
ubottuIn ubottu, lordcirth__ said: !iostat is <reply> 'iostat' is a useful tool for viewing storage performance. https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-use-the-linux-iostat-command-to-check-on-your-storage-subsystem/15:14
ubottuIn ubottu, lordcirth__ said: !pwgen is <reply> The 'pwgen' utility (apt install pwgen) can be used to quickly generate secure passwords.15:17
heftighow much spam or other abusive behavior from unregistered users do you get in #ubuntu?15:32
heftig#archlinux currently uses +r, and I would like to argue for its removal as it's a prerequisite for getting the channel bridged to matrix15:35
hggdhheftig: currently not much; we went back to -r some weeks ago, and it is, so far, manageable16:48
heftighggdh: does the join limit help?16:53
hggdhheftig: I think so; usually clustered joins (unfortunately) tend to happen on SPAM attacks, so you have a chance of minimising effects and reacting. I do not have stats, though16:57
ZarroBoogsFYI, something going on with linode Newark, ubottu might be down.17:59

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