56] anyway, I'll check it and be back soon [17:56] thanks! [17:57] someone235: lines 10 and 11 of your screen shot clearly show that modules "nouveau" was loaded (and run into problems) [17:57] that'S the open source nvidia driver [17:58] someone235: the easiest way you can actually test this now is just to bring up the grub menu (as described on the wiki page) at boot and go into "advanced", then select the 18.04 *recovery* option. once on the recovery menu, just choose to continue the boot. [17:58] ok thx [18:03] hi folks [18:03] Hi! I want to connect to a desktop session to 18.10 from Windows 10. I tried "Desktop Sharing" but even after turning off encryption, I'm getting errors. Is there a recommended VNC server that might be worth trying? [18:04] someone235: for later: there are also ACPI issues, which you should try to solve, since they can partially or fully break suspend and power saving. usually those are caused by bad / incompatible firmwares ("BIOS"). So make sure you also look whether a BIOS upgrade is available for this system. The exact model number and curent BIOS version can usually be retrieved by running: dmesg -t | grep '^DMI:' [18:04] New install of 18.04 desktop here. [18:04] I was going to scp into this machine, while root on another. [18:04] It asked for the root password on ubuntu. [18:04] My own, sudo passwd didn't work. [18:05] johnfg: Correct. [18:05] Should I set/activate root with a password? [18:05] quinten: are those computers on the same (home / private / secure) network? [18:05] By default, root does not have a password, and cannot be logged into via password. [18:05] johnfg: I would advise using SSH keys, not passwords. [18:05] https://i.imgur.com/dw8MIHu.png can someone explain to me what this means? what is "hostname.example.com"? [18:05] zeropoint: I do for regular users. I guess I can do the same for root. [18:06] I have a domain xxx.yy. what does "hostname" mean? [18:06] How would I activate the root account to be like it is on debian? [18:06] quinten: VNC is, by itself, either unencrypted or comes with a weak encryption. so it's common to tunnel the connection through SSH, at least when goign through the internet. [18:06] asdfasdf [18:06] sorry wrong room [18:06] johnfg: root isn't a regular user. You really shouldn't allow root logon via password. [18:06] tomreyn: they are on the same network. Using the "tightvnc"client on Windows, I get an error about encryption methods. but i also noticed "Desktop sharing" doesn't allow for remote login [18:06] Keys will be easier in actual usage as well. [18:07] !root [18:07] Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo [18:07] Heh, nice. [18:07] johnfg: So, in short: Do not allow remote root login via password. If you must SSH to root directly, use SSH keys. [18:07] quinten: forget about windows' "desktop sharing" (unless this refers to a tightvnc option?), you won't be able to use this with linux. [18:08] johnfg, you might not have 'rootaccess' to your machine, see the ssh manual howto set this [18:08] I believe the default SSH configuration for PermitRootLogin is 'prohibit-password'. SSH keys will work by default. [18:09] tomreyn: I installed the graphical version of Ubuntu, which has a "Desktop Sharing" option that runs a vnc server. that's what I meant [18:09] OerHeks: do you mean in sshd_config? [18:09] johnfg, yes, serverside [18:09] tomreyn: looks like my issue with e1000e is more power related. i just noticed that when i apply AC power eth shows up in ifconfig, when i unplug power cable it goes away [18:09] quinten: ubuntu 18.10 comes with a VNC service which i think is off by default, actually you may need to install it first of all. the server is called "vino", you can just install it as a package [18:10] johnfg: I believe the default SSH configuration for PermitRootLogin is 'prohibit-password'. SSH keys will work by default. [18:10] OerHeks: Already done. [18:11] quinten: oh i see, so the "desktop sharing" of ubuntu is already on then? if so, this suggests that vino is already installed. you can confirm this using this on a terminal: apt list --installed vino [18:11] Hey guys, I have a 4x11 disk zfs vdevs and 4 spares. when I run zpool status I see https://pastebin.com/XfYbRUJW [18:11] yes, but the 18.10 vino 1) doesn't seem setup for remote login (I need to start an interactive X session first) and 2) I'm having trouble with the encryption settings, I think. but unless there's a solution to 1, I don't want to use the Ubuntu sharing [18:11] zeropoint: I know that ubuntu and its derivatives don't like to have an active root account, but I do on my other debian boxes. [18:11] maszlo: glad you found out, did the debug option help you there? [18:11] johnfg: This advice is not an Ubuntu-ism. This is the recommendation for -any- Linux distribution. [18:11] Any special tricks to have the account behave like usual? [18:12] Yes. Listen to the advice you've been given, and stop assuming you know better. [18:12] zeropoint: Or as I'd like (if you don't term it "usual")? [18:12] tomreyn: yes, I do have vino installed. just not sure if it's the right solution. I did find this: https://www.hagensieker.com/wordpress/2018/04/27/how-to-do-screen-sharing-on-ubuntu-18-04/ and I turned off encrytpion in dconf-editor, but it's still giving me difficulty connecting. and I can't login remotely unless I already logged in interactively [18:12] tomreyn: no just had it plugged into charger and was trying to do everything to see why i could not recreate the issue then walked to conf room and it did it again! [18:13] johnfg: No assumption, just would like to know how to do this, since on my others, it's already available. [18:13] time to go home :) good night everyone [18:13] tomreyn: I did have some issues with laptop mode tools screwing up booting when not AC power at one point. I might just remove it and try TLP [18:14] Also, a bit of a problem with font rendering. I'm using the default DM, and in certain applications, the letters are cut off, i.e., parts of them don't appear. [18:14] quinten: right, vino is not for remote login, it can only share the desktop of an already logged in user. you'll need to use something like xvncserver [18:14] johnfg: silly question. Why can't you ssh to the other computer while specifying a regular user? [18:14] quinten, last time i checked vino worked without a running x session [18:16] quinten, and the encryption problem (that can be disabled) is due to the client not fitting the requirements [18:16] johnfg: as for fonts getting cut off, try lowering your resolution and scale [18:17] leftyfb: I do. With getting the new ubuntu box setup, I was going to scp file :/whatever/file while root. [18:17] ioria: interesting. well, i tried 3 VNC clients as well as turning off encryption in the server. perhaps it's somethign else? is there a default fw rule I need to change? this is a fresh 18.10 install [18:17] johnfg: scp file user@ubuntu.ip:/path/to/file [18:17] scp wants the root passwd on ubuntu if I'm scping from another machine. [18:17] quinten, how did you disable the encryption ? [18:18] johnfg: that's because you're not specifying a user to ssh in as so it's using the one you're logged in as. [18:18] ioria: using dconf-editor [18:18] quinten, yes, the command ? [18:19] johnfg: you really should discontinue logging in and doing everything as root. It's incorrect and it's confusing you with how things are actually supposed to work [18:20] quinten, ha, you mean the GUI thing [18:20] s/incorrect/incorrect and actively dangerous/ [18:20] quinten, gsettings get org.gnome.Vino require-encryption [18:21] ioria: false [18:22] maszlo: maybe you have some ACPI errors at boot? [18:22] quinten, ok, it's disabled ; aand the client cannot connect ? linux or win box ? [18:22] ioria: client is Windows. I get varying errors depending on the client I tried. tightvnc, [18:22] leftyfb: I hardly ever login as root on any machine, but use 'sudo -i', but there's times when I may want/need to do so. [18:23] But, enough for now. I'll leave things as they are. On to another question. [18:23] And, thanks for all your helpful input. [18:23] quinten, ufw (on the server) is enabled or disabled ? sudo ufw status [18:23] I have a Canon ImageClass MF4150 printer. [18:24] There are drivers available for it from Canon, and I've installed them. They work fine for my debian systems, but the printer isn't working on ubuntu. [18:24] A file printed with the printer says it printed, and the access log says it printed, but it didn't. No errors are given. [18:25] ioria: inactive [18:25] quinten, and vino process is running ? ps -A | grep vino [18:26] johnfg: wich ubuntu is that [18:26] 18.04 desktop, brand new install (1 day old). [18:27] johnfg: tail -f /var/log/syslog and plug in the printer, see what errors you get [18:27] ioria: yes, vino-server is running [18:28] quinten, i used tightVNC client with vino 18.04 , no issue [18:29] quinten, maybe you have some iptables rules applied ? [18:29] tomreyn: this boot after purging laptop-mode-tools and installing tlp looks clean. And the ethernet port just works as normal when on battery. I think i will just give this package a shot and dig more if battery only last like 3 hours :P [18:29] lotuspsychje: http://dpaste.com/3BP9HC3 is what I got. [18:30] maszlo: oh, good luck there. [18:30] ioria: sudo iptables --list: no rules shown [18:30] johnfg: is your printer added from gnome systemsettings? [18:31] quinten, did you set a vino password ? [18:31] ioria: I just turned on sshd and I can connect to that. [18:31] quinten, ssh it's not relevant here, i guess [18:32] ioria: nmap shows port 5900 is open, and it tells me security types: TLS (18), TLS subtypes VNC Authentication (2). not sure what that means [18:33] quinten, did you set a vino password ? [18:33] tomreyn: Is it really that bad? hard for me to really tell. like i said i had issues with laptop-mode-tools before requiring me to use a boot param to set it to some version of windows for awhile. Seems that the big three in this field are laptop-mode-tools, LTP and powertop [18:34] lotuspsychje: yes [18:34] ioria: I tried with a vino password and without, both result in an error that TightVNC says "no supported security types" [18:35] johnfg: system up to date also? [18:37] lotuspsychje: yup [18:37] quinten, i can confirm that tightVNC works .... try gain to disable the encryption: gsettings set org.gnome.Vino require-encryption false [18:39] quinten, and if you can, provide a screenshot of the Screen Sharing section in system settings [18:39] maszlo: i think those are the tools you can use to manage power optimizations, yes. there may be more of them, and i'm not sure how or which of them can work side by side (i assume you can combine powertop with the others), haven't had to actually fiddle with them in a long time, never with tlp. [18:40] quinten, in TightVNC try to specify also the port : server-ip::5900 === murthy is now known as phoenix_firebrd_ [18:41] tomreyn: got it. thanks for your help [18:41] johnfg: did you try another usb port? [18:42] ioria: ok, weird. that did let me connect. but only if I'm actively logged in to the session. is there a way to configure that option? this is on Ubuntu 18.10. I didn't see a place to configure it in the GUI or dconf [18:42] Not yet, but this printer works with debian stretch, and windows 7 pro, on this same triple boot machine. [18:42] quinten, what worked ? the gsettings command ? [18:43] quinten, or the server-ip::5900 setting ? [18:43] ioria: yes, gsettings. even though gsettings get showed "false", using gsettings "set" with the same setting did something different. maybe restarting the service? [18:44] quinten, ok, it's done; you don't need to reset it again [18:44] johnfg: browsing other users with: usblp0: USB Bidirectional printer dev 4 if 1 alt 0 proto from your tail [18:44] lotuspsychje: You want me to look for that in the tail? [18:45] johnfg: no i mean im finding other users with your errors [18:45] lotuspsychje: gotcha, I think. [18:47] johnfg: lpstat -p === hc^ is now known as Guest11162 [18:47] hello, I have another noob question. I'm installing a mail server and I'm asked to provide my domain name, ie "example.com" and "hostname.example.com" How do I know what the hostname.example.com is supposed to be? [18:48] Dice, the hostname of the mail server, normally. [18:48] Dice: without a DNS server or purchasing your own FQDN that doesn't actually matter [18:48] and/or what domain you want the addresses to be at [18:49] so typically it would be mail.example.com for a mail server? [18:49] if you really want maybe you can attempt setting up a DNS server on your home network [18:49] at which point your domain name could be anything [18:49] Dice, what is the purpose of the mail server? [18:49] lordcirth__: to attempt to make a mail server where I can receive and send emails [18:50] ie to learn how to do it [18:50] Dice, then you will need a real domain name. Do you have one? [18:50] yes [18:50] hostname.example.com would be your IP .. good luck with your mailserver, securing it ( it is not worth the trouble, use a paid service) [18:50] lotuspsychje: printer Canon_MF4100_Series is idle. enabled since Tue 19 Feb 2019 11:49:26 AM MST [18:50] I have example.com. I don't understand what hostname.example.com means [18:50] Because I re-enabled, thus the since date... [18:50] or how to find out [18:51] johnfg: allright, try: lpadmin -p Canon_MF4100_Series -o usb-unidir-default=true [18:51] Dice, keep in mind that as soon as you turn it on, people are going to start sending spam through it [18:51] and then try printing? Did that with no errors or response. [18:51] lordcirth__: I doubt it will ever turn on [18:52] hey === phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as murthy [18:52] Dice: are you substituting your actual domain name with "example.com" here on the chat only then, but working on actually have others connect to your actual domain name? [18:52] yes, I have a real domain [18:52] when curl says, "* We are completely uploaded and fine" does that mean that all the data has been sent off over the wire? [18:52] *if* you have a domain, mail..com [18:52] and it works with the server [18:52] ash_worksi: try the #curl channel [18:52] ok thanks [18:53] lotuspsychje: Still nothing printing, although the messages flash on the desktop saying they are. [18:53] Dice: at the location you're trying to setup the mailserver at, do you have a static ip address there? and can you actually receive inbound and send outbound traffic at TCP port 25? [18:53] johnfg: did you try disable, re-enable printer after that command? [18:54] johnfg, not printing , that happened to me too, trottle dpi back to 600 in settings? [18:55] 1200 dpi can take a long time to send over [18:57] johnfg OerHeks https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups/+bug/1799062 [18:57] Launchpad bug 1799062 in cups (Ubuntu) "Tried to install driver, but both printer and scanner don't work. Exact model: CANON i-sensys MF8230Cn" [Undecided,New] [18:58] other printer model, but seems like same behaviour? [19:00] lotuspsychje: Yeah, pretty much. No resolution of the bug, right? [19:01] johnfg: not yet, did you try OerHeks advice? === LabMonkey is now known as Mechanismus [19:03] 600 dpi is the only option for this printer. [19:03] so yes, I looked at changing it. [19:04] No Dice. [19:05] johnfg, and 300 dpi ? [19:05] OerHeks: in the menu I only have 600 dpi available. [19:06] johnfg: you didnt enable minimal during setup or so? [19:07] lotuspsychje: No. [19:09] just upgraded my laptop from 8gb => 12gb of ram; but i see Mem: 11763 2537 4635 340 4590 8569 ;; how come its not 12000+ mb of ram? [19:09] johnfg: anything unusual here? http://localhost:631/admin [19:09] Let me try rebooting and see if that makes any difference. [19:10] johnfg: allright tnx [19:10] lotuspsychje: No, normally I use that page to configure printers. [19:10] kk [19:10] arooni: the kernel requires some memory as well. Sometimes also video memory is allocated from this memory. [19:10] lotuspsychje: Thanks for trying to get this figured out. OerHeks: you too. [19:10] arooni: so if you have 256MB of video RAM plus what the kernel needs, that would explain what you see. [19:11] johnfg: you have ubuntu-desktop too? not another flavor? [19:11] correct. [19:13] arooni: 1024KB = 1MB. Not 1000KB [19:13] johnfg: can you pastebin: uname -a && apt-cache policy cups [19:13] arooni: also kernel memory [19:14] arooni: https://askubuntu.com/a/743669 [19:16] lotuspsychje: Here you go: http://dpaste.com/166WR0M [19:18] SwedeMike: is video memory automatically assigned? pretty sure this laptop has integrated video memory (lenovo t420) as it doesnt have descrete memory [19:18] leftyfb: ah ha; i always forget that when i do the conversion of mb to gb [19:18] arooni: some have settings for video ram size in BIOS. [19:18] lotuspsychje: See anything there that's weird? [19:18] johnfg: the other distro's you got it working, can you recall kernel version? [19:18] SwedeMike: interesting, seems like it might help performance a bit if i could increase it [19:18] anyone using gthumb find it's got a terrible memory leak? [19:19] Linux church 4.9.0-8-686 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.130-2 (2018-10-27) i686 is one. [19:19] someone knows what to do with this? https://i.imgur.com/TLOsUaj.jpg [19:20] namespace lookup failure ae_not_found [19:20] johnfg: could be interesting testing other kernels on ubuntu [19:21] lotuspsychje: when I chroot to debian stretch, how do I get that kernel info? === Budgii is now known as Budgii_In_Hawaii === SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL [19:21] SwedeMike: if i see: [ 1.672401] [drm] Memory usable by graphics device = 2048M ;; that means i have 2gb set up for video memory? [19:21] johnfg: uname -a for kernel version === Budgii_In_Hawaii is now known as Budgii [19:22] johnfg: i'm late to the party, but wondering (i probably missed oyu discussing this) whether you're using caonon's drivers, or what came with ubuntu. also, the same for the ppd. [19:23] tomreyn: this is his paste: http://dpaste.com/3BP9HC3 [19:23] tomreyn: canon for both. [19:24] lotuspsychje: thanks [19:24] btw...same latest kernel available on the stretch machine that's 64 bit. [19:24] The other is my old server. [19:25] i find gnome-shell to be quite buggy on ubuntu 18.04.2 ; would upgrading to ubuntu 18.10 allowing me to move to gnome 3.30 be a good idea? [19:25] lotuspsychje: after chrooting, I'd run uname -a, but it still ran it on this machine, the ubuntu. [19:25] johnfg: chrooting doesn't run a different kernel. [19:25] Does Ubuntu follow Debian when it comes to the meaning/definition/usage of "Suite" and "Component" as defined here: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianRepository/Format#Suite ? [19:25] tomreyn: There wasn't really an applicable driver native in the ubuntu. [19:26] is pgp used to encrypt a ubuntu filesystem [19:26] pi0, you mean if you choose encryption in the installer? [19:27] i installed disk encryption but how do i test the integrity of it [19:27] johnfg: i see. i guess i would have gone for the canono one, too. so what you downloaded is linux-UFRII-drv-v370-uken-05.tar.gz i assume? [19:27] pi0, the installer's full disk encryption uses LUKS [19:27] exactly. [19:27] what is pgp used for? [19:27] pi0, pgp/gpg is used as a chain of trust for packages/index files in some linux distros [19:27] pi0, pgp (as implemented by the gpg tool) is used to sign packages, mostly [19:27] linux-UFRII-drv-v370-usen-06.tar.gz actually, but I'm sure yours was a typo :-) [19:28] johnfg: i'm not sure this is strictly needed, but may be worth a try: is your user account in groups plugdev and lpadmin? [19:28] It's used for email too, and other stuff, but in this context it's just to validate that a package/index file you downloaded has not been tampered with [19:28] tomreyn: I'll check [19:28] but i would not use it in daily every day use [19:28] johnfg: i copy-pasted, so not a typo on the driver archive file name. [19:29] pi0, that a question? If you used 'apt' you use gpg/pgp every day. If you want to encrypt your email you could use it daily as well. [19:29] tomreyn: Yes on both. [19:29] oh it can be used to encrypt individual files as well? [19:29] tomreyn: You're in the UK? [19:30] like ms doc files [19:30] johnfg: not at this time, but in europe [19:30] any other ideas? [19:30] pi0, sure, however my use of "encrypt" was wrong, it's usually just 'signed', however I think you can actually encrypt with it as well [19:30] You can. [19:31] pi0, here is a gpg/pgp signed file: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial/InRelease [19:31] Sign, encrypt, or both. [19:31] johnfg: when my browser will return from sleep i'll see [19:32] However I wouldn't recommend encrypting an entire drive with it. That'd... well I may have nightmares tonight due to this thought. [19:32] No, you wouldnt encrypt a disk or filesystem with it. [19:32] i see i was wording it incorrectly [19:32] the correct term is sign not encrypt [19:32] Encrypt is also a thing. [19:33] ^ [19:33] But separate from signing. [19:33] johnfg: you got other ubuntu iso's laying around for a livetest? [19:33] is there a way to test the integrity of my luks encrypted disk [19:33] encryption is usually done on drives to hide things, signing is used on files to validate and verify what/who [19:34] pi0: Thats already done within LUKS at the block level. The integrity of files within the filesystem is a different matter entirely. [19:34] i downloaded veracrypt for containers but is there something better or is that decent for now [19:34] lotuspsychje: Just the 18.04 that I installed from. Should I boot that? [19:34] zeropoint: i see, so do not worry and let that part be [19:34] johnfg: no, thats gonna be same kernel as you got now [19:34] pi0, if you have LUKS set up, and a strong password, it will work [19:34] i should not be concerned if it installed? [19:35] johnfg: so indeed it's just the locale that's coded into the driver file name that differs (on the U.S. site i end up on yours). [19:35] i recently got a wired 2fa key [19:35] yubico [19:35] can i add that support as well [19:35] wired magazine 2fa key yubico [19:35] pi0, if you want to see the layout, you could run 'lsblk -f' [19:35] I think I'll try booting the iso and see if it prints. worth a try, even though same kernel. [19:35] johnfg: you got tlp installed? [19:35] The best you can do with a Yubikey is loading a very long passphrase as a static key. [19:36] johnfg: i assume you tried printing a test page from the cups webadmin, tried delting and re-adding the printer? [19:36] tomreyn: Yes to all. [19:36] johnfg: hmm well, that's all that comes to my mind for now. sorry. [19:36] nice i see it, lots of squashfs [19:38] pi0, squashfs? Are you on a livecd? [19:39] i installed it on my surface pro 6 [19:39] without bootable usb [19:40] i shouldnt be on that [19:40] I'm still trying to determine what the point of the "Codename" is in Release files. How is it used by clients and/or the apt ecosystem? [19:40] johnnyfive: if you look at /etc/apt/sources.list you'll see the codename used there [19:41] tomreyn, yes I see it listed, but how is it ever actually used? [19:41] johnnyfive: it specifies the apt package repositories to use on this system. different ubuntu releases have different package repositories, those are not compatible. [19:41] apt has no parameters to filter by codename afaik, and none of the tools used to create Release/Packages.gz files seem to really care what it is set to [19:42] tomreyn, do you have a resource to describe what you're saying? I can create release files with a multitude of values and apt has yet to choke [19:43] have a look at http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/ - this is where apt pulls the information of available packages and pending updates from [19:43] (there are many mirror servers, so it doesn't *have* to be from this one) === [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius [19:44] tomreyn, roger. Again thanks for responding but this is too high level for the question. I run a repository that closely mirrors the entire xenial/bionic repositories, and we custom create the Release/Packages.gz files. I understand lots of the ecosystem, but "codename" doesn't seem to have any use. [19:45] johnnyfive: so the (usually) third field of a 'deb' or 'deb-src' line, the one behind the url, is the codename, and ais used to make apt construct urls which end up in these subdirectories. [19:45] tomreyn: Hi, I still got some problems, if you have some time to advise :) [19:46] johnnyfive: since this is outside of support, may i suggest you ask in #uubntu-(app-)devel or in #ubuntu-mirrors ? [19:46] johnnyfive: the latter just if there are actual issues with the source of your mirroring [19:47] tomreyn: I succeed to get rid of the ACPI errors here https://i.imgur.com/TLOsUaj.jpg but I still have the two last lines left [19:47] "couldn't get size" and "/dev/nm..." [19:47] tomreyn: do you know anything about it? === gry is now known as Sveta [19:48] ya none of those are really relevant to the question, I honestly just am trying to understand where "codename" is used in the apt ecosystem. Even the debian faq doesn't say much about it: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianRepository/Format#Codename [19:48] thanks again though, tomreyn [19:48] someone235: how did you get rid of them? did booting to recovery menu and continuing from there not work then? [19:48] johnnyfive: whats your end goal exactly? [19:48] tomreyn: no, but I set nomodeset and acpi=off [19:49] lotuspsychje, very convoluted, but basically I am trying to re-create a flat-file repository in Bionic, but that mechanic was broken in Bionic [19:50] someone235: acpi=off is pretty harsh, i wouldn't recommend this just yet. [19:50] lotuspsychje, the error is this: https://forums.plex.tv/t/w-conflicting-distribution-https-downloads-plex-tv-repo-deb-public-inrelease-expected-public/194055 [19:51] tomreyn: It's just temporary to see if I can make it work [19:51] basically, if you create a flat-file repository, the entry in your sources.list must be absolute (contain a /), as the release field, but apt chokes b/c it won't match what is in the "codename" field of a Release file.. Is the super short version [19:51] someone235: i'm not sure what the acpi error means really. a table failed to load, apparently something USB related. have you tried running the command suggested in the message there? [19:51] ... to view logs [19:52] yes [19:52] tomreyn: it's just a huge log [19:52] tomreyn: the bottom line is the lines you see in the top of the screen [19:53] someone235: well you can save it to a file and upload it. [19:53] someone235: but do it while acpi=off isnt set [19:53] tomreyn: OK, I'll try it [19:53] johnnyfive: interesting here: https://forums.plex.tv/t/conflicting-distribution-error-when-updating-plex-repo-via-apt-in-ubuntu-18-04/238152/19 [19:53] cya soon :) [19:56] lotuspsychje, ya that's the issue Bionic introduced. I have a solution. I don't know what the affects of changing the codename in a release file has, is my question. [19:59] johnnyfive: did you spot or create a bug report for this feature breaking on bionic? [20:03] tomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kZRWpDxcJm/ [20:04] this is the logs [20:04] *these are :) [20:05] @fkl: you could edit pdf's with Google Drive's OCR function...not sure about deleting pages...guess that would be possible. Though formatting will be lost. It's just OCR. Just thought I'd mention it nonetheless. [20:06] someone235: okay, this will take a while to review, i'll ping you [20:06] thx! [20:07] someone235: meanwhile can you tell us more about that system? whats the brand? bios up to date? [20:08] lotuspsychje: it's dell precision 5520. BIOS up to date [20:08] tnx [20:08] lotuspsychje: I told it before, but maybe you missed it. I had Ubuntu 18.04, then I installed additional 16.04 for something, and then it broke the 18.04 boot [20:09] someone235: is that a dell with preinstalled 16.04 normally? [20:09] lotuspsychje: no, it came with windows [20:10] someone235: your 18.04 iso is a recent one? [20:11] lotuspsychje: I installed the 18.04 in july 2018. It was the recent one in that time [20:12] someone235: you could try a 18.04.2 iso as a test perhaps [20:12] what is the use case for the `-o` flag on `groupadd` ? [20:12] line #71 "Kernel is locked down from EFI secure boot" did you install 18.04 in uefi mode? [20:12] that explains it [20:12] I know that's not an ubuntu utility and that there is `addgroup` for that, but I am curious [20:13] lotuspsychje: I'm pretty sure it'll work, because I'm pretty sure the problem is me deleting the uefi loader accidently, but I'll give it a try [20:14] lotuspsychje: oh, and it's Xubuntu. Not that it matters [20:16] I'm trying to update snapd to 2.37 +, but its always saying 2.34.2, is it only on available on ubuntu 18 ? [20:16] ash_worksi, that gives the option to use an other GID than standard https://geek-university.com/linux/uid-user-identifier-gid-group-identifier/ [20:16] !uptodate | black_mamba [20:16] black_mamba: To ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`. [20:17] lotuspsychje: i did, it still says 2.34, that's why i'm asking here [20:17] black_mamba, only available in the beta 19.04 disco https://launchpad.net/snapd [20:17] !mix [20:17] it is usually a very bad idea to mix packages from different releases (or Linux distributions), and it is completely unsupported [20:17] black_mamba: wich ubuntu version are you on? [20:17] OerHeks: thank you! [20:18] black_mamba, if you are on xenial, 2.37 is available in -proposed [20:18] OerHeks: but why? [20:19] i'm not mixing, i'm making a new development template so I can update no problem. [20:19] OerHeks: you can always explicitly set the GID... it seems like this is *ONLY* when there is an existing GID that this option has an effect. [20:20] !info snapd xenial-proposed | black_mamba [20:20] black_mamba: snapd (source: snapd): Daemon and tooling that enable snap packages. In component main, is optional. Version 2.37.1 (xenial-proposed), package size 11289 kB, installed size 54708 kB [20:21] ioria: Thank you for the added confirmation! [20:21] ok [20:22] Hello all [20:22] ash_worksi, not sure, i think the -g option is used more [20:22] Can I ask some question about installation/kernel panics? [20:22] qwebirc81593: if you are on ubuntu, yes [20:23] Yes, I dot [20:23] Do, sorry [20:23] OerHeks: supposedly, according to an article on SO, it can be used to alias system accounts for recovery [20:24] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [20:24] qwebirc81593, and the Q. is ? [20:24] the article says: One useful use of multiple entries for the same user is a rescue user when things go wrong. For example, a toor account (traditional name) whose shell is a statically-linked binary, which you use only for system repair. [20:25] I've been using Ubuntu and other favlors without any issus on a number of laptops. Both LTS and other versions... Some time ago, If I install without internet connection, the installations are correct. But If I install them with internet connection, the installation would not reboot [20:25] why are task manager and calculator snaps? [20:25] asciiwarrior7, they are still available as apt packages [20:25] qwebirc81593, usually is the contrary [20:25] asciiwarrior7: canonical maintains some packages as snaps by default now [20:26] lordcirth__ I know, but I really see no point in shipping them as snaps [20:26] asciiwarrior7, because it is oke [20:26] is there a ubuntu snap free version? [20:26] someone235: so the ACPI error is really hardware specific, there are three bug reports about it so far, but the original reporters didn't really follow up enough on them to get this (most likely) firmware bug worked aroun din linux. this said, i'm not convinced that this issue is breaking your 18.04 boot, it is probably something else. thinking about this again, it could actually be that the older grub version the 16.04 installer may have [20:26] installed (do you know/remember whether it installed grub?) breaks the proper boot. did you make changes to the bios configuration between when you last booted 18.04 (when it still worked) and before it started to fail to boot? [20:26] asciiwarrior7, just uninstall snapd? [20:26] currently I remove snapd and install the missing apps with apt [20:26] asciiwarrior7: or minimal [20:26] I've tested it with many flavours and versions. And it is because the kernel used (it downloads a kernel that crashes the reboot). It only happened in the last LTS version, but now, it happens too in 18.10 [20:26] asciiwarrior7, task manager as snap? not standard === Mr-Pan is now known as Mr_Pan [20:27] OerHeks I installed today ubuntu minimal [20:27] so you can change to any calculator with apt-get, no problem [20:27] someone235: you also seem to have "secure boot" enabled. i suggest diabling this unless you actually want to use it. [20:27] and this packages were snaps: gnome-calculator gnome-characters gnome-logs gnome-system-monitor [20:27] How do I install openssh 7.8 or newer on ubuntu 16.04.5? [20:27] in the "default" installation [20:27] tomreyn: I disabled secure boot afaik [20:27] asciiwarrior7, if you don't like it, use an other distro? [20:27] someone235: that is just for now, while we're trying to make this work. you may want to re-enable it later. [20:28] OerHeks, I like ubuntu, but I don't understand, why they don't give a choice to not use snap [20:28] someone235: line 71 suggests that it is enabled http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kZRWpDxcJm/ [20:28] I choose the kernel in the boot and can use the 15.10 and boot the system, but If I dont' do anything, it loads the already downloaded and crashes [20:28] loading times are higher and you can not theme it as much [20:29] asciiwarrior7: file a bug wishlist [20:29] tomreyn: I disabled virtualization and then enabled it again [20:29] currently I solve it by uninstalling snaps and installing the missing apps with apt [20:29] tomreyn: this is the only change I did in the bios [20:29] So, the main problem is the kernel downloaded in the installation... any solution? [20:30] lotusplychje I dont think, that they will change it because of my opinion [20:30] asciiwarrior7: there are many wishlist comming true, you are part of the ubuntu community [20:30] tomreyn: so you think disabling secure boot will actually help it? [20:31] line #71 "Kernel is locked down from EFI secure boot" did you install 18.04 in uefi mode? [20:31] yes, disabling secureboot would give back 18.04, but you loose 16.06 [20:31] or 16.04\ [20:31] ok, I'll check [20:32] qwebirc81593, you need to specify the not working kernel (and if you got rrors during the installation) [20:32] but what do you think? does it not annoys you? or you just dont care, that system apps got replaced with snaps? [20:33] !discuss | asciiwarrior7 for thinking [20:33] asciiwarrior7 for thinking: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! [20:33] okay thanks [20:36] is anyone here familiar w/ systemd-plymouth-fsck? [20:37] timeless, ask your actual question, it's faster. [20:38] ioria: No errors. If I choose the other kernel at after the installation, it appears like a normal first reboot. The one that works is and I think the one that does not work is and 4.15.*.* [20:40] qwebirc81593, the actual kernel for cosmic is ; doeas not exists ; please check again [20:41] I am using other kernels don't boot [20:41] qwebirc81593, ok [20:41] 4.18.0-10-generic x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [20:42] I don't know how can I know the kernels in the system to tell you [20:42] qwebirc81593, but do you have installed ? [20:43] tomreyn: new log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gTr8mxNXwg/ [20:43] doesn't look like disabling secure boot changed something [20:43] qwebirc81593, just run 'ls /boot' [20:44] what are digital certificates exactly and how does it apply to ubuntu [20:44] how do I find error logs when I get connection refused when trying a port with telnet on ubuntu? [20:44] someone235: i wasn't done, yet ;-) check if you have a bios option, in graphics section, called "IGPU Multi-Monitor", and if so, set it to "enabled". this should help with the intel i915 graphics (and also audio, for hdmi) drivers' audio error in line 1012 http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kZRWpDxcJm/ [20:45] abi-4.18.0-10-generic memtest86+.elf config-4.18.0-10-generic memtest86+_multiboot.bin config-4.18.0-15-generic retpoline-4.18.0-10-generic efi System.map-4.18.0-10-generic grub System.map-4.18.0-15-generic initrd.img-4.18.0-10-generic vmlinuz-4.18.0-10-generic initrd.img-4.18.0-15-generic vmlinuz-4.18.0-15-generic [20:45] Sorry [20:45] someone235: still not done. the root cause of 18.04 failing to boot is probably that it is unable to mount /dev/disk/by-uuid/12B6-0C20 - which may be or may have been your ESP [20:45] I'm using The other crashes [20:46] qwebirc81593, crashes how ? login loop ? what happens if you boot it ? [20:46] black screen forever [20:47] qwebirc81593, you know how to set nomodeset in grub ? [20:48] nope [20:48] qwebirc81593, yes, there is a bug report open for the latest cosmic kernel; but it's about login loop; not a black screen [20:49] ioria: Ok [20:49] someone235: you can post the output of "blkid" - it lists the known file systems. also, you have very verbose systemd log messages, did you change something about how they are logged? and finally, the log i was working with doesn't seem to have been that of ubuntu 18.04 but of ubuntu 16.04, though i'm not entirely certain there (can you show which kernels you have installed on 16.04?). i will have a quick look at your latest log now. [20:49] !nomodeset | qwebirc81593 [20:49] qwebirc81593: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [20:49] ioria: But I've had the same problem on 18.04.1 [20:49] qwebirc81593, it might affect it as well [20:50] someone235: oh and the bug reports about working around the acpi issue are 1584407 1680268 1690502 - you may want to review those and maybe file one of your own using "ubuntu-bug linux" [20:50] tomreyn: blkid http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SZmqHcYDvJ/ [20:50] ioria: I've installed different versions from ubuntu and lubuntu and if I install them with internet, they download a kernel and crashed. If I install then without internet connection, the installation went fine. If i updated them after the installation, they download a kernel and crashed [20:51] tomreyn: it was taken from 16.04, I guess it's ok [20:51] qwebirc81593, i got it [20:51] ioria: thanks [20:51] someone235: well if we're trying to fix the 18.04 boot, it would help to have the logs of that boot, not the working 16.04 one. [20:51] qwebirc81593, 1) try nomodest 2) use the previous kernel untll the next kernel upgrade [20:52] tomreyn: this is what I did. I only talked about blkid [20:52] tomreyn: does it matter if I give you the output of blkid in 16.04 or 18.04? [20:52] ioria: Thanks so much! [20:52] ok [20:53] someone235: oh ok, good. :) for blkid that's fine, should be the same output [20:53] How do I make ubuntu openssh use my manually installed openssh? [20:53] someone235: however, there is no file system with UUID 12B6-0C20 [20:53] # uname -a Linux ori-Precision-5520 4.15.0-45-generic #48~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jan 29 18:03:48 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [20:53] tomreyn: for 16.04 [20:53] ^^ [20:54] someone235: thanks. can you post /etc/fstab from the 18.04 installation next, please [20:54] Absolute0: manually installed? [20:55] ok, cya soon [20:55] lotuspsychje: ./configure && make && make install [20:55] Absolute0: we dont reccomend compile your own, use the packages from the repos instead [20:55] someone235: no need to reboot there [20:56] Absolute0, how about the manual? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Configuring [20:56] lotuspsychje: I need the latest version [20:56] Absolute0: Why? [20:56] zeropoint: need to pass pci [20:57] Thats not how PCI compliance works. [20:57] The service I am using requires me to update it. Tell them that. [20:58] "Vulnerable SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.2p2 Ubuntu-4ubuntu2.7 detected on port 22 over TCP." [20:58] Tell them to do their jobs properly and check more than version numbers. [20:58] They won't change so I have to. [20:58] Why do they say its vulnerable is the first question. Then see if that vulnerability is patched. [20:59] OpenSSH 7.9/7.9p1 (2018-10-19) is backported to ubuntu already, iirc https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh [20:59] not for xenial [20:59] so you should have the latest, only the numbering differ, but that is for our convenience [20:59] Absolute0: This is your part of the PCI process. Push back on stupid crap, or find a competent assessor. I'm saying this as a QSA. [21:00] zeropoint: every month they make me do monkey flips to comply. I didn't purchase the service. [21:00] Push. Back. On stupid crap. [21:00] !language | zeropoint [21:00] zeropoint: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [21:00] Absolute0, yes it is [21:00] see changelog https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh/1:7.2p2-4ubuntu2.7 [21:00] lotuspsychje: Go pound sand. You're one of the least helpful people in this channel. [21:01] compare it with https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh/1:7.7p1-4ubuntu0.2 [21:01] I need 7.8 [21:01] * do not look at numbers, just the changelog with CVE numbers [21:02] How do I check the sshd version? [21:02] Absolute0, 7.8 is 1 behind.. [21:02] Absolute0: Anyway, it is the hallmark of imcompetent assessors that they only look at version numbers. You're being told to compromise stability and functionality for a version number. You need to push back on this. [21:02] I realize its an uphill battle, but its a necessary one. [21:05] Not my place. [21:05] Yeah, it is. [21:06] Sorry, but thats the situation. [21:06] tomreyn: /etc/fstab [21:06] http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fyfyGJssb6/ [21:10] someone235: that's the one from 18.04, right? and you'Re back to 16.04 now? [21:10] tomreyn: yep [21:11] why isn't systemctl status for my fsck boot task showing progress? [21:11] someone235: compare this fstab to the one of the running system (16.04), i think you will notice that the UUID of the /boot/efi line differs on 16.04 [21:12] someone235: this said, you could have access the fstab file of the 18.04 installation without rebooting, i tried to point this out but i think you were gone already. [21:12] tomreyn: yes, it's different [21:13] someone235: what'S the line on 16.04 ? [21:13] tomreyn: yes, I thought about it too after rebooting :) [21:13] UUID=3357-6490, i assume? [21:13] tomreyn: UUID=3357-6490 /boot/efi vfat umask=0077 0 1 [21:13] yep [21:13] someone235: so replace the one in 18.04 by this one. [21:15] tomreyn: ok, rebooting [21:15] someone235: unfortunatley, after doing so, you *may* still have a boot failure on 18.04 until you install or remove a kernel image there, or manually run update-inistramfs -u -k $(uname -r) [21:16] someone235: no need to reboot for editing fstab. [21:16] tomreyn: I already edited [21:16] tomreyn: should I reboot now? [21:16] yes you're just too fast for me [21:16] lol :) [21:17] ;-) [21:17] and if it fails should I just run "update-inistramfs -u -k $(uname -r)"? [21:17] and [21:17] update-grub [21:17] I guess [21:17] what frontend gnupg do you use [21:17] for pgp on ubuntu [21:17] someone235: should be needed but shouldnt hurt [21:17] ok cya [21:17] someone235: Correct the typo : inistramfs to initramfs . === ciao is now known as insphyre === insphyre is now known as insphyred [21:18] oh crap, maybe tab completion will help [21:18] thanks Bashing-om [21:21] tomreyn, writing from hexchat from Xubuntu 18.04 [21:21] you are the man! [21:21] someone235_: glad we worked it out. [21:22] you can review the other topics to look into by looking over the channel logs at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com [21:23] the intel i915 audio driver issue is maybe irrelevant if you do not intend to use hdmi audio [21:23] maybe I will, but it never bothered me [21:23] the apparently elevanted systemd log verbosity makes it tough to follow the logs, i suggest setting this back t defaults. [21:24] tomreyn, do you know where? [21:24] the same place where you modified them the first time ;) [21:24] tomreyn, never touched it intentionally :) [21:25] probably /etc/systemd/system.conf or /etc/systemd/journald.conf [21:26] systemctl -pLogLevel show [21:26] is this info? [21:27] someone235_: ^ [21:27] Hello! [21:27] hi Areum [21:27] hi! [21:27] tomreyn, yes, info [21:28] i just realized that snap's sandboxing for signal-desktop is preventing it from sharing files with other applications. can I turn off the sandboxing? [21:29] someone235_: hmm, maybe it's a different setting then. the thing i'm mocking about is this multi-line output when systemd services start up, such as lines 1601 to 1608 of http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gTr8mxNXwg/ [21:30] d33tah: your best option is probably to save the files to your $HOME or /tmp and open them in the other application then [21:31] Has anyone had a problem with landscape-sysinfo? When we SSH login into a VM it causes a slow login..and htop cpu usage goes up like crazy.. even when we deleted motd files [21:33] tomreyn: i ended up installing the application via apt [21:33] d33tah: my preferred approach, too. [21:39] someone235_: forget about the log verbosity, this is the result of running journalctl with -x [21:39] lol [21:39] i just forgot you were doing so. [21:44] hi chuna [21:45] ciao a tutti [21:45] !it | ben_ [21:45] ben_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) [21:46] grazie ciao [21:47] il piacere è tutto mio [21:52] lordcirth__: how long should i wait? [21:56] tomreyn, thx again. Finally I can go to sleep :) [21:56] you can do it any time now timeless [21:57] if my display connectors are connected to my GPU, it's not possible that ubuntu would still be using integrated graphics right? [21:57] even if the gpu is damaged? [21:59] leonardus, you might find a bios setting what GPU is primairy: igp or pciXpress [21:59] if set to IGP, yes, it used the onboard [22:02] is there a way to check within ubuntu? [22:03] you claim it is broken? no [22:03] see settings > details, to see what adapter you are using [22:03] if you can see the screen,it is not broken [22:04] any recent mobo switches auto to PciXress === network is now known as Guest24517 [22:20] How to put Ubuntu on a school chromebook? [22:22] drummerboii: ask your school IT department [22:22] drummerboii, there are tons of howto's to brick chromebooks, but with a small storage, it is useless ( ubuntu takes 10 gb or zo) [22:23] drummerboii: Does your school allow you to do so? [22:24] you know they're not going to answer with "no" [22:24] = 10gb without any other software than standard [22:25] not familiar with chromebooks, but maybe install to an external usb drive and boot from it. [22:25] leftyfb: Yup, but I want them to think about it before doing something that can get them in trouble with their school. [22:28] I have a brother printer, and it's a wifi printer, when printing in Ubuntu, do I have to use CUPS with it? [22:28] urxtnw, yes [22:29] once the printer is connected; https://itstillworks.com/connect-wireless-printer-ubuntu-8298256.html [22:29] easy peasy [22:29] OerHeks, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu this tutorial says you need a server, so you're making your local machine the server correct? [22:30] yes, cups acts like a printing server [22:31] OerHeks, so I don't need to install OEM drivers? [22:31] how do remote desktop from my back to an ubuntu machine. [22:31] urxtnw, no, the ipp printing protocol does that for you, AFAIK [22:31] black_13: from your back? [22:32] mac [22:32] yeah that would be funny [22:32] OerHeks, same with scanning? [22:32] black_13: either run a VNC or RDP server on Ubuntu or run something like teamviewer [22:33] urxtnw, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Scanners#Network_Scanning .. but scanning over wireless can be horribly slow [22:35] OerHeks, Thank you, the link you provided me for the printing, what do you mean once the printer is connected. You mean once I connect it to the network then I have to follow those instructions to make it work in ubuntu? [22:35] urxtnw, correct, first authenticate, then run the printing and wireless tools to setup [22:36] OerHeks, damn, I installed this mfc9340cdwcupswrapper-1.1.4-0.i386.deb beforehand. I should uninstall it right? [22:36] urxtnw, not sure abou tthat, does it work already? [22:37] nope, not at all [22:37] I do sudo apt list --installed | grep -i 9340 and I found this: [22:37] mfc9340cdwcupswrapper/now 1.1.4-0 i386 [installed,local] [22:38] to remove it to I go sudo apt-get autoremove mfc9340cdwcupswrapper? [22:41] OerHeks, nevermind, used purge, worked! [22:47] What's the reason for wine-mono and wine-gecko no longer being included in Multiverse? [22:47] Current versions of Wine still prompt for these every time you install a prefix [22:48] Kon-: Why would anyone other than a maintainer of multiverse know? [22:49] Someone who was interested and was following the issue at the time [22:54] Kon-: Might want to see if there is a mailing list archive, you might find a reason there [23:01] Thanks jeremy31. Seems like it just wasn't maintained on the Debian end. The version shipped in 16.04 was already 2 years out of date at that time [23:36] can I safely abort diff command if it's taking too long? [23:40] horus125: sure, if you don't mind loosing the results. [23:40] horus125, i can't see why not, it only reads from the files (ouptput going to stdout) [23:40] ctrl + c [23:41] just wanted to be too careful, thanks guys === alore is now known as Cortana [23:51] hi im having trouble installing mate on my android device running UserLAnd [23:55] I used apt install -y apt-get install mate-desktop-environment [23:55] sorry...should read............apt install mate-desktop-environment [23:56] it runs when i type mate-session...but not as root..so I cant install anything inside mate.... === Cortana is now known as alore [23:57] lightdm wont run however i try... [23:59] anybody? [23:59] Sujit, we support Ubuntu, not android or MATE desktop (Ubuntu-MATE is supported, but not the MATE desktop unless on a Ubuntu base)