
nnkdoes anyone know why clicking on the corners of the taskbar buttons (like whisker menu button) is buggy? like when moving the cursor of the mouse on the edges of the monitor, the taskbar buttons will light up inconsistently00:30
gnrpnnk: Hm, cannot really reproduce. What exactly is it?00:31
gnrpaah, now I get it, when moving... Good question though, never noticed it^^00:31
nnkyes, sometimes i just move my cursor to the edge of the screen to press the whisker menu button, but it sometimes didn't work because on the edge of the monitor the detection is inconsistent00:32
nnkon manjaro xfce this didn't happen00:32
ondondilnnk: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/179513500:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1795135 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "XFCE window buttons are not clickable at the top of the screen" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:39
nnkthanks, so far it does seem changing the theme helps00:42
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
=== marcc is now known as kub
DarkTrickis it possible to change the font-size of applications listed inside the tasklist (from xfce4-panel) ?08:48
DarkTrickI mean without changing the whole system font08:48
brainwashDarkTrick: https://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?id=321809:53
brainwashDarkTrick: I assume that this still works09:54
brainwashunless you use 18.10 which has the GTK3 version of xfce4-panel09:54
DarkTrick18.04 atm, thank you09:57
DarkTrickbrainwash, I guess a login/logoff is required to make it take effect?09:58
brainwashrestarting the panel should do09:59
brainwashxfce4-panel -r09:59
brainwashI think09:59
DarkTrickdid it10:00
DarkTrickdo you have a link at hand explaining what styles I can define? I don't want the clock be effected10:02
brainwashthere is https://chipx86.github.io/gtkparasite/10:05
brainwashmaybe this is helpful too https://github.com/shimmerproject/Greybird/blob/master/gtk-2.0/apps/xfce-panel.rc10:06
DarkTrickbrainwash, AWESOME, THANK YOU!10:15
DarkTrickwidget "*XfceTasklist*" style "mystyle" did the job10:16
DarkTrickNow I just have to figure out how to also enlarge the button height :D10:18
DarkTrickHm... trying to install parasite failed. So I removed the necessary dev libs again. after calling an autoremove 500MB of software was uninstalled ... And gtkrc-2.0 won't work anymore10:49
DarkTrickaw, the latest part was wrong. Just had a typo inside the file10:50
DarkTrickbrainwash, thanks again. Gathered all the information and summed it up here: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/500102/xfce-xfce4-panel-tasklist-set-custom-font/501566#50156611:12
=== qwebirc70332 is now known as noob-noob
noob-noobhello I'm having a problem to block ip's with psad and ufw the message when I run psad --fw-list is "[-] Table: filter, chain: PSAD_BLOCK_FORWARD, does not exist" someone knows how to fix it?15:43
brainwashnoob-noob: that ir a question which is not specific to xubuntu, so I suggest asking in #ubuntu16:00
noob-noobbrainwash: ok.16:03
xubuntu33iIm in here16:23
xubuntu33iCan anybody see me?16:23
xubuntu33iIm in here16:23
xubuntu33iIm tryng to tell you something16:23
xubuntu33iCan anybody heeeeeeeEEEEEEElp16:23
xubuntu33iCan you hear my cAAAAAAAll16:24
xubuntu33iAre you coming to rescue me?รง16:24
xubuntu33iI need you to hooooold16:24
xubuntu33iAll of the sadness i can not16:24
xubuntu33iLiving inside of me16:24
DravereHi, quick question: What would be the best way to help to get Xfwm 4.12.5 into 18.04? I found a bug report about it on Launchpad but there seems to be not activity in regards to it? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfwm4/+bug/179614418:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1796144 in xfwm4 (Ubuntu) "ubuntu 18.04 bionic xfwm4 backport 4.12.5" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:10
brainwashDravere: join #xubuntu-devel18:13

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