
tsimonq2infinity, vorlon: ack, thanks. Should I ask for approval every cycle or should I just assume it's policy for devel until further notice?01:41
tsimonq2vorlon: Bump on that MP fixing the cdimage CSS. 18.04.2 was released with bad looking CSS on the page; I'd like to get that fixed for 16.04.6 and retroactively apply that back to
tsimonq2It looks like the CSS for 18.10's page was also moved around as well due to the flavor-agnostic includes being updated for the new CSS.01:44
tsimonq2I would really like that MP merged to have something *working*, I can work on something more conformant with the look of the Ubuntu one as time comes.01:45
valoriethank you, tsimonq205:13
vorlontsimonq2: wrt CSS, what I tried to communicate when we talked last was that I am not happy to add complexity to the python code by adding more conditionals, when the right solution is for the HTML structure to be consistent between flavors and the display to be managed via css13:57
vorlontsimonq2: I'm not willing to merge this tech det13:57
vorlonlol @ failing hello autopkgtest13:59
vorlondoko: seems the hello autopkgtest is an addition by you; it fails because one of the tests returns 77 instead of 0 meaning it should be skipped, but autopkgtest now runs these commands with set -e, so the testsuite fails14:04
* jbicha waits for the next full moon14:07
vorlongvfs autopkgtests will need updating for glibc 2.2914:09
vorlontest fails now with a different error from a glibc name resolution call instead of the expected assertion14:10
infinityvorlon: glibc's own failure is something I'm looking into either XFAILing or fixing (I mean, preference to the latter, but yeah) for the next upload, but not going to reupload and reset the whole mess before we migrate anything that's picked up 2.29 deps.15:16
vorloninfinity: ack15:32
vorlonAssertionError: 188.51403793245183 != 188.51404344898586 within 5 places15:32
vorlonthanks, biopython15:33
ginggsvorlon: ping re: pandas15:39
vorlonginggs: removed15:40
vorlonginggs: what's the fix you're uploading for pandas 0.23?15:40
ginggsrebecca's patch from https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=918206#3315:42
ubot5Debian bug 918206 in src:pandas "pandas: autopkgtest fails with python-numpy (1:1.16.0~rc1-3)" [Serious,Open]15:42
vorlonok then15:42
jbichavorlon: do you want to remove openssl1.0 from disco-proposed too?15:43
vorlonjbicha: definitely15:43
ginggsvorlon: pandas with patch passed autopkgtests https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-disco-ginggs-testing/disco/amd64/p/pandas/20190223_111325_a8838@/log.gz15:44
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