
OvenWerksEickmeyer: Bug 18166300:59
ubottubug 181663 in Inkscape "Font style errors / assert when changing style" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18166300:59
OvenWerksopps wrong one... Eickmeyer bug 1816673 has a commit01:00
ubottubug 1816673 in ubuntustudio-installer "GUI dances while installing" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181667301:00
OvenWerksAt least the changelog is right...01:02
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Perfect. I'm testing the icon theme change, which took using the version of Papirus made for Elementary (still in the same package).01:33
EickmeyerI'll mess with installer momentarily.01:33
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Installler looks good. Updating to fix committed.01:36
sakrecoeri see the images posted in telegram do not appear as links in irc.... that's a potential source of massive confusion..06:49
sakrecoermatrix seems to handle that a lot better, creating a link to a picture hosted on matrix.org07:04
sakrecoerthe riot client for matrix is pretty clean. But it suffers the same thing as any chat: useless without users :D but it's defenitly less intimidating than IRC07:07
studiobot<Eickmeyer> There's a way to do it with imgur that I just haven't implemented yet.15:17
OvenWerksIRC - "intimidating"??? one chat is the same as the next... I type, everyone else sees.15:17
* OvenWerks fails to see any real difference from one chat to the next15:17
OvenWerksIRC is lowest common den. anyone can use it.15:18
Eickmeyersakrecoer: I just implemented the Imgur upload. Was a little tricky, had to get an API ID.16:19
EickmeyerImages uploaded in Telegram now show up as imgur links in IRC.16:20
EickmeyerThere are things about commnity management that are pretty much constants: you have to have people to have community, and the more people you have, the messier it gets. Unfortunately, for any project needing people like ours, that means being accessible in more ways than one.16:23
OvenWerksEickmeyer: there is a utility called keymon that might have come in handy... it would confirm the KB was working... which it was anyway.19:08
OvenWerksit seems that he needed to set the keyboard away from generic 105 to something with mm keys. then the shortcuts show up and can be changed. Maybe the default settings need to be changed in xfce though. I don't have one to play with too much, but it would be somewhere in the xfce code anyway I think.19:10
EickmeyerUnfortunately, I don't have an Italian keyboard, so I'm not sure I would be much help either. Seems as though it has something to do with his specific keyboard.19:40
OvenWerksI think he was expecting pulse to adjust the actual alsa levels on his internal device as well. That won't happen19:45
OvenWerksMy particular take on alsa levels is that they should be set correctly and never changed after that except for physical knobs on preamps19:46
EickmeyerHe strikes me as a beginner. He was using KXStudio repos too, which I think messed him up a little.19:46
EickmeyerThat's my take too.19:46
OvenWerksyes... there are some people who are very quick to say "Install kxstudio"19:48
OvenWerksThat does work well for some people.... but it does make removing it problematic if it doesn't suit someones needs19:51
EickmeyerThe people who are saying "Install KXStudio" aren't paying attention to what we've been doing.19:51
EickmeyerI see it a lot in #opensourcemusicians19:52
Eickmeyerholstein, in particular, has said repeatedly that "Ubuntu Studio should be sunsetted".19:53
OvenWerksholstein left angry19:53
EickmeyerYep, and he's still bitter, even though things are much different now.19:54
OvenWerkshe was suggesting things to many people based on old info and was asked to stop19:54
EickmeyerWell, his biggest problem, at least last time I was talking in that channel, was that the documentation was outdated.19:55
OvenWerksprolly true...19:56
EickmeyerIt is, but how many of us have time to update it?19:56
OvenWerksdocumentation is not easy to keep up.19:56
Eickmeyerbbl, have to take the dog out.19:56
EickmeyerMaybe documentation is something we can work on during feature freeze.20:03
EickmeyerI mean, in addition to bug fixes.20:04
OvenWerkswhat bugs ;)20:09
ViperChiefGood afternoon/evening, all.21:56
EickmeyerViperChief: Hi!23:18
ViperChiefJust the guy I was hoping would show up. :)23:21
ViperChiefJust finished listening to your interview on Destination Linux.23:21
EickmeyerAwesome. That was fun.23:22
EickmeyerI've known Michael and Noah for quite some time now, and it was great finally being invited on.23:22
ViperChiefIt was awesome! And it made me want to reach out.23:23
ViperChiefI've spent the last few years keeping an eye out for a project that I might be able to help out with. I have a very specific set of skills.23:23
EickmeyerI read that in Liam Neeson's voice.23:24
ViperChiefExcellent. My job here is done. Good night, folks.23:24
ViperChiefI was thinking of reaching out and then you started talking about publicity and then packaging. Turns out that I was on the steering committee of a different distro a few years back and my primary role was heading up PR23:25
ViperChiefMy secondary role was packaging.23:25
ViperChiefAlso did support and managing the wiki, etc.23:25
ViperChiefAnyway, I've been wanting to get involved but it seems harder than it should be. I knew I definitely wanted to be with a small and tight team for sure.23:26
EickmeyerPer your cloak, you led communications for Fuduntu?23:27
ViperChiefI've been exposed!23:27
ViperChiefBut, yes.23:27
EickmeyerCool. So, are you most familiar with packaging for RPM or DEB or both?23:28
ViperChiefRPM, but I've done a little deb and pretty sure I could get the hang of it somewhat quickly.23:28
ViperChiefWe were RPM based.23:29
EickmeyerHaving come from RPM myself, there is quite a learning curve.23:29
EickmeyerThat said, OvenWerks and I were just talking about how we really need to clean up the documentation on the wiki.23:29
ViperChiefThe weird part is I've done more RPM but I prefer deb distros. :|23:29
ViperChiefAnything in particular or just kind of overall?23:30
EickmeyerMostly overall. The most recent was the audio handbook, but there's a lot of things on there that don't even need to be there anymoe.23:30
EickmeyerHow familiar with Ubuntu Studio are you as far as operation in terms of audio?23:31
ViperChiefI'll admit not a lot (read: any).  I've always been interested in that kind of stuff, but never had a real excuse. I'm pretty familiar with Ubuntu and Linux in general.23:38
ViperChiefHowever, I will learn what I need to in order to get the job done and worth with I can do (such as learning the packaging, helping out the wiki and whatever else I can).23:38
EickmeyerOkay. Are you on Launchpad?23:41
ViperChiefI am. https://launchpad.net/~eliasward23:42
EickmeyerOkay. I just added you to the documentation team, which means you can sign in to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/ and feel free to edit as needed. If you have questions, you know where to find me. I'm also on Telegram.23:44
EickmeyerI'll also add you to Public Relations & Support.23:45
EickmeyerAlso, would you mind helping with support in the main #ubuntustudio channel?23:45
ViperChiefAwesome! Do you have any recommendations on a good guide for building DEB? I can go get some learning in.23:45
EickmeyerBasically.. http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/23:46
ViperChiefAbsolutely. I'm actually going to install it tonight so I can get a feel for all the programs (also, the idea of being able to convert any flavor is awesome because I also am a Plasma fanboi)23:46
ViperChiefPerfect. Thank you.23:47
EickmeyerHaha! What's funny is that I have to switch back and forth between Xfce and other things since our default is Xfce, so I've been spending a lot of time in GNOME and Xfce since when I switch between Plasma and anything else, I have to sign-in to everything in Chrome again.23:48
EickmeyerA bit annoying.23:48
ViperChiefI kind of use a blend. i3 on my home laptop, GNOME for my work laptop and Plasma for my desktop. I've been reading about using i3 and xfce together. This might be my excuse to try it out. :)23:50

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