
OvenWerksEickmeyer: I think that -controls needs a part that disables cadence.16:16
EickmeyerOvenWerks: I completely and 100% agree. Perhaps we need to fix the packaging to uninstall. Also, have it detect for anything in ~/.pulse and remove it, or at least have the option. Or something. We need to, basically, have it kill Cadence with fire if it's installed.16:24
OvenWerksEickmeyer: we need to A) install a cadence.desktop file in ~/.config/autostart that has a don't run line init, B) stop the running process C) remove the user's pulse configure D) start pulse E) finally -controls can do it's thing.16:28
EickmeyerIs that something we can add as a button to -controls? (Fix user audio configuration)16:29
OvenWerksTo re-enable cadence , just remove the *.desktop we installed and re login16:30
OvenWerksor remove the desktop file and start cadence as an app.16:31
EickmeyerAs it is right now, -controls can't even be installed at the same time, meaning Cadence has to be removed first. iirc, we did that deliberately.16:31
OvenWerksEickmeyer: I would not add a button to fix the config. I would just do that and maybe add a dialog that explains that the two can not run together and so it is being disabled.16:32
OvenWerksEickmeyer:  then add a button to re enable cadence.16:32
EickmeyerOkay, that sounds good.16:36
OvenWerksNot sure when I will get to that... have a death in the family and so dealing with all that brings16:39
OvenWerksEickmeyer: speaking of installers... did we add libjack-jackd2-dev to audio core?16:40
EickmeyerOvenWerks: I don't believe we did. 16:42
EickmeyerWould that prevent jack (1) from being installed?16:42
Eickmeyer(I realize that's the goal)16:42
OvenWerkswell maybe, I think installing libjack-dev may still do odd things... maybe we can blaklist it somewhere?16:43
EickmeyerI think the only way to do that is by putting a Conflicts: line in ubuntustudio-audio-core.16:44
OvenWerksWould that stop "Software" from removing core?16:44
EickmeyerYes. But, just FYI, I tried installing libjack-dev from the command line, and it completely blocked it, so I think we're already good.16:45
Eickmeyer libjack-dev : Depends: libjack0 (= 1:0.125.0-3build1) but it is not going to be installed16:46
EickmeyerE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.16:46
EickmeyerIf someone installs libjack0, however, then it looks like it will try to switch to jackd1.16:46
OvenWerksThere is no reason to do that, it is just the people who want to build a jack application. when building thing the common thing is to find the lib* package and just install the lib*-dev package16:48
EickmeyerThat's true. So, should we not worry about it then?16:49
EickmeyerI mean, since it's already blocked.16:49
* OvenWerks shrugs16:50
OvenWerksI really don't know.16:50
OvenWerksI will be glad when falktx has depricated jackd116:50
EickmeyerInstalling libjack0 removes -controls, -default-settings, -dekstop, -desktop-core, -installer, and -menu.16:50
OvenWerks(yes that is the plan)16:50
EickmeyerSo, right now, if you force libjack-dev to install, it will remove things that make Ubuntu Studio... Studio. It also removes qjackctl, qtractor, ardour, gladish,... basically everything.16:52
OvenWerks-controls won't work with jackd1 (though it could be made to)16:52
EickmeyerYeah, uh, let's not.16:52
OvenWerks ;)16:52
OvenWerksI would rather suggest to "Ubuntu" that the jackd1 packages not be in the repo...16:53
OvenWerksbut there are a (very) few cases where jackd1 does make sense16:54
EickmeyerIt seems to be harder to remove a package once it's in the repo.16:54
OvenWerksfalktx is working to add those things to jackd2 and retire jackd1... (he now maintains both)16:54
EickmeyerYeah, I think moving Carla to it's 2.0 version is part of that. I don't know what else he's using jackd1 for.16:55
OvenWerksPaul stopped maintaining jackd1 and opened it up for someone to take over, falktx took it over and is working to make it so only one version is needed16:56
OvenWerksI expect jackd1 will eventually vanish due to bitrot. (at least in an official way)16:57
EickmeyerAla Patchage.16:58
Eickmeyer(as we're trying to do)16:58
OvenWerksPatchage still works for me.16:58
EickmeyerSame, but bitrot.16:58
OvenWerkspatchage has new commits as of last month...16:59
EickmeyerWait.. whut?17:00
* Eickmeyer is shocked17:00
OvenWerksmaybe the debian package has the wrong upstream url?17:01
EickmeyerIt's possible, but does this negate getting Carla to replace it?17:01
OvenWerksI don't think it matters. I would leave patchage around anyway... 17:02
EickmeyerOkay. In that case, we need to comment on that bug report Ross created.17:02
OvenWerksStarting Carla to make patching changes in jackd seem counter intuitive17:03
* Eickmeyer does it all the time17:03
EickmeyerIMO, it's a better patchbay.17:03
OvenWerksThe problem is that there is no new release in the past 3 years17:04
EickmeyerI was just about to mention that. More like 5 years. http://drobilla.net/category/patchage/17:05
OvenWerkstag namev1.0.0 (5df1c18dde1d1eb9ad0caac9440c8e9bbba0de10)17:05
EickmeyerThat might be why Debian's package hasn't seen anything.17:05
OvenWerkstag date2015-11-13 20:09:30 -050017:05
OvenWerksThe one we have is from 201517:06
EickmeyerStill, that's some really slow development.17:06
* Eickmeyer sigs17:07
EickmeyerWell, what do you recommend?17:07
OvenWerksNot that there is a lot to keep it current17:07
EickmeyerTrue. But, should we drop it or keep it?17:08
OvenWerksIf it is not broken in the new cycle it is ok. If it starts breaking, then A) bug david for a new release or B) ask debian to use master C) use master in Ubuntu.17:09
OvenWerksSo keep it.17:09
OvenWerksDoes it pull in libs that nothing else uses?17:09
EickmeyerI don't think so... I could check.17:10
EickmeyerOr, either of us could.17:10
EickmeyerEither way, if we want to keep it, then we need to comment: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/181726217:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1817262 in ubuntustudio-meta (Ubuntu) "Drop Patchage from Ubuntu Studio seeds once Carla is uploaded" [Undecided,New]17:10
EickmeyerAnd https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/181726417:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1817264 in ubuntustudio-meta (Ubuntu) "Upload Carla as a replacement for patchage " [Undecided,New]17:11
EickmeyerNo, there's a ton of xfce stuff that depends on that.17:12
EickmeyerNot to mention Ardour and Audacity among others.17:12
OvenWerksRight I would just change the title of the bug that CXarla replaces jackrack17:13
EickmeyerThat's probably better. It definitely replaces jackrack, which I can't get to work properly ever.17:13
OvenWerksWhich was my original reason for suggesting Carla17:13
EickmeyerI see.17:13
OvenWerkschanged the topic17:14
OvenWerksSo di you :)17:15
OvenWerks(actually it is jack-rack)17:16
EickmeyerFixed the other bug too (for meta).17:18
EickmeyerHe'll get the message.17:18

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