
=== led_dark_2 is now known as led_dark_1
mike802hi, i'm trying to run the command cat wordpress.sql | sudo mysql --default-extra-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf17:35
mike802and i'm getting ERROR at line 1: Unknown command '\b'17:36
mike802i can't find any typos in the files that the wordpress section of the ubuntu server guide had me type up, but i'll keep looking17:37
tomreyn\b is a backspace17:39
RoyKperl -pe 's/\b//g' -i file.cnf17:40
tomreynmike802: when you run    head -n2 wordpress.sql    does this output contain any sensitive content, anything you could not share with us?17:41
mike802it's all sql statements, create database etc17:41
tomreynmike802: on those 2 lines?17:41
RoyKthere shouldn't be \b in an sql file17:42
tomreynanyways, it doesn'T answer my question.17:42
mike802well, when i saved the file the system asked me to create an encryption key17:42
mike802which i have to type in to open the file17:42
RoyKmike802: did you try the perl command above? make a backup first17:42
tomreynwhat's the output of "file wordpress.sql"17:42
tomreynRoyK: not a good idea if it's encrypted17:43
tomreyn(but yeah, backup.)17:43
RoyKtomreyn: indeed17:43
RoyKtomreyn: but perhaps it's just gzipped or something and has the wrong extension17:43
mike802the head -n2 command just returns encrypted characters17:43
RoyKwhat did 'file' say?17:44
RoyK(what does the fox say)17:44
mike802::::|||~~~~~  putty putty17:44
tomreynmike802: well if the sql file is encrypted then you can't just feed it into the mysql command like this17:45
mike802oh, weird.  i'll try deleting and making a new one17:45
tomreynyou'll need to find out how to decrypt it on the shell.17:45
tomreynor export it unencrypted where it comes from17:45
mike802i'm just gonna ctrl+c the key bit17:45
RoyKmike802: if it's encrypted, the backup job must have done that17:46
mike802i'm typing this up from the ubuntu server guide web page17:46
mike802awesome, thank you17:49
muhahaHow do I run systemctl --user enable pulseaudio && systemctl --user start pulseaudio under root? It does not work for root , I need to run in userspace. (Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory)17:52
muhahanvm, it should be started under user17:59

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