[05:28] My snap package builds seem to have been frozen for ~10 minutes on the "Snapping" and "Revoking proxy token..." stages [06:15] luk3yx: Do you have a link, if it's still happening? [06:15] https://code.launchpad.net/~luk3yx/+snap/minetest-luk3yx-4/+build/470628 [06:16] I tried cancelling one and now it's frozen on "Cancelling" [06:16] Yeah, don't do that [06:16] (I mean, it's not useful here) [06:16] I just woke up and noticed buildd-manager is stuck, so it's probably that; I've asked for a restart [06:17] Stuff will catch up once it restarts [06:23] luk3yx: Recovered now [06:24] Okay, thanks === grumble is now known as `-_-`grumble === `-_-`grumble is now known as grumble [19:43] How to import GPG subkey to launchpad.net ppa? === pjw91 is now known as mail6543210 [20:58] hi. my ppa's repository key seems to have vanished: https://launchpad.net/~hermit/+archive/ubuntu/bionic-ppa