[01:18] @KMyers @RazPi are you both able to do saturday? [01:19] @Ivoriesablaze, I am [01:20] who wants to wager that @RazPi is sleeping? [11:04] @Ivoriesablaze yyyyep [11:04] Saturday good, maybe do an afternoon matinee? I seem to pass out at 9pm lately [11:05] Which is 3am German time so my my schedule is now messed in another country xD [14:11] Any time is good for me [17:03] This intentional? [17:04] oh no [17:04] Keith your looking like John Bulushi in the blues brothers there [17:05] Yes. I dont see the text I meant to be put in there was added for context [17:05] Ok just making sure [18:47] @RazPi that's fine [19:07] @RazPi so then maybe going to Germany at least temporarily has you on a decent sleeping schedule. [19:08] @SivaMachina exactly, I wish I could stay on it [19:48] Alright so I'll be at Scale next month and LFNW in April. [19:48] nice [19:48] Yep! [19:48] i can't really justify more than one fest a year, though [19:48] Yea it's fine. This is all though work for me. [19:49] Not sure about SELF this year since I'll be in Austin TX in July. [20:01] @ahoneybun, Damn, that sucks [20:02] no room 420 [20:02] @Ivoriesablaze, You have to admit, that was genius [20:07] Huh? [20:08] @ahoneybun, I got them to put you in room 420 [20:26] btw, @KMyers the sonys are slowly growing on me [20:36] @Ivoriesablaze, You are finally coming to your senses [20:36] the fact you can turn it into a wired headset in invaluable, though i do wish the mic worked in that mode [21:58] anyone planning to pay the $2000 for the new samsung foldable phone? Not sure who their market is. I will spend a good bit on a nice phone, but WOW, way over my budget !! [22:00] @Luke Van Dervoort, I am giving it some thought [22:01] why am i not surprised? [22:03] @KMyers, I mean its a nice concept. Sometimes you want a phone, sometimes you want something bigger. that's awesome, but ... I'd have to win a scratch off to justify it [22:28] @Luke Van Dervoort, I tend to work a lot when I am away from my desk so it often benefits me to have the latest and greatest. I will likely not get it immediately when it comes out but wait for the price to drop a bit. My 512 GB Note 9 is still doing well so there is no urgent need to upgrade. Ultimately I will upgrade if it is the "5G" version, not the LTE version that T-Mobile carries so it is more [22:28] futureproof [22:29] hows your coverage with t-mobile? I'm on verizon and cant make a call from home without my extender on. If I lose internet I have to go outside and walk down the street [22:30] @Luke Van Dervoort, Very good in most cases. I do run into issues when at my step-fathers in rural Texas and my brother who is in rural North Carolina but it is great everywhere else [22:31] huh, cool [22:32] At home, I get around 50 Mbps down and 15 up but I have seen that over 100 Mbps in some areas [23:40] @KMyers have you experienced bluetooth issues on the pixelbook? [23:41] It is a ChromeOS issue. If you go into flags, there is a new Bluetooth stack that works better [23:43] newblue? [23:43] Yup