
talxd-i preseed/late_command string in-target wget -P /tmp/ http://ip/script.sh; in-target chmod $+x /tmp/script.sh; in-target /tmp/script.sh`09:18
talxI found this in google I've editied it to my needs ofcourse, but it doesn't work09:18
talxCarlFK: managed to fix the reboot issue I had09:19
talxby the way if you remember it :p09:19
CarlFKwhat was the problem ?09:19
talxI was missing ubiquity/reboot=true09:27
talxin the default file09:27
talxwhat about downloading a script and run it after the installation finished? is it something you're familiar with ?09:28
talxCarlFK, why did you add $URL at the end of the line09:40
CarlFKit calls the script:  /tmp/late_command.sh $url09:41
talxansible is too advanced for me atm09:49
talxbut I get it it would be the hostname of the machine09:50
talxCarlFK: is it possible to install ubuntu or other distro for that matter14:38
talxfrom an already installed os ?14:39
CarlFKtalx: kexec can boot the installer, but I'm not sure I have ever gotten video modes to work such that I can see what is going on19:36
CarlFKbut it has been like 5 years sense I tried.19:37

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