
studiobotAlexPedreros was added by: AlexPedreros03:35
studiobot<Bayu Setiawan> I've some problem with system speed, but i think it might be strange, sometimes i booted ubuntu studio for 1st time i got slow system, slow opening menu, slow opening folder, slow opening file and very slow opening app.  The problem is gone after several restart, but sometime it will come again.  Anyone does have similar problem12:19
studiobot like me? … Spec : core i3 2100, 4gb ram ddr3 1330mhz, ssd sandisk plus 120gb, ubuntu studio 18.1012:19
studio-user869Am currently running US 16.04 LTS and am trying to upgrade. When I launch SoftwareUpdater and click on "Upgrade", nothing happens. I've looked for the sudo apt.. way to do this, but am not finding it specific to Ubuntu Studio upgrades. I did try "sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade" though only very minor changes occurred. What should I try next?13:00
tarzeaui always use sed -i s,OLDDISTRO,bionic,g /etc/apt/sources.list; apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade13:02
tarzeauand keep running upgrade; until dpkg -l |grep -v ^ii shows almost nothing13:02
tarzeauworks for me since 15+ years13:02
studio-user869Ok, so that is 3 commands, starting with  "sed -i s,OLDDISTRO,bionic,g /etc/apt/sources.list"?13:03
studio-user869And the "apt-get update", etc?13:03
tarzeaureplace OLDDISTRO for whatever you have now in that file13:05
tarzeauprobably xenial13:05
tarzeauall as root, yes13:05
studio-user869Is there any reason I can't (or shouldn't) upgrade directly to 18.10?13:06
tarzeauno, you can also put the codename of 18.1013:07
tarzeaui'm running 19.04 (unreleased), so my codename is disco13:07
studio-user869Thank you very much, I will give this a try now13:07
tarzeauubuntu-distro-info -af13:07
tarzeaugood luck13:08
tarzeauwhat music software do you use mainly? what country from?13:08
studio-user869Rosegarden, Musescore, Ardour13:08
studio-user869And you?13:11
studio-user869you used "bionic", though the distro-info shows LTS "Bionic Beaver". Will "bionic" by itself work or do I need to include the entire string?13:13
tarzeaui have no idea of music, i just like to listen to music13:13
tarzeaumy favourite music players are also trackers: hivelytracker, protracker, fasttracker2, cheesecutter13:13
tarzeauubuntustudio doesn't want to ship them13:13
tarzeaubionic is the right thing to use13:14
tarzeauubuntu-distro-info -ac13:14
studio-user869Ah, I see13:14
studio-user831I've started an upgrade of US 16.04 to 18.10, though ran into "no space left on disk" and it terminated with an error. I no longer can launch Thunar or Nemo to free up space as I get a "symbol lookup error" for each. Not finding much in the way of Ubuntu Studio specific advice in this area in regular Ubuntu forums. Is there a way for me to recover from this?15:44
studio-user831And yes, df shows my drive has 0% available15:45
Eickmeyerstudio-user831: Join #ubuntu and see if anyone in there can help. That channel handles all Ubuntu flavors, and this one is definitely not an Ubuntu Studio-specific issue.15:45
EickmeyerUbuntu Studio _is_ Ubuntu, anything you found on the Ubuntu forums should help.15:46
EickmeyerUnless you've added the KXStudio repos, which can mess things up pretty badly.15:47
Eickmeyerstudio-user831: Also, upgrading from 16.04 directly to a non-LTS is generally considered a bad idea. You may have to completely reinstall.15:48
studio-user831Hmm, ok, I was advised here that upgrading to 18.10 would not be an issue. I'll shift over to the other forum, thanks15:50
Eickmeyertarzeau: That was bad advice. Please try to stick with the standard "sudo do-release-upgrade" method. Manually switching the sources.list can be bad practice, and in the case of that user, it screwed up his system. Please stick to official Ubuntu methods if you're going to help.15:54
studiobot<gennargiu> (Photo, 1920x1080) https://i.imgur.com/hSWYOzj.jpg16:48
studiobot<gennargiu> I could not solve the problem of associating the audio output to the keyboard keys to adjust the volumes, I was also interested in having this possibility for the firewire sound card only through the ffado mixer, but I can only do it via the mouse16:49
studiobot<gennargiu> (Photo, 1920x1080) https://i.imgur.com/xeFdnyi.jpg16:49
studiobot<Eickmeyer> That the audio mixer in Xfce goes to whatever the default device is set to for PulseAudio, if that's what you mean.16:51
studiobot<gennargiu> the funny thing is that the xfce mixer does not appear in the xfce editor17:02
studiobot<gennargiu> (Photo, 1920x1080) https://i.imgur.com/ZMTgu2E.jpg17:02
OvenWerksIt is not an xfce volume control it is a pulseaudio control and works through pavucontrol17:03
studiobot<Eickmeyer> Try installing xfce-pulseaudio-plugin.17:03
studiobot<gennargiu> (Photo, 1920x1080) https://i.imgur.com/rvwGatR.jpg17:07
studiobot<gennargiu> it's a installed17:07
studiobot<Eickmeyer> Okay, next step is to add it to the panel.17:28
studiobot<gennargiu> in editor xfce ?17:30
studiobot<gennargiu> ah, ok at the panel17:31
studiobot<gennargiu> erich but already there is the icon of the audio settings in the upper right of the ubuntu studio panel17:31
studiobot<gennargiu> (Photo, 1920x1080) https://i.imgur.com/7uBwx6i.jpg17:32
studiobot<Eickmeyer> Yeah, I'm stumped.17:33
studiobot<gennargiu> the problem is that the volume or pulse audio or ffado mixer works only through the use of the mouse17:33
studiobot<Eickmeyer> This is probably true. Unless you have an external volume control or those other links I gave you helped, then what you're asking for might not be possible. Not all hardware is supported.17:35
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Any ideas on this one? I'm completely stumped.17:35
EickmeyerOr anyone else in the channel?17:35
Eickmeyer@gennargiu I'm going to just throw this your way.17:37
studiobot<gennargiu> I do not have any external drives to control the volume except the firewire maudio firewire sound card only17:37
OvenWerksbuild actkbd and find out what the keyboard is actually putting out?17:37
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/17:38
OvenWerkscontrolling firewire using faddo with keyboard will not likely happen except when pulse is bridged to jack17:38
OvenWerkscompare with the same version of xubuntu17:39
OvenWerksif it doesn't work in xubuntu, it won't work studio either...17:40
OvenWerksI was hoping the keyboard settings might show the shortcuts17:41
studiobot<gennargiu> first with cadence it worked, at least the management of the volumes of pulseaudio, those of ffado mixer I always had to manually adjust them17:42
OvenWerksHmm, are you expecting to actually adjust the alsa controls or just the pulse level?17:43
studiobot<gennargiu> (Photo, 1920x1080) https://i.imgur.com/9tvQoxb.jpg17:43
OvenWerkswhen jack owns the device pulse doesn't know about its controls and only controls the pulse level to jack17:44
studiobot<gennargiu> only the mute key that works is detected on the keyboard17:44
studiobot<gennargiu> I understood17:45
OvenWerksIf you stop jack with ubuntustudio-controls does it start to work?17:47
OvenWerks(for your internal audio)17:47
* OvenWerks notes that his wifes keyboard does still control the level.17:49
studiobot<gennargiu> if i stop jack audio on ubuntu control,pulse audio is ok but keyboards volume don't recognized17:49
OvenWerksGood the problem is not -controls related.17:50
studiobot<gennargiu> 👍17:50
OvenWerksAnother question... if you create another user, does the keyboard v control work for them?17:51
EickmeyerFor me, in order to get my keyboard volume controls to work in xfce, I have to execute "killall xfce4-volumed && xfce4-volumed" from the terminal.17:52
OvenWerksso does ok so does ps x |grep xfce4-vol*17:54
OvenWerksshow anything?17:54
OvenWerksIE is it started on the affected system?17:54
studiobot<gennargiu> when I used debian stretch with the kxstudio repository the volume adjustment keys, at least for pulse audio, worked, for the ffado mixer instead I always had to manually use the mouse except when I tried as distribution i gnu linux based on debian unstable where also the ffado mixer was regularly associated with the volume keys of17:55
studiobotthe keyboard to be adjusted17:55
OvenWerksgennargiu is xfce4-volumed installed (and running) on your system?17:56
studiobot<gennargiu> I do not have another user ... I'm just me as a user17:57
studiobot<Eickmeyer> That's not what he was asking.17:58
OvenWerksgennargiu: I understand that. However, if you create another user temporarily and login to that user dose the KB vol controls work there?17:58
studiobot<gennargiu> (Photo, 1920x1080) https://i.imgur.com/sWFFZqH.jpg17:58
OvenWerksgennargiu: good and the output of ps x |grep xfce4-vol*17:59
studiobot<gennargiu> I must then try to create a new user and see if I have the same problems17:59
studiobot<gennargiu> gennarogiugliano@gennarogiugliano-HP-Compaq-8200-Elite-SFF-PC:~$ ps x |grep xfce4-vol* …  1609 ?        Ssl    0:00 xfce4-volumed … 11576 pts/0    S+     0:00 grep --color=auto xfce4-vol* … gennarogiugliano@gennarogiugliano-HP-Compaq-8200-Elite-SFF-PC:~$18:00
OvenWerksso it _is_ running then18:01
studiobot<gennargiu> 👍18:01
Eickmeyer(that was a thumbs up, doesn't show in all fonts)18:02
OvenWerksirssi shows it18:03
studiobot<Eickmeyer> Nice. Quassel doesn't.18:03
OvenWerksgennargiu: in settings->keyboard->Layout ... which keyboard is selected?18:04
studiobot<gennargiu> generic 105-pc18:05
studiobot<gennargiu> italien18:06
studiobot<gennargiu> sh -c "pactl set-sink-mute 0 false ; pactl -- set-sink-volume 0 -1%" (Lower volume)18:07
OvenWerksmy wifes KB is set to generic 105 and still works...18:07
studiobot<gennargiu> h -c "pactl set-sink-mute 0 false ; pactl set-sink-volume 0 +1%" (raise volume)18:08
studiobot<gennargiu> comand associate at volume - and + of my keybard18:08
OvenWerksOK, those get errors on my system18:10
OvenWerksFailed to get sink information: No such entity18:10
OvenWerksI wonder what the scroll wheel uses18:11
studiobot<gennargiu> no, for manual  regolation volume ffado or pulseaudio i used mouse18:12
OvenWerkspactl set-sink-volume jack_out +1%18:13
OvenWerksworks for me18:13
studiobot<gennargiu> now I try to give the commands you wrote in the keyboard mapping18:14
OvenWerkspactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +1%18:15
OvenWerkswould be better18:15
studiobot<gennargiu> and to lower the volume the string to put which is?18:15
OvenWerks(and does work)18:15
OvenWerksuse -1%18:15
studiobot<gennargiu> ok18:16
OvenWerksEickmeyer: pactl --help  gives this info18:17
EickmeyerGood to know!18:18
* Eickmeyer has made a resolution to use Xfce more18:18
OvenWerksThat is not xfce dependant, it is a part of the pulseaudio package18:18
EickmeyerTrue, but at least I can be more familiarized.18:19
studiobot<gennargiu> i must restar computer or only stop and restart jack audio server ?18:20
OvenWerksif it doesn't just work... probably logout and in18:20
studiobot<gennargiu> ok18:20
OvenWerksbecause you have only changed the kb mapping not audio setup18:21
studiobot<gennargiu> then after the commands entered now the volume keys of the keyboard work and the volume can be adjusted in input and output. The only thing that does not work is the display of the functions both from the mixer volume of the audio pulse and from the ffado mixer18:26
OvenWerksI am not sure which display that is. ffado is not something I can comment on as I do not have a fw device18:29
studiobot<gennargiu> (Photo, 1920x1080) https://i.imgur.com/AgeiXNH.jpg18:29
studiobot<gennargiu> now regolation volume after insert comand in key map is ok,many thanks for help me......only problem is only visual volume but in the mixer photo is ok functionality18:30
studiobot<gennargiu> ffado now is konnect at pulseaudio jack sync and after comand key map the regolation out a in audio is ok......only visual mixer i have a regolate manual for out and in audio maudio firewire solo 😊18:36
* Eickmeyer is off to fix son's windowshade19:02

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