[21:41] Hello folks! How are you doing cbj nzoueidi pavlushka vadmeste ? [21:42] I am good elacheche , How are you? [21:43] elacheche: me trying to make work this project https://www.switchdoc.com/2015/01/weather-arduino-weatherpiarduino/ with arduino but the anemometer seems broken, need to test its reed switch now [21:43] [ Weather For Your Arduino - WeatherPiArduino - SwitchDoc Labs ] - https://www.switchdoc.com [21:44] elacheche: cannot find a magnet and its 3.44 am , so only possible on day time. [21:45] elacheche: have you worked with mattermost server? the better version of irc where you can correct/edit your posts. [21:45] ? [23:41] Hey pavlushka ! Sorry was afk xD [23:41] LEt me read that [23:41] sure [23:41] np [23:42] I used mattermost once, never setup it.. I think nzoueidi did that! But if you need help seting it up let meknow and maybe I can help [23:47] elacheche: sure, I know :) [23:48] elacheche: I am using this anemometer https://www.amazon.com/WeatherRack-Anemometer-SwitchDoc-WeatherPiArduino-Raspberry/dp/B00QURVHN6 [23:49] elacheche: but the wind speed gauge is not giving any reading [23:50] elacheche: So I opened it up and found just a reed switch there https://www.techshopbd.com/product-categories/switch/852/reed-switch-techshop-bangladesh [23:50] [ Reed Switch | Techshopbd ] - https://www.techshopbd.com [23:54] ok, the anemometer from switchdoclabs, https://www.switchdoc.com/weatherpiarduino-bare-board/ [23:54] [ WeatherPiArduino Weather Board - SwitchDoc Labs ] - https://www.switchdoc.com [23:55] looks like the https://www.davisinstruments.com/product/anemometer-for-weather-monitor-or-wizard/ was a better choice [23:56] [ Anemometer for Weather Monitor or Wizard | Davis Instruments ] - https://www.davisinstruments.com [23:57] and was using this arduino library to make it work but I had to fix that also, https://github.com/switchdoclabs/SDL_Weather_80422 [23:57] *i have no idea about hardware pavlushka :( [23:57] [ GitHub - switchdoclabs/SDL_Weather_80422: Arduino Class for WeatherPiArduino using SwitchDoc Labs WeatherRack Argent Data Systems SparkFun Weather Sensors SEN-08942 ] - https://github.com [23:57] elacheche: me neither, so looking around [23:59] elacheche: but that said, the reed switch has no click function so my guess was then it is using magnetic moment as a click for a rotation count