
qwebirc30635can anyone help me get an inspiron 7347 on wifi? No ethernet port, I have to install a driver by  USB drive00:29
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lubotUgLy^FaTmAnWaLkInG was added by: UgLy^FaTmAnWaLkInG09:51
venik212When I use google-chrome or google-chrome-stable the UI font is TINY.  I found no way of enlarging it-- can anyone help?  Lubuntu 18.10 LXQt.15:37
LinuxuserAfter updating my thinkpad, my two finger scroll does not work on resume :(, any help15:49
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cdoublejji switched to lubuntu years agop because it was lighter. i heared they are killing off some legacey support22:13
cdoublejji'm going to guess pre core 2 duo type stuff22:14
cdoublejji also really switched over when ubuntu ditched gnome and the simple start/app menu and addedthe wierd dock thing22:14
cdoublejjthe only thing lubuntu or buntu based or any linux distro i'm guessing can't do now is22:14
cdoublejjautomatically discover and enable/use windows SMB shares on the network with simple click and go  usability22:15

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