
EriC^^gambl0r3: pastebin 'sudo parted -ls'00:00
duriis there an equivalent of the Arch wiki for Ubuntu ? that is, a well-curated, source of documentation, in a wiki format ...00:01
OerHekssure, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq00:01
durior, rather, what is the most respected form of docs in the ubuntu community ?00:02
OerHeksduri, html & pdf https://help.ubuntu.com/00:03
gambl0r3EriC^^, Number  Start   End    Size   File system  Name                  Flags00:03
gambl0r3 1      1049kB  538MB  537MB  fat32        EFI System Partition  boot, esp00:03
gambl0r3 2      538MB   500GB  500GB  ext400:03
duriOerHeks: ok00:03
Bashing-omduri: Have you seen: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PopularPages ?00:04
bray90820_EriC^^: Control-D just sent me back to emergency mode00:04
bray90820_Like I expected00:04
duriBashing-om: no, I was not aware of that. thanks! will explore00:05
EriC^^bray90820_: press enter when it asks for the password00:07
EriC^^gambl0r3: type "swapon -s"00:08
EriC^^!paste | gambl0r300:08
ubottugambl0r3: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:08
gambl0r3EriC^^, what does that command do?00:09
bray90820_EriC^^: It says password incorrect because I set a password so should I enter my passowrd00:09
OerHeks-s show00:09
EriC^^gambl0r3: it shows the status of the swaps00:10
gambl0r3EriC^^, oh ok00:11
EriC^^bray90820_: yeah, enter the root password00:11
gambl0r3EriC^^, https://pastebin.com/yZLCP21B00:11
bray90820_EriC^^: Then what?00:12
EriC^^bray90820_: type "mount -o remount,rw /"00:12
EriC^^gambl0r3: type "sudo swapoff -a"00:13
EriC^^gambl0r3: that will deactivate the swap for right now00:13
gambl0r3the command does nothing00:13
gambl0r3wtf. i dont want to deactivate it00:14
gambl0r3tell me what a command does before telling to type it00:14
EriC^^gambl0r3: 1 language, 2 you need to deactivate it before making it bigger, 3 i did tell you 1sec later..00:14
gambl0r3you should say step 2, before telling 'type <cmd>'00:15
gambl0r3just saying00:15
Gerowengambl0r3: If you're looking for help with something, it would behooves you not to get angry with somebody who is volunteering time they could be spending on something else to help you out.  He could have just told you to google it and figure it out yourself.00:16
EriC^^gambl0r3: well, you asked how to enlarge swap, i cant write a newspaper about the whole ordeal00:16
gambl0r3Gerowen, dont be so sensitive. im not angry.00:16
gambl0r3sometimes people say, do this...do that without even explaining what they're trying to do00:17
EriC^^gambl0r3: i dont know how much you know/want to know about the process00:17
EriC^^maybe be like 'explain each step to me, i care to learn/know'00:18
gambl0r3i dont want a newspaper article but a simple one line explanation would be nice....'type <cmd>.  this command does X'00:18
OerHekswhy should we copy paste..00:19
EriC^^gambl0r3: anyhow, type 'sudo rm /swapfile'  that removes the swapfile00:19
gambl0r3EriC^^, should i close all my applications?00:20
gambl0r3before i type that command?00:20
EriC^^gambl0r3: no00:21
gambl0r3ok done. now what00:21
EriC^^gambl0r3: how big do you want the new swap?00:22
gambl0r3i dont know, how big should i make it?00:22
bray90820_EriC^^: I did the mount and remount now what?00:22
gambl0r3i have 8gb of ram00:22
EriC^^gambl0r3: that depends on your needs and whether you want hibernation to work you'll need 8gb in that case00:23
EriC^^bray90820_: type 'update-initrd -u k all'00:23
gambl0r3whats the difference between swap and ram?00:24
gambl0r3i have 8gb of ram, that should be more than enough for what im doing00:24
mmarconmswap its used when i ran got out00:24
gambl0r3mmarconm, what? that made no sense00:24
EriC^^gambl0r3: how did you gather that 1.x/2gb is being used?00:25
gambl0r3EriC^^, i have no idea. it just builds up over time00:25
EriC^^gambl0r3: maybe something you're running has a memory leak and it's eating up your ram?00:25
gambl0r3i can only think of firefox00:26
bray90820_EriC^^: Command not found00:26
EriC^^gambl0r3: type "ps aux | sort -k3" and look at what has the memory consumed00:26
gambl0r3i mostly use firefox, my code editor, libreoffice. thats pretty much it00:26
gambl0r3and hexchat00:27
EriC^^gambl0r3: what's the memory right now at? try "free -h"00:27
EriC^^bray90820_: sorry, "update-initramfs -u -k all"00:28
gambl0r3thats a useful command.00:28
NorthwestVeganhtop will also give you the mem usage of the processes00:28
gambl0r3EriC^^, https://pastebin.com/0Cp2uRAA00:28
gambl0r3i use htop. thats how i know my swap is almost full00:28
EriC^^gambl0r3: the memory looks good right now, 4gb free00:29
gambl0r3ok i still dont know how much swap i should allocate00:30
NorthwestVeganyou could also ps -aux to get the pid and use pmap to see all the usage of that process00:30
gambl0r3if my swap is full but i still have lots of ram, will that affect the performance of my computer?00:31
bray90820_EriC^^: Then what?00:31
umhellodoes anyone know how to fix enp0s300:33
umhellonot being seen by networkmanager00:33
umhelloand yet00:33
umhellocontrollable by ifconfig00:33
umhellolike, ifconfig sees it but networkmanager does not00:33
tomreyn!enter | umhello00:33
ubottuumhello: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.00:33
umhelloconsiders it unmanaged.00:34
RtMF|afkumhello: check /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf if "nmcli dev set enp0s3 managed yes" doesn't work00:35
* RtMF|afk may have gotten set and dev in the wrong order there00:35
RtMF|afkand the config file will have a mention of it listed in umanaged or managed=no, right now I'm on my VPS which doesn't happen to have it installed00:35
EriC^^bray90820_: type 'reboot'00:36
RtMF|afk>.> is it worth unafking with ~20min left?00:36
EriC^^gambl0r3: no it wont00:36
EriC^^gambl0r3: keep a look at the memory and see if it was full at some point so that it started using swap00:37
gambl0r3EriC^^, oh i see. so it only uses swap whenever my ram is full?00:37
EriC^^i think so, i'm not entirely sure00:37
EriC^^i guess not though, i'm actually using 10mb of swap though i dont think my memory was full, so i guess not00:38
gambl0r3i dont think so either cause i dont know i've ever reached max ram usage00:38
umhelloRtMf|afk this is the config file:   GNU nano 2.9.3       /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf                    [main] plugins=ifupdown,keyfile  [ifupdown] managed=true  [device] wifi.scan-rand-mac-address=no00:38
EriC^^i'd say just make sure the memory isn't getting full and all is good, no need to make the swap larger unless you want hibernation00:39
bray90820_EriC^^: Back to emergency mode00:39
EriC^^gambl0r3: did you run the "sudo rm /swapfile" comman btw?00:39
gambl0r3EriC^^, ya00:39
EriC^^bray90820_: see if it mentions anything before the emergency mode, it might have to do with the fsck it ran earlier, the filesystem might be missing files00:39
EriC^^gambl0r3: ok, to make the swap file again type "sudo fallocate -l 2G /swapfile"00:40
EriC^^gambl0r3: then type "sudo chmod 600 /swapfile && sudo mkswap /swapfile"00:40
gambl0r3that creates a swap file with 2gb right?00:40
gambl0r3EriC^^, thanks00:41
EriC^^gambl0r3: no problem, btw what does "cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness" give? default is 6000:42
umhelloso um does anyone know what can be done to make it amnagaed00:42
umhellousing 18.04.2 LTS btw00:43
gambl0r3EriC^^, 60. what does that mean?00:44
EriC^^gambl0r3: it's how much the kernel will tend to use the swap, higher value means more swap usage00:44
bray90820_EriC^^: These are currently the only errors I can find00:45
EriC^^bray90820_: try logging in, then typing "journalctl -xb"00:46
tomreynumhello: is this a new installation, was network manager working before, did you make changes to it which broke it?00:46
umhelloyes, this is a new installation. it was working before. stopped working after I added iscsi or added a keyscript00:47
umhellopossible one of those influenced it?00:47
umhelloor the initramfs hook but unlikely00:47
tomreynumhello: depends on how you did it, i guess.00:48
tomreynumhello: is this a server or desktop installation?00:48
tomreynumhello: with iscsi storage?00:48
umhellouh no idea tbh; iscsi is just used to get internet connectivity before a boot script runs00:49
umhellowell, in the initramfs00:49
tomreynumhello: i can't follow this logic. can you point to the how.to you followed?00:50
umhellohaven't followed any howto; i just use iscsi in initramfs to get internet because it was what I found somewhen a month ago or so00:50
umhellowell, the only howto I have is my commands list00:51
tomreynumhello: do you feel like sharing those commands?00:51
bray90820_EriC^^: Lots of stuff there but theses seems to be the only errors00:52
umhellowell nothing much there; just apt update, upgrade, add a keyscript to /etc/crypttab, install guest additions in vb and virtualbox-guest-dkms, add +x to keyscript, install open-iscsi and sshpass, echo "iscsi" >> /etc/initramfs-tools/modules, echo "ISCSI_AUTO=true" > /etc/iscsi/iscsi.initramfs, add a hook to initamfs-tools, add +x to it, ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096, update-initramfs -u and also reboot a few times in the process00:53
umhellothat's it00:54
EriC^^bray90820_: aha seems like a bug, try the using the advanced menu in grub to boot an older kernel, or when you get to emergency mode, press ctrl+d to try continue booting00:54
bray90820_Tried control-D already00:54
bray90820_I will try an older kernel00:54
umhellois there anything wrong with that setup tomreyn00:57
tomreynumhello: so you're using a side effect of initializing the iscsi module to bring up the network early. that's weird, and there are surely better ways, but it should not break things. other than network-manager, probably, which will likel ynot try to initialize an already initialized network interface.00:57
GerowenIs there any VM software that lets you create ARM based virtual machines on an X86 host?  I would like to experiment with things like ubuntu core in a virtualised environment, but VirtualBox only does x86 virtual machines.00:57
umhellogood point tomreyn - any ideas on how I could uninitialize the network interface so that it'd be... reinitialized?00:58
tomreynumhello: no, not really, would have to read up on how this works, too.00:59
Bashing-omGerowen: About 60 bucks but you may find this of interest: https://blog.ubuntu.com/2019/02/19/easy-iot-with-ubuntu-core-and-raspberry-pi01:00
umhellohm, I see. but it's not possible to add a pre-initialized network interface to networkmanager is it01:00
GerowenBashing-om: I was literally just reading that, is what made me curious, :p01:03
umhelloalso what other ways would there be that could perhaps not break network-manager tomreyn01:04
GerowenI have a raspberry pi, although "technically" I gave it to my little boy as a retropie, so I don't want to take it from him.01:04
GerowenI may just have to order my own.01:04
GerowenJust wanted a way to tinker and try things out in a virtual environment before committing things to hardware.01:04
=== coffeeguy is now known as zenguy
bray90820_EriC^^: All three kernels do the same thing01:05
tomreynumhello: do you have a NM connection profile for this interface?01:09
umhelloadding one didn't really work tbh tomreyn01:11
umhellonetworkmanager straight up ignores enp0s301:11
Bashing-omGerowen: :) Going where no man has gone before :P01:11
qwebirc69549can someone help me get an inspiron 7347 on wifi?01:14
qwebirc51902hello, could anyone help me? my problem: when i reboot the system, it doesnt recognize the Mini USB Wireless N300Mbps TL-WN823N. I have to disconnect it and then conect it again.01:14
tomreynumhello: "nmcli d set <ifname> autoconnect yes managed yes" should make a device managed by NM.01:16
tomreynumhello: also, "nmcli n" should report that it is enabled01:16
umhelloit reports it is enabled... but if I write nmcli it says itš unmanaged01:18
qwebirc51902hello, could anyone help me? my problem: when i reboot the system, it doesnt recognize the Mini USB Wireless N300Mbps TL-WN823N. I have to disconnect it and then conect it again.01:20
bray90820_EriC^^: What should i do from here?01:20
EriC^^bray90820_: no idea tbh01:24
bray90820_Maybe I could update the kernel from the live USB01:24
bray90820_Do you know what Kernel I was trying to boot from when it failed?01:25
EriC^^bray90820_: i was about to suggest that, go to the grub recovery mode and before choosing drop to root shell choose "start  networking"01:25
tomreynumhello: maybe it's managed by systemd-networkd then?01:25
EriC^^bray90820_: then drop to root shell and try "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"01:25
bray90820_Drop to the root shell where I was at before?01:26
umhelloseems to be the case! Any way to fix that? tomreyn01:26
tomreynumhello: well this doesn't happen by itself. i guess you did it, then you will probbaly know how to undo it, too?01:27
Bashing-omuntermensch: Check from the "renderer" line : cat /etc/netplan/01-network-manager-all.yaml .01:27
umhellohas to be a side effect of the iscsi boot01:28
umhellono idea how to undo it, but guess Iļl try that tomorrow. :D01:28
tomreynumhello: systemd-networkd configuration is stored in /etc/systemd/networkd.conf (IIRC)01:29
umhellothis is getting funny - the network folder is empty!01:31
umhelloyet the logs show  systemd-networkd[616]: enp0s3: Configured"01:32
tomreynumhello: read its man page, it will tell all its configuration locations01:33
umhelloYup, found two files in the /run/ one01:34
umhellowhich contain my network configuration01:34
umhello(well, in /run/systemd/network)01:35
umhellowhat would fix the current situation?01:35
bray90820_EriC^^: so what exactly am I suppose to do?01:36
bray90820_EriC^^: Apperently it's still a swap issue01:42
bray90820_Apparently that timed out before and I didn't realize it01:43
Bashing-omumhello: "netplan" controls networking. For a place to start see: https://blog.ubuntu.com/2017/12/01/ubuntu-bionic-netplan .01:44
umhellochecked it out earlier, sadly doesn't do much01:46
umhelloall I know is that it is managed by systemd-networkd-wait-nolnie01:51
scienteswhat do i need to do to get ubuntu to boot after copying the whole filesystem to another disk01:53
scientesI changed /etc/fstab and ran update-grub, and install-grub01:53
scientesbut it still hung01:53
EriC^^bray90820_: try commenting out the swap line in fstab temporarily by adding a "#" at the start of the line01:58
EriC^^bray90820_: it doesnt mention a swap issue, it mentions something about a backup service, a custom one01:59
EriC^^bray90820_: try commenting out this line in fstab /dev/Backup/Backup/media/aaron/Backupext4defaults1 202:00
=== ilfantomas_ is now known as ilfantomas
bray90820_EriC^^: Yeah that's not a backup service backup is the name of my LVM02:12
bray90820_I think I may have figured out the iddue02:12
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bray90820_So that wasn't the issue02:14
bray90820_But backup that you were referring to is my LVM02:15
=== ilfantomas_ is now known as ilfantomas
bray90820_EriC^^: So yeah that booted but now my LVM is not accessible02:19
mustmodify______I've really hosed something while attempting to fix my version of ssl.02:34
mustmodify______I rebooted and now the only network I see under 'ifconfig' is 'lo'.02:34
mustmodify______(and docker0, which ... doesn't count.)02:34
mustmodify______also 'dhclient: command not found'02:35
bray90820_EriC^^: Got any more ideas?02:37
mustmodify______So... what package do I need to install to get DHCP running?02:42
scientesmy dock disappeared and i can't figure out why02:43
tomreynmustmodify______: for a dhcp *client*? one option is isc-dhcp-client02:55
whoareU1in order to download bt&magnet torrent file, which tools in command line can use?02:57
=== ilfantomas_ is now known as ilfantomas
tomreynwhoareU1: apt-cache search bittorrent.*(cli|console|nox)03:00
rfmwhoareU1, I use transmission-daemon and transmission-remote (though really I use the web interface more than command)03:01
bray90820_EriC^^: I think this is a result of the initramfs stuff we were doing before03:14
bray90820_EriC^^: Ok yeah my bad don't listen to me03:30
=== ilfantomas_ is now known as ilfantomas
jxfreemanGood evening03:53
jxfreemanHave the irc.ubuntu.com servers been taken down?03:54
jxfreemanPerhaps the wrong question03:54
jxfreemanWhen I attempt to connect I get cert errors.03:55
bray90820_How would I mount an LVM on boot?03:57
C0BALTHello from Vancouver. I'm very new to buntutntu03:59
C0BALTwhen I have QTCAM open (found here) https://github.com/econsysqtcam/qtcam04:01
C0BALTI'm trying to run something like a cron job every 5 minutes to do a webcam capture04:01
guivercbray90820_, an example from a system of mine "/dev/mapper/de2900--da-de2900--da /shared       ext4    rw,errors=remount-ro,noauto     0 2"  (from /etc/fstab) ; the name can be obtained from `lvdisplay` if you've fogotten it04:11
cliff1245Hi, is there a way to change my interface name now that ifconfig isn't on the box anymore?04:46
guiverccliff1245, you can add `ifconfig` if you want the relegated command, but https://askubuntu.com/questions/767786/changing-network-interfaces-name-ubuntu-16-04  (upvote 60) answer may be helpful04:50
ChiLL-Twoi dont know but you can install net-tools04:50
ChiLL-Twoto get ifconfig04:51
cliff1245thanks, I'd rather not have to install net-tools04:54
ryuocliff1245: the only way i found that was effective was to use systemd's link files. see man systemd.link04:55
Bashing-omcliff1245: See: https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/ to change.05:00
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LinuxuserAfter updating my thinkpad, my two finger scroll does not work on resume :(, any help?06:01
qwebirc34378Good evening folks06:19
XxSYDxX_i have installed anbox and adb both, but i cannot install apps on anbox. When i use "adb install IRCCloud_v4.14_apkpure.com.apk", it shows "adb: failed to install IRCCloud_v4.14_apkpure.com.apk: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS: Failed to extract native libraries, res=-113]"06:23
CarlFKhow can I apt-get this file?  http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/uefi/grub2-amd64/current/grubnetx64.efi.signed06:25
OerHeksXxSYDxX_, you might want to ask on the #anbox IRC channel on the FreeNode network or in the Anbox telegram group (https://t.me/anbox).  >> depreciated snap https://snapcraft.io/anbox-installer06:27
CarlFKfor current release, not xenial06:27
XxSYDxX_OerHerks: Thanks06:28
OerHekscurrent bionic lts http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/uefi/grub2-amd64/current/06:29
CarlFKOerHeks: im looking for a package06:30
OerHeksjust apt-get install < filename>  .. but it is part of grubx64.efi ?06:31
CarlFKOerHeks: I'm still not finding that file.  but maybe it gets renamed? also how do I "download the grub-efi-amd64-signed binary package with apt-get and extract the grubnetx64.efi.signed binary" ?06:39
CarlFKmaybe this is it: /usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi-signed/grubnetx64.efi.signed06:41
OerHekswget ?06:42
OerHeksand how to extract, i have no clue in that wiki06:42
CarlFKheh - wiki says "The uefi-netboot.sh script enables you to download..."06:48
CarlFKuefi-netboot.sh does wget -O grubx64.efi http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/saucy/main/uefi/grub2-amd64/current/grubnetx64.efi.signed06:48
CarlFKhttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/saucy/main/uefi/grub2-amd64/current/grubnetx64.efi.signed  40406:48
CarlFKI'm kinda going in the wrong direction :p06:48
=== andyhuzhill_ is now known as andyhuzhill
MagePsychoI am unable to exit from crontab07:19
MagePsychosudo crontab -u www-data -e07:19
MagePsychojust prints the length of content07:19
MagePsychoand I am stuck, unable to exit even if i type exit, :q!, Ctrl + x, quit .. whatever07:20
sandwitchMagePsycho, mayby your (accidental) in command mode of vi, ty some escapes ans then 'q!'07:25
qwebirc34378Is there a coherent way to do a fresh install of 18.04.2 on USB using UEFI?07:25
=== HotDogThe2nd is now known as HappyHotDog
MagePsychoI have posted by question here - https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/502647/unable-to-get-out-from-crontab-command07:34
MagePsychoIf anybody is interested in giving answers. Thanks07:35
cyberspectreHey guys. I'm using a docker container based on ubuntu. Being a container, it's lightweight, and didn't come with cron. I installed cron, but cron doesn't start on system boot. How can I make it start on boot?07:35
cim209cyberspectre: you'd have build a new image based on that container then do your mods in the Dockerfile07:36
guivercMagePsycho, what is your default editor?  you may have it set to an editor you don't know, and it's this knowledge that baffles you.07:37
guivercMagePsycho, `man crontab` and search `-e'  for more info if you want to change the editor to something you know.07:37
cim209then docker build -t your-name/parent-image-name-or-whatever07:38
cim209oops forgot the . at the end, that's important07:38
cyberspectrecim209, oh man, that's more complicated than I assumed. I don't know if I'm up for that07:39
cim209it's not complicated at all07:39
cyberspectreI just know practically nothing about docker yet. This is the first time I'm using it07:40
cim209i'm kinda new too07:40
cim209but i'm building my own docker stack using traefik as the reverse proxy07:40
cyberspectreSo let me look into what you're telling me to do.07:41
cim209your Dockerfile would have something like From ubuntu RUN apt update && apt install some-cron-service07:42
tchakatakmint_: Hello08:20
mint_I have a problem  on linux mint with shutdown08:21
ducasse!mint | mint_08:21
ubottumint_: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)08:21
mint_Thank you08:21
ducassemint_: i think there is a channel here on freenode also08:22
=== SysGhost is now known as SysGhost_zombie
=== SysGh_st is now known as SysGhost
oscar__ buenos dias08:33
teamspeakuserHey :)08:40
teamspeakuserIs there an up to date alternative to youtube-dl?08:41
ducasseyoutube-dl is frequently updated, just not the ubuntu packages08:41
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.08:42
=== SysGh_st is now known as SysGhost
whoareUi need set browser as my proxy-user in wget command, but i can't find where to get these information08:49
teamspeakuserducasse:  how can I enable to get the latest update of youtube-dl?09:07
no_gravityHello! Sometimes the ssh connection between my desktop and my laptop suddenly hangs for a while. Any ideas how to go about this?09:07
ducasseteamspeakuser: you can look for a ppa or other third-party package, i also think it is installable with pip.09:09
=== Mr_Pan is now known as Guest41578
=== Guest41578 is now known as Mr_Pan
ducasseno_gravity: wireless connection?09:13
no_gravityducasse: Yes09:14
ducasseno_gravity: try using wired instead09:14
no_gravityducasse: No09:14
ducasseok, then09:14
ducasseno_gravity: it would help you determine if there is something in your wireless setup that needs to be fixed, but if you don't want to you're on your own09:18
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j00nHello! Is there a way to get m2crypto for python3 under ubuntu? Also, when I try to install it via pip on bionic and on cosmic it simply fails. This is really annoying10:21
j00nWhy doesn't Ubuntu offer m2crypto lib for py3 anyway?10:22
ducasse!info python-m2crypto10:27
ubottupython-m2crypto (source: m2crypto): Python wrapper for the OpenSSL library. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.27.0-5 (bionic), package size 324 kB, installed size 3184 kB10:27
ducasseseems there is no python3 version, has one been made?10:27
j00nTring to build it from source or via pip also fails on cosmic and bionic10:28
j00nwhich really sucks10:28
ducassei'd ask the maintainer of python-m2crypto10:29
tmm88hey guys10:39
tmm88does ubuntu 64 bit 18 lts works on a intel q9900?10:39
ducassegood morning10:39
tmm88ducasse good morning how are you doing?10:40
tmm88esidore ducasse is a great name of a great surrealistic writer10:40
ducassehe is :)10:41
ducasseafaict that should work fine10:42
ducassealthough i can't find any info on it10:44
KaitoDaumotois there any requirements on installing? like drivers (just curious)10:46
lotuspsychjeKaitoDaumoto: depends what you are trying to do?10:46
ducasseKaitoDaumoto: the regular install image will let you get far enough to install and add any drivers you might need10:48
ducassethe kernel itself already supports most hardware10:48
KaitoDaumotoi see so i have no issue for this .. lately i was tried to install ubuntu via usb but sadly the error popups on the earlier installation ...10:50
tchakataktmm88: you should not have any problems on a C2Q10:51
lotuspsychjeKaitoDaumoto: what kind of error?10:53
KaitoDaumotothe thing cant be install and error come out everytime i booted the OS .. sometime screen blacky too11:01
KaitoDaumotoill screenshot when i try it again later11:01
lotuspsychje!support | lewistech welcome11:09
ubottulewistech welcome: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com11:09
lewistechhey vlad177711:10
lewistechhey milkt11:10
lotuspsychjelewistech: only ubuntu support questions here please11:10
lewistechhey japh11:11
EmanueleCHi, I've submitted some bugs for Kubuntu, but I know that the bugs are not taken into consideration like on Ubuntu and the last bug that I reported is a bit annoying and present for a long time.11:16
EmanueleCMaybe if I want to use KDE plsma Ubuntu is not the ideal dsitro?11:16
EmanueleCHi, I've submitted some bugs for Kubuntu, but I know that the bugs are not taken into consideration like on Ubuntu and the last bug that I reported is a bit annoying and present for a long time.11:17
tchakatakEmanueleC: what bug do you have ?11:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1817418 in kubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) " Crash "ksmserver-logout-greeter" or other KDE packages plasma after an update" [Undecided,New]11:17
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tchakatakIt was wrote 20h ago... leave it a bit of time11:19
tchakatakadam_: it was not for you ;)11:20
adam_oh, okay. sorry :)11:20
adam_im new here11:20
tchakatakadam_: dont worry.11:21
EmanueleCAnother bug bother, even if now I realized that I solved since I added from "NVIDIA setting" the option: "Force Full composition pipeline", an option that solves the tearing on NVIDIA + KWIN.11:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1816558 in sddm (Ubuntu) "SDDM resolution problems when the user closes" [Undecided,New]11:21
ducasseEmanueleC: you are going to get bugs in any distro11:22
EmanueleCOther reported bugs of old, and that have many users11:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 363695 in apt-xapian-index (Ubuntu) "update-apt-xapian-index uses too much CPU and memory" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:23
ducassesome bugs get more attention than others, that's just the way it is11:24
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EmanueleCI have a question to ask: How come Ubuntu desktop does not consider defaulting to Btrfs? The huge advantages it has on snapshots would be useful when updating from release A to release B11:47
EmanueleCI had also asked on the forum: https://community.ubuntu.com/t/switch-to-btrfs-by-default/978311:47
ducassebecause it's still under development11:48
EmanueleCIt does not seem that way from the WIKI status of Btrfs https://btrfs.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Status11:50
blackflowand proven rather unreliable.11:50
blackflowEmanueleC: yeah, no.   https://wiki.debian.org/Btrfs#Warnings11:50
ducasseEmanueleC: in my experience it's not ready yet11:51
blackflowUbuntu is betting on ZFS instead11:51
blackflowrumor has it it's being added to the installers11:51
blackflow(the support for it)11:51
EmanueleCAre all cases for desktop use? I use Btrfs in single volume from Ubuntu 12.04, with enabled LZO compression, ZSTD and autodefrag, I've never had a problem, it has helped me many times to restore the snapshot after a regression in some update or version upgrade.11:53
blackflowthey're cases for "btrfs use".11:54
EmanueleCAm I wrong or ZFS is not included in the Linux kernel? and is not supported by Linux kernel maintainers?11:54
EmanueleCSee the latest problems with the 5. * kernel on ZFS.11:54
blackflowEmanueleC: neither is nvidia11:55
blackflowmeaning what's your point?   ZFS is part of the Ubuntu linux kernel packages, and fully supported excpet for installation on ZFS root, which, I'm told, is a WIP11:56
blackflowthe problems with linux 5.x are political and soemthing ZFS has alredy worked around11:56
blackflow(by implementing the functionality itself, rather than relying on deprecated kernel APIs that are now exported as GPL only)11:56
EmanueleCI want to reiterate on the point "that Btrfs is not stable", openSUSE uses it on "/" for many years, without major problems11:58
ducassethis is really getting offtopic here, too11:58
blackflowEmanueleC: "without major problems" is [citation needed]11:58
blackflow  and besides, nobody else does. Red Hat has made it clear they will not support Btrfs.11:58
blackflowOpenSUSE is a big mess distro. their own rolling release Tumbleweed is not working properly with their own package tool zypper11:59
blackflowso I wouldn't value what opensuse does or thinks, one bit as anything serious.11:59
blackflowthis convo is perhaps more suitable for #ubuntu-discuss12:00
whoareUerror prompt" kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908), when i install virualbox on ubuntu18.0412:01
ixxiemorning folks; say I want to bump the version of a package to a particular version with apt-get, how would I do this?12:04
ixxiefor example I currently have the default tmux 2.6 installed and wanna bump to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tmux/2.8-212:05
ducasseixxie: grab the package source and build it, or look for a ppa with the version you want12:08
ixxieducasse: so there is no way to tell apt to install a particular version besides selecting the ppa?12:09
ducasseixxie: it needs a repo to get it from12:10
ixxieI see12:10
blackflowixxie: there is but it's not really recommended. you add 19.04 repo and then do some apt-pinning to get tmux only from that repo. which would probably pull in a newer libevent which would probably break your system for other things that require libevent.12:10
ixxieso better to just build from source12:10
blackflowideally you backport the package, by building it from src-deb as ducasse suggested.12:10
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BluesKajHi Folks12:27
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stripehi all, would it be possible to move /var to a seperate drive by mounting that drive as /var by editing /etc/fstab and copying the contents of /var over, or would a fresh install be the best course of action? cheers12:50
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ducassestripe: you can move it, but you might want to do so from a live image as plenty of the contents are open by the running system12:53
stripeducasse, thanks I never thought about using a live cd (so the system was not running) makes perfect sense, cheers mate :)12:55
juanjoxtIs IRC dead?13:16
BluesKajnot here13:17
iCherryhey so uhm13:33
lotuspsychjeiCherry: do you have an ubuntu question?13:34
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iCherryi open lappy, turns out it ran out of battery thru the night, so i plug it in what not13:34
iCherryyeah gimme sec13:34
iCherrygrub shows up, this usually didnt happen so i press enter whatever13:34
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iCherryand then that shows up13:35
lotuspsychjeiCherry: your ubuntu version and laptop brand/model please?13:35
iCherryubuntu 18.10, acer aspire AO1-431-C2Q813:36
lotuspsychjeiCherry: did you try to boot a previous kernel yet?13:37
iCherrythen after a couple of seconds it just continued to the login screen https://i.imgur.com/3ptdrFS.jpg13:37
badSophiahow can i know my cpu on ubuntu?13:37
tomreynbadSophia: cat /proc/cpuinfo13:38
lotuspsychjeiCherry: so it hits login screen afterall13:38
tomreynbadSophia: a web search had surely brought this up, too, though ;-)13:38
badSophiatomreyn: thanks13:38
iCherryand i manage to login as usual13:38
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iCherrybut something like that cant be normal13:39
lotuspsychjeiCherry: doublecheck if system up to date?13:39
badSophiatomreyn: anyway intel pentinum(r) cpu u5400 1.2GHz is not good to use ubuntu?13:39
tomreynbadSophia: it's good if it works for you13:39
badSophiaif it works for me?13:40
badSophiawhat you mean?13:40
lotuspsychje!acpi | iCherry see also13:40
ubottuiCherry see also: to debug ACPI issues on ubuntu make sure your bios is up to date and follow the procedure here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingACPI13:40
ducassebadSophia: if it does what you need13:40
tomreynbadSophia: it's a very old ultra-mobile cpu, but if you don't mind the performance when running ubuntu on it then i guess you'Re fine.13:41
badSophiawhen i use it on windows 10, i must wait something for long time :(13:41
badSophiaok thanks tomreyn :)13:41
iCherrydid update/upgrade, nothing related to kernel there13:41
iCherryill see13:42
lotuspsychjeiCherry: maybe it was a glitch related to your powercut?13:42
iCherryyeah thats what i thought at first, ill go through the bios article thing and eestart13:43
badSophiatomreyn: raspberry pi3 vs u5400 cpu, which is better to use my server?13:43
tomreynbadSophia: we don't really do ##hardware here, other than supporting ubuntu's system requirements.13:43
badSophiaah thanks tomreyn :)13:44
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iCherryit only provides a .exe13:48
lotuspsychje!biosupdate | iCherry13:49
ubottuiCherry: To see how to update your bios on Ubuntu visit the community collected methods here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIOSUpdate13:49
tomreyniCherry: to find your current bios version: dmesg -t | grep ^DMI:13:52
iCherrywait what13:52
iCherryitll execute the .exe even if i got no windows on it? nicce13:52
tomreyndon't do the firmware update this way on linux.13:53
iCherryit seems acer provides updates only for windows so im kinda stuck there13:53
lotuspsychjeiCherry: did you read the biosupdate link?13:54
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iCherryill restart lappy and maybe its fixed, maybe it was a power cut bug13:56
FavouriteFruitWell, same thing again, but I guess it still works so w/e14:01
FavouriteFruitThanks though14:01
tomreynlike all (or all i've seen so far) acer bios'es this is an insyde bios, the latest is version 1.12 (release date 2017/02/20). insyde does provide linux firmware update utilities, but not to the general public (you can still find download links, but maybe not the latest version)14:04
tomreynand of course, that's not supported then, your own risk.14:04
iCherryyeah, insyde, ive got 1.08 or 1.06 depending on what app i listen to14:05
iCherrywell, it works for now and thats all that matters, thx14:05
lotuspsychjeiCherry: you can try the freedos method described on the wiki14:05
tomreynbtw. it's normal for the grub menu to show up when your system did not do a clean shutdown.14:06
tomreynyou should configure it to shutdown by itself when power goes low to prevent such situations.14:07
iCherryyeah ill look into that14:07
tomreynshutdown gracefully, that is.14:07
iCherrylotus thx, i didnt see that one, ill check it out14:08
lotuspsychjegood luck14:08
tomreynthe freeods method wont work with acer insyde bioses, they only support it on windows 64-bit platforms.14:11
tomreynthere 'they' = acer, insyde supports others.14:11
lotuspsychjeah good to know tomreyn14:11
Vuurdraak_good day all, if i do a distro upgrade from 14.04 lts to 18.04 lts , will it remove openshot v1 that i use from the ubuntu 14.04 repo and replace it with a later version like v2 that misses functionality compaired to the older version, and if so how to stop it14:13
tomreynVuurdraak_: it will upgrade openshot to version 2.4.1 (+ Ubuntu patches)14:17
Vuurdraak_can i prevent that from hapening as i already have both versions and v1 can do stuff v2 cant do14:18
tomreynVuurdraak_: not upgrading ubuntu is not an option, though, since 14.04 is on the brink to reaching its end of life14:18
Vuurdraak_the thing is openshot officialy doesnt support v1 anymore its not on their website, im afraid i will lose v1 without being able to get it back14:19
tomreynVuurdraak_: xenial (ubuntu 16.04 LTS) has two more years of support and provides openshot 1.4.314:19
lotuspsychjeVuurdraak_: add a new !bug wishlist to openshot, and explain what the current version can't14:19
Vuurdraak_its sad as both programs have differnt options14:19
tomreynyou may also be able to find unsupported openshot 1.x packages for 18.0414:19
Vuurdraak_mm interesting14:19
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge14:20
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Vuurdraak_thanks for the tips14:21
courrierAnyone using DéjàDup for backups? I'm getting an endless password question and dunno what to do14:22
Vuurdraak_so for instance this repo got openshot 1.4.3-1 , im guessing there is no certainty it will work in 18.04, as it might depend on older packages or something, https://launchpad.net/~viktornova/+archive/ubuntu/random14:25
lotuspsychjeVuurdraak_: external ppa's 'could' get you into dependency problems indeed14:25
lotuspsychjeVuurdraak_: but its your system, if you really need this version..14:26
Vuurdraak_i guess the safest route for the moment is upgrading to 16.04 lts14:26
lotuspsychjeVuurdraak_: from 14.04 you need to ugrade to 16.04 anyway14:26
Vuurdraak_ahhh xD14:26
Vuurdraak_okay problem solved then for the comming 2 years :D14:27
lotuspsychjeVuurdraak_: what is this magic openshot feature you need anway?14:27
Vuurdraak_good one, i dont know anymore what it was, i think certain filters/transitions are not in the v214:28
Vuurdraak_v1 has more options in that sence unles stuff changed14:28
tomreyncourrier: you will probably need to run it in a temrinal to find out what is actually going wrong there14:30
lotuspsychjeVuurdraak_: take a look at recent bugs maybe you can find something relevant? https://bugs.launchpad.net/openshot14:30
tomreynVuurdraak_: have you considered a different application for your video editing needs?14:31
Vuurdraak_there are over 50 effects in v114:31
Vuurdraak_and only 14 effects in v214:31
Vuurdraak_in my versions14:31
Vuurdraak_just counted them14:31
Vuurdraak_i always use v1 :)14:31
tomreyn!enter | Vuurdraak_14:31
ubottuVuurdraak_: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.14:31
Vuurdraak_i got more rendering programs but i like openshot v1.4.3 the most even though it is buggy sometimes14:32
tomreynyour version being the one which is available in ubuntu 14.04? this will be very old. however, it appears that many people prefer other editors such as shotcut over openshot nowadays.14:33
Vuurdraak_i dont know shotcut14:33
tomreyni suggest create an 18.04 live / installer, and test it there.14:33
ducassemight be time to start learning another program if v1 is no longer maintained14:34
tomreynand if you like it, either backup and install 18.04 from scratch, or, less preferrable, do the LTS upgrades14:34
tomreynthere is also Kdenlive14:35
Vuurdraak_since openshot v1 is still in the 16.04 repo i will upgrade the OS only to 16.04 lts for now, i already have a live usb where i can boot to 18.04 lts also i got 18.04 lts on my laptop, i will take a look at shotcut from there14:36
Vuurdraak_okay going down for reboot , the software update pannel suddenly only is showing a bar and not the rest of the window, see if a boot helps o7 thansk for all the great tips again o/14:39
courriertomreyn: can I run Déjà Dup in some verbose mode to get the exact same command line maybe?14:47
courrierThat would also be handy so that I don't struggle with encryption keys and stuff14:47
tomreyncourrier: deja dup uses duplicity, which is a command line utility, which surely has more options.14:49
tomreyncourrier: but just opening deja dup from a terminal may already make it print more information on where it's failing (to the terminal)14:50
courrierAh true, the terminal might be a good start.14:51
lotuspsychjewelcome kamran14:57
kamranhow r u?14:57
ducassekamran: if you have a support question you can ask here, for chat please go to #ubuntu-offtopic14:59
mra90where I can find a source code of BIOS for my board?15:15
lotuspsychje!biosupdate | mra9015:16
ubottumra90: To see how to update your bios on Ubuntu visit the community collected methods here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIOSUpdate15:16
ducassemra90: you probably can't, and it's not ontopic here15:17
mra90lotuspsychje: my question is different15:19
mra90I don;t want to make an update I want to study source code of it15:19
mra90ducasse: so what about the documentation on which base I could write my own?15:19
blackflowmra90: look up libreboot.org, if you want to study the source of a BIOS15:20
mra90blackflow: looks nice, thanks!15:21
mra90blackflow: the only problem is they don't support the HW I own ;D15:27
ducassemra90: try finding a more appropriate channel with !alis, it's offtopic here15:31
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"15:32
venik212When I use google-chrome or google-chrome-stable the UI font is TINY.  I found no way of enlarging it-- can anyone help?  Lubuntu 18.10 LXQt.15:38
tomreynvenik212: use chromium-browser15:41
fleabeardwhen using networkctl status it doesn't list my dns server. It shows my ip and gateway only. Any way I can view the dns I'm currently using?15:45
fleabeardadditionally, it says "WARNING: systemd-networkd is not running, output will be incomplete." at the top, not sure what that's on about.15:46
fleabearddoing cat /etc/resolv.conf it only outputs my nameserver :/15:48
tomreynfleabeard: networkctl is a systemd utility, can be used with systemd-networkd. you are probably using network-manager instead (running a desktop?). if so, use "nmcli" instead.15:50
ReepicheepHas anyone seen unattended-upgrades remove packages?  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CjptsSVBK6/15:50
fleabeardtomreyn, that worked, thanks!15:50
Reepicheepthis is not good when it removes stuff like freeipa-client and bind9 :|15:50
leftyfbfleabeard: nmcli device show15:51
tomreynReepicheep: a matter of how you configured it, i guess.15:52
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kcinanybody here ?16:03
kcin UTNUBU16:03
qwebirc33370Greetings.  I'm somewhat new to Ubuntu as I'm trying to switch a home media server over from Windows.  My mainenance/install bench uses a 40inch tv as a monitor which makes the initial work after install all but impossible to see.  Is there a way to change the resolution at the prompt?16:12
BluesKajimpossible to see..how?16:14
qwebirc33370impossible as in I practically have to climb on the bench to get close enough to read the tiny text16:14
traekilimaybe checkout xrandr16:16
BluesKajsystems settings> fonts16:17
qwebirc33370I have no GUI after the fresh iI have no GUI yet16:17
qwebirc33370Bleh, sorry.  I have no GUI yet.  I'm in the process of installing some base functions I found from googling.  I'm just trying to make the command prompt work a little easier on my eyes16:18
ioriaqwebirc33370, you can boot with 'nomodeset'16:21
fleabeard!nomodeset | qwebirc3337016:22
ubottuqwebirc33370: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter16:22
qwebirc33370I will try.  thank you16:23
ioriaqwebirc33370, otherwise you need to edit your /etc/default/grub configuration16:24
fleabeardanyone know if you can get the screenshot applet that is used in ubuntu budgie and install it on another version of ubuntu? Like vanilla ubuntu?16:36
lotuspsychjefleabeard: check the packagename from system monitor?16:37
podivilovHi all!16:37
fleabeardlotuspsychje, I got annoyed with budgie's broken panel and went back to vanilla ubuntu so I don't have it installed to check :(16:37
OerHeksthat package might pull in the whole desktop16:38
OerHeksso, carefull what you do16:38
lotuspsychjewelcome podivilov how can we help you?16:38
lotuspsychjefleabeard: apt-cache doesnt show any budgie screenshot tool, so as OerHeks suggests it might be in another package that pulls more16:39
leonardusis there a way to check within the OS if my RAM is running in dual channel?16:40
OerHeksfleabeard, just install gnome-screenshot16:40
lotuspsychjeleonardus: maybe try: sudo inxi -mxxx16:41
fleabeardI was really looking for something that had the same functionality of the budgie screenshot applet (in particular to its ability to upload to imgur right from the app itself)16:41
lotuspsychjefleabeard: try shutter or flameshot perhaps (didnt test myself)16:43
ducassefleabeard: the budgie tool might not be a separate executable as such, but maybe (part of) a library16:44
fleabeardyeah, that's what I'm thinking since it is only available in the budgie applet menu and not in the usual repo's. I'll give shutter a shot since it seems to have similar functionality, thanks!16:46
ioriafleabeard, in the 16.04 ppa, it's a separate package: https://launchpad.net/~budgie-remix/+archive/ubuntu/ppa16:49
lotuspsychjenice find ioria16:49
rapidwaveI can't seem to get either MySQL nor MariaDB to have /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock16:49
ioriabut i don't think you installed budgie with that ppa, right ? fleabeard16:50
fleabeardioria, right, when I was running budgie it was from an install of ubuntu-budgie16:50
ioriafleabeard, so it's embedded16:50
fleabeardioria, ah okay, does that mean I can't get that same applet on another system outside of budgie?16:52
ioriafleabeard, if there's no pkg, associated you can clone from github16:52
fleabeardioria, sorry if this is a stupid question, I'm still very new to linux. But how would I verify if there is no pkg associated? I'm assuming their aren't at this point, but am not really sure.16:53
ioriafleabeard, apt-cache search budgie-screenshot-applet16:53
Deihmosjust installed ubuntu. now i have to find a way to get rid of the purple / brown colors16:54
ioriafleabeard, unless it changed it's name16:54
Deihmosis there a built in setitng to do it ?16:54
OerHeksDeihmos, systemsettings, go wild!16:54
fleabeardioria, thanks, tried that and nothing came back, so I guess it's safe to assume I'd need to clone it from github?16:54
Deihmosi did  not see a setting to change the colors but i will try again16:55
OerHeksinstall some theme?16:55
Deihmosnot really interested in messing around with 3rd party themes16:55
OerHeksthere *are* more themes in the repos, install synaptic, a much more detailed softwarecenter16:56
ioriafleabeard, theorically, but if it's integrated in the budgie calendar thing, might be useless16:57
pikapikaIn xubuntu, is the altgr key as a method of typing special characters disabled by default?16:57
fleabeardioria, dang, it's such a nice looking/functioning app :( Thanks for helping me out though!16:58
ducassepikapika: depends on keyboard layout16:58
pikapikaok the keyboard settings has the system default selected16:59
ioriafleabeard, no problem, another  silly (and dangerous) thing you can try is this ppa; and only install budgie-screenshot-applet ; https://launchpad.net/%7Eubuntubudgie/+archive/ubuntu/backports17:00
ducassefleabeard: if there is a package in the ppa you could install that, but it might drag in other stuff17:00
ioriafleabeard, frankly, i'am pessimistic17:01
fleabeardioria, I'll give it a shot for science!17:01
ioriaok :þ17:01
ducassegood luck :)17:01
fleabeardoh God, this was a huge mistake...17:03
fleabeardit somehow installed Windows 10!17:03
fleabeardhaha j/k17:03
fleabeardioria, okay, so I installed that ppa and did an apt install budgie-screenshot-applet, and it says its installed yet I dunno where it's at lol17:05
fleabeardI don't /think/ it brought in anything else nasty17:05
ducassepikapika: look if there is a layout with the same name as your current one, plus 'international'17:05
pikapikahow'd I find my current name?17:06
ducassefleabeard: do 'dpkg -L budgie-screenshot-applet,' to see which files it installed17:06
ducassepikapika: it should be listed where you select keyboard layout, i  don't use gnome17:07
pikapikaIt is XFCE17:07
ducassei don't use that either :)17:07
fleabeardducasse, https://pastebin.com/ZXqCCHui is what that shows17:08
* OerHeks stopped visiting pastebin.com17:08
ducassefleabeard: doesn't look like it's a separate binary17:09
fleabeardducasse, oof, alright. At least we gave it a shot hehe17:09
ducassefleabeard: just remove the package and the ppa17:12
ioriafleabeard, probably; it's a plugin17:15
ioriafleabeard, file /usr/lib/budgie-desktop/plugins/budgie-screenshot-applet17:15
ducassethat looks like a directory17:16
ioriafleabeard, file /usr/lib/budgie-desktop/plugins/budgie-screenshot-applet/ScreenshotApplet.plugin17:17
fleabeardioria, sorry for being daft, but does that mean I can run it? It being a plugin and all?17:18
ioriafleabeard, file /usr/lib/budgie-desktop/plugins/budgie-screenshot-applet/ScreenshotApplet.plugin     (and paste the output)17:19
ducasselet's find out :)17:19
pikapikaWhere does xubuntu search its xorg.conf?17:19
fleabeardoh, okay just a tick17:19
pikapikaI am reading man xorg.conf17:19
ducassepikapika: there is none by default17:19
pikapikabut the ones I found are from a location not given there17:19
pikapikaso how do you set the things that normally xorg.conf is used for17:19
pikapika(just to clarify, I am using a version with x not with the new window system)17:20
ducassepikapika: you can add snippets to /etc/C11/xorg.conf.d17:20
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fleabeardioria, do I paste "file /usr/lib/budgie-desktop/plugins/budgie-screenshot-applet/ScreenshotApplet.plugin" in terminal to run the plugin?17:20
ducassemake that X1117:20
pavlosleonardus: I did "sudo dmidecode | grep Channel" and got ChannelA-DIMM0 and ChannelB-DIMM017:21
ioriafleabeard, nope,to know what that is17:21
ducassefleabeard: no, run that and show us the output17:21
fleabeardoh, gotcha > file /usr/lib/budgie-desktop/plugins/budgie-screenshot-applet/ScreenshotApplet.plugin/usr/lib/budgie-desktop/plugins/budgie-screenshot-applet/ScreenshotApplet.plugin: UTF-8 Unicode text17:22
ioriafleabeard, no way17:22
pikapikait seems to have a complex organization with files spread over many directories17:22
pikapikathe originals seem to be in /usr/share17:23
ioriafleabeard, "applet" in Budgie is the same as "extension" on GNOME17:23
Forkbomb_Hey everyone! Is it okay if I ask for help with something, or am I wrong here for that?17:23
pikapikaDon't ask to ask17:24
Forkbomb_Hahaha okay17:24
ducasseForkbomb_: if it's for ubuntu, sure17:24
fleabeardioria, ah, welp! We tried :) Maybe someday some cool dude with great hair will port that sexy screenshot applet over so the rest of the world can use it outside of budgie :P17:24
ioriafleabeard, might be17:25
Forkbomb_I have a pretty interesting problem: I just installed Bionic on a Dell Latitude 7212 Rugged Extreme, and the keyboard cover that ships with it seems to, well, interface with the tablet via PC2. In WIn10 I have no problems with it, but in Ubuntu, as soon as I disconnect and reconnect the keyboard or suspend and thaw the tablet, the input from the keyboard cover is completely ignored, save for the touchpad, which is still fully func17:26
Forkbomb_I have to reboot the system to get my keyboard back17:26
Forkbomb_hwinfo --keyboard lists it, before and after the disconnect, so nothing seems to change there17:26
Forkbomb_Any ideas where I should look next?17:27
ducasseForkbomb_: check dmesg or journalctl17:27
Forkbomb_I'll get you the dmesg entries regarding the keyboard, I already saved them - one moment17:27
Forkbomb_How can I communicate the dmesg to you? Paste it here, or is there a preferred method?17:29
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:29
Forkbomb_Thank you! Here you go: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/J4tS6BkzPJ/17:29
ducasseare there any acpi errors in dmesg?17:31
Forkbomb_How may I check that for you?17:31
Forkbomb_This is what dmesg | grep acpi yielded: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bY8mTSsyPX/17:33
ducasseok, so no to that. if it's ps2, that would react to power being cut17:39
Forkbomb_Well, I have no way of confirming whether it actually is PS/2 - I assumed it seeing how the device is initially detected via the i804217:43
Forkbomb_The cover connects to the tablet via this connection that I can't really identify: https://i.dell.com/sites/imagecontent/products/PublishingImages/latitude-12-7212-tablet/1512_PDP_Latitude_7212_Rugged_Extreme_Tablet_mod5.jpg17:44
takpar.:21:13:37:. «takpar» @Fuchs can i kiss you?17:45
takpar.:21:13:44:. «takpar» i am lessbian17:45
takpar.:21:13:46:. «@Fuchs» takpar: could you please leave our network?17:45
takpar.:21:13:53:. «takpar» yes oOK17:45
takpar.:21:13:54:. «masterJoint» lol17:45
takpar.:21:13:56:. «takpar» loool17:45
takpar.:21:14:08:. @Fuchs sets Mode: +b $a:takpar17:45
ducasseForkbomb_: i just received a visitor i need to keep company, sorry. hang around and see if anyone else can help.17:47
Forkbomb_Okay, thanks17:47
=== Hanzzoi is now known as honkitonk
xubuntu27wGreetings.  I am a newbie to Linux.  I recently installed Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic).  After doing so, I no longer see my wireless and bletooth connections.  Please, if possible, how do I solve this issue?17:50
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mfoolbvlad1777d: well you could start finding out brand and model17:51
mfoolbvlad1777d: then checking if supported17:51
mfoolbvlad1777d: if not searching for drivers17:51
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fleabeardI have a text file with a bunch of website addresses listed in it. Example google.com on one line, bing.com on the next line. Any way I can in one fell swoop add the www. prefix to the beginning of each website in that list via a terminal command of any way? So I'll have www.google.com on one line and www.bing.com on the other?17:56
elias_aDaughters 18.04 installation nagged about disk space being filled and does not boot now. Looking with Gparted root partition has over 1 gb empty space. What to do?17:56
elias_aRegular boot sequence leads to black screen.17:57
elias_aI would understand a full root partitition would cause this but now I cannot understand the reason.17:58
mfoolbfleabeard: many ways.. it could be good to start looking at sed command - super powerful17:58
fleabeardmfoolb, I was just looking at that now hah thanks17:59
elias_aThe usual problem in these cases is a full root partition but as I said - over 1 gb of empty space there...18:00
mfoolbfleabeard: you are welcome18:00
courriertomreyn: I got the duplicity command by ps-aux-ing Déjà Dup while it was running... but when I try to run it by myself there's a bad descriptor error http://paste.debian.net/1069955/18:03
fleabeardmfoolb, would you happen to know how I can add a wildcard with sed? I think I have to escape a "\" but am not sure. Example: If I use sed 's/^/(^|\.)/' list it adds (^|.) as the prefix, but I actually need it to use (^|\.)18:05
qwebirc17040Hi, I am wondering if i could get some help. apt-update is having trouble resolving. I have tried to fix this by adjusting any DNS setting i could think of but it still fails18:10
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mfoolbfleabeard: I don't understand.. use for example something like this: sed -i -e 's/^/www./' testfile18:11
OerHeksqwebirc23321, and what error do you get?18:12
mfoolbfleabeard: this should do what you ask but go deep on sed is really one the THE tools18:12
OerHeks+ on what ubuntu version, what mirror18:12
fleabeardmfoolb, sorry, the list I have have a list of websites in it. But I need for them all to be prefixed with (^|\.) so like this> (^|\.)google.com. I can get this far with it (^|.)google.com I think it's escaping that "\" in my prefix when I need it.18:13
mfoolbfleabeard: try the line I sent18:13
OerHeksoh, too manu qwebirc<numbers>, choose a name please18:13
Deihmosi wonder why ubuntu made it so diffcult to change the login screen image18:14
OerHeksDeihmos, it is not, install gnome-tweak tool and have fun18:16
fleabeardmfoolb, that prefixes everything with a www., however I need it to prefix with (^|\.) instead. If that makes sense.18:17
Deihmosthe tool does not have an option to change the login screen from the purple18:17
OerHeksit gives options for gnome shell extentions too, if you install that feature18:17
OerHeksyes it does18:17
Deihmoslock screen and background only18:17
OerHeksnot sure what you are looking for then18:18
Deihmoslogin screen18:19
kasper1Can someone help me please? I can't get apt-get update to resolve any sources. After uninstalling a pi-hole which wasn't working properly the DNS on my ubuntu 18 machine is completely messed up. No solution i have found online seems to fix it :(18:19
mfoolbfleabeard: use \ to escape the characters you need18:21
fleabeardmfoolb, got it sorted now lol, I wasn't aware you can escape it that way. My regex expression-fu is very low. Thanks mate \o18:22
OerHekskasper1, go into networksettings, and make a new connection, dhcp default18:23
fleabeardkasper1, are you chatting from the affected machine currently?18:23
mfoolbfleabeard: glad it worked out for you18:23
kasper1@fleabeard, no from a laptop. I am SSH'd into it. It's a headless server18:24
OerHeksDeihmos, so you found out yourself, good find18:24
Deihmosshould have been a much easier solution18:24
kasper1OerHeks: it's a headless server... i have created a yaml in /etc/netplan with DHCP. Still no DNS18:24
Deihmosi guess most people just leave it the way it is18:24
kasper1can't dig and can't apt-get update18:24
kasper1also tried a static yaml google dns cloudflare etc. etc. tried many still no joy18:25
kasper1cannot get anything to resolve... something somewhere is probably still pointing to the pihole which no longer exists18:25
compdockasper1, show us your yaml file with pastebin.com18:25
OerHeksrather paste.ubuntu.com please18:26
kasper1it works if i apply with debug18:27
kasper1ie there are no errors18:27
compdocthat seems ok. if you type ip a, do you see ipv6 addresses?18:28
compdocyour dhcp server hands out a local dns service, or some dns service?18:29
kasper1local but i tried changing that18:29
kasper1I do see ipv6 which is weird since ipv6 shouldn't be enabled18:30
kasper1also i see now the docker0 iface is state down also weird18:30
compdocyeah, they tend to use ipv6 now, so unless its setup right it, things dont work18:30
kasper1I haven't setup a ipv6 connection on my router... so there's no ipv6 outside connection18:31
compdoctook me a log time to get ipv6 right18:31
kasper1But it worked upto today when i got rid of the pihole18:31
kasper1I am hoping to have retired and spend my days fishing by the time ipv4 actually stops existing :D18:32
kasper1bit like climate change there are believers and non believers :P18:33
kasper1@compdoc do you have a suggestion how to fix this?18:33
compdocsearch how to actually disable ipv6 on your version18:34
compdocor setup ipv618:34
compdocthere may be other ways to get it to prefer ipv418:35
Forkbomb_Hey everyone! I'm still trying to make progress on https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2413347 - let me know if you're interested in helping me solve this.18:38
kasper1@compdoc thanks! but still not working... disabled ipv6 like so https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-disable-ipv6-address-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux18:40
compdocso the ipv6 addresses no longer appear?18:42
jeremybkasper1: You will still have 1 IPv6 address in ifconfig18:45
kasper1@compdoc no they don't. There is no ifconfig18:46
kasper1there is only stupid netplan18:46
kasper1major PITA18:46
compdocnetplan is pretty good when you learn it18:46
kasper1I have a feeling it's not ipv6 tho... but not sure what else it could be18:46
compdocwhat does route say?18:46
kasper1Yeah... i am sure it is... but a moment like this is not the right timing to learn new stuff :P18:47
compdocthat looks good. can you ping the router/gateway?18:49
compdocoh, the ip addresses arent right18:50
compdocnm, thats the docker stuff18:50
kasper1@annabelle:~$ ping router.home PING router.home ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from router.home ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.564 ms 64 bytes from router.home ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.571 ms18:51
kasper1so local resolution works18:51
kasper1@annabelle:~$ ping google.com ping: google.com: Temporary failure in name resolution18:51
Deihmoswhat is the purpose of releasing 18.10 when a new release is just around the corer18:52
compdoccan you ping
compdocthats google18:53
compdocso dns doesnt work18:53
kasper1no but internet connection works... just not name resolving18:53
OerHeksDeihmos, any 6 months there is a release, is it not fun?18:53
compdocyour firewall/router is the dns service, so thats not working18:53
OerHeksstick to LTS, so you get a release any 2 years18:54
Deihmosbetter than debian i guess18:54
compdoctell the router to forward to or something18:54
kasper1compdoc: yeah that's the obvious thing here... but i have a bunch of clients that have no issues18:54
kasper1including this laptop/phones etc. etc.18:54
kasper1the router is now pointing to and
kasper1still no change18:56
compdochave you changed resolv.conf? or was this an upgrade from 16.04, etc?18:56
kasper1no fresh install... the weird thing is resolv.conf didn't exit18:56
kasper1and i am not allowed to create it or something18:56
kasper1when i create it add nameservers i get an error when trying to save18:56
compdocI think its a link now, to another directory18:57
kasper1i figured it was because of the change to netplan etc. so ignored it18:57
kasper1any idea what directory? info online is hard to find on this well at least accurate and not out of date info18:58
compdoclet me log into a server18:58
compdoclrwxrwxrwx   1 root root      39 Sep  1 10:19 resolv.conf -> ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf19:00
compdocif that link wasnt created during the install, then there's no telling what else is broke19:02
kasper1compdoc: nope it's not there19:05
kasper1i really do not want to go back to a fresh install19:05
kasper1this sucks so much19:05
compdocsounds like something went wrong. I would start over19:05
kasper1ah man what a PITA19:05
ExterminadorQ: Using Xubuntu 18.04, how do I set writting language to be pt_PT but using fr_FR keyboard layout? I just want this to affect the writting, not system display language19:06
compdocuse all defaults at install. dont select a bunch of programs to install19:06
compdocinstall stuff later19:06
compdocand use apt to install all usdates19:07
jeremybExterminador: That might be possible with a custom locale19:07
kasper1Is there a way to manully install resolvconf? without using apt-get19:07
kasper1https://github.com/GhostWriters/DockSTARTer/wiki/Pi%E2%80%90hole i used this as pihole it might have messed something up19:07
Exterminadorbasically the laptop is a French one and the layout keyboard is very different from the portuguese one19:08
Exterminadorto write a letter like "ã", I would to AltGr+2 - a; but it doesn't work, because as soon as I hit AltGR+2 it puts the "~" symbol19:11
BluesKajkasper1, try adding your DNS nameserver to /etc/systemd/resolved.conf , DNS= and FallbackDNS=
Exterminadors/would to/would do/19:12
kasper1BluesKaj: that file is empty19:12
kasper1need to create it?19:12
Exterminadordon't Ubuntu 18.04 (if that's the one in use) uses netplan for that?19:13
Exterminadorguess tha's for servers only, not personal computers19:15
BluesKajkasper1, hmm, maybe since you're using network-manager instead of the the interfaces file and ifupdown19:17
kasper1no it's a server19:17
kasper1not using network-manager afaik19:17
kasper1ifupdown has been replaced by the great and brilliant netplan right?19:18
Exterminadorkasper1: if it's a server usually should be netplan19:19
Exterminadorat least it's in my VPS19:19
kasper1yeah... so i am lost i don't know wtf is going on but something is messed up good19:19
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ducassekasper1: well, by network manager or systemd-networkd, yes. netplan just does config management19:19
BluesKajkasper1, commented the renderer network-manager in netplan19:20
kasper1renderer: networkd19:21
Charlie4friendhi, i am new to linux :)19:22
Charlie4friendI am following instructions to fix my bluetooth issue, from this thread https://askubuntu.com/questions/632336/bluetooth-broadcom-43142-isnt-working19:22
Charlie4friendI am stuck on how to proceed through the latter half of step 1 and step 2,19:22
Charlie4friendcan anyone advise, or is there a NOOB guide somewhere...?19:22
Charlie4friendThank you :)19:22
jeremybCharlie4friend: winterheart github site19:22
BluesKajkasper1, also I installed ifupdown19:23
Charlie4friendjeremyb yes i found this there...19:23
kasper1BluesKaj: i can't install anything atm.19:24
kasper1i can't resolve anything at all19:24
jeremybCharlie4friend: find the file at github that matches your USB ID for the bluetooth, copy it to /lib/firmware/brcm, check dmesg | grep firm  to find what the system expects the file to be named19:24
Charlie4friendjeremyb i get this19:25
Charlie4friend dmesg | grep firm19:25
Charlie4friend[    2.746280] [drm] Found UVD firmware Version: 1.64 Family ID: 919:25
Charlie4friend[    2.748536] [drm] Found VCE firmware/feedback version 40.2.2 / 15!19:25
Charlie4friend[    9.635308] bluetooth hci0: Direct firmware load for brcm/BCM.hcd failed with error -219:25
Charlie4friend[ 2774.531601] bluetooth hci0: Direct firmware load for brcm/BCM.hcd failed with error -219:25
jeremybCharlie4friend: that tells you you have to sudo mv BCM*.hcd /lib/firmware/brcm/BCM.hcd19:26
Charlie4friendahhh i dont understand! can you give simple instructions or is there somewhere for me to learn?19:27
jeremybCharlie4friend: post URL from terminal for> lsusb | nc termbin.com 999919:28
GerowenHmmm, pre-installed Ubuntu server images for the raspberry pi, :-)19:28
GerowenWoops, wrong channel, sorry19:28
compdocban Gerowen!19:30
compdocjk :)19:30
Charlie4friendjeremyb there you go19:32
jeremybCharlie4friend >  sudo wget -o /lib/firmware/brcm/BCM.hcd https://github.com/winterheart/broadcom-bt-firmware/raw/master/brcm/BCM43142A0-0a5c-216d.hcd19:34
kreyrenHow does Livepatch working on ubuntu?19:34
kreyrenis it able to patch kernel without reboot?19:34
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kreyren*patch and use it19:34
tomreynkreyren: yes, that's it's very purpose.19:35
kreyrentomreyn: more info about the process?19:35
kreyrenassuming it's open-source19:36
tomreynit's a canonical product, there is info on it online19:36
kreyrenwhere can i get more info then?19:37
ubottuCanonical Livepatch is a service offered by Canonical for 64 bit 14.04 and higher installs that modifies the currently running kernel for updates without the need to restart. More information can be found at https://ubottu.com/y/livepatch and https://www.ubuntu.com/server/livepatch19:37
kreyrenit uses remote server to livepatch?19:38
tomreynthe patches are downloaded from a remote server, yes.19:39
tomreynso are the kernel images you probaby use, and most of the software you run.19:40
kreyrentomreyn: but like the patching is made on the remote server? based on gentoo their live patching requires server to emulate libs(?)19:44
tomreynkreyren: patching takes place on your system19:47
kreyreninteresting, ty for info19:47
tomreynpreparing the patches takes place on canonicals' systems19:47
tomreynkreyren: that's also why you can only use this with the standard kernel images ubuntu provides19:48
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tomreynkreyren: just give it a try, download and inspect the snap, and you'll know how it works exactly. there's a free usage tier.19:49
tomreynbut in general we don't support caononical services here, you should get support from them directly.19:49
kreyrenok ty19:49
qkqk99is there a cd-until command? like if im at "a/b/c/d/e/f" i want to say "cd-until c" and that should put me back to "a/b/c"19:52
qkqk99i see myself in need of this command a lot19:52
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lunatikosre, jmerce pour l'aide =)19:58
Forkbomb_Hey everyone! I just installed 18.03 Bionic on my tablet, and have a problem with it's keyboard cover: from boot, the keyboard and integrated touchpad work perfectly, but if I suspend/thaw or disconnect and reconnect, the keystrokes are ignored, and only the touchpad keeps working. Have to force-reboot the system to keep using it every time I close the tablet at the moment20:19
Forkbomb_How can I investigate this issue?20:20
Beast_hi all20:22
Beast_tilda just closed duing an upgrade evoked through itself. can i just kill apt and restart it? its still running in the background.20:24
qwebirc27950Hi all, i'm trying to run ubuntu core on my NAS, and have trouble logging in when booting from USB. Even though i added my public key to ubuntuOne, when connecting over SSH i still get asked for a password...20:26
leftyfb#snappy | qwebirc2795020:27
leftyfb#snap | qwebirc2795020:27
leftyfb!snappy | qwebirc2795020:27
ubottuqwebirc27950: Ubuntu Core is a rendition of Ubuntu with transactional updates using "snappy". For discussion and support, please visit #snappy and see http://www.ubuntu.com/snappy/20:27
qwebirc27950thanks ubottu :-)20:27
qwebirc27950lets see...20:28
qwebirc27950join #snappy20:28
OerHeksyou should login with password, and change the sshd deamon20:28
qwebirc27950ya, but which password? the standard user doesn't have one20:28
leftyfbOerHeks: that's not a thing with Ubuntu Core20:28
leftyfbqwebirc27950: type: /join #snappy20:29
qwebirc27950thanks, did that, see you on the other side (maybe)20:29
Baroneshow can I see boot long while booting?20:32
OerHeksBarones, remove quiet and splash from the grubline20:33
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub220:33
BaronesOerHeks: is there any way to do display it while booting? I can't access to OS20:34
OerHekshold shift @ boot, and press 'e' to edit the grubline, easy to do20:35
OerHekssometimes 'nomodeset' helps if you do not get to login/black screen20:36
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter20:36
Pandadub_Lostshithanks OerHeks20:38
OerHekshave fun!20:38
Forkbomb_Do you know what I could to to diganose my keyboard issue?20:41
OerHeksForkbomb_, i searched around, no other ubuntu nor linux user has asked about the same issue, Dell Latitude 7212 & keyboard cover20:41
jeremybForkbomb_: check syslog to see what happens when things quit working20:41
Forkbomb_I'm sorry, jeremyb, how would I do that?20:42
jeremybForkbomb_: If you use a Live ISO, you should be able to mount the install and look at the files in /var/log20:43
Forkbomb_jeremyb: Can I only do this through a live ISO, or also while running Ubuntu normally?20:44
jeremybForkbomb_: you can use the install to look at the syslog and other logs20:45
OerHekstype logs in dash, and the logs util shows up20:45
Forkbomb_jeremyb: I'll restart my system to get the keyboard working again, tail syslog and see if something comes up as I reconnect the cover20:46
Forkbomb_I will be back shortly, thank you20:46
Forkbomb_I have returned. I will now commence testing with the keyboard21:02
Forkbomb_Sadly, the syslog does not seem to react to my re-attaching of the keyboard21:04
qwebirc69286Hi, i am still struggeling with not being able to resolve any domains due to a DNS issue. Is there a way to use IP addresses for /etc/apt/sources.list instead of the URL's this would help so i can install additional packages to troubleshoot. I have digged some of the URL's but get errors about security and TLS handshakes21:05
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mra90what is the best tool to prepare boot from flash disk (pendrive)?21:17
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent21:20
OerHeksdepends on what os, linux, mac, windows ..21:20
mra90OerHeks: thanks21:21
asenssyhi there21:42
asenssycould someone advice how to make "find" to search for files less than 200b21:42
asenssyfind -type f -size 200b (or less, not more)21:44
OerHekseasy to find, such action find . -type f -size -200c21:44
OerHeksb would be 512-byte blocks21:45
asenssyso "-200c" is for less than 200b, how can i make range, lets say from 200b to 500b21:45
tomreynthink abou tit a little, read the man page, it'll get obvious21:47
rk3yhi can one skilled unix scripter explain how this ( command ) for one-liners is called and how to get it to work? example here: https://forum.openwrt.org/t/one-liner-adblock-using-pi-hole-source-list-unbound-and-dnsmasq/2358421:47
leftyfbrk3y: what version of ubuntu are you running?21:48
leftyfbrk3y: pastebin the output of lsb_release -sa21:48
rk3ydoes it matter for the name of this command?21:48
leftyfbrk3y: this is an Ubuntu support channel. You might be better served in #openwrt or #raspberrypi or ##linux21:48
rk3yleftyfb: kk thx21:49
leftyfbrk3y: you could also try #bash21:49
=== vmesons is now known as vmeson
mra90I have a problem booting ubuntu using virtualbox21:55
mra90"Raw-mode is unavailable courtesy of Hyper-V"21:55
mra90whats wrong?21:56
OerHekshyperv issue, not ubuntu21:56
mra90OerHeks: quick googling reveled that I need to enable virtualization in bios, possible?21:59
=== M_A_Y_A_T is now known as m_A_y_A_t
asenssyyes do that first22:00
OerHeksa sionple search gives tons of posts, i have no idea what would be the right answer, try ##windows22:01
=== Mr_Pan is now known as Guest20214
xbonesxhey guys22:11
=== Guest20214 is now known as Mr-Pan
xbonesxHaving troubles getting my scripts to launch from the desktop I have the setting to prompt what to do with the file chmod +x and #! /bin/bash at the beginning of the file just a simple script to connect  to my home server verified command works if I paste it into tilix Any thoughts?22:12
xbonesxFYI: I'm using ubuntu budgie 18.04.222:13
=== Mr-Pan is now known as Mr_Pan
demetrismy pc acts weird on a c&p22:27
demetrisCould not register the application: Timeout was reached22:28
demetrisjust running caja in terminal22:28
demetrisand now it works22:29
demetriswill run a memory test just in case22:32
Forkbomb_I'm still having keyboard issues with a pretty exotic device - does anybody have any suggestions for how I should investigate?22:35
Forkbomb_I've exhausted the fixes for similar issues on other devices22:38
jeremybForkbomb_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/22:40
OerHeksi have no clue what the TLP can do, https://www.tecmint.com/tlp-increase-and-optimize-linux-battery-life/22:42
OerHeksand a post about tlp gui https://www.linuxuprising.com/2018/09/tlpui-is-graphical-user-interface-for.html22:42
=== mkv is now known as m4v
=== root is now known as Guest32600
TheSashmook im going crazy.... no matter what I do, my laptop running ubuntu 18, keeps locking the screen and turning off the display, i've tried all the suggest online, and even used gnome tweaks, but its keeps turning off, does ANYONE know wtf?23:18
celegansdid you try change try?23:20
celeganstty I mean23:20
TheSashmoI think I found it......23:21
TheSashmoin the power section, there is a blank screek option23:21
TheSashmolets see23:22
TheSashmothanks anyways celegans23:22
Secadora -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O<   QUACK23:29
AstralHi All23:29
AstralI think Ubuntu is dead23:31
Secadoraubuntu is dead23:33
OerHeksthere seem to be no support issue going on, that is great, not dead23:35
qwefytuoitytytest message23:39
deansI have a disk image of a windows machine created with dd.  parted shows a "Basic data partition" which should hold the windows data I want to retrieve but I can't figure out the filesystem type or how to mount it.  What do I do?23:49
deansThere are some ntfs partitions on the drive that I can mount but they don't have my file data.23:49
deanswhat do I do?23:50
qwefytuoitytyWhat to do? https://ibb.co/gWwfrSC https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7FzqyZc7c3/23:53
qwefytuoitytycpu 64 bit and linux 64 bit23:55
mrelceedeans: I would say the biggest partition would be your windows partition..23:55
deansmrelcee: Agreed, but how do I mount it?  There isn't a file system type listed.23:56
deansNumber  Start          End             Size           File system  Name                          Flags23:56
deans 1      1048576B       682622975B      681574400B     fat32        EFI system partition          boot, esp23:56
deans 2      682622976B     816840703B      134217728B                  Microsoft reserved partition  msftres23:56
deans 3      816840704B     986793958399B   985977117696B               Basic data partition          msftdata23:56
deans 4      986794950656B  987701968895B   907018240B     ntfs                                       hidden, diag23:56
deans 5      987701968896B  999059095551B   11357126656B   ntfs                                       hidden, diag23:56
qwefytuoitytyHow to install grub2 on sdb?23:58
ducasse!paste | deans23:58
ubottudeans: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:58
mrelceedeans: It's either NTFS or ExFAT23:58
jeremybdeans partitions 2 and 3 should be left alone23:59

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