
DarkTrick@xfce: Can someone tell me which gtk-theme is used for the calculator or chrome? gtk2 or 3?00:59
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
adm_minthello. Wifi doesnt work. Command dmesg shows the network driver "rtl8xxxu" and command lspci doesnt show this driver. In fact, "Network controller..." doesnt appear in that list04:18
well_laid_lawnadm_mint:  you might need some firmware for the wifi card04:19
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.04:20
adm_mintwell, there was a distro before ubuntu and its working, i say, "Network controller" appear in lspci list04:23
well_laid_lawnadm_mint:  the kernel module will be something starting with   ath04:37
well_laid_lawnin   lsmod04:37
=== Israphel is now known as Guest17247
=== Israphel_ is now known as Israphel
adm_mintmy net card isnt atheros05:07
aradeshhello. i keep getting a 'system problem detected' with report/cancel option after i log in. what log should i look in to identify the problem?09:30
brainwasharadesh: doesn't the window offer you to show more details?09:47
aradeshi click report, and it goes away09:47
aradeshand then comes back next time i log in09:48
aradeshwell, boot up09:48
brainwashanything in /var/crash ?09:49
* aradesh looks09:50
brainwashyou could try to upload that crash dump via "ubuntu-bug /var/crash/_usr_sbin_lightdm.0.crash"09:52
brainwashif the upload process does not work, maybe it will give you some error message09:52
aradeshthis one does offer 'show details'09:54
aradeshanyway thanks, at least now i know its lightdm09:55
brainwashdoes the timestamp of the crash file match with your observation?09:56
brainwashit could be an old file09:57
aradeshtime stamp's from 2 days ago, from 00:22, which would have been shutting down10:00
xubuntu56whow can i access to the chanel with hexchat?21:13
brainwashxubuntu56w: you connect to the freenode server, and then join this channel21:14
xubuntu56wok thanks!21:15
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube
EviLEdHey guys/gals. i wanted to know on how to change the time/date format from the command line. What file will allow me to set "%b %e, %l:%M %p"23:35
moetunesfor the time and date format you need to set a different locale23:37
EviLEdSo under clock options there is no way to set a custom format? the locale is set during the setup23:39
EviLEdi have a script that i want to add the command to. but i can' seem to locate the command23:40

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